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Approved For Releas?V1 Wi PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD Washington COPY N0.~~~ January 3 TO: The Honorable David K.E. Bruce! Under Secretary of State SUBJECT: Progress Report - Staff Study on European Satellites of the USSR The attached Progress Report - Staff Study on European Satellites of the USSR is submitted for information for the Board at its 17th meeting on January 15, 1953. This subject will be kept under review, and .yeoornmendations for additional PSB staff work will be made as appropriate. ALAN G. KIRK Director Enclosures Progress Report - Staff Study on Europ an Satellites of the USSR Cop: No.' Identical memoranda sent tot 25X1 Foster, Defense; NSC review(s) completed. 1 -1 SECURITY INFORrTION I Top 9r, 0=00" 95969 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 'SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/ 7S 'R P8ORO1731 R003300190015-4 PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD Washington COPY NO. I January ~53 Staff Study on European Satellites of the USSR ~ -. MI The key importance of this area for psychological strategy is unquestioned* National policy with respect to Eastern Europe has been under review.for some time in the Department of Statej where a draft paper is understood to have been prepared for early submission to the NSC. Several PSB projects, completed or in preparation, bear directly on this area: D'-31 (Strategic Concept), D--18a and 18a/l (Escapees), Do-2I (Stalint.s passing), D-28 (Economic Security), and Doctrinal Warfare. Overt propaganda guidance is provided by the Department of Statets Special Guidance:Ido. 105 (November 14, 1951). Projects for covert opera. tions are currently being processed through the 10/5 Committee. Within the framework of existing national policy, operators reportedly consider above guidances adequate for present needs, The possibility of developing new capabilities in relation to the area needs further study. This, together with the expected review of national policy, should form the chief basis for recommending whether or not to undertake additional PSB planning, Pae1of1Pago SECURITY INFORAiION TOP SE(T 95969 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-G80R01731 R00330019 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUB E T PSB Meeting held Wednesday y 19S Present: General Smith. Messrs, Kyre,, Staasen, Dulles, Jackson, Morgan ldbania. Our draft of paper on Albania dated 29 July 1953 was circulated and carefully read by all present. The presentation found general favor but both General Smith and Roger Kyea wanted an opportunity to have it looked over by some of their very senior coo and a final, decision as to procedure will be taken at the next However it was generally felt that we should proceed along dated although the exact timing of the various steeps and ceasity of some of the diplomatic moves was a subject of die- 2. Italy. There was a brief discussion of the Italian situation and Harold Stassen seemed to fact that the only way out was for early general elections. Mr. Stassen mentioned that he understood the Vice Preesident was going to bring up the subject, at the next NSC Stassen seemed to think that we ought to anslyze the erilo failure to got a majority and the steps which should be taken to meet this in the event that general elections should be held, Thailand General Bedell Smith asked for one week more to con- sider the State comments on the Thailand paper. It was generally felt. however, that the PSft draft was preferable and that if State had doubts about the second phase they should be given an opportunity to re-present their views if and when the time came to put that phase into operation. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190017r( Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 theory th produce. (July s no further discussion of using balloops to end food to East Germany at this time, but the general idea of developing balloon operations was approved and Mr. Kyse suggested that we should plan a major operation for around Christmas time. His people had been preparing some information on this subject and I suggest that we get in touch with General Erskine. Prospective Visit of Chiang Ching-Kuo. General Smith said that he personally favored the visit and suggested the matter be taken up with him if there was an the State Department side. This report was approved. New York City Center Ballet Tour. The idea of sending this to Moscow was vetoed on the 4. PSB Semi-Annual Report. ri much better ballets than anything we could t Influence w ong Students and Intellectuat Mr. Cutler' a letter was considered and the PSB report pproved for transmission to M. Cutler. 7. Balloon Operations. Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/17,:, C1-pP80R01731 R003300190015-4 10. Escapees from Czechoslovakia, Mr. Stassen asked whether we could bring back for da purposes the home-made tank on which the Czechs scaped, and also wanted to know what measures had been taken to exploit them on the radio and otherwise. (Please look into this point). I1. Korea. There was a lengthy discussion about bull radio propaganda efforts to Korea and it was suggested that a task force should be organized to study this problem. Mr. Morg touch with Mr. Tracy Barnes on the subject. It was reported that the President had received letters and appeals of various kinds signed by some 10, 000 Chinese prisoners who did not wish to return. C. D. Jackson knows the details of these appeals and we probably should get them from him. It was also suggested by Mr. Stassen and generally approved that we should consider the possibility of having food distribution stations in the neutral zone between the armies with a view to feeding the needy in North Korea. This was not dis- cussed in detail and of course there may be technical difficulties and objection on the part of the neutral control commissions. However the idea may be worth following up. ALLEN W. DULLES 2 cc: DD/P AWD s at Distribution: 25X1 frig - p'SS File) I cc - 170. ISH rue I cc - ER L - Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA60R01731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release .2006/63/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 SECURITY INFORMATION SECRET COPY NO. 2 July 21, 1953 PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD WASHINGTON, 25, D.C. REVISED CONTINENCY GUIDANCE DURING PREPARATORY PIS OF THE VOLUNTT FREM?M CORPS, JU ,ate. , 195 I. All holders of the "Contingency Guidance During Prepara- tory Phase of the Volunteer Freedom Corps", dated June 19, 1953, are hereby requested to return the Guidance to the Psychological Strategy Board through appropriate channels. II. Consultations with the Allied Governments have resulted in a decision to defer action until after the German elections this Fall. III. In the event that an unplanned newsbreak takes place, all holders of this Guidance are advised that an official White House statement will be made. This White House statement should be treated as straight news by all official U. S. news sources and news media without additional interpretation or exploitation. Further guidances on any additional exploitation will be issued by Mr. C. D. Jackson, Special Assistant to the President, SECURITY INFORNA.TION Z SECRET of 1 Page Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 lop SE`:Y t', v+ * 17363 Approved For Release 2006/03/ii i! I sRDP'80RO1731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/1T:,.9 8E01731R003300190015-4 r,rsrv tnformal;on S 7Th Approved For Release 2006/031M : 64Y 80R01731 R003300190015-4 Ac D i xt1 i ~y ~y=c4ri & I --m P i LC EI Approved For Release 2006/03/47,rQXRDP80R01731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 Cia OP80R01731R003300190015-4, /_3 Soy y 1953 MORANDUM FOR THE RECORD The following points were discussed at the PSB meeting on 8 my 1953. Jackson's proposal to send the New York Giants nthuei:astically approved as well as his letter to See attached memorandum from Abbott Washburn. involved here Approved For Release 2006/03/17 Cot-k QP80R01731 R003300190015-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDPBOR01731 R003300190015-4 (4' It was agreed that we should get on with this project znptly. A draft answer to Adenauer was approved and Mr. $ said that he would fly in some token shipments Of food other teiegram. W38; approved this telegram in principle a .elegram from the American Embassy in Stockholm c1uotiltg a proposed answer that the President might send to the Meany- (5) 1 dlstributed copies number Z to 6 of the" t1oundup m Last Germany,' dated July 8, 1953. Mr. Jackson discussed point. State and WA were to coordinate the action. Mr. Jackson circulated the translation of a letter dated July 4, 1953, from Chancellor Adensuer to Ambassador Conant regarding food for East Germany. rnmediatel.y is this was helpful from the psychological view- d that Mr. Jackson get in touch with Mr. l iddlebergor Mcamedmtely* in order to expedite its departure. (6) There was a long discussion of the Korean situation during which General Collins joined us. ALLEN W. DULLES Notes Mr. Dulles noted on his oven agenda opposite the item on suitable commema: ion of the Perry Centennial From this I assume the Board agreed not to send a special representative from Washington. AWD:at Distribution: trig - DCI PSB File l cc I c c - Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIS-IIDp80R01731 R003300190015-4 SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE CIA CONTRQJ, NO. DOC. NO. DATE DOC. RECD. Date Doc . COPY NO. LOGGED BY No. of Pages NO. OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED, DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OF- FICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES THE ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN THE LEFT-HAND COL- UMNS PROVIDED. 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