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Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R003200030022-4 SECURITY NFORMATION DOC. NO. D-21/2 DATEFeb. 3,- 1953 COPY NO. 4 i.- NSC review completed PSYCH OLO GI CAL STRA'T'EGY BOARD Vii'ashington NATIOTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL STRAWaGY WITH RESPECT TO BERLIN (Supplement to PSB L)-21 dated October 9, 1952) WARN NG This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18,._Sec- tions 793 and 794, U.S.C., the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. :SECURITY INFORMATION ;IP SE, M2 MORI/CDF Pages 1-15 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R003200030022-4 Security Information PSB D-21/2 TOP EE &T February 3, 1953 PSYCROLOGTCAL -9TR=GY BOARD WASHINGTON 25, D. C. (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9, 1952) A NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL STRXTEG' WITH #{ESPECT TO ' L This Plan was approver. by the Board at its Seventeenth Meeting., January 15, 1953. The Director was authorized to coordinate any further coin ents which the PSP member-agencies might wish to make. T is text represents such final. coordina- tion. Secretary to the Board. Securttt Information Page 1 of 1 Page Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R003200030022-4 NOTE BY THE SECRETARY Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 SECT. RITY fl' PO11 TION TOP SECEET COPY NO? PSB D-21/2 February 3, 1953 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dates? Oct. 9, 1952) A NATIONa'1L PSYCIIOLOGTCAL STRATEGY zwrith respect to UlRL]N Table of Contents Section P I Problem ?P?..???.fr..f.,.f..o..u.ff??.f??? 2 IT Applicable Apprrovel P01ie e s s+ a ...... ? ? , ? 2 III Sut1Tt1tinj and ATlc~~.~'S~.&o..o .sI.h.r.r asao .? 2 ESt.LiL tet!??.f ? f ??f??.??o?..?f o?f,.?Rff.?. IV VtJ ~~~,',~rt1V~.~9??uf Pf.ffrfi~?.I.tfffffff.frffP V TaF3~'i8???.ff??11PPf????f..F?f..1.1?....?af.. VI Administrative matters.. f ..... ? f ? P. f . ? .... 13 SECURA'Y 117OBM ION TOP I-ECRET Page 1 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECURITY 20MATION TOP SECRET PSB D-21/'2 r6iruri-'3,IL93 ('6 ,en t to PBB D-21 Dated Oct, 9, 1952) To formulate a national, psy*cho3.ogiea , strategy with respect to Berlin. #ECTION II APPLICABLE APPROVED POLICIES As set forth in NBC 139/1- A. Summary and Analysis I. The city of Berlin is divided between the Western Sectors governed by a pro-Western city government working closely with the U.S., British, an& French authorities, and the Eastern Sector, completely dominated by the Soviets and their Ger puppets. 2. As one of the free world's most exposed outposts, vulnerable to Soviet harassments of many :kinds,, and dosing a constant change to SEiNNITY IN7013MATION TOP SEMET Page 2 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECURITY INFORMATION TOP SECR1 T ?SB D-21/2 February 3, 1953 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct, 9, 1952 ) Soviet efforts to consolidate their position and prestige in Eastern, Berlin will continue to be a focal point of pressures and counter- pressures. 3. While ideally any planning for Berlin should take into account Soviet capabilities and intentions with respect to Berlin, both of these and particularly the latter, can be estimated only in general terms. As to the former, the Soviets are capable of molting the Western Allies' position in Berlin untenable, either b i the use of force or by restricting Western access to the city A major assumption regarding Soviet inten- tioms with respect to Berlin is that the Soviets will not deliberately provoke, or run a major risk of, war for the sake of Berlin, More tentatively, it is believed the Soviets will not impose another full blockade in view of: a) the failure of the last blockade, b) international political reactions obstructing broader Soviet aims, and c) a Soviet realization that such a course would stimulate western military programs and increase the danger of amedl conflict. It is further assumed that the Soviets intend to make ;Berlin the capital of the German Democratic Republic, and eventually of a reunited, Soviet-dominated Germany as a major step in strengthening the Soviet sphere, if they can do so without incurring grave risk of war, 4+, Present Soviet efforts with respect to Berlin may be designed either to put the Western Allies under pressure or to strengthen the Soviet position in the East Zone, Current harassments,, such as barring Allied highway patrols and interfering with transportation, appear to be de- signed to probe Allied firmness and unity of purpose, and to undermine Allied prestige as well as to threaten our right of access, SEci rr nwimMATZON TOP SEO.RET Page 3 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 SECURTry. B OMVMION TOP SECRET RIB D-21/2 Fewua`Y 3 r 1953 (Supplement to :PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9, 1,52) ;. The present paper identifies General policy objectives and pro-poses a strategy adaptable to the following contingencies: a. 'Jest-,ern access to Berlin is not seriously impeded; b. Serious harassing r-easures short of a full blockade are em- p1cTed: c. A blockade or harassing rneas'La,es tantamount to a surface blockade are imposed; d. The Western position has becor.~e or is about to become un-- tenable; e. A Soviet or satellite attack on the Western forces in Berlin occurs. B. West Berlin's situation. It is now estimated that West Berlin will continue to be: 1. useful as a base behind the Iron Curtain for propaganda, intelli- gence,and other activities; 2. a symbol of Western strength and determination in the face of Soviet harassment and threat of aggressive tactics; 3. a symbol to the Germans Bast and I-Test -- of the hone for the eventual re-unification of Gerrnar3r in freedom; 1+. vulnerable to, and subjected to, a continued Soviet and East German campaign of encroachment and Yiarassraent which could have dangerous effects on the city's economic viability and morale, as well as discouraging and poss:Lbly divisive effects on the three Allied Powers, the German Federal 3epublic,and the West Berlin authorities; 5. subject (despite being strongly pro-Western) to a certain amount of inter- and intra-party discord, special social problems, and SECWrrry ID%E?ORMATION TOP SECRET Paget.4 of,1ges Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECtUU11Y INFORMATION TOP SECRET PSB D-21/2 Febri-ry 3, 1953 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9, 1952 ) occasional irritation with the: Federal Republic and the Western Allies due in part-to uncertainty concerning Berlin's future; 6, in need of continued subsidization of its economy and, moral supporrt by the Western Allies and the Federal Republic; and 7. required by circumstances to have a special status.. separate from the Federal Republic, and denied the degree of self-government which the Federal Republic is to have under the Contractual. Agreements. (Despite this, ties between West Berlin. and the Federal Republic will continue to be strengthened and West Berlin will in practice be given even more free- dom of action by the U.S... French, and U.K. authorities.) To maintain and reinforce our political, military, cultural, and psychological position in the Western Sectors of Berlin, and to exploit that position in the furtherance of U.S. national interests. SECURITY MTORY2LTION TOP SECRET Page 5 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECURIT'1 INFORMATION TOP SECRET RSB tD"21/2 Fet=UM 3 7553 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct, 9, 1952) (NOTE: Tasks and the Objective in Section IV above supersede the Objective (Page 7 fl, 1k ra. 2, ConcerninZ West Berlin) and Tasks (Page 9, Para. 2, Concernin Berlin) outlined in PSB D-21, The implementation ?f Tasks and nurses of Action under Contingencies B through E may be subject to modifica* tion 3.n the light of specific policy decisions made at the time such contingencies arise. Contingency A. Western access to Berlin is not seriously impeded. Task One: To maintain and reinforce the U.S., U.K., and French post- tion in the Western Sectors of Berlin and to buttress the morale of West Berlin, 1. Utilize all appropriate measures to encourage and support among the Governments and peoples of the free world, especially in the Federal Republic and the remainder of Western Europe, diplomatic and other actions intended to foster continued interest in and a sense of responsi- bility for West Berlin. 25X1 Action.- STATE Support: DET'ENSE 2. Convince the West Berlin people that their awn deter* mination and faith are power factors affecting the whole struggle between the Soviet complex and the Western democracies. Action; STATE Support; DEFENSE SECURITY INFORMATION yk - TOP SECRET Page 6 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 SECU112Y I Th OR14 TION TOP SECRET pSD D-21/2 8ebrue y73, X03 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9, 2952) 3. Assure the Went Berlin authorities and population of the continued supi3ort of the free world by such actions as: (a) official statements, (b) exchange, of prominent personalities between Berlin and the West, (c) inter- national distinction awards to the peoples of the city, etc, Action: STATE 25X1 Sup port : 17E 311SE Provide a couxaterbal nce in West Berlin to the ill- effects of Soviet econot1c warfare against Berlin., especially so as to maintain and improve, by interna- tional action where possible., the standards-of-living in West Berlin. Action: MSA 25X1 Support : MATE,, 1 EFP..~l~i ;EE, 5. Publicize Allied and Fed oral Republic aid measures and readiness to defend the city by informing the popula- tion of West Berlin of the measures taken in their be- half, and by giving a. pie recognition to their own achievements in restoring, and maintaining their city. Action: S'T'ATE Sup-port : IEF EIISE Tee% Two: To deter and neutralize Soviet or Soviet-inspired harassing tactics. 1. Convey to the Soviets, U.S. and Allied determination to remain in Berlin regardless of the consequences, thereby SECRET] II 'OIDI TION TOP SECRET Page 7 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R003200030022-4 SECU ITY INFORMI rION TOP SECRET PSB D-21/2 110= aey 3. X953 (3t pplcment to PSB D-21 Dated. Oct. 9, 1952 )) giving evidence of Western unity regarding the Western position in the city. Action; STCTE Support: DEFENSE 2. Demonstrate, Jointly with the French, British, and Germans, where: appropriate, the futility of and grave risks associated with amr Soviet tactics calculated to cause an Allied withdrawal from Berlin. Action: STATE, >NSE, 3? Intensify Soviet doubts as to the reliability of the GDR authorities, military forces, and population. Action: STA`.'E, 1lE'FI;NSE, communist actiLons.gainst the Western position in Berlin. Make clear to all the world that the Western powers will hold the Soviet Union responsible for any 91;Y1 5. he may be specific,::1l,y authorized by Washington, develop and discreetly publicize, within the limitations of security, Atli! ed c,:~pabilities for retaliation against possible Soviet haressmeuLt measures. This should be accomplished Jointly with the U.K., and French authorities where possible. Action: STATf1 . DEFENSE, Support: MSA 25X1 6. Mobilize free-world public opinion, especially in Western Europe, to confront the Soviet Union with a SEUUHITY l'1`1FORM/sTION TOP SECRET Page 8 of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80ROl731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECURiTy nr M1.0 ION TOP BET D-21/2 (Stpribrent to PSB N21 ..t& tod Oct. 9, 1952)j consolidated opposition to aggressive Soviet tactics against BerlAn which endanger world peace, and to support measures exposing Soviet actions* action: STATE 25X1 Support : DrFEt'1SE 7? Develop p d exploit by all available means political, military, economic, and/or psychological programs of free- world support, for West Berlin, especially those under- taken in consonance with existing collective security agreements. Action: STATE; DE'FENSE Support: MvA Task Three: To utilize West Berlin as a means of strengthening the morale of the fwee-world and its determination to re- sist Soviet pressures and possible aggression. 1. Exploit to the fullest, by all available means, Western response to B?:rlin's situation as evidence of Western strength, determination, and unity of purpose, and as a demonstration of the principle of collective security in action. Action: MATE 25X1 kSupport: I ,FEPTSE and MSA 2. Communicate: to other marts of the free wvrldd evidences of the resilience, courage, optimism, and anti- com-munist sentiment of the people of Berlin. 91;Y1 SECiIMY fl F01 MPTION TOP SECRET Page 9 of '13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 SECLUITY nWM: t,ATION PSB D-2l/2 TOP SECEET tl;V zE3 (upple nt to PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9: 1952) Contin ,'eney B: Prepare for publications Jointly with the British and French if advisable.* a White Paper., or such diplomatid cc nunications an may be deemed appropriate) designed to contrast the peaceful aims of Allied actions with respect to Berlin with the unwarranted and hostile actions of the USSR. Action, STATE Serious harars.*.nent short of full blockade. Task: To consolidate the Western position in Berlin in the face of increased Soviet pressures. ~.. Intensify appropriate activities listed under Contingency A. Action: As Stated Support! As Stated 2. Make evident the Allies' preparedness to cope with a rew blockades including their potential for retaliation and/or circumvention, Action-. ST:1TEs DEFENSE) and MSA 3. Utilize the crisis in West Berlin to accelerate and intensify Western defense efferta and to strengthen Western unity, with particular reference to the EDC and Atlantic Community concepts. Action: STATE. I F ISE~ Support: MSA SECT ETY Il' 'ORATION TOP SEGRST Page 1O.of 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 SECUW TY INFORMATION TOP SEMIT PSIS D-21/2 Ted- 3, $y3 fSupp3,ement to PSB D-21 3Xted Oct. 9, 1952 ) Displu.:y to the West German and West Berlin populations A:,.Iied mi:Litury preparedness to resist any maneuvers by the Soviet or East German mi.l itcry or pc ra-military organizrst:Lons which would indicate that force is to be applied to expel the Allies from Berlin. Action: STATE ar:d DEFENSE Contingency C. A 1loekade or hrassing measures tantamount to a surface blockade, re imposed. Task: To gain international recognition of the Berlin situation of the aS. Oressive nature of Soviet actions. 1. Intensify appropriate activities listed under Contingencie A and. B. Action; As Stated Support: As Stated 2. Stimulate support umo:ig member nations of the UN to consider the "Berlin question" in that body, with parti- cular reference to the USSR's aggressive intentions. Action: STATE SECURITY INFORMATION TOP SECRET Page llof 13 Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 S:ECUAITX IIVFiM MATION TOP SEC'MT PSB D-21/2 Pebv 3, 1933 (Supplement to PSB D-21 Dated Oct. 9, 1952) 3? Exploit by all available means throughout the free world any joint approach by the U.S., British, and French diplomatic representatives in Moscow to the appropriate Soviet authorities concerning the severity of the stbuation in Berlin. Action: STATE Support: DEFENSE i. Apply and exploit by all available means such retalia- tion and circumvention measures as were planned under Contingency B. 25X1 Action: STATE., DEFENSE,F-7and MSA Contingency D... The Westcria `t*4itinn untenable. has become or is at~c+ut becc no Task: To lay the psychological groundwork for the possible use of Allied military force in Berlin. .. Intensify appropriate activities listed under Contin, gencies A, By and Co Action: As Stated Support; As Stated 2. By agreement with British and French authorities, publish an appropriate diplomatic communication. Action: FOAM 3. Stimulate :E' support for any ultimatum to the USSR, which the U.S.ind its Allies will deliver in opposition to Soviet aggression. 25X1 Action: M'ATE, DEFENSE 1, Employ all available psychological means to make clear to the world that we are determined to prevent out- 3 mmun T! INFORMATION TOP SECRET Pagel2of 13Pages Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 Approved For Release 2008/03/31 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003200030022-4 SECURTI'Y INFORMATION TROP SECRET PSB D-21/2 jeft+nWy ,3 I .'33 (Supplement to P 3B D-21 Dated Oct. 90 1952) break of general wars and that whatever Western action may be taken in Berlin is to defend Berlin against Soviet aggression. Action: STATE,, DEFENSE, Contingency E. A Soviet a,tack on i;estern forces in Berlin. Task** k: To secure the support of all our Allies (includ4.n