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r Approved For R~se 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R01731R~100150078-1~ 1-5517 7 February 1951 MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLANS) STAT 1. The other day I sent you some material submitted as a result of my conversation with him. 2. He sent this copy of a letter to Mr. Harriman for information. I have acknowledged to ~ and a material I sent over earlier. 3? His letter, I suppose, should go with the LAWRENCE R. HOUSTON General Counsel Attachment: cc of ltr to fr Mr. Hous on, dtd 7 Feb 1951 cc of ltr to Mr. Harriman fr dtd 1 Feb 19 1 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003100150078-1 by ? STAT ST ST ~~ Approved F~elease 2003/06/26 :CIA-RDP80R01?R003100150078-1 STAT tera~tir~ u~#.~:ra.ai. Font dog with Y~~' ,~: ~~ ~? ,~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ cu;~y o~ yc~ ~;d :l.~ttvr #~ fir. da:~r'?3s;~n +~ ~ +~*~32?L7~.T';1' thct4~ 1~~2! f4~a'.'~Y't~E~;.. ~,~ ?Y'iv t.~ ~~ o~~io~a +~ncern~c~ ?i.th :~~ac~t ~satL+~r~, ?~t~x ~~~ r+~~~t ~?~~~~, t~~y stu~~y ~~ stzk~,~~at ~! girt in ~~r~~h ,~i.tb v~su ~33.rec#~., pp.. ~q awe {, ,.., ~ ~ s~ ngt a;:~~~ ~?~~3;ys a~r+~nt~~ ~.~t31~ yc3~ tii4X`~ a'~t3~it1 ~~~~ you to ~~.~I aut thr~ Y4x.4.~~na1 ~:staxy "~~-~~~ . ~ ~r_._ ._ ~t'::i~~x errs the long b~.~~rabt~ f?-~ ~?~ on wk~~.ckr ~~ce~ra.G, ~:i~~ra~tc~:s ~~ mad. i.;: ,~ a.~ ~. its aar~hze tq ~o~=s v*.,k:~ec;t :;~-.tter tau ~,r~~~a~;e~~? I tEk'1k 3t N~TZ,~.i~, ~~t t can .~:s~ctct3. `~ en~o~~d our .s~ussi:~za ~h~ you main anon. C~xtex'~. Counsel ~t~ t Yersor-r~3 ~~~, tart' Stat~,'~ I~RFioustox~,/m11 STAT (~~/~3.a~-.s1 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 :CIA-RDP80R01731 R0031 0078-1 Approved Fo~elease 2003/06/2: OIAPR~5P80R017~R003100150078-1 JOHN.R OSS DELAFIELD ROBERT MC C.MARSH C LAUDE A.HOPE FR EDERIC P. RICH WILMURT B. LIN KER EUGENE ELAN C,J R. JAMES C.M ULLIGAN JOHN W.DELA FIELD DOROTHY 5-MC CREA JAMES HARPER,J R. DELAFIELD, MARSH Sc HOPE COUNSELLORS AT LAW IS WILLIAM STREET NEW YORK S,N. Y. CABLE ADDRES S: '~DELMARSH" NEW YG RK TELEPHONE: WHITEHALL 4-9580 February 1, 1951 PHILIP J.MGGOOK COUNSEL GEORGE H.PO RTER RAMON SIA CA Hon. ~~. Averell Harriman White House Washington, D. C. Dear fir. Harriman: I am writing t? tell you about a matter of which I think you ought to have knowledge because of your interest in our future relations with Japan. It is a small thing in a way but something for which I feel that our Government owes a great debt to Messrs. Frank L. Boyden and Frank E. Bogues of Deerfield. As you know, Count Kabayama of Oiso, Japan, has devoted most of his eighty-four years to the development of better cultural and economic relations between our two countries. I believe that he is one of the oldest living graduates of Amherst and his son was also educated in this country. Two years ago last fall his grandson'fVori was sent to this country and taken by Mr. Boyden into Deerfield Academy, even though there were no dollars to finance his education or other needs. Summers he worked as a farmhand and gardener and last June was entered as a freshman at Amherst. Nori had little background in English when he arrived in this country and Mr. Bogues spent many long hours in tutoring him. However., in his first year at Amherst he was assigned both English and'History courses -and in the examinations dust completed was not quite able to meet their high scholastic standard in these two subjects and has been dropped from Amherst. Normally, this, of course, would mean that Nori would have to return to Japan, having failed in his mission. Mr. Boyden, who is familiar with both the affairs and minds of the Oriental people, knew that, through his lifetime efforts, Count Kabayama ':.had become a symbol to the Japanese people of American-Japanese relations. He knew that it was known in Japan that Nori had been sent to this country, without adequate training or financial support, as a sort of offering at the altar of American-Japanese friendship. He knew of the difficult negotiations now being conducted over future American-Japanese relations and he knew, above all other things, what a loss of face and prestige, which a return of the boy, under these circumstances, wound mean to a man who is regarded among influential Japanese as being Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R017318003100150078-1 ? ~ ~ Approved For lease 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R017~003100150078-1 Hon;. W. ~verell Harriman -2- February 1, 1951 identified, perhaps more than any other Japanese, with the United States. He did nat know that the very day T am wrf.ting this letter Count Kabayama, as President of the American-Japanese 5aciety, is giving a dinner in Tokyo in honor of fir. Dulles and in furtherance of American-Japanese friendship. Yesterday 1 received a telephone ca11 from Mr. Boyden from :~eerfield, in which he said that, although he could 111 afford it, he would take NQrl back to Deerfield for the coming semester and that fir. Bogues will continue helping him Stith his study of English and in June they would explore the possibility of obtaining Norms readmis- sion to Amherst or some other college. I think we all owe a very ,great debt to ~dessrs. Boyden and Bogues of Deerfield Academy. Sincerely yours, STAT P.S. Map T also commend to your attention Bir. Raymond ~oleyts article in the current (February 5th} issue of NEWSWEEK., a copy of which I am taking the liberty of enclosing. FPR:AJ cc: Hon. John Foster Dulles State I3epartment l~ashington, D. C. Approved For Re~se 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R01731 R~100150078-1 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003100150078-1 ~0 April 1951 Unable to locate material mentioned in paragraph 3. Have checked OSO, OPC and OOC. Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80R01731 8003100150078-1 p 8- ~?rlFt?I@ase:~~~1-~64~~ ~ ,CI$~I~~1~ ~p~~~QQ3S1~1F5~0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY S OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP ALS DATE DD/Plans Att: L 3 4 5 FROM I ti I TI ALS DATE I General Counsel { ~~.y/ 2 3 DAPPROVAL ~ INFORMATION O SIGNATURE ~~ACTION D DIRECT REPLY D RETURN COMMENT ~ PREPARATION OF REPLY ~ DISPATCH C~CONCURRENCE D RECOMMENDATION D FILE REMARKS: ~ I S