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Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 25X1 co~r xo. 4 2 September 2, 1952 NSC REVIEWED DOCUMENT AND HAS NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION. 9/19/07 A G E N D A Fifteenth r7eeting of the PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD To Be Held September 11, 1952, 2:30 P.M. Roorn 510~t, New State Building 21st St. and Virginia Ave., N.W. 1. Doctrinal (Ideological) `~nTarfare Against the USSR Previously distributed For approval of x?eeommenda~ion to a panel:. 2. 'A Strategic Concspt for a National Psychological Program with'Particu].ar Reference tca Cold War ~pexations Under NSC 10~''S Previously given selective d~ tribution) Briefings on Research in the Social Sciences of Use to Psyc ological S rategy Board anning and Operations `IVTo Departmental representatives will brief the Board. It. Status and Final Resort by the Director (No paler) .. ~ ~ ~ , paper f Charles E. ~ son Secretary to Board T~P~~CRET page l of 1 Page Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 '" ~ Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 ~ ~ 8? In addition toy or in lieu of the above should it not be acceptable it is desired that PSB make a statement that Doctrinal warfare is a legitimate field of interest and endeavor far U. S, agencies or departments. SECRE?P Page ~ of ~ paggg Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 ~ si Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 L~? ~ 2 X1 vvs i arv. ~~ THE PROBLA~'I August 28, 1952 ].~ To take msximum advantage of the weaknesses of Stalinism and D3.alectical i~2aterialism in our attacks on the Soviet Regime ands whenever poss~.blea use the contradictions and lack of logic thereof as levers tQ harass the Soviet regime and negate its appeal to those outside the Iron Curtain.. DIS CUSS I4N 2. A study of the field of doctrinal warfare shows relatively little action on the part of the United States. With the except- ion of a small unit encapsulated in VOA and headed by Bertram Wolfe there is no planned effort in this area. This in effects means that while we have theoretically passed from the policy of present- ing 11a full and fair picture? as our attack on the Soviet Unions we are in truth still. using this approach. ~. If our efforts are limited to this ~ and to sporadic attacks on manifestations of the Soviet doctrine .. while the basic tenets thereof are allowed to be published explained and distributed with no real effort to counter them' our attacks are doomed to failure, No system can afford. the luxury of being so objective that it permits its antithesis to overcome it .. and doctrinally that is what we are doing. ~., There are arguments that to reverse this policy would be difficult. Among these the ones most often put forth are the fol~ lowings a. We Gantt match the skill of the Soviets in this field. b. The Soviet people are not susceptible to this type approach... c, Doctrine approach is immaterial because the Soviet regime is completely opportunistic in its methods. S3. We are doing aL~. that needs to be done at the present ? SECRET J _ Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 ~ Peres Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 5. The first three subs-paragraphs abovel for the most part are not arguments but ++intuitive++ reasoning. Thep do not take into account the problems of Asian Europe Africa; in facts all of the world presently not under Soviet rule or dominations nor the ability which the U. S. might deve~.op in this field, The last sub-paragraph is patently untrue as shown by a recent informal survey conducted in Europe? If we are to survive we must both: Present an ob~eetive and dynamo picture of our system and,, b. Refute and destroy the false claims of Soviet doctrine. coNCLUSxo~ 6. There is an urgent need to establish a panel in PSB to study this problem and come up with reconm~endations for its solution. RECOMNM'NDATTflNS 7. That such a panel be authorized by the Board; that the terms of reference o; this panel in brief shall be as given belowt a. Composition ?? One member each from States CIAO Defense with a steering member from PSB. These members must be competent ~. in the field of Soviet Doctrine and so accepted by their depart- ments or agencies. b? Ta k ~ To examine the field of ideological warfare].7.y as directed against Soviet doctrine and to make recom- mendations as to ho*,a the United States can gain superiority in this field. This to include specific recommendations for: (l~ Policy recommendations to the departments and agencies. (2) Planning responsibilities on operational levels. (3~ Media production and emphasis with recommenda?? tions as to whether in each case! this should be executed by private enterprise. SECRET ~..~. Page 2 of 3 pages 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003400020021-4 - - - - - l ~. -,..SIGNATURE RECORD 'AND CQMMENT SHEET D~~tachin No. 38-13 for the FOR THE INTRA-OFFICE USE OF OSO A OPC ONLY g Form ~ purpose of sec wring this fprm to AS A COYER ATTACHMENT TO FORM NO. 36-13 To SecretDocuments is Prohibited. ATTENTION: ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFiCIAI DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATE- RIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES TH E ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN COLUMNS PROVIDED. EACH INDIVIDUAL WHQ $EES THIS TOP SECRET DOCUMENT WILL ENTER DATE OF HANDLING AND SIGN HIS FULL NAME I T N HE PROPER COLUMNS. OFFICER DESIGNATIONS SHOULD BE USED IN THE "TO" COLUMN. 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