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TOP sEcirr ? Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 20 December 1951 ITEM 2 Program for Soviet Orbit Escapees Sunnarz: This staff study is the product of PSB action of 25 October 1951, which directed the formation of a panel to consider this problem. This study represents the first of two papers to be prepared on this subject and recommends the assignment of responnibility for assuring proper care and disposal of escapees from the Soviet Orbit who cannot be utilized in existing U. S. programs. This is urgent since IRO ceases existence at the end of Febru- ary, 1952. After thorough consideration of all potential Governmental and pri- vate organizations or agencies to administer and coordinate this activity, the study recommends that the State Department be charged with the over-all adminis- tering and coordinating responsibility, with certain supporting responsibilities incumbent upon CIA, Department of Defense, and the A. Paragraph 20, page 8 of the main report sets forth five possible sources of financial support for this activity. At the PSB Alternates Meeting on Monday, 17 December, the Department of State indicated it would prefer assurance of its operating funds from one source and felt that the ESA should provide the full 8 mdllion dollars, instead of the present 2i- million dollars tentatively allocated against the Kirsten Amendment. The Depa;tment of State feels further that it should have the freedom of decision with respect to how the administering will be performed, i.e., with augmented personnel or by sub- delegation to an appropriate non-governmental commission or committee. The points raised by the Department of State appear valid and reasonable. and approve Recommendation: (a) That you noteAthe recommendations of the report (pages 12 and 13), with particular reference to paragraph e. page 13; (b) That25xl you propose the addition of the followinv clause in the recommendations per- taining to (c) That you concur in the recommendations and support the concepts with respect to administration and financing advanced by the State member. NEP: review(s) ckliergetdiForRelease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Top sEcrri a '43 e (p & 'Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R017315Q(9,U0030003-5 .rilCORANDUK NFU TUE ;iWitTLOGICAI aAATLGY WAX) SUBJECT: ESCILPEES PIRDM ZOVIIA ORBIT ? For reasons set fort ia the attachment, our Investigation of the above subject has been divided into two separate studies. The first having to do with the handling of those esoapees who are now crossing into Western Europe, is attached. This first atudy has been prepared by the Board's -staff with the assistance of departmental and agency representatives. It ineorporates most of their suggestions made individually and as members of an inter- departmental panel which aas organized pursuant to the Board's direction and which considered an earlier draft of the study. All who have been concerned vith the general problem of escapees agree that it is of great and immediate importance to improve the manner of their treatment. Failure to take adequate care of them jeopardises a critical segment of our peychological efforts against the satellites and the Soviet Union. Conversely,. Adequate handling will directly strengthen these present efforts and will make possible the launching of new programs for the greater exploitation of esCapeee and of disaffected persons who ranain behind the Iron Curtain. For these reasons this first study has been developed tepidly. Be- cause of this and the corplexity of the problem it maybe that some of its parts have not been given as extensive interdepartaental emmaimation as would have been possible in i more deliberate study. The staff is aware of this but feels nevertheless that in general the host availOble solutions are proposed to the many difficult problems which were encountered. We, therefore, hope that in recognising the Importance of immediate attention to the escapee problem the Board will overlook any imperfections in polish and in refinement. ? It is recommended that at its next meeting the Board consider the attached study and adopt its reeomeendetien. ? Attachment? FSB.D.1.13 MR Tag DIEBOTOB3 agea.44.4eadaL John Sherman aaais tent Director Office of Coordination TOP SECRET .Security Information Page of page ghat? a, -eetezi_I Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 MD Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 ? MORAN. Fati SO1112. Statement of the ProbleM WIN -rk? Ilr 1r1951 36 1.? To determine the beat means under sxleting policy to employs resettle, and sere for current escapees from the Soviet orbit or its control,Y _ ? I " Purpose of the Stidy ? At.its feurth-sesilsg the Psychologcal Strntegy Board took'the sett* set fsrtkin Annex ? 'Pursuant to the Boardts direction? a Panel vex established on ? November 2, 'consisting- of rei%resenttativee of Department of State, the Office of the 'Secretary of Defines, thc; WOO Standing Group, the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Departmints of the Army, Nary and AJr Force, CIA, the Mutual Security AgInry, arc the Bureau of the Budget, The Assistant Director cf PS3qa Oft:toe of Condinatioa acted as Steering merbee. .? In the light ot:the initial Pane/ tha PSB ttaft determinded that -the total'prohlemo which the ").1;:ard ha ;.1 n.--lisidared? must 110 'separatel. into two pater, enzb of 4b1?th re?ed separate.statty. Theo* sePer=e'studios 8TIOF 4.orrobor?OPT,.. ..ei.omierans? ???41.14.????? 1( For the purpose-of thin paperv e3car423 or ,contxo). of the USSR', 13fAtic Bulgaria? RIAAWAiS and ntahiss, wtm Thr ke Suodni, East Germanss; Cnthene_ Turlos and Grocitv, are not inelydwit- ?ii3eoparatien in the prohIewau t:4,f10QA/ . ti ;47.1Elt befnro the Wee! con'exOct-suzleees In;3tin lot 41or7' Axpand,01 progzame,.decunel-tc jere.117-,, or iv, eu,11., support of pomIts in Iran Curtain colptriesp it must b;) ab e '64 cim,notrato on the t14.6.,4 v4" .Preaen.precticte that-the Went ley afher Tqlg A dtVII:Jrable,131Ze. to WW14 asap or uith whiehAe.cooperate. 'Many It to c10,a.?, at the adequate ?'Isimillar of all bolafide escapees hears lire.ttly rpm the nem and cotpxN,,,,, Uee Df eUch lAdiTiduals who are qualifild me scurmla of intelligence, tatelli- ftrilo apntoi recraite for mehological aiXt psva,mtIitary progrrns a then. AaTs-hesa devellOPS4-Perseal4 to N50-10/2 10/51, 36/1 and I)4 ?rort tOrt t9T :Tht.; 1:7..11,333.1)Tide. RE. ? 'BM Wropsp rame,!4-7 drnolleoso suth ApprOVed-For Relea e'2006/03/17-: CIA-RDP80R01731R003200036003- Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 ILLEGIB Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 TOP -51:CR1.k ? VOMIT! INFORM= a. Liege )3alk The Lodge Bill, pissed in 1950 and amended in 1951 authorizes the enlistaant in the United States iime of 11,500 unmarried aliens. le.ring 195te no escapee. were enlisted,. During 1951, 13.3 hi e% been enli sted? 73 of whom are presently training in the Unite:di States. Four thousand escapees have applied for enlistment and of these 1500 are ie. the process of security screening. Under the prograr as it is now being administered her the imer, it le nelikely that a. significant number of the 113,000 escapees will be enlisted in the United States Army during 1.9t,2. 13. 1/te.hzekpabilitApeeeofeett.. .f.e Se...Neernesselle Under th Mu Security Let in tee Kirsten Amendment, Congreas ee4-- authorized ? ?? ? ? . ? (litensee can be 'deem on for ateiezation in no prceleal of eseapees. Coneress appe.rently inteneed that these feeds shcrhe" 1 lee imeed privarily foe training and equeppirig *teepee foruces to be edded to !LTO, rather than for the care of 011014)0C113 rowevlr, the authorization 13 sufficiently broad to permit the ertfitietion of a. portion of these funds for the latter purpose in the inplement lion of the provem eontemelated In this t3tudy. NSA and the Depeeitnent of 1.1efen3e ray feel that this sat'eoriete- tion :Ls in fact a reeuirement for the ** of sone of thane funds foe the first purpose and it will be :+emotrendee that programs or this character be considered in the second PM setter. niscussfeee gesietc2ncileesiene 14?? :It is eutimeted that some 134.5000 the Migrant Omni tteo aggreseively enact mupnoet of voluntary eel:103e3. Sone 2e indigenous ficilities of Eurele; ehe 1.0 programs, ablorb less than 300 hao a I* escapees can be resettled through waged bl the U.S. t.aui with ametimuet *002,500 can be almorbed into the tee Billr while le 14110 tteler preeent it tb:.y larger erthorissation? 2?x1 While it is react:piste that teeee pro' if they are Italy coorclinatell Ildeeuete tered? it is thlt, erogreme flow of eseaeses. 15. While it is possible that tho pay* of these eseapeeo will incre3ee the elo Communists will in crease the saveeity that this uU reduce the rate of ?seep TOP SECRTT SECURITY RFORMA an can only satisfy these reeniremants finent.ezp and neer eseivele itdmitLee ere eapvtle of alaserbing tite expeeLed Wlogicai). offset of adeeuatt handling e it is eeually likely that the W repreceive meaeures and iloweeer, Peg) 5 of j Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 67830 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 TOP tlEORW alialt rev ::WOR or the private U. 3, risetkome organisations now carried Cm b, the State Departo3Into Biwa: thi3 State Department is carrently planning .aad programming for the Migrant Coned.ttee ooeratiolt and for Via coardi nation of voluntary agencisit tide transfer of ratailonnilill.ty would appear to be undeeir- *oleo ? A d .Wkirivate Rola.* Orviii.matlon At the present time, no mingle jarate o ollirga has adlogaiwre Kin a to handle the job and no ono private organisation is remonnetble tn. assisting Soviet orbit eacepeeso The Intemsational Itsixtue Coaraittaet wmose Want is chaired by thaneral Spasits, hope* to receive $2 milline for the paspose of assisting eseapeee, The If has been the organisation moot active in this field sad last year sport more than 1,/3 at wrle maw provided by private organisation* tor the assistecce of escapee:so The present Nateestive garotter or IltO Ine not been reliable in dealing with the U. $o g MOM* meat and ia not rally sinOpertad ity irks State Departmentfigglagio d. siiipa3?itt.. for Free iiaarm: Although NCh7E is not. now ooncerued with escapee progrZili..Witirae possible to autablish a new office in the dationel Co:mitt,* to handle tee escapee problem. An organi- sation ander MIPS would have the advactage of being able to get Into action rapidly since a staff ,and apace already exist both here sal *broad. It is known that the labernational RIM 11.6 Committee would be willing to work closely with Wino Obelbtseei4b4Get !Ye' of slash an Organisation are that it dimes not presently have 'a at= skilled is refugee mattert acd it is not like4 that some of the raivatil reitagee organisations, particularly the religicnos ones* would be 1:13.1ing to tie their programa in mit) a recognised cold war orgaTdsa- tics such as NFL Per the amp reason, it is ,unlikely that the Veld Potedation would commit substactisa lends to IICPS sine, it is known this members of the Board of the Four dation are opposed to the support or aggressive *old war opinnticeso turthermorep it is known that NCFS IS already heavily loaded down with its present functions and it might *at be desirable to add toothaec, 0. I ow vat. *ni*aticrit In chides to utilise the existing funds ;rivets croanisations in this field, it sight be desirable to create an larganisatinn along the line, of the Conanalit;y Chests with an ?Executive Director am a Board of Director representing all of the private U. Be organisatiora concerned with escapees from the Soviet orbit. In order to tread* such an organisation it. would be necessary to have a strong 14moutive Director eupported by the U. So governments as well as by private orcanisationS, and it would be neoes.* oars to rano a sobstanttia bum of money to eerie as a catalyst to TOP SgIRET 86VOREIT INANIMATION Page 11 of13 Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 67830 pn.eSteargetdgfIeggeLgelM41A49310:7--eaglAIP8AIRPI2PNARPN5fd Foeedetion has indioeted elete it is interested in eeploring the pos? sibility of the creation of talch a new organization and might be wllling We give its sponeeeohip. In additions according to preliminary estimates, the Foundation -one be willing to place up to $l million at the disposal of such an organization. A major disadvantage would be the time roeuired to set up euph an organization and the resistance of many private prganizat-ensigg being associated with an organization apparently engaged in cold ear operateone, Another disadvantage of creating such an orgunieetion would be the difficulty of insuring a coordinated operation in the fields particularly since some of the private organizations have very specialized activities. For examples the American Fund for Czech Refugees concerns itself only with Czech ? escapees. 25X1 II 1. 40 113 absolutely indispensible that any private organization established for the handling of this peogram cooperate with the U.S. Government, particUlarly in the reception centers and also in the disposal of escapees who can not to absorbed on a fulletime basis by the U.S. Government operations. After considering the advanteees and disadvantages of each of these Alternatives, it is concluded that the most feasible Alternative is that undo which the State Department would assume the overall admits.. trative and coordinating resnonsibilities. BURErpONLWIE 23. It is recommended that the PSB: a, ReeOst the State Department . (1) to accept the responsibility of administering the -escapee program outlined in this study, (2) to develop and put into effect as a matter of urgency an operational plan under Which the functions set forth in paragraph 18 will be carried out. Among other actions this plan should provide for: (a) The necessary administrative action, both in Washingto and in the field. 0 A 0 C_ 00.-314 a-ti .2 (b) Ge-z-t with other U.S. Government departments and aeencies eo insure that adequate facilities are provided for the screening of all escapees for employment in the several U.S. psychological" operational, or intelligence programs. . (c) Periodic reports to the PSB on the implementation of this prograne TOP SECRET STGURITY INFORMTION Page 22 of Pages 67830 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 b, Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 TOP SEORF2 SITURITY INFORMATION a. Request the Department of Defense: (1) TO rec.uest the Department of the Army to liberalize the eon. ditions und r which escapees may be recruited under the authorization of the Lodge Bill and to take all feasible steps to expand such recruiting. P.coni Reif C d. Resuest the4Mutua1 C'Security A4m4,44etra4en: (1) (2) To cooperate with the Department of State in planning and programming for the necessary use of an estimated $2 million doll%rs of counterpart and Genoa funds. To provide an estimated $2,5008000 of the funds authorized by the Kirsten Amendment for utilization in effecting the implementation of the escapee program. e. Renueet the Director of the PSB: To insure that arrangements be made under which the necessary interdepartmental coordination of this program win be effected. TO undertake the continuing evaluation of the effectiveness of this program as a matter of National poychelogical interest. To continue with the innediate preparation of the additional studies and recommendations authorized in the 4th meeting of the PSB. TOP SFORET SECURITY INFORMATION Rage 13 of 13 Pages 67830 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 ? Approved For Release-2006 117-4 C1A-RDP8OR01731R003200030003-5 Info ?.? Action qf kayi eattip.c.T Defeetc3Rcifas and:Potln CypexpP.Tp_y frOTLItxd?.1?.A 'she Spvip,p_;iya, At its fourth meeting, MB took the following action: "Action; In view of the im?ortanoe to psychologioal strategic and ? operational planning, and to obtaining intelligence mecessavy thmesto? of-errAneng for the earn of escapees froa the Iron Curt&i.v coentriee and of developing a prow m or programs therefor, and methods of financing the game, with minimum confusion and wete-time, the Board approved the followirg actiobe? proposed by "(1) That the Psychological Stretegy Board call a joint meeting. of all agent:dee concerned with the problem of defectore, refugees, and potential gmerrillas now resident in theIron Curtain countries for the purpose of oonsidering what, if any, conorete projects and programs might be undertaken by the United States Government with respect to such defooters? refugee end potential guerrillas if funds therefor ware . available. "(2) That the Psychological Strategy Board provide a steering member to a panel which is directed (a) to consider what, if euy projects and programs of the foregoing character might further national strategic objectives; (b) to monitor the development ot specific projects and programs that mast thio requirement; (c) to coordinate any sech project or program with national strategic objectives; and (d) to consider all possible sources for the Rivera/Jag thereof. "(3) In the event that the studies contemplated under (2) above should indicate that certain specific programs and projects having merit cannot be financed without recourse to section 201(a) of the Mutual Security Act of 1951, that the Psychological Strategy Board or such of its constituent agomioc as may be prlaarily involved submit sech projects and program for the consideration of the Director of Mutual Security". 1W ,s410. .1ccitarity. Infomatlea Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 25X1 Approved For k:e1Wiaet200.6/163/4-7,10C1A-RDP8OR01731R003200030003-5 ill'IACIT.rITST "At' FACTORS DIFLUE:ICD4C FLOW OF IRI CURTALI ESCAPEES I. General Factors 1.. The demonstration of satisfactory reception, care, and positive use or resettlement may encourage a sizable number of potential escapees to take action. Soviet counter measures maybe expected to minimize this additional flaw, 2. The probable flaw of escapees will vary in proportion to any decline. in the Soviet power status vis-a-vis Western dominance in inter- national affairs, particularly in the peripheral, areas such as GerRany. Conversely, lacking a significant power shift, a progres- sively numerical decline over a two-year period cannot be ruled out should Soviet counter measures prove increasingly effective in Om- batting defection. 11. Action by other Non-Communist Governments 3. Inducement operations by other nations o irtz restricted 25X1 S. Intelligence and Psychological Programs 25X1 TOP SECRET Security Information PAGE of Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Security information Approved For Release 200A69381[13R2A-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 2 5X1 25 7. Mass defection is a pheaomenon receiving attention but there is no Mria?Ere?ir-secedent for assessing prospects for it under a cold war situation. The cited large scale desertions of Russians to the Nazis duringWorldWar II were primarily induced by the nearness of. an army able to do combat with regime forces. NSC-36/1 directs acceptance of the risk of MAOS defection in programs aimed at USSR nationals but indicates little hope of such a result. TOP SECRET SeourIVEration PAGE of Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 X1 Approved For Release-1006/03/17 ':'-efA-RDP8OR01731R003200030003-5 0 - ? ? - eT.TA(' ABSORPTIN OF ESC! TL:; T7EO1JGH 7TaTV,TION IN -IIITELLIdT1Tff-J,M5?ffia-Tifofffinif TIETM NSC-86/1 1. ;he United States policy concerning Soviet and Satellite defectors is enunciated by NSC-86/1, approved by the President on 19 April 1951. The interest of Government in such persons is stated to include: (a) benefits to intelligence and related activities; (b) propaganda use and value; (c) denial of valuable personnel; (d) increasing disaffection and confusion within the communist regimes; (e) obtaining persons important to the national interest because of background and knowledge. All Soviet and Satellite nationals who escape from control of the ussa or countries in the Soviet orlAt are viewed as deZettors for purooses of NSC46/1 objectives; and it is specifically stated that the proper recep- tion and handling oi l. Iri.en persons rIust b a of coneern to the U.S. if MSC-i161 (-,jeetiver eot te be odied Hwe ever, the NS0-56/1 poicy unierIine8 Lat mcourar;ement and induce- ment of defections anent Satellite nationals should be restricted to key personnel. 25i1 25X1 25X1 25X1 II. Responsibility for assuring proper handling and care of defectors Inas not been assigned to any United States agency except as the Department of Sthte is directed in NS0-86/1 to encourage granting of asylum and proper treatment :or escapees by countries bordering the Soviet bloc The public seAtement concerning asylum issued by BICOG on 29 April 1951 and rep:'eseetations by the Depart- ment of State to the Government of Yugos:.avil regarding handling of escapees are notdd in this regard, Security Information PAGE Of Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 Security Information 119.L.TEILI IV. Additional Programs 8i The buildup of emigre groupsj through absorption of present escapees and selective inducement of defection on a large scale, has been proposed to achieve such objectives as the formulation of military units to be incorporated into national forces or into an European Army and the development of political organizations for a variety of purposes. As indicated by the Kirsten amendment to the Hutu. Security Act of 1951, Congress now favors action along one or more of these lines. However, as indicated in the main paper, the objec- tives of cold war strategy involved in such action are not yet fully formulated and the strategy, itself, is therefore in embryo form. Therefore, the question of the purposes for which emigre groups should be developed and the character and scale of such build-up must be reserved for later study. TOP SECRET SecuirgFriraEstion PAGE of Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731R003200030003-5