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r u Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 rN, C-TI TOP SECRET Copy No.- - 42 MINUTES Thirteenth Meeting of the PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD June 12, 1952 2:00 P, M. Department of State Room 5104, New State Bldg. 21st $t. and Virginia Ave., N. W. Washington 25, D. C. Mr. David K. E. Bruce, Under Secretary of State, Chairman Mr. William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense General Walter B. Smith, Director of Central Intelligence Dr. Raymond B. Allen, Director, Psychological Strategy Board OTHER PARTICIPANTS : Department of State Mr. Joseph B. Phillips D artment of Defense Brig. General John Magruder, USA (Ret.) Joint Chiefs of Staff Brig. General Jesmond D. Balmer Central Intelligence Agency Psychological Strategy Board Mr. C. Tracy Barnes, Deputy Director Mr. George Morgan Mr. Edmond L. Taylor Mr. Mallory Browne Mr. John Sherman Mr. Charles E. Johnson Maj or . Edmund J. Bennett Charles E. John$on Secretary to the.3oard Page 1 of 3 Pag es b2256 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 TOP SECRET Agenda Item No. 1. - Analysis and Planning to Counteract Soviet Biologics ?dar are Propaganda and the "Hate America" ampaign; Staff Study on Soviet Germ Action: (a) The Board deferred final action on this item. (b) The Board agreed to add in par. 22 a new mission, "Develop new measures designed to seize and maintain the initiative in the fields of propaganda and opera- tions". (c) The Board agreed that the mission defined in par. 22a be made a part of the necessary intelligence support to be provided for POC, proposed in par. 23. Agenda Item No. 2, - Plan for Conducting Psychological Operations During General Hostilities (a) The Board agreed to advise the NSC it does not accept the changes proposed by the Bureau of the Budget in par. 20 of NSC 127. (b) The Board approved the Bureau of the Budget's changes in par. 19 of NSC 127. (c) Mr. Foster reserved the Department of Defensets right of appeal should the use of POC in this plan prove un- satisfactory, Agenda Item No. 3. - PSB Procedure for Evaluation of National Psycho- logical E f ort 25X1 (R) The Board recorded its opinion that the evaluation of the over-all national psychological effort by the PSB staff or by any group which the staff might assemble at this time is beyond its capabilities, pending decisions which must be made with regard to projects now under way. (b) The Board authorized the PSB staff to select a project or an area for evaluation, recommend the method they propose to use, and present it to the Board for considera- tion and authorization. Agenda Item No. 4. - Memorandum to the Board on Reporting to the NSC Action: (a) The Board deferred action pending clarification from Mr. Lay, NSC Executive Secretary, concerning the intent TO ....EC...U 25X1 bZ256 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 Pages Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 Security Information TOP SECRET of his request of May 29 that PSB submit a report on the status of the national psychological programs for the NSC 1114 review. Agenda Item No. 5. - Princeton Statement Action: (a) The Board deferred consideration until the next meeting. (b) The Board agreed to have the Department of State revise the text in the interim. Agenda Item No. 6. - Progress Reports on Current Work (a) The Board did not consider this item, TO SECRET Page 3 of 3 Pages b225E3 Approved For Release 2008/01/09: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400020014-2 pp v : - - TOP SECRET SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT nESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE: CIA CONTROL NUMBER: ~S~' ]') DATE OF DOCUMENT: DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED: COPY NUMBER (S): 4. Y 3 '/4 LOGGED BY: NUMBER OF PAGES: DOCUMENT NO 25, NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS: ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED, DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. 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