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Approved For Release 2006/03
NSC review(s) completed.
19 February 1952
Plan for Conducting Psychological Operations During
General Hostilities
S: This item was approved by the Board at its 15 November meeting,
except that the Secretary of Defense requested a final review
by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The paper is in its final form, with revisions made by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff underlined in red. The principal changes occurred in
paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11 of Section VI, and a safeguard paragraph
was added to Section VII?
The principal Joint Chiefs of Staff change occurred in paragraph 4
of Section VI, and greatly simplified it by deletion of previous exist-
ing jurisdictional exceptions. It is to be noted that the Joint Chiefs
of Staff have reinserted the word, "guidance," instead of "instructions,"
in paragraph 11-a. It is believed this change is technically correct
to be consistent with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the paper and the 4th of
April 1951 directive of the President. In two places the Joint Chiefs
of Staff have substituted, "U. S. military Commander designated by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff," in lieu of the previous language, "senior U. S.
military officer."
The Staff has reviewed the revisions of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to
this paper and finds them acceptable.
commendation: That you approve this paper as it is now finally drafted.
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Approved For Release 2aO-6/03/17, :,CIA
proposed by the epu y secretary
of Defense after certain minor
modifications recommended by JCS
12 February 1952
(Code Name :
Reference: (a) Presidential Secret Directive of 4 April 1951
Establishing a Psychological Strategy Board
(b) NSC l0/2.
(c) NSC 10/5.
(d) NSC 20%.
(e) NSC 59/1.
To conduct psychological operations in pursuance of prescribed
national objectives during general hostilities.
Within the purview of this plan the following definitions
shall apply:
A. PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: Shall include all activities
(other than overt types of economic warfare) envisioned under
NSC 59/1 and 10/2.
b. MILITARY THE.AMER OF OPERATIONS: A so entitled, geographi-
cally delimited, and competently proclaimed portion of a theater of
war necessary for military operations, either offensive or defensive,
pursuant to an assigned mission, and for the administration incident
to such military operations.
c. TO COORDINATE: This expression means that agencies
"coordinated with" shall participate actively; that their concurrence
shall be sought; and that if concurrence is not obtained, the disputed
matter shall be referred to the next higher authority in which all
participants have a voice.
That the United States and its Allies are engaged in general
hostilities forced upon them by the USSR or any of its satellites.
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hiring a condition of general hostilities United States National
Objectives vis-a-vis the USSR will be, unless modified by appropriate
authority, as set forth in Paragraph 19 of NSC 20/4;
"To counter the threats to our national security and well-being
posed by the USSR, our general objectives with respect to Russia, in
time of peace as well as in time of war, should be:
"a. To reduce the power and influence of the USSR to limits
which no longer constitute a threat to the peace, national
independence and stability of the world family of nations.
"b. To bring about a basic change in the conduct of inter-
national relations by the government in power in Russia,
to conform with the purposes and principles set forth in
the UN Charter.
"In pursuing these objectives due care must be taken to avoid
permanently impairing our economy and the fundamental values and insti-
tutions inherent in our way of life."
1. Psychological operations programs are established instru-
ments of national policy and shall, therefore, be consistent with
and directed toward the achievement of national objectives.
2. As appropriate, psychological operations and policies and
plans pertaining thereto shall be coordinated with similar operations,
policies and plans of our Allies.
1. The Psychological Strategy Board shall be responsible for:
(a) the formulation and Dromulgation, as guidance to the departments
and agencies responsible for psychological operations, of over-all
national psychological objectives, policies and programs, (b) the
coordination and evaluation of the national psychological effort.
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2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, in conformity with established
national policy and Psychological Strategy Board guidance, and except
as provided in paragra?hs VI 4 and VI 5 immediately below, shall be
responsible for planning and execution of U. S. psychological operations
in military theaters of operations.
3. The Department of State, in conformity with established
national policy and Psychological Strategy Board guidance, and except
as provided in paragraph VI 411immediately below, shall be responsible
for the planning and execution of U. S. overt psychological operations
in areas other than military theaters of operations.
4. In situations in which a military theater of operations
embraces territory of a government which exercises civil authority and
to which a U. S. diplomatic mission is accredited, in conformity
with established national policy and Psychological Strategy Board
guidance, the Department of State shall be responsible for the U. S.
Information Program directed toward the nationals of the country con-
5. Covert psychological operations shall be planned, conducted,
and coordinated in accordance with established national policiepj
applicable NSC directives, including but not limited to NSC 10/2
and pertinent portion of NSC 10 and NSC 59/1; and thg_sid1nt'_s
Directive of 4 April 1.951 establishing thePrchological Strategy
6. Overt psychological operations originating in areas other
than military theaters of operations shall be coordinated with the
Joint Chiefs of Staff when such operations will directly affect aproveci
strategic plans or strategic direction of military forces.
7,n PsychologicalL operations originating in military theaters
of operations shall be coordinated with the Department of State in
cases where such operations will have a direct effect outside the
military theater of operations upon approved current or projected
diplomatic action or overt psychological operations of that department.
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Approved For Release 2006/
8. The Psychological Strategic Board shall ensure, through
the government agency or agencies appropriate in the instant circum-
stances any necessary coordination of national psychological operations,
policies, or plans with the appropriate agency or agencies of other
9. The Joint Chief's of Staff shall be responsible for any
necessary coordination of U. S. psychological operations with similar
operations of other governments in military theaters of operations.
10. The Department of State shall be responsible for any
necessary coordination of U. S. psychological operations with similar
operations of other governments outside military theaters of operations.
11. All government departments and agencies which are not
elsewhere mentioned in this plan and which are or may be assigned
responsibilities for executing psychological operations outside the
U. S. shall:
a. Adhere to guidance issued by the Psychological Strategy
b. Coordinate their policies and plans with the Joint Chiefs
of Staff for activities in military theaters of operations and with
the Department of. State In areas other than military theaters of
c. Conduct their operations in the field under the U. S.4ilit
Commander designated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in military theaters
of operations and coordinate their operations in the field with the
chief of the U. S. diplomatic mission in areas other than military
theaters of operations.
12. The Central Intelligence Agency shall ensure that appropriate
intelligence support is provided for U. S. psychological operations and
that intelligence activities of government departments and agencies in
this field are properly coordinated.
TS 59712, Series C
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Approved For Release 2006/03/17 CIA,- 'fiWfiW31 8003200010020-8
Information facilities and appropriate personnel of the
Department of State and other overt executing agencies in areas
which become military theaters of operations shall be made available
Military Commander desi nate~ bhe,Joint Chiefs of
Staff in that theater under statutory and other competent authority
during the approximate time of military control' in that area. Plans
for orderly transfer, and. later return, of information facilities
and appropriate personnel of the Department of State and other overt
executing agencies shall be coordinated by the Psychological Strategy
1. This basic national psychological operations plan is in
effect for planning purposes. All government departments and agencies
having responsibilities specifically assigned herein shall, as a
matter of high priority, draft supporting plans and make all prepara-
tions necessary for efficient execution of the provisions herein
2. This plan shall be executed upon Presidential proclamation
that a state of general hostilities exists with the USSR and its
satellites, upon official declaration of war with the USSR and its
satellites, or at such other time as the President may direct.
3. Provisions of this lap when executed in accordance with
aura rah 2 above,,,,,, su ersede n; portion of NSC4 9/ whicYT is in
conflict therewith.
TS 59712, Series C
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