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3-362A Approved.Eor Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80RO4731 R003000270077-0 OCT 211952 letter of lh October 1952 enclosing at the anawal lu san of the Cc eree an 7 October. interest I rood row address sad was ivresst c a rsis of the eft wrld situation as fo scussed it fras a 0-2 vimlolnt. you %MOW a soft spot is sir Hoosier heart whsa You is the VirlVadgr or the #a rtsl Hoosier net- , of Grsegfi i, JM*.$ ihitoomb kale i, Mdl his f s words, -- "the gobble?uf' l:. you--of you &='t watch out,'" was to bavs had the c -ortue it,' of talking to you bope to see you *en you reture boons frwa your trip. ?aithf'u , Walter f. with Director ODCI:SJGrogan/nhh Distribution; Orig & 1 - Add 2 - Signer 1 - Admin files 2 - Originator -Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003000270077-0 00 for Rel{~ 0/ ~?F~g~DP80Fa1 R00 (SENDER WILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO INITIALS DATE I Col. Ciro an 22 Central B7.dR. 2 3 4 5 FROM INITIALS DATE I Asslt to the Director REL 10/17/52 2 3 APPROVAL INFORMATION SIGNATURE ACTION [] DIRECT REPLY RETURN COMMENT PREPARATION OF REPLY DISPATCH CONCURRENCE ^ RECOMMENDATION FILE REMARKS: for prepara>Jon of reply for D,CI signature. Ap ~ryed For IM A2002I1 Q Attct to-R Rfl03 00270077-0 16-63794-1 U. M. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE FORM 30- SEP.1,47 4 00270077-0 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP8OR01731 R003000270077- THE AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COMMANDER INDIANAPOLIS 6,IND. October 14, 1952 General Walter Bedell Smith, Director Central Intelligence Agency 2430 E Street Washington, D. C. Dear General Smith: First let me thank you for your courtesy and helpful briefing at the time of my visit to the Central intelligence Agency several weeks ago. In line with our conversation of that morning, I am enclosing a speech given before the Annual Luncheon of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce and the Commanders' and Adjutants' meeting which is related to the general theme we discussed. I have endeavored to approach the problem in a rather different manner and thought you would be interested in glancing over the talk. I hope I will have the opportunity of seeing you when I return from Korea. Sincerely, LW'I S K. GOUGH National Commander Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003000270077-0 .'y From National'Public Relations Division, The Americar Legion, Indianapolis, Indiana FOR RELEASE UI pWve `r Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP8Q&01731 R003000270077-0 *** ********************* x-* * * * Address by National Commander Lewis K. Gough * of The American Legion before the Annual Lun- * * cheon of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce * * at Hotel Antlers, October 7, 1952. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GOVERNOR SCHRICKER, MAYOR CLARK, PRESIDLNT FLN#3TE MAKER, DISTINGUISHED GUESTS, MY FELLOW AMERICANS: The genuine Hoosier hospitality you are expressing to The American Legion on this occasion is most gratifying and deeply appreciated. I am doubly proud to have this opportunity of appearing before you trlay . proud that Indianapolis is the home of National Headquarters of The America-,l Legion . . . and proud that my taproots are deep in the soil of Indiana. In naval parlance, while I actually was launched in California, my keea was laid in Indiana. For my mother was born in Bourbon, and my father hailed f:,-:gym nearby Greenfield. Again in naval parlance, and in keeping with tradition established by past National Commanders before me, when speaking at this annual afair, I shall bring today to you an "estimate of the situation" -- a frank estimate of where we are today in history as we of The American Legion see it. There never was a time in the history of America when we faced a greater menace than we do today. World War III, Russian style, is here and already is :r advanced. The chips are down and we are far from winning. In fact, the conques73 of the enemy today constitute our FINAL WARNING. Most of us here are familiar with military nomenclature - G-l, -G-2, and so on. For those of you who are not, G-2 is the designation of Intelligence - G-3 Plans and Training (or Operations).. Because the greatest need today is fire-; to understand adequately the challenge of communism which confronts us, and secondly to plan intelligently to meet it, I shall delve into the realms of the: two classifications in making this. estimate. A G-2 analyst submerges himself into the character of the enemy - ender v-ors to think as ke would and in line with his objectives looks through his eyes to determine his courses of action in order beat to counteract them. Let us therefore consider, unpleasant as it may be, that we are now S=-rviet leaders and I speak to you as a master of the Kremlin, giving you a briefing to determine our future Soviet strategy for conquest. I realize fully the tremendous barrier it is necessary to break down before you, as loyal Americans, can be brought to imagine yourselves in the pos_ion of communists. This barrier is traditional, and lifelong, and even to attempt r, glee through the t , ask you, j loplf'@Ke rc e?OOt261Wa s'i% oP80 el~LS' 1as00 0002700 s7 w ile endeavor to act as the official spokesman for the Kremlin. Let me show you why, if I were a Soviet Stalinite today, I would b< proud. The growth of the Russian Empire has been the most gigantic of any nation in t:1.7v history. This tremendous expansion is graphically illustrated on the ac..omp=r-ring charts. 1. The small red spot indicates the little barbaric barony of the Fourteenth Century, from which Russia has fought its way to world power. 2K By 1500 this was Russia. . . before taking over the vastness of 3. In 1939, Russia had grown until it encompassed 8 million square miles and had a population of 170 million people. 4. Today Russia's vast Communist Empire covers 13 million square mi..+s, with a staggering population of 800 millions! 37 out of every 100 people are ~.3day within Communist domination. No king or emperor or dictator ever rules suprer:f over so great a domain. Still in the character of the Soviet enemy, permit me to point out tc You Russia's objectives, our weapons, our courses of action. Like Hitler in Mein K-:mpf, Stalin, Marx and Lenin have clearly stated our objectives for all to see. Our Communist Manifesto, the textbook of the party, sums up the over-l1 objective of communism as "abolition of private property . . . abolition cf in- dividuality and freedom of the bourgeois." Our communist leaders openly advocate the use of violence as necessa . to overthrow existing social conditions. The records shows that at least 14 times Lenin and Stalin have written that the transformation of society to a prol,~itar3,-l dictatorship condones the use of force and violence - - as they continue to euip1rsize our basic axiom. . . "The end justifies any means." Power, the consolidated and invincible power of the dictator, is the end objective of all communist theory and practice, All executive, legislative and judicial power is confined to 13 men in the Communist Party -- the Poltburc_ Our power is not based on any constitution. Constitutions and treaties are but tools of convenience and propaganda. Enslavement and domination of the minds and hearts of men all over the world is necessary to achieve our goals, Stalin has said: - "Our revolution is } world revolution -- the final victory is possible only on an international scal. -- and Stalin quotes Lenin as follows" "It is inconceivable that the Soviet Repub'.'tc should continue to exist for a long period side by side with imperialist states:. Ultimately one or the other must conquer. Meanwhile a number of terrible clashtuf: between the Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states is inevitable". Stalin A proved For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003000270077-0 comments furthe - Clear, one would think" -- and it certainly is, - 3 - Approvd,For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80W 731 R003000270077-0 What are our Soviet weapons? Revolution, fifth columns, assass.nati_p. propaganda, purges, satellite wars, plus military and atomic weapons as threats Our main weapon is an IDEA -- no bayonet can ever stop an idea. The complacent West does not endeavor to sell its ideas, but contents itself with feeding empty stomachs. This is expensive and the effect of a square meal is l_st overnight. An idea is long lasting and it costs little to plant it. Our program of promises (which we never fulfill) is more appealing than their handout. Moreover until free enterprise is presented in a way that will capture the imagination of the masses, it can never cope with the impact of communism. Our propaganda commands more thought and effort than does our armamer. We spent $540,000,ooo last year on broadcasts, news services, films, financing agitators -- $48,00o,000 more to train propagandists; $40,000,000 for book:y anc. pamphlets, We spend ten times more than the stupid, apathetic, wishful-thinkir.?v United States. We train one hundred times more personnel to sell our idea that ,he United States trains to counter our efforts in any way. We Russians have deep pride in our political warfare colleges, the or_.~.r colleges in the world where psychological warfare has been reduced to science. Lenin University, Eastern and Western Universities, The Academy of Red Professcrf; train master strategists in propaganda and agiation, specializing for assignmer;t to individual countries. In addition we have special schools for radio corm. unicPation and political police. New training colleges have been opened in both as,teJlite and non-communist countries, with a number of important ones in the United Statec. You would think that the very existence of these political warfare colleges would signal our broad design and intent, namely, to wage persistent warfare on the political front, to bring the people of all nations under the rule of Stalinism. The thousands of graduates of these war colleges which we are turning loose on the world each year are of more value to our cause than even the 17:ussiv- military. And the thought has never occurred to the dull minds of the leaders :).'- the United States to establish a counterattack through creating similar collegeq. Our Fifth Columns are on hand worldwide to exploit trouble and grab power where opportunity offers. We communists grabbed Eastern Europe with 150 million people and strong industries through this method. Assassination is another good weapon. It worked effectively in Iran, Pakistan and Jordan, and a radical Puerto Rican almost got the President of the United States. Shooting war has its place -- either guerilla or civil war. China wa: taken in civilA WbveeuP6~k 'el ' 2bb2 TU/l ~t$A'- D ' T ( 366oifo6 -(Pwy Indo-China e.nd Malaya. Korea ties up more Western forces and not a single one of 10 p- t~ - p our Russianp`piaier nrasebeene 2ommitt/ed yetA-RVas conquests o002peoples raw material and industries are brought into our new empire at small cost. Now let us analyze our course of action. Deceit and surprise :.;o hari in hand. Stalin once stated, as quoted by Leon Trotsky, - "Prepare for blows against the enemy in such a manner that he does not suspect how these blows Pura going to be delivered; then to annihilate him in a manner he least expects is he greatest pleasure a Bolshevik can have, After such an accomplishment, he car ;;o to bed and have a real good sleep'? . We lull our enemies to sleep before we attack. This is the purpose if the "peace" campaigns in which through diplomatic maneuvers, our victimn are ed to believe and think of nothing but peace - while we sharpen our dagger to stab their backs. Witness the recent poll in France which proves that most French people believe that the Soviet Union stands for peace while the impatient, aggressive, imperialistic trigger-happy United States seeks world dominion thrrugh the violence of war. That one took a bit of selling, but the largest politica_ party there is dominated by us. We Soviets expected that after we violated all our major pledges the agreements of Yalta; Teheran and Potsdam would be completely invalidated by th Western powers This did not occur. Ovur psychological propaganda program wai; probably responsible. Our purges have been effective in keeping control in the homeland. Many have heard of the Katyn Wood murders but few have heard of the 35,000 Russian officers who were purged in the 1936-38 period. It had to be done to control c.ir military. de prevented news of the farmers revolt famine reaching the outside world It cost us the lives of fifteen million independent farmers but we war determined to ;o through with our collectivism plans. To promote communism we are compelled to destroy men. As high as six'.y or seventy percent of slave populations sometimes have to be liquidated or sett to concentration camps. If the people of the United States realized that millions of them will be assassinated or sent to concentration camps and their wea:th ane, natural resources destroyed, and religion, labor unions and education controlled if they came under our rule; they might lose more of their apathy and lethargy. Our first step in subjugating a country to our rule is to send in specialists in propaganda, agitation and organization. This Fifth Column under mines the government and hands it over to us. Next we destroy leadership. In Poland, 95% of the people hate as, but we destroyed their leaders and they have no one to follow. We have developed a force of 50,000 communists in the United States 3nd ten times as many fellow travelers. Gullible and simple minded Americans help Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003000270077-0 finance them and aid our progress. 5- The . fpt@ ~fV:%PeJ%a OR%0//q No one ever won a fight by blocking. As in boxing we throw our opponent off guarl by feinting -- accuse him of all sorts of things -- to gain advantages as h status in confusion. The United States is dangerous in a military war - the only kind 3f a war they understand. What makes as invincible is that we have engaged this en