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Approved For Release 2003/04/1ORl1 ?1731ROO2700030031-0 uo (~e 25X1 TOP SECRET 20 May 1948 Mr. Oechsner, State, concerning agenda for meeting to be held on Friday 28 May; also mentioned that the Coordinating Staff would be asked to attend meeting. Executive for I&S concerning application from information supplied by OSO. mentioned background 25X1 Executive for A &M and Executive for I&S concerning quantity of letters being signed by Director -- which should be signed by Executive Director. 25X1 Generall concerning discussion with General Gruenther, Col. and Brigadier Price (Secretary of the British Mission) in connection with paper being considered by SANACC and NSC (SANACC 395) 25X1 Col. 25X1 25X1 c/o Army Navy Club--to express regrets to 25X1 Major 0 concerning recommended by General Vandenberg's brother. (Executive Director will see him if the DD is out of city.) Conferred with Senator Ecton.(Montana), Bin 304 Senate Office Building, concerning CIA. Also furnished background information, as requested, 25X1 on Major SS. Approved For Release 20 2 sCITPIF OR01 731 R002700030031 -0 2TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/ IA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 27 May 194 Mr. Robert Blum, OSD, concerning security oath for signature -- does not feel he can sign because of statement "I am an employee.." Deputy Director took him to SO for further interview. Admiral Souers, NSC, reference communication intelligence paper (ER 9660). Congressman Wadsworth arranged for Deputy Director to interview 25X1 Col. 0 concerning ORE requests for representation at two conferences. Both disapproved. 25X1 Mr. 25X1 25X1 meeting on Friday. (Meeting later cancelled; rescheduled for 2 June. reference SANACC 395. also added that had been informed by Mr. Geo. Allen, Asst. Secy of State for Public Affairs, that Mr. Allen Dulles is to head the Approved For Release 2003~~~1, OR01731R002700030031-0 ~I UP2 n.. 5X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/ . CCj0201731R002700030031- TOP SECRET 28 May 1948 General Bolling, Acting Director of Intel, GS, USA, x 72577, concerning representation by ID on ICAPS. Stated he would immediately initiate action. Cola ominated; reporting Tues, 1 June. Generall Joint Staff, JCS, x 6830, concerning meeting of JCS on 27 May to consider paper on "Director of Special Studies"--- stated they had deferred action. Also advised that he had talked with Mr. Blum of OSD re ding paper; and understood Mr. Forrestal was meeting with Mr. and Mr. Dulles this noon. Stated that various agencies were interpreting his letter of dismissal as a "loyalty" case; that his wife had discussed his case with the Evening Star, with Drew Pearson, etc. He stated he had only taken it up with the American Legion. It was suggested he present, in a letter to the DCI, his request for clarification of dismissal charge. In this connection, Mr. McCormick, Chief of Investigation for the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, called the Deputy Director, stated that Mr. 0 had referred his case to their Committee, and asked for statement of CIA position. Deputy Director referred to the NSC Act of 1947 (Public Law 253) which defines the authority and responsibility of the DCI; advised that the subject case had been reviewed most carefully by all concerned and that there was no doubt of justification of charges and dismissal. Mr. McCormick seemed quite satisfied at conclusion of discussion. Exec for A&M and Exec for I&S reference proposed high-level liaison between I&S and agencies. Deputy Director stated this should be handled thru ICAPS and that the difficulties will be resolved with,the appointment of ID, Army, representative. I reference Appointment scheduled 25X1 25X1 25X1 For , Wednesday, 2 June. Call9di reference item-which actually was handled through channels but about which there might have been some misunderstanding. Mr. ICAPS, reference paper on "Director of Special Studies". For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 TP ST Approved For Release 2003/0 : c iF- 1 0R 801731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 28 May 1948-2 25X1 Col. reference ORE query concerning representation on ECA China Approved For Release 2003/": Stt"01731ROO2700030031-0 S : r~+ 3 25X1 Approved For Release 20031g R01731R0027000300 1-0 TOP SECRET 1 June 1945 Col. Babbitt, ORE, requested permission for to attend Staff Conference. Later, they discussed with the Deputy Director subject of CIA representation on ECA China Mission. Weekly Staff Conference. Mr. Transportation, request for compartment 8 AM (EST) 8 June, To New York; also reservation at Roosevelt Hotel, 8 June. Dr. OCD, advised a ng, extension is located in Rm. 151, South 00, reference distributioni to Mr. Charles D. Woo of Deseret News. Distribution will be made to their Washington Bureau. (Senator Thomas is being so advised.), Conferred with General Bradley. reference currency values for Netherlands and Luxembourg. Memo will be submitted. delivered memo concerning CIA participation in NSC-4 Program. Also requested pictures for the Working Staff State Department office. Deputy Director advised him he could obtain maps from ORE. Col. Galloway reference Deputy Director's itinerary 25X1 25X1 General Sibert, I reference 00 reports which the 25X1 Air Force and Army claim they have not received during the past month. I Iwas requested to contact Mr. Kirkpatrick, determine those reports which were not distributed, and to forward reports to Air Force and Army, each with an appropriate note. In the meantime until Army and Air Force representation on Reading Panel is actively functioning, distribution should be made on all reports to the two ARO R ' 2?O3/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 n, P Z22- T OP SECS ET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 1. June 194$ - Captain ExDir, concerning report being submitted by Reference telephone call of Mr. Robert Blum regarding security regulations and secrecy agreement which he does not wish to sign because of the clause indicating he "is an employee". However, Messrs. will be able to sign agreement because technically they are on CIA payroll. 0 Lunched in office with Director, Captain and Col. Galloway. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 OP SEC L1 25X1 25X1 TOP Approved For Release 2003/04/22: ?99- ;SOR01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 2 June 1948 Wi.h Director and Executive Director. General Jas. Moore, Secretary, General Staff, USA, reference item in State Department Daily Staff Summary -- particular item had been discussed 1 June with General Bradley. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference request for CIA representative Reference ORE requests for representation on various MA conferences, etc. Deputy Director stated that as a rule the Chief of Mission in particular area will attend. Reference NSC Staff meeting -- briefing by Col. and/or Mr. Montague. Mr. Carey, 00, reference address of Washington Bureau, The Deseret News. Telegram sent to Mr. Charles Wood, Ogden Bureau, Deseret News, Ogden Utah, requesting address of Washington Bureau to be used ih forwarding reports. I Sweet Briar 6ollege, Sweet Briar, Va (I 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The Plains, Va.) applicant. To be assigned to Scientific Intelligence Branch, ORE, about 1 September. Col. Shannon advised. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference Sunshine project -- interest of SPG/OSO in Project. Reference anticipated resignation of Mr. 0 for purpose of continuing sphool work. Captain Ford reference recent I I article. Reference Commander aris. Reference request of Mr. o go to Turkey via Balkans, with family, travelling via American Express. Deputy Director stated he had previously discussed request with Exec I&S and that inasmuch as subject was travelling on own time, he did not feel we could interpose any objection. However, subject should be thoroughly briefed not to mention his connection with this Agency. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/ 4 : "--TR01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 2 June 1945 - 2 Brig. Gen. Walter R. Agee, Acting for Gen. Cabell, AF, reference Deputy Director's trip to Europe. 25X1 25X1 25X1 until Monday, 7 June. advised he could be reached at the following address 25X1 Mr. [:::4nquired if any action had been taken on his proposed plan as su mitted to the Deputy Director 25 May. 0 Lunched at Army Navy Club with Director, Col. Galloway and Capt. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: Cl A- R01 731 R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22CIA-8K1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 3 June 19/f8 25X1 General Todd, Joint Staff, JCS, reference paper prepared by Mr. Blum, ?, as result of informal discussion between SecForrestal, 25X1 and Mr. Dulles (22657), "Establishment of Special Services Unit in CIA", which paper is to be discussed at NSC meeting today. Gen. Todd will discuss with Gen. Gruenther. (Copy of draft paper delivered to Gen.Todd.) (See memo attached.) General Vandenberg, C/S, USAF, reference above paper. Col. Galloway delivered copy draft paper to him for use in discussing subject with Secretary Symington. General Agee, deputy to General Cabell, USAF, reference message to be sent to Gen. LeMay, USAFE, regarding Deputy Director's visit in Europe and assistance in obtaining transportation. bunched in office. and Col. Galloway reference Fort Meade project -- communica- tion facilities. reference State Department request for loan of Mr. ORE, for particular mission. 25X1 Captain OSO, concerning lecture by Gen. Donovan at National War College; will submit brief. General Sibert to pay respects. 25X1 Mr. Lay, NSC, concerning SANACC-SSE guidance on paper covering psychological warfare. He stated the NSC felt they were not in position to direct SANACC-SSE to do anything and therefore were making no suggestions. Guidance would have to come from SANACC. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 -T D5 f jT1R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 TORIE(FRE771 R002700030031 -0 TOP SECRET 4 June 1948 With Director and Executive Director reference proposed paper on "Establishment of Office of Special Services in CIA". (Copy of draft paper delivered to Gen. Todd, JCS, for use in discussion with Gen. Gruenther.) Col. Wolfinbarger, National War College, reference item appearing in New York Times concerning probable desertion of large numbers of Russian troops in Germany; (utilization of.) 0 Col. reference State Department request for loan of was requested to check to determine by whom rec?uest had been made and with whom it had been discussed. DCI knew nothing about it and such request had not cleared thru DD's office. Official luncheon: North Lounge--Carlton Hotel: Director Assistant Director for Special Operations Deputy Director Executive Director Mr. Captain A Mr. Heard of N. Y. Times advised he had received message from his N.Y. office to the effect that the Czech Government is going to try and probably execute 50 people because they have been engaging in espionage work for Americans (mentioning specifically CIC). Mr. informed him that CIC was under the Army; that we knew nothing about thefreport and had no comment. Duty Officer advised. 5X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0ZCIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04N2QPCIII I P8 1731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 7 June 1948 General Todd, Joint Staff, JCS, reference conversation with Col. Wolfinbarger, National War College, regarding the proposed plan to utilize certain foreign personnel, in case of war in a particu" lar area, for occupational functions. It had been mentioned to General. Bradley. Gen. Todd stated that plan had been discussed by JCS but that he would contact Col. Wolfinberger for further discussion. Reference SANACC; General Todd stated that the NSC had subject under discussion. Discussed the proposed paper on office of Special Services in CIA, particularly concerning membership on the suggested Operations Advisory Committee -- State Department membership as opposed to JCS membership, etc. (Copy of most recent draft paper delivered byl to General Todd.) General Todd stated he would advise the Director if General Gruenther had any suggestions. Captain 0 and Col. Babbitt reference intelligence request on CIA As a result, a member of policy regarding future intelligence requests on CIA was forwarded by Gen. Gruenther thru Col. I (requests will not be made of the departments in addition to the request on CIA, which request will be in writing.) They had requested an "independent" estimate of CIA and in addition had requested information from the departments. Mr. Jean (Arch K), State Department, Division of Personnel, reference his letter requesting Mr. ORE, be made available as political advisor on a Commission formed to consider the Pakistan trouble. (Commission is headed by Mr. J. Klahr Huddle). Col. Babbitt, ORE, advised that Mr. 0 will continue on CIA payroll but that State Department will pay travel and per diem. 00, queried date of assignment of Col. as his epu y; assignment will not be made until Col. returns from trip. During absence latter part of June, Mr. Kirkpatrick will assist Col. as deputy. Mr. Blum, OSD, advised Director that 111r.O o l.d arrive tomorrow and that Mr. Dulles would arrive next week to be here for two weeks. (This in connection with the Survey Group.) Approved For Release 2003/04/22 TO D E 7T1R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/041QCIA nU1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 7 June 1948 - 2 Mr. SO, concerning organizational chart of I ctivities. Requested to furnish copy of charts to the DCI. 25X1 25X1 SPG/OSO, reference Mr contacting DD in New York on Wednesday if there is anything Mr. desires DD to handle for him-or to be informed of prior to departure. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20$ 3d 22 5E1f 80R01 731 R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 20034/22 : 5ERDPSOR01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 8 June 1948 Departed Washington on Pennsylvania Railroad 1030 hours, arrived New York 1430. Stayed overnight Century Hotel, New York. 9 June 1948 Departed New York for Southampton on Queen Mary at 1130 hours. 10-11-12-l3- June _I J48 En route New York to Southampton. Arrived Southampton 1830 hours 14 June and drove to London, arriving 2200 hours. Lodged in Connaught Hotel. 301731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/0fJp CIS ,JDE Approved For Release-2Q9I0l&1IDP80R01731R002700030031-0 June 14th 1948 1. Sidney chalet (sp?) called General Wright. When he was told General Wright was out of town, he asked to speak with DCI. Call was transferred. June 15th 1. Mr. Blum called General Wright. WCF took the call. Mr. Blum stated that Secretary Forrestal had received a letter from who headed some groups in the U.S. Mr. 0 offered their services to the Secretary or e ense. Mr. Blum asked if we were interested in this man and his groups. WCF passed this man's name and address with the above info. to SO, 00 and I&S and asked S0. and 00 if they were 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. Mr. 0 called and wished to speak to General Wright or Miss 25X1 He stated he was very interested in a memo he had sent DD on 12 May 194.: He stated he would come up and see Mr. 0 about it. I told him I would 25X1 check with Mr. Ofirst and see if he knew anything about the memo. Ray stated he thought it was re employment and he did not care to meddle, so I called Mr. 0 back, told him Mr. was not familiar with the memo, 25X1 and would he please call Miss on July 13th or 14th, when she would be back in the office. (Later I I called & talked with Capt 0 and was informed that his report had been read but that it embodied no new ideas--that 25X1 the subject had been under consideration for quite some time.) June 16th 1. Col. called General Wright. Stated it was personal call - no one else could help him. June 2 th 1. Miss ame to the office and stated that General Paul had sent er here to see eneral Wright - his secretary had made the appointment one hour previous. On talks with her, it is thought possible that the secretary just gave Miss T1 the address of this office, for no telephone call was received from Gen. Paul's office. She stated she was trying to get some word of her fiancee. 'WCF and Col. 0 were in meetings, so she was referred to Mr. 0 who later stated he was not able to get the information she was requesting. TOP _ SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04OpCIMC1b1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 1 June 1948 0900-1030: Briefed by II on local situation and plans for visit. 1045-1230: To Broadway with Conference with with particular regard to organizational problems in both SI services. Initiated talks on SO matters. 1300-1500: Lunch with 1530-1700: Inspected various branches of Approved For Release 2003/04122 CISECRET 01731ROO2700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/0~4g2 : 5 - 01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 16 June 1948 0900-1100: 1130-1300: Visited I kor 25X1 discussion basic intelligence matters. 1330-1500: Lunch with 1530-1600: Called on Ambassador operational matters 1630-1700; Continued inspection office and di cuzsed 25X1 operational matters with 25X1 Called to visit but found he had departed for Paris for conference with Mr. Harriman. 1830-2030: Cocktail party given by at his home. Most of his staff present with wives and guests included bulk of 0 staff. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003104/ 2 : SCIA- BET R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/2TQPA-R11731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 17 June 1 0900-1000: Study of cables, etc., in office. 25X1 1000-1100: Visited MA's office to find away 25X1 and General not 25X1 yet arrived. Short visit with Assistant MA's and MA's for Air. 1130-1300: With I for visit and discussion mutual problems 0 1500-1600: With to office of NA for visit. 1830-2030: Cocktail party by t Dorchester Hotel for 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/047Q!CII$l i MI1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 18 June 1948 Departed London on Golden Arrow at 1030 hours, arriving Paris 1830 hours. Met at Gare du Nord by Lodged at Apartment in the 1 :1 25X1 Approved For Release 200T, 2 (-R OR01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/IO IA-S T731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 19 June 1948 0930-1130: Orientation of situation with in his office. 25X1 1130-1230: Conference with Captain Naval Attache. 25XI Approved For Release 2003fOf : ~ IE -RD fJRO1731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/TDPIA,iE TOP SECRET 20 June 1948 -- SUNDAY 21 June 1948 0930-1030: Discussion with staff and review of operations. 1030-1100: Conference with Ambassador Caffery. 1100-1230:. 1230-1300: 1500-1530: Discussions with as to latter's du es withi 1530-1600: Brief talks with Mr. 1630-1700: Conference with General 25X1 MI 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20 Q,3d4[22stt;j 180R01 731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/011921: CA 101731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 22 June 1948 Departed Paris by car at 1000 hours, arriving Brussels 1700. Lodged at Astoria Hotel. 2030-2330: Dinner with Approved For Release 200 2 : IQjOR01731ROO2700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003TQ4125:k1M-RIIP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 23 3 e74: 0915-1015: 1030-1100: 1115-1200: 1300-1530: Conference with Ambassador Kirk. Conference with MA and staff. Luncheon,conference given by F 1600-1700: Inspection of office operation. 1830-1930: 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20 #y-22SF 80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 20f:0p22SE 80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 24 June 1948 Departed Brussels by car at 0930, arriving at The Hague, Holland 1230. Lodged at Hotel Kasteel Oud Wassenaur. 1300-1400: Lunch id th 25X1 1400-1500: Orientation on local situation. 1500-1730: Conference with ] at his home. 25X1 2000-2400: Dinner with and his 25X1 staff at country inn. Approved For Release 2003/04//22: C ioP Pr8pR01731R002700030031-0 t l Approved For Release 2003/04/1091AS PQETl731ROO27OOO3OO31-0 TOP SECRET 25 June 1948 0900-1000: Inspection of office administration. 1000-1030: Conference with Counselor of Embassy Brousal on his position 1 -1 1045-1115: Conference with Ambassador Baruch. 1200-1300: Conference with Prime Minister (Dr.) Beel as arranged by Colonel 1500-1600: Conference with Colonel 1630: Departed The Hague for Brussels by car, arriving Brussels 1945. Lodged at Astoria Hotel. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/Ot +j CSM"01731ROO2700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/140?: c iRI R01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 26 June 1945 Departed Brussels bar car at 0930, arriving Luxembourg 1700. Lodged at Brasseur Hotel. Approved For Release 20012 ?ftgrf OR01 731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/TIGR : c-E 8TRO1731 ROO27OOO3OO31-0 TOP SECRET 27 June 1948 Departed Luxembourg by car at 0930, arriving 1700-1900: 1630. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/Gu CO1731 R002700030031, 0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 0P SECRET Approved For Release 2003/14122: CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 0 June 1948 0730: By car from Heidelberg to Rhine/Mainz Airport. 1130: Departed by plane for Berlin, arriving Templehof Airport 1430. 1500-1800: 1900: 2100-2400: political group assembled by 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0f& C O1731R002700030031-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/O4T PCI1 QFa01731ROO27OOO3OO31-0 TOP SECRET 2 July 1948 O830-1100: Office conference at 1200: Lunch at Templehof Airport with others. Headquarters. 25X1 1230: land two 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 21OP4/ E?R P8OROl731ROO27OOO3OO31-0 Approved For Release 2003/04122: 4-MIR01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 3-4-5 JULY 1948 Heidelberg to Berchtesgaden on July 3rd, returning Heidelberg 1800 July 5. Approved For Release 200 RO1731ROO27OOO3OO31-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/1ORI Rc1jT1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 6 July 1948 Departed Heidelberg by car 0900 for Rhine/Mainz Airport. Departed Rhine/)kinz Airport by plane at 1030, arriving Munich 1230. Departed Munich by plane at 1400, arriving Tullu Airport, Vienna at 1630. Arrived Vienna 1715, Lodged in Bristol Hotel. 1800-2000: Cocktail party at home of 25X1 I members of Theatre Commander's s a . 2030-2200: Dinner with General Frederick, American Sector Commander. Approved For Release 20 22$Ft ir0R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/01Q0: CI$ TOP SECRET 7 Ju 19,4$ 0900-1000: Conferences with 1000-1030: 1030-1100: 101731 R002700030031 -0 bonference with Colonel Bixell, USAFA G-2. 1100-1130: Conference with Lt. General Keyes, Theatre Commander. 1130-1200: Conference with General Balmer and General Hickey t Deputy to General Keyes. 1200-1300: Inspection of office administration. 1315: Departed Vienna by car for Tullu Airport. 1430: Departed Tullu Airport by plane for Rhine/Mainz Airport, arriving 1745. By car to Heidelberg. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200 luf 2 : 0R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/041ft1fp1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 8 July 1948 Departed Heidelberg by car at 0900 for Karlsruhe for brief Departed Karlsruhe by car at 1100 for Basle, arriving Basle at 1500. 25X1 1500-1600: Lunch with 1600: Departed Basle by car for Berne, arriving 1730. Lodged in Bellevue Hotel. 1830-2000: Cocktail party given by 2000-2230: Operational discussions with Kronthal at Bellevue Hotel. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/ TOP 04/22: C SEMIR01 Approved For Release 20010p22 SEI? E 80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 9 Ju73* 1248 0915-1000 1000-1100: Conference with and staff. 1100-1230: Inspection of office administration. 1300-1500: Luncheon with connections with Mr. 1800-2000: 2100-2300: American Minister, Cocktail party at home of 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 HKI Approved For Release 2003 : ~DP8aR01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/0410PIAT'1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 10 LIZ -1-9-4-8 0930-1130: 1330--1800: Visit to Interlocken. Approved For Release 200TUP2 ~tTOROl73lROO27OOO3OO3lO TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 11. July 194& Sunday. Drove to Geneva and Lausanne wit Lunch in Geneva. Returned 1900 to Berne. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0 CIS ff ftr1731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/010p CSMVF01731ROO2700030031-0 L. I TOP SECRET 12 July 1948 0830: Departed Berne by car for Milan via St. Gotthard Pass, arriving Milan 1800. Lodged at Principe Savoia Hotel. Approved For Release 2003/OTADP ClS R Qi O1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04122: 2 TOP SECRET 13 July 1948 0900: TRO1 731 R002700030031 -0 Departed Milan by car for Florence via Bologna. Arrived Florence 1800 hours. Lodged at Excelsior Hotel. Approved For Release 2003/04 fop , P 1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/IQ2 : OSA RO1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 14 July 1%8 0900-1100: Discussions with local personalities. Meetings closed because of probability of rioting in connection with shooting of Togliatti. 1200-1700: Witnessed rioting in Florence by Communist groups and police and public reaction. Approved For Release 2003104 *jr-l 1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003TQP2 : S TOR01731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 15 Jul~ 1948 Had planned to drive to Rome but re sined in Florence at the suggestion and implied request of chiefs who feared embarrassment of possi le commun s activity along the road. Witnessed further strike activities and the effect of communist pressure on all activities in Florence. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22TR SMT 1R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/041:GfCILR"U01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 16 July 1948 Departed Florence 1100 hours by car for Rome. Car preceded by civilian car containing three security police in civilian clothes. Arrived Rome 1700 hours and lodged at Excelsior Hotel. 1900-2200: Dinner with 25X1 home of ]at 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04L2O-CI p 1731 8002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/2TOPA- T731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 17 July 1948 0900-1000: Orientation conferences with 1000-1030: Conference with Naval Attache. (Rome) 25X1 1030-1115: Conference with Counselor of Embassy Byington in absence of Ambassador Dunn. 1130-1230: Conference with Air Attache. 1300-1500: Lunch with 1600-1700: Conference at home of 1715-1830: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2000-2400: 0 Approved For Release 2003/04/TOPA-J L 1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/01PCISKF8EA01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 18 July 191.8 0900-1030: 1030-1130: 1145-1230: 1300: Conference with Colonel Departed by special plane from Rome Airport for Rhine/Mainz Airport via Cannes -- Rhone Valley. Arrived Rhine/Mainz at 1800. By car to Heidelberg. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : O.D (4 4371 R002700030031-0 PA,~ 7318002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22T :Q TOP SECRET 19 July. 1948 0900-1000: 1000-1100: 1100-1130: 1145-1230: 1400: 1500-1800: Conference with Conference with General Huebner and General McGruder. Conference with General Pritchard. By car to D Approved For Release 2003/010?CIA$I _ (_ 1731 R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/tO? CMU01731ROO27OOO3OO31-0 TOP SECRET 20 July 19A8- 0830-1030: Conferences with 25X1 1100: By car to Heidelberg. 1300: Lunch with members EUCOM staff at Heidelberg. 1430-1630: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003 (p : gtfflf R01 731 R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 2003/0OP C 01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 21 July 1948 0900: Departed by car for Paris, via Verdun. Arrived Paris 1830. Approved For Release 2003/": cSM01731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 20OT 2 %. (,gET80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 22J1y 1`%8 0900-1030: 1030-1050: 1100-1120: 1130-1200: 1400-1700: Conference with Mr. Harriman. Conference with Mr. David Bruce. Approved For Release 2003/0t/p Cff01731R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04A2OPCIA A, TOP SECRET 2,4 July 1948 25X1 0930-1030: 25X1 1230-1430: Lunch with 1500: Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 25X1 TOPFPFT Approved For Release 2003/OJOPCl E I EI 01731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25 July 1945 Departed 1200 from Paris on The Golden Arrow for London, arriving London 1900. Approved For Release &22 : E8rROl73lROO27OOO3OO3lO UP .K Approved For Release 2003/04/2y4-T731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 26 July 194a 0900-1000: 25X1 1000-1130: Conference with General 25X1 1400-1600: Discussions with 25X1 1630-1730: Conference with Naval Attache. 1745-1830: 23*1 1930-2200: Dinner at home of Commander 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 C TOP 201201731 Approved For Release 2003/04/2 Q A-R'?P OT731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 27 July 194 0900-1000: Office conferences. 1000-1200: Conference with General John Leonard and General Power, new MA and MA/A, respectively. 11+00-1500: Conference with Mr. hotel. at Dorchester 25X1 1530-1730: Office conferences. 1930-2230: Dinner with General at Dorchester. in private room 25X1 Approved For Release 2001?(f : ~'E!.A-MffR01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 200311D R: C K 1------------------- - TOP SECRET - 28 July 1948 0960-1000: Office conferences. 1000-1200: Conferences with General Lyman Lemnitzer and his planning staff. 1300: To Newton and Winchester. Approved For Release 2003/ : StCRE I R01731 R002700030031-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 200340p: C%- TRO1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 30July1h$8 0900-11.30: 1200-1300: Lunch with 1315: Departed London by car for Southampton, arriving 1530. 1800: Departed from Southampton on Queen Elizabeth for New York via Cherbourg. Approved For Release 2003/04/~PA--F( I OTI731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 IA-RUM-1T31R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 31 duly 4 August 191+$ En route Southampton to New York, arriving New York 1730 hours 4 August. 1930: By train to Washington. 2X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80 1731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For ReleaOc3/cttCjtRDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 25X1 July 1 25X1 I called General Wright and 25X1 then spoke with Capt. Stated that Col. 0 had suggested he call Gen. Wright. Was extremely haughty and stated he might be able 25X1 to drop in and see Capt. Oche next time he was in Washington, but in the meantime for 30F to read his book 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 My 6 Dr.Ocalled re photographs requested by you for stated they were ready. Took information and gave to Jean. Ray called him and handled matter. coil (phonetic spelling) called Gen. Wright (personal). Stated he was in from Camp Lee, and wondered if he (Gen. W) was in immediate vicinity, could he reach him at his quarters, etc. Just told him he was out of the city and would be back t~ f week in August. Ung -- Called back later and asked for his address. Told him to send it to 2430 E Ste and it would be forwarded to Gen. W. 25X1 25X1 25X1 * Admiral Isquith called DCI 23 JulY concernin had been interviewed but suggested that DCI also see as he felt might have some information of interest to pass to DCI. DCI however was not available that day but word was passe d to Mr. 0 that the DCI would be happy to hear from him on his next trip to DC. On 26 July Mr. Carey furnished a report of interview between and [and indicated reason for non-dissemination of (Art e e attached for reference) TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Iarticle. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 NOT 5A;%ooi1 For Release 2003/04I PCI CRE101731R002700030031-0 By letter dated 29 June addressed to Civil Service Commission, the DCI directed that loyalty investigations may be delivered directly to the DD, ED, or Exec for I&S in the absence of the DCI. On 12 July, I&S submitted a report covering the Inspection of Reproduction Division, Services Branch, A&M-operations in the Washington area. Report was noted by Captain nd forwarded to Exec for A&M for any desired action. (ER 0326 . The ORE Weekly presentation has been scheduled permanently for 2:30 p.m. each Wednesday. (June 28) Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 SECRET NOT oPW f*/22 : TI9 RDP8M 1RO02700030031-0 25X1 13 July: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr ttended a meeting in connection with Reunion of 1` my Group. Present: Mfr, 25X1 Anniversary is 21 Oct r date or reunion was scheduled for 22 October because the 22nd is a Friday and it wss believed attendance would be greater due to the week end; met out-of- town people could not attend on a Thursday whereas it would be possible to attend on a Friday. It was agreed that the reunion should be held at the Aray-Navy Club, if time and space available. 14 July 22 July: By letter (ER 0453) DCI advised Col. Edward Barber, USAF, Deputy Commandant, The Air University, Air War College, Maxwell fslg Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala., that he expected to be out of the country and that he would be glad to have the Deputy Director speak to them on 25 October on Organization and Mission of CIA. 23 July: Mr Sherwin, Senator Robertson's Office (Wyoming) called; asked if appoint- ment could be arranged to interview two young ladies from his office being released from his office due to reduction in force 25X1 I I Personnel will interview them at 3 pm today. 26 July: 0 called to say that they had received only one co each of ORE 19-/+8; ORE 26-48, and ORE 30-48; that it was understanding that they would receive 8 copies each. Mr I I checked with Dr. 0 who in turn stated 25X1 that the DD had authorized the 8 copies, and that it obviously had been an oversight within OCD when these documents had been forwarded. He would immediately forward seven additional copies each tol called and requested that General Wright intervie 25X1 Appointment scheduled for 11 A.M. 9 August. 28 July: New York, called. Stated that he would prefer to talk with General Wright and it was suggested that he call again after 9 -Aug t, Approved For Release 2003/04/OIA-PF 1731R002700030031-0 4/22 .?RDP80R0173R 002700030031-0 NOTLVvTFIETE"TY- HECFOR : 28 July; Col. replaces Lt. 0 . X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Leave has been set upfor: Mr. Carey - 29 July to 9 August. Col. Galloway - 9 August to 20 August. Col. Babbitt - 9 August to 20 August. 2 August: 7-q to 0 d then referred to Personnel. (Mr= Iwas referred to us by Gen. Vandenberg (I 4 August: By ltr ER 0623 Major is designated Alternate Member, AirForce, on NIS Committee Basic Intel. Group). Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP8 R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 1 TOP Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RDR8URII?IR002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 5 August 1948 With Director and Executive Director reporting on trip. Discussed problem of administrative support of with ADSO. was requested to ensure that distribution be made of IN cable 49431, 4 August, from to State, Arm, Navy, Air Force, FBI and AEC. Discussed proposed reorganizational changes with Executive Director. Executive Director, Col. 1 00, and concerning accommodations for Reported that Ariry plans to use subject. Called Mr. DeLoach, FBI, to inquire if the Bureau had any objection to CIA offering temporary housing to subject; and he reported that the Bureau had no objection--that they would like any information we might be able to obtain. Contact Branch. Executive Director concerning study of Medical Intelligence; subd:ect to be conducted by Scientific Branch, ORE. 5X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003FV M R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031- TOP SECRET 6 August 1948 Requested I&S to prepare duplicate building pass for DD. 25X1 Mr. Contact Branch 00, reference case of 25X1 Subject was met and housed at War an Park. The Deputy Director asked Mr.lI to obtain a statement from State that they were responsible in bringing subject here and therefore their primary responsibility. It is believed Armor has an interest and will take over responsibility. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference dissemination by Air Force of material in Daily Summary; was requested to submit report on matter. 25X1 Miss ill report 5 September to Scientific Branch, ORE as P- ana st. Was interviewed by 25X1 recommended promotion of SPG. Deputy Director suggested that he ask Col. o bring the case to the DD's attention. concerning his book and article; also the fact that he might be interested in job. Director discussed NSC 10/2 with DD and possibility that Mr. Frank Wisner of State might head the unit. Also discussed with DD the case of Mr. findings in loyalty case; case to be considered by security board. Lunched with Director and Executive Director. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/()RIA- pi1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : flpDF002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 9 August 1945 Conferred with General Omar N. Bradley, Chief of Staff USA reference conversation with 25X1 Called Major White, Aide to General Vandenberg, concerning letter from I I and his desire to be assigned as aide/pilot to the General. Interviewed Mr. 25X1 D. C. - at suggestion of Generall I. Mr. interested 25X1 in job. Has been in banking business in Boston. Has application 25X1 on file and has been interviewed by Mr.II Personnel Br. 25X1 Deputy Asst. Dir, 00, reference I advised that ID is interviewing subject today and expects to make him an offer; State also wants to talk with subject. Inquired if it would be permissible to set up a meeting under ORE sponsorship at which time Navy and Air Force might interview subject. It was approved subject to certain restrictions to be imposed by OSO. Mr. I ras requested to contact Col. in this rega . 00 submitted report covering contact of and requesting reimbursement for this expense from special funds previously allocated for similar projects. 25X1 25X1 Lt. Col. Percy Lash, Jr , ID, USA, reference assignment and retention of Checked with Col.O 25X1 to determine if subject performing any atomic energy, liaison functions. Messrs. Captain Hoover Committee, concerning CIA organization. Approved For Release 2003/P: CE8%R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/299IA4P'80R0''1731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 10 August 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Mr? SO advised ion had been received FBI, that 25X1 will be in Washington for four days beginning September 10. He is presently in Ottawa. This information passed to the DCI. Mr. Gaucher, Office of Congressman Philbin, code 190 x 433, concerning applicant: in whom the Congressman is very much interested. ject presently on duty with Public Relations Office of Army as analyst-editor; interested in CAF-13 job. Has application on file. Congressman desires to know status. 0 (National Security Resources Board, concerning statement that had left a series of papers (3) with CIA- and was anxious to borrow them if available. Believed to be on subject of censorship. A check will be made to locate papers and then will be advised. 25X1 25X1 Mr. Frank Wisner, STATE, concerning NSC 10/2. Admiral Souers called to learn Mr. Wisner's reaction; was informed that it appeared to be favorable. Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/04/26P-R~ ~?1P1R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/2?'4-PWT731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 11 August 1948 0 25X1 '25X1 Reference discussion with Gen. Lemnitzer in London -- no intelligence representative on staff. Checked with I&S, Reference Center Library, ICAPS, Central Records reference series of papers reported to have been left by on British Censorship. No record of documents or Captain Dennison, Presidental Aide, reference quotation on page 3 of ORE 24-48, Checked with Chief, Far Eastern Branch, ORE, to learn source of material quoted. Had reference to terms of Potsdam Agree- ment and the Cairo Agreement but had been taken from unclassified State Department publication: Axis in Defeat. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Col. Edwards, Exec for I&S re guested to obtain information on for the House Un-American Activities ommittee---the information to be of administrative nature. Also information on (which was not used.) Captain Q and Col. Edwards reference transfer of security functions from OSO to I&S. Deputy Director desires to discuss transfer fully with individuals concerned before move is actually made. Meeting to be scheduled for Thursday, 12 August. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04tO .R l$E R i1731R002700030031-0 11 August 198 - 2 25X1 25X1 Col. Oceference case o being considered by 25X1 the Promotion Board. Depu* Director approved promotion. reference additional points to be discussed at September meetings. Mr. DeLoachr FBI--reference investigations, etc. DD handed him the lists of recent accessions of Hoover Library. Approved For Release 2003/y& C "01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22TO -R5E(0RR31R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 12 Auat 190 Conference: Captain Col. Edwards, Mr. and Mr. eference details of transfer of certain security and inspection functions from OSO to I&S. Later, Col. Edwards and Mr I Ireported results of further conference with . nd W. 00, requested ermission to obligate additional funds for maintainence of I land group until Monday, 16 August, at which time it is believed the Arnim will assume responsibility. Stated that was being interviewed by General Chamberlin, Gen. Wedemeyer and Qo /h n q , on Saturday but that this meeting was not intended 'to be an interrogation. Mr. W. Park Armstrong, State, requested representative from OSO attend a meeting in his office at 3 pm today; stated a situation in Sofia had arisen which might involve turning over material to CIA; that Army and Navy were nc* involved. Added it might concern 00 also. The Deputy_ Director requested 00 not be brought into the picture at this time. reference applicant. Mr. DeLoach, FBI, reference appointment with the Deputy Director on 13 August; has some documents in which the DD will be interested. Lunched in office. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20031W : 80R01731 R002700030031-0 Fop %a Approved For Release 2003/04/22 Q A-R~U1 T31 R002700030031- TOP SECRET 13 Au?iust 1948 General Todd, Joint Staff, JCS, advised that Generals McNarney and Richards and Admiral Carney were representatives of the depart- ments on Secretary Forrestal's staff for budgetary purposes. They were charged with responsibilityof determining relation- ship of intelligence to budget, etc. Their responsibility had been approved by the National Security Council and therefore it was believed they might well consider budgetary problems of CIA-with particular reference to budget requirements of the NIS Program. A meeting to discuss problems was scheduled for 31 August, 9 A.M. Captain 0 Exec Director, was instructed to contact General Richards and indicate our representative to be present at the meeting. (See entries 8/17, 8/18, 8/20, 8/23, 8/27, and 9/7.) Mr. reference additional funds approved by the Deputy rec or or maintenance of Personnel file on forwarded to Deputy Assistant Director, 00, via Mr. for consideration. Personnel Branch advised. Captain and Mr. 0 0S0 - reference meeting in State Depar men -- . Armstrong's office--12 August, regarding situation in Sofia. 25X1 25X1 National Security .Resources Board, 25X1 was advised the papers supposedly left in CIA by Mr. 25X1 on censorship could not be located. Further check Will be made if an indicate the individual with whom he dis- cussed the Su subject and left the papers. delivered some papers for consideration by SPG. 7,,, . O1 L , x-13/. T~' C Approved For Release 2003/04/2IARDP80R 1731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003 j3 2 : SEUR01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 16 Au ist 1948 Mr. Carey, Asst Director 00, reference application of Advised there was nothing available for subject in 00. Mr. Carey had talked with Mr. Reynolds, Administrative Assistance to Senator Saltonstall, who stated the Senator had no particular interest in applicant. 25X1 25X1 Presentation by Mr. Elbridge Durbrow, Counselor of Embassy, Moscow, on the Current Situation in USSR. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sri Approved For Release 2003/04/22P Cl5JK A101731 R002700030031 - TOP SECRET 17 August 1946 General Todd, Joint Staff, JCS, reference General Richards and committee. 7~-63y General Richards, code 131 x . Rm /+B880 Pentagon, concerning the over-all responsibilities of their committee to consider the disposition of strength, activities, world-wide organization, overlapping of functions, etc., of the military establishment. Corrected impression that their committee was set up to analyze budget problems. (Therefore, Col. ~nd Mr. Will' Director's Staff Conference. Mr. applicant. Was given Forms 57 and PHS to complete and return o . Director requested Exec for I&S to have name check made on subject. recent trip. reference report covering Deputy, Director's Mr. applicant, reference appointment. Lunched with General Lewis at Ari-Navy Club. Meeting of Security Board to consider case of Mr. 0 Mr. Carey, AD00, reference Russian newspapers. General Wright had discussed subject with nd was informed their source was "drying up"; subscriptions were not being renewed, etc.; that, the papers they did receive would be made available. Captain Q DADSO, reference discussion by General Wright to precede the Staff Conference on Thursday morning --- to be limited to Branch Chiefs, their Deputies.. C.O.P.S. and DADSO. Mr. 0 I&S, will attend the regular Staff Conference to discuss the consolidation of the security offices. Approved For Release 2003/011 P CISgF}$91O1731 R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/0 C CR[0P01731ROO27000300 1-0 TOP SECRET 18 August1948 Col. Ennis, ID, GSUSA, reference discussion to be held with General Richards and committee. Also reference intelligence needs of Gen. Lemnitzer and staff. Mr. C ]-applicant. Stated he had talked with Mn Personnel Br., on 17 Aug; had been referred to CIA by of the USCSC and Mr. Interested in an administrative position (executive). Conferred with General Richards, Rm 4B880 Pentagon. Captain accompanied the Deputy Director. Another meeting has been scheduled for 0900 hours on 30 August. Lunched with Director andExecutiveDirector in office. Conference---12th Army Group Reunion plans. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 DSKRYr R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22TbM R0%9b 1 R00270003003 TOP SECRET 19 August 19. 25X1 25X1 301 25X1 25X1 Conference with OSO Branch Chiefs, Deputies, COPS, and DADSO. , applicant. (Referred by General 1I) Mr. applicant---was informed his application was being considered by the various offices. Conference with Director, Asst. Director, 00, DADOO, and Mr.. - reference responsibility of Unit. Paper being written on subject for further consideration. General Bolling, Deputy Director of Intelligence, GSUSA, reference payment of expenses of Was advised no payment, other than expenses, was being made by CIA. Also inquired about Deputy Director's conference with General Richards and presentation to Gen. Richards' committee by the intelligence departments. Discussed operational matter with Mr. OSO. was requested to compile various intercepts on reaction to Hanson Baldwin articles on INTELLIGENCE, which appeared in the New York Times. Lunched in office with Director and Executive Director. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/044OpIAQEp 731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 2 0 -AUuj 1948 Security Board meeting to consider case of Mr. Captain 0 Mr. Bross, Eberstadt Committee of Hoover Commission, reference survey of CIA. General Bolling called regarding statement by General Richards that the intelligence chiefs would be denied attendance at presenta- tion by CIA. Called GeneralRichards to clarify any statement which might have been misconstrued. Mr. DeLoach, FBI, advised there was no information whatsoever of a derogatory nature on the unofficial name check requested by DD. Mr.Carey, AD00, reference payment of expenses of et al. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 21 August 1948 Talked with Mr. Wisner, State x 4102, regarding the SANACC paper on psychological warfare agency. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 iClA- I Top 1731R002700030031-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22T0p-R5331R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 23 August 1948 Col Williams, ID, GSUSA, called; was referred to Executive Director. Captain Ford then referred Col.Williams to ADSO, on matter being General Bolling's office (Sgt. Jones) advised that the DD had talked with General Richards 20 Aug to clarify any statement that might have been misunderstood. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : if 1QPD E(0 1R002700030031-0 25X1 TOP SECRET 24 August 194 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Conference with Director, Executive Director and Asst. Director, OSO, reference reorganization. OSP, reference suggested name for the Office; statement of functions and responsibilities for cover purposes. W. Polyzoides, State x 5405, concerning who had had audience with Gen. Carter, Aide to Gen. Marshall. Both Mr. Polyzoides and Gen. Carter were informed of existence of extensive file on subject. 25X1 25X1 25X1 I - was given copy of ssian broadcast 25X1 regarding US "I" activities and statement by Br. Intelligence. Personnel Review Board reference case of Mr. Lunched in office with Director. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: C 0A- 1 -1 Y31 R002700030031 -0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/2PelA4P8QRJ1731 R0027000300 TOP SECRET 25 Auggst 1948 With Director and Executive Director. 25X1 Col. Babbitt, ADRE, and Mr. ORE Transportation, reference 25X1 proposed ad hoc committee to study problem of clandestine transport of munitions by air; to work closely with FBI. Col. A. D. Mead, Jr., Chief, Security Group, ID, GSUSA, reference suggestion that he and Lt. Col. Nichols, Chief of Domestic Intelligence of above group, be briefed in general.on certain SO activities. Col. Galloway was requested that Mr. and Mr.O talk with Col. Mead. 25X1 Col. Mead will contact Col Galloway for final arrangements. 25X1 Major Pedone, Special Joint Planning Group, 131 x 75268 - reference their request for briefing by CIA. Was requested to furnish copy of communication referenced in their recent letter; also requested to furnish background information on their activities in order that we might determine what would be of primary interest in the requested briefing. Reference transfer of personnel from one unit to another. reference redesignation of OSP--Office of Policy Coordination. Meeting of 12th Arqr Group. Advised Dr. AD/OCD, that the reports oas requested by 25X1 Col. ORE, were not available from 050 because reports contained too much c.e. material. However, If Col. 1 required 25X1 information on a particular item, that OSO will be glad to furnish it upon written request. Approved For Release 2003/04/222 : CIA- DP80R01731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 ' TOP SECRET 26 August 18 OCD, advised that Civil Affairs Division, ArrAy, had accepted OCD, as liaison officer; had previously been accredited as liaison officer. Reference request for information on bauxite. Had talked with Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency; Army, Navy, etc. Asked permission to talk directly with regarding subject. Mr discussed data necessary for going back to Army re people in Burma. Will advise DD when data available and then appointment will be scheduled with DD or DCI. Col. Galloway, ADSO, advised that Col. and Lt. Col. were conferring with appropriate individuals in SO. General Lewis, Adjutant General's Office, reference assistance to Col. Edwards -- this in connection with information on Bergman. Col. Edwards will contact Gen. Lewis direct.. reference aerial for radio installation. reference conference with Director on Monda 30 August-- to informl Col. Galloway and Captain informed. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 22111 25X1 Biographical sketch of Director and Deputy Director requested by Mr. Bross, Hoover Commission. Sketches delivered to Col. 0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP UFT Approved For Release 2003/04/A $11731 R002700030031 -0 TOP SECRET 27 August 1948 'Presentation before the McNarney Committee (Gen. Richards, Gen. McNarney and Admiral Carney). The Intelligence Chiefs were also present. Mr. Carey, AD00, reference his discussion with Mr. Bross of the Eberstadt Committee of Hoover Commission. It was suggested that frequent emphasis should be placed on "security". General discussion regarding our operations; the NIS program; budgetary requirements and production problems. As basis for discussion and possible use as representative exhibits, took Operations Analysis Handbook, including organiza- tional charts; selected publications including Daily Summary, Weekly Summary$ ORE Studies, SID*USSR, etc. A portion of presentation was closed to others than members of the McNarney Committee and the Intelligence Chiefs. 25 xi Approved For Release 2003/D.4J2 : CIA-RDP80RO1731ROO2700030031-0 P SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/2JQIA-1T731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 30 August 1948 25X1 Col. reference date of lecture at Maxwell Field - Air War University.....25 October. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr.Carey, ADOO, reference statement of functions of 00. Was requested to draft proposed charter to embody all functions of 00. Col. 0 ADSO, reference request to have Mr. "present at ,presentation of OSO activities to the-Eberstadt Committee, in J connection with cooperation between CIA and FBI. Conference with Director, Executive Director, Col. 5X1 25X1 25X1 Luncheon forl -- Director Deputy Director, Asst. Director SO, and Carlton Hotel. Captain "reference Director's desire that Chief, Scientific Branch not be called to make presentation before Eberstadt Committee. 25X1 Mr. I 25X1 Exec for A &M was requested to have our budget man contact the opposite number in State to effect transfer, and advise DD when transfer made. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031- TOP SECPET 31 August Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Mr. Pforzheimer reference currency requirements of Senator Gurney and Mr. John Adams, of his staff, on trip via MATS to London, Paris, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Berlin, Vienna, Trieste, Athens, Ankara and Saudi Arabia. Mr. Q Special Funds, requested to prepare memo embodying desired information. Memo handed by DCI to the Senator. OPC, reference proposed trip to Vienna by Mr. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Requested Personnel andSecurity files on Mr. ORE/FEP Br. 25X1 Files and memos turned over to Executive for A & M for study and comment. Major I Ireference date and hour for the Deputy Director to brief the Special Joint Planning Group on CIA. September 15 at 1030. Mr.Carey, ADOO, reference proposed charter for 00. Delivered draft directive to the Deputy Director for consideration. Letters of invitation to 12th Army Group Reunion were sent to General Bradley, General Eisenhower, and General Vandenberg. Col. Galloway, ADSO, reference State cable 3402 to London concerning meeting of intelligence chiefs -US--BR.--queried if should not be informed. Deputy Director will draft message for Lunched in office with Director, Captain land Col. Galloway. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22PC1M11731R002700030031-0 2X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CTMPRE1002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 1 September 1948 Mr. L ~J OPC, concerning briefing to be held in Director's office on iday, 3 September, 1030 hours. Missl -1 applicant. Introduced to Col. Galloway and Mr. Special Funds., (Later advised that she was to return next week to begin processing. Mr. 0 had several positions in mind which might be offered to her.) Executive for A &M advised that Mr. would be transferred to CIA rolls and would be full-time employee effective 6 September. 25X1 25X1 Also advised that Miss had been cleared to come 25X1 into pool (reporting today) and he expected to obtain provisional clearance pending complete investigation to permit her assignment to Scientific Branch as P-1. Col. Babbitt, ADRE, reference employee of FE/P Br. 25X1 Reference presentation by ORE staff before Eberstadt Committee. organization of My-general background information on SI/SO. Also was afforded opportunity to read TS 22806 -- provisional Col. Galloway and Captain~eference particular items of disagree- ment on personnel problems in connection with reorganization. Lunched in office with Capt. 0 With Captain I nd Mr. Eross of the Eberstadt Committee concerning presentations to be made to subject committee on CIA activities. Later discussed with Mr. Bross the presentation of OSO activities. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 20010P22 S -R80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 2 September Captain0 AC, reference per on security aspects of staff talks with Benelux countries. (He will obtain document from Asst. Director OCD for reference.) Captain reference space available in L Building. Inspe on of space in L. Later, discussed this space with ADOO. Col. Galloway, ADSO, reference suggestion by Mr.i read NSC 26 and NSC 29 for information. 25X1 I that he 25X1 Reference discussion early this year with Gen. 0 formerly 25X1 ADOO, regarding training of clerks to code and decode messages that the DCI had ruled against this proposal; that such messages were to be handled in OSO Communications. Director reference information on L_ I I&S and OSO requestd to make name check; Mr. delivered a memo on subject, which memo in turn was delivered to Mr. Almet Jenks of the Eberstadt Committee (code 183, x 2752 -- Rm. 317, 1626 K St.) Discussed subject with Mr. Jenks and later with TOP S Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RD X101731 R002700030031 -0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/2JQ A-F REI"31 R002700030 TOP SECRET 3 September 1948 Mr. Carey, 00,' reference Reuters report that cLynamite had been found on Cyprus, F7 I Col. ID, reference request for translation assistance to the Historical Division, Army; had learned that CIA intended to disseminate Part I to Intelligence Agencies, etc. The Historical Division, accorling to ID, had merely requested translation service, but desired to publish documents themselves in form of history of Army. Checked with Dr. OCD, who advised that FDB/00 had indicated the material of potential intelligence value to the Intelligence Agencies and therefore 100 copies had been re roduced but not yet disseminated. Col. as advised of intelligence value --and queried as to date publication might be made by Historical Division. (Part I--"Peculiarities of Russian Leadership".) With Director, Mr. Barnes, Col. Galloway, a 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Col. Galloway and Capt~reference desirability of Mr. attending dry run of presentation before Eberstadt Committee? for general background information on organization. 25X1 Col. Edwards advised FBI was currently making check on -but 25X1 believed it to be in conjunction with an applicationj _J 25X1 had filed with Voice of America prior to accepting employment with CIA. 25X1 Mr. DeLoach, FBI., invited Deputy Director to accompary him and Mr. on trip 14 September to Quantico. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 1 -1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22! CIA-gaS 71731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 3 September 1948 - 2 With Director on budget briefing by Mr. Saunders, Col. 25X1 Captain 25X1 25X1 25X1 0 and 25X1 Captain and Dr. II OCD, reference space recommendations. Lunched in office with Director. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 tbI RDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 UP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/O4T ! CIA$ 9ii1731R002700030031-0 7 September 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Dry run of presentations to be. made to Hoover Commission (Eberstadt Committee). Mr. Barnes, OPC, reference his status. It was suggested that he dis- cuss subject with Exec Secy, NSC. reference "eyes only" material; was requested to show items to Exec Secy, NSC. Mr. I AD/OPC, reference various studies an psychological warfare and statements by prominent people of necessity for such activity. Captai Adviso Council, reference his desire to be included in routing of all tapers. (DD stated only those papers, pertinent to Advisory ouncil. work, were to be so routed.) 25X1 25X1 25X1 AD/OPC, reference administrative support; proposed General Order; his comments requested. Mr. Frank Gervasi, Collier's Magazine, DI 5505, reference appointment with DCI or DD. Was i was out of the city until latter part of week and theDD had no free time until Friday. He will try to see the DCI later. Lunched in office. Col. Robert J. Wood, Aide to SecDefense, 131, x 3113, reference request for intelligence briefing in connection with budget hearings. Was informed that this had been accomplished on August 27 when the DD and Intelligence Chiefs appeared before the McNarney Board. If any- thing further is required, to advise. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/At 731R002700030031-0 V~n TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 7 September 1948 - 2 Mr j requested appointment to see Deputy Director. Time will be Mr. DeLoach, FBI, reference a call from a I Iwho claimed 25X1 to be connected with an organization about which only General Wright or General Chamberlin had cognizance; reported possible trouble at Clark Field, Hawaii; etc. It was suggested that Mr. DeLoach contact Gen. Chamberlin inasmuch as the DD had no knowledge of individual, and any report of possible trouble would be of primary interest to G-2. Mr. Carey, ADOO, reference presentation by the Eberstadt Committee. 25X1 0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 `QL'IA- T731R002700030031-0 25X1 TOP:SECRET 8 September 1948 request by Contact Branch for funds for collection o n orma on from 'lYlt source. IID, USA, reference translation assistance rendered to Historical Division, USA. Will endeavor to learn approximate date of publication or document--or if dissemination can be made to the intelligence agencies of Part I. Exec for A &M reference signature by ED and DD on Project 25X1 25X1 Conferred with Mr. 0 and Mr. O, OSO, concerning probable 25X1 testimony before Eberstadt Committee on 9 September. 25X1 OPC, reference administrative support for his Office. Also concerning proposed move to L Bldg. Reference discussion with Exec Secy, NSC, concerning possible presentation by OPC before Eberstadt Committee. 25X1 Dr. levels. AD/OCD, concerning liaison with State Department on working Col. Babbitt, ADRE,' reference memo to him from Was advised 25X1 that any action should be channeled to Chief, Personnel Br.; that the case was not of interest to the Director's office. Approved For Release 2003/04f jpII 1731 R002700030031-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/001 : C TOP SECRET 9 September 1948 L101 731 R002700030031 -0 OPC, reference comment on suggested move of OSO-OPC. Posed no serious objection; believed that supporting facilities should not be separated from their operations. Mentioned the communications problem. Captain AC, reference briefing for DCI prior to departure. ID, reference translation of material for Historical Division, Army. Will endeavor to learn publication date of history. Col. Galloway, 050, reference T/0 for one of branch offices; approved by Director. It was suggested that he send a copy of memo to Exec for eM for information. Major II ID, advised that the 100 copies of translation of document for Historical Division, USA, should be forwarded to ID for transmittal to Historical Division. It was suggested that CIA indicate desired dissemination to intelligence agencies and internal CIA use. Dr. OCD, advised procedure to be followed in this connec ion. Subsequent requests for translations are to be translated only and not reproduced by CIA. and Comdr. reference communications problems. Discussed estimates an technical aspects of proposed move. Also discussed advisability and desirable location of auxiliary communication facilities for emergency use. Col.Edwards, I&S, and Mr. reference report received unoffically from AEC. DCI was advised and checked with other Intelligence Chiefs to determine whether the report had been disseminated. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003x2 :~ 0R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 10 September 194. OSO, reference particular equipment and facilities installed in "L" Bldg. Checked with Mr. OCD, reference amount and kind of IBM equipment in use by OCD. Checked with OSO II reference present personnel strength and that proposed for 1950. Mr. De-L'oach, FBI. Major I pecial Joint Planning Group, verifying scheduled appearance of DD before that Group on 15 September. OCD, reference collection request received covering production rates, type equipment, etc., within US. Request not properly ours. Mr. I, OPC, reference collaboration with I&S on a proposed plan to be prepared at request of NSC (NSC 29). delivered papers for reference to OPC. 1 25X1 Approved For Release 21OP4/ZW. CKr tpP80R01731 R002700030031-0 MVP T Approved For Release 200 / 4 22 DP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 13 September 1948 With Director, Asst. Director for Special Operations, and Exec Se NSC, requested statement of charter and functions covering L- I ADSO was requested to obtain information and submit to DD. stated that Mr. ad had discussion with Secretary Forrestal; further, that the NSC Staff was studying the problem of visas, immigration, naturalization of defectors, etc. ADSO reference conversation with Mr. DeLoach, FBI Liaison, concerning misunderstanding regarding liaision and information channeled through OCD. (CE material goes directly to OSO). Mr OPC, reference memo addressed to DCI reporting on session with Eberstadt Committee. Also concerning his request for introduction to be arranged by White House to FBI. Official Luncheon, Carlton Hotel, North Lounge for Cocktails for Contact Branch, 00, Field representatives at Suite 200 G, Shoreham, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Cocktails and dinner - ADSO honoring Shoreham. 8:00 - 11:00 pm -- Suite 100 C, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SE E 25X1 Approved For Release 2004(02 : KPTOR01731ROO2700030031-0 TOP SECRET 14 September 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. D 25X1 25X1 Mr. Frank Gervasi, Collier's, writing article and desired information with which to refute some of criticism directed towards CIA by other writers. Was given some general background information but no "examples" as requested. Inquired about JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA DEL CARIBE and GENERAL RAMIREZ. SO was queried about any particular significance of the JUNTA and general background on Gen. Ramirez-and information passed on to Mr. Gervasi. reference call from Capt. Ferris, Navy Protocol(ONI), regarding a Mr. and his offer to be of assistance to CIA. Col. Babbitt, ADRE, reference request by SeeDefense for information on Russian military services (22865). Covering memo stated needed in connection with briefing on 16 September; however, Col. I 25X1 had learned from Col. Wood, Aide to SecDefense, that Pn orma- on was not required until Monday, 20 September. Later, Col. Wood, OSD, called DD to verify above information. Col. Edwards, Exec for I&S, concerning security measures to cover Col. I I CIA representative to Intelligence Group of the Joint Staff. Col. is to be furnished copies of our t TTG. e o m mos Mr. DeLoach, FBI Liaison, reference FBI request for approval of trip by their agent to contact individual in Turkey on domestic intel- ligence matters. They promised to furnish us with all information of interest. Also reference slight misunderstanding on material which goes directly to OSO; reference liaison with other offices. Also regarding proposal by Mr. ansportation, regarding pproved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01 31 R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/047OIIA j1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 14 September 1948 - 2 OSO, reference FBI request for direct contact 25X1 OSO has no objection. Will cable their man, advising of arrival of FBI representative, and request all possible assistance be rendered. Mr. It will be furnished comer of FBI request and copy of our memo of approval. Requested photostatic copies of material on space plans and supporting charts. (To be delivered Wednesday A.M. early.) OSO, desires to see DD at convenience. Director and ADSO departed for Europe. Mr. applicant, called. Unable to reach him by phone. (Lafayette Hotel, Rm. 811.) Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP 01731R002700030031-0 TOP SPCR Approved For Release 2003/09 : ~PMTR01 731 R002700030031 -0 TOP SECRET 15 September 1948 Mr. Kirkpatrick, CB/00, reference State Department request that we arrange to interview and that if possible he be placed on consultant's basis during time of interview or preparation of material. Deputy Director requested Mr-. Kirk- patrick to determine if this information available without the financial assistance. applicant, called again; referred to Chief, Personnel Branch, who arranged for interview. Presentation to Special Joint Planning Group (JCS), Rm. 4E606 Pentagon. Admiral Leahy's office reference cables. Miss the Admiral would not be in until after 4 pm. Cables shown to Admiral Souers by Mr. to Mr. ORE. reference functions of ICAPS, and assignment of service personnel. Mr. ~eference criticism by Services concerning State Informa- tion Program; activities and responsibilities of'the Consultants Group. Col , ID, reference Mr.. 0 inquiry regarding case o before Loyalty Board. Was advised the case had been referred to us by CSC. Conference to consider space problem. Captain II Col. Babbitt, Mr. Carey, Dr. II Captain d Mr. represent- ing OPC. Another meeting to be called 16 September. Mr. Ollie Atkins, photographer for Saturday Evening Post, GLebe 2534. Requested material for use in conjunction with publication of Donald Robinson article, which article he stated had been pre- pared after consultation with Sec Forrestal. Was advised he could not have photos of any of our activities. That DD would like to see manuscript before making any suggestions regarding A \ F08 I~ At 2!b4)2 *MA'RDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/041Q[bIASE 01731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 16 September 1948 - 2 Mr. DeLoach, FBI, inquired about designation of Mr. Robert B1urp,OSD, as member of committee to inspect various agencies. Mr. Boyle, State Department, reference appointment with DD. Had talked with Director at suggestion of Appoint- ment arranged for 4 pm Thursday, 16 September. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SE(PT 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : A-R P80R01731 R002700030031 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 16 September 194$ Captain Watt,.USN, Munitions Board, 131 x 75041, wanted information on "foreign forces"; call referred to Executive Director, who arranged appointment. advised that Asst. Secretary Allen was to have appointment with Secretary Marshall for clarification of controversial issues regarding Information Program. Attended special presentation of war game for Secretary Forrestal in Rm. 2E789 Pentagon. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Dr. , recently returned from Europe. Talked with Captain Lt. Col. ORE, RE, and 00. to talk with Mr. Jacob Beam of State Department on Tuesday, 21 September. As a result of meeting, a meeting was arranged for Dr. 0 previously had seen DCI and Exec Secy, NSC. DD informed OPC, who will arrange an interview for 0 Mr. In,, State x 4006; and Mr. Joseph L. Stevens, State x 4775? (All members of Military Intelligence Reserve) 25X1 Mr. OPC, reference preparation of plan at direction of NSC. ref NSC 29). DD will issue g memo to AD/OPC and Exec for I&S, General Lemnitzer, National War College, requested that CIA give the presentation at War College on Russian Military Eathblishment, the same as last year. DD stated it would be done. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Lunched at Pentagon. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CT tf&r02700030031 Approved For Release 2003/04/21Q91A-$bPB' TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 17 September 1948 and Mr. reference ER 0-1267, copy of plan by Eng. along lines of propaganda. 25X1 Captain I was requested to get together with Col. Babbitt and talk with Dr. 0, RDB, regarding Dr. 0 and the Scientific Branch. Captain II was requested to get in touch with Mr. 1 and brief him on executive staff. (Mr. is to go to 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 DD will determine status of application. Mr. ill call on Tuesday for indication of interest in his application. job, preferably in field. Mr.Ilame in later in day; has PHS on file; has talked with Mr. 0 OSO. Is leaving soon for is interested in Philadelphia, called concerning a Mr. appointment arranged. Mr. SO, reference direct contact by FBI Believed mention should be made to of propoged trip and Col. B. M. McFac]yen, OSD, 131 x 72805, reference plans for the Joint Orientation Course (ER 0-1207); additional time allotted to CIA. Col. Babbitt reference approach by Dr. 0 Mr. ON, reference space problem. Mr. NSC staff, x 453; reference request for information of functions, responsibilities of DADSO requested to add previous request for information Conference on space: Ca tain Cas~t Dr. Mr. Carey, Capt. and Mr. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030031-0 TOP 'FRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 i Approved For Release 2003/04/)cIADP 731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET L7 September 1948 - 2 for briefing on developments of week in particular area. 25X1 Mr. Fisher Howe, State, and Mr. 0 concerning proposals by various Czech officials regarding underground movement. 25X1 Dr.Ieference personal problems. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CP 002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/2TOIA-&P KT731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 20 September 1948, 25X1 Mr.II SO, reference status of application of 25X1 there is an indication of interest and Mr. I Iwill be 25X1 contacted. SO, requested to have Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference Intelligence Memorandum on possible Communist-inspired disturbances in Paris during UNGA. Returned to ORE for review. Mr. Eberstadt reference draft chapter on CIA with particular reference to personnel investigations formerly conducted by FBI. Mr. ORE Presentation room, reference current map showing Order of Battle. Col. Babbitt inquired the degree of detail to be maintained. Attended continuation of War Game in Pentagon, ID presentation room. Lunched in office. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA 80 1731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/01/32": ZDOi~OR01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 21 September 1948 Lectured on "INTELLIGENCE" before Seminar of Navy CEC Reserve Officers. General Lemnitzer, National War College, advised they had scheduled lectures on Russian Military Establishment, by CIA, for second semester; will contact us later to give definite dates. 'Col. Babbitt and Mr. ORE, reference information on clandestine transport of munitions, etc., by air. Further discussion will be held on 22 September. 25X1 25X1 I SO, reference contact with Individual in OSO who is interests in talking with them, is on leave until 4 October. 0 will contact them and arrange 25X1 an interview if they desire to give us some information.' Mr. 1 OPC, advised he did not wish to talk with them at thnis time. ( 1-1 25X1 25X1 1 Ir. I RDB, concerning Dr. I desire to take leave and during leave act as Director of Bureau of Standards. DCI had previously denied this request. DD stated he would be glad to discuss the subject further with Dr. I and Dr. E~ indicated he would call the Col OPC, reference proposed call on FBI to discuss his NSC, advised they needed an additional 5 copies of the proposed NSCID "Collection of Foreign Scientific and Technological Data"; and requested we have them delivered directly to ONI. ICAPS advised and requested to handle -- talked with Executive Director in absence 1 1. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Lun *p -o cQ ''Wdlease 2003/04/ plA Cf g 1731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 21 September 1948 - 2 applicant - Telephoned from New York to inquire status of application; was told "there is an interest being shown in your application and you should hear from us". Is leaving NYC today en route to Santiago, Chile. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 OP SECRET 25X9 Approved For Release 2003/04/22T-()R- TOP SECRET 22 September 1945 RE731R002700030031-0 Conference: Mn ORE; Mr. I, OCD;and Dr. OSO -- reference requests by ORE for information that normally would be obtained only from OSO; methods of getting information from OSO without channeling thru OCD; general ~ 25X1 Col. ORE, ref rence DD expressed 25X1 desire to talk with and appointment was arranged for 23 September. Mr. resolution OSO, reference implementation of the anti-Communist at Bogota Conference covering exchange of information among American Republics concerning subversive communist activities. Mr. will discuss further with State. ID, GSUSA, reference Maj. Gen. Wm. E. Hall, AF, designated G-2, EUCOM. Suggested briefing. regarding his new assignment. Further briefing by OSO personnel scheduled for 1000 Thursday, 23 September. Later Gen. Hall, talked with DD and Mr. OSO, Mr.ll OPC, reference his discussion with Mr. Ladd, FBI, regarding his activities. Mr. Ladd had suggested possibility of separate liaison to cover OPC. DD concurred in suggestion, and further suggested possibility of this second liaison handling that part of liaison with OSO regarding alien interrogation. DD suggested that Mr. I submit to Mr. Ladd a memorandum covering. discussion as a matter of record. Mr. 0 also discussed space requirements for OPC. Stated he would require two wings of L Bldg - or entire floor of South Building. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 CIC - applicant. 25X1 DD arranged for him to a witH ONE eo 2:30 23 September (Statler Hotel W-826). Also queried SO, regarding 25X1 possible interest by them in subject. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET DFT Approved For Release 2003/04/22 :J(D R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 22 September 194 - 2 reference meeting of Consultative Group in Asst. Sec State Allen's office at 2:30 Friday. reference message of condolence to one of station Chiefs. submitted requested information relative various allow- ances to MA's, NA's, etc., at designated places. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release. 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R002700030031 -0 TOP SECRET 23 September l94 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 .- 25X1 25X1 25X1 Brig., Gen. USA(Ret) -- applicant. Considered for position in ORE Eastern Europe/USSR Branch. It was suggested to Col. I ORE, that necessary papers be processed that that Asst. Director, ORE, request temporary security waiver for subject. Captain deference request on Navy for detail of officer for duty with CIA--as requested by Col. Yeaton, JCS. It was determined this request in connection with liaison with OPC. Col. Yeaton stated he had requested detail of 2 officers from ArTny, 1 from Air, and 1 from Navy. Lt. Col. I reference copy of article recently sub- mitted. Would like to give additional information to Branch personnel working of that particular area. Information relayed to Col. Babbitt. 25X1 25X1 General Gruenther and General Todd reference luncheon for on Friday, 24 September. OSO, reference Provisional organization I 25X1 Mr. Kirkpatrick, CB,100, reference dissemination of report on Soviet 25X1 military activity in Baltic States; dissemination by hand directly to Army and Air today; additional dissemination thru channels. attending meetings of Military Committee of the Western Union. Col. Halverson discussed this with General Todd, Joint Staff, JCS, who informed him that Director of Intelligence, GSUSA, had been instructed to make available to CIA all reports containing any intelligence material -- but that those pertaining to war plans would not be furnished. Col. btained and submitted for CIA information extract of minutes of meeting covering this point. Further, he advised that the delegation had requested a full-time intelligence representative, which request would be considered by the JCS. reference CIA request for reports by military observers 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 211 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 23 September 1948 - 2 General Wedemeyer and General Timberman, P&O, Army, reference message to be sent over Gen. Wedemeyer's signature to Gen. Van Fleet, regarding departure of representative to that area. (No local distribution to be made other than cc for CIA.) Mr. Lay, NSC, reference delivery of certain NSC papers to ORE. Col. B bbitt, ORE, reference Navy comment on draft of ORE 60-48. DD requested copy of draft. 25X1 25X1 RDB, reference Scientific Branch; Dr. ~ersonnel, etc. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22TOR-R31R002700030031-0 TQP SECRET 24 September 1948 Had breakfast with Secretary Forrestal at his residence, 0 (General Vandenberg also present.) Luncheon - Suite 334, Carlton Hotel, for General ]and General Todd. Dinner - Cabinet Room, Carlton Hotel, for Presentation of gifts. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ORE, reference presentation by on 25X1 23 September; obtained much detailed and worthwhile Information. Mr. OSO, reference 0---no action will be taken on su ect's application for employment until return of Mr. 0. 25X1 ORE, reference suggested annex to Daily Summary covering possibility of communist-inspired riots in Paris during UNGA. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference request from 25X1 for 00 report. DD suggested that extracts me made o report and handed informally tol with explanation. OCSA, reference 25X1 25X1 25X1 Later, had discussion with 25X1 1 1; 25X1 DD will have someone contact himn New Xork or In LA. Exec for I&S requested to obtain check on subject. Meeting of Consultative Group on Coordination of Foreign Information Measures in office of Asst. Sectetary of State, Allen. OPC, reference plan for implementation of NSC 29 as requested by. NSC. Approved For Release 2003/0IO3: C q 01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04 DPCISR~P88R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25 September 1948 5X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002102 OR01 731 R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : T ORDRaMLIR002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 27 September 1948 2X1 NEG/OSO, reference letter received from Senator Knowland forwarding another communication from DD believes 25X1 it to be of interest to FBI; Col. will return first 25X1 letter for information. Mr. Carey concerning availability of Col.O FDB, for reassignment. Matter had been discussed between Mr. Carey and Col. I' and DD so advised Col. Laurin L, in response to his query of 24 September. 25X1 2255XX11 Mr. Carey reference replacement for Col.I It was suggested 25X1 that Mr.~ act as Chief, FDB, as an interim measure. 25X1 Mr. Carey reference State Department request for intercept of 25X1 Russian broadcast. Both East Coast and West Coast stations had been unable to transcribe broadcast because of atmospheric interference. Mr. Oechsner, State, had expressed dissatis- faction with inability to monitor broadcast. General Cabell, USAF Opr., reference request for air transportation for DCI and ADSO. reference srace. Reference Consultative Group for Coordination of Foreign Information Measures -- and DD's memo suggesting representative to this Group be appointed from AD/OPC immediate staff. OSD, (Miss I __j requested 9 additional copies of TS 24076 -- CIA Answers to questions on Russian Military 25X1 Services. ORE requested to prepare required number of copies. To be delivered by 28 September 9:30 AM. Mr. I&S re uested to obtain uick name check on Carmel Off ie, andF -1 for OPC. Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/041bf 1A11731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22T?tR O lR002700030031-0 28 September 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Col.Babbitt, ORE, reference NSC paper on Near East Oil Fields. (Mr. Montague designated to work with State on paper.) SO, reference draft of memo covering communist activity in South America; wants to discuss with Mr. Fisher Howe, State, before forwarding to DD. I&S and A&M reference assignment and clearance of Cleared 9/9; atisigned to ORE--Eastern European USSR Br. Captain 0. A. Sandquist, BuDocks, Navy, invited DD to address Seminar of CEC officers from western part of country to be held in November at Port Hueneme, California. Would like DD to speak on 9 November. DD indicated willingness to do so but stated that firm commitment could not be made for several weeks. Capt.Sandquist will call again about 15 October. (Admiral Manning to speak also on 9 November.) Mr. Carey, 00, reference requirements` forl areas; had been unable to obtain statement of requ rements. Checked with ADORE who will follow through to determine that 00 is advised. 25X1 25X1 AD,ORE advised to contact Arthur M. Schlesinger, ECA. presently n route to US. Residence: 25X1 DCI request on recommendation of Mr. Harriman. Col. Mussett, Exec to Gen. Cabell, reference request for air transport facilities for DCI and ADSO. Mr. Stewart Alsop. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET 29 September 1948 25X1 25X1 Col. Mussott, General Cabell's office, reference air transportation for DCI and ADSO.. Request withdrawn and action will be-taken through other offices. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1,, 25X1 Captain I OSO, reference status of preparation of report covering charter and functions of Approved For Release 2003/1QP : tSE &TRO1731R002700030031- reference operations of OPC. Mr.l OPC, reference preparation of basic plan for protection o specific industrial installations against sabotage, as requested by the NSC. Col. Babbitt, ADORE, reference request of Dr.II to transfer to another government agency; and to be considered as consultant. Mr. Houston, General Counsel, reference request for reimbursement of Discussed with Captain , DADSO. Captain 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr. Carey, 00, reference message from NY, reference contact with 25X1 DD called '~? U to instruct him reference statement to be made to subject. DADSO informed of instructions. 2 5X1 Exec for A&M, reference 1950 budget requirements. Admiral National War College, queried if we had arty information on I Hoodrey(?) Refining Process. Checked with Mr. Kirkpatrick, CB/0O. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Joint Staff, reference applicant. 25X1 reference USCIB meeting to be held next week. a.uu re uesti Exec Secy. for men 25X1 &W& Pro lease irClDo-!$dBfilli$ , 25X1 25~P SECRET by NSC. Mr. expressed reluctance to request additional information 1rom London without first clearing with FBI. reference discussion between Approved For Release 2003/04/2IQ A-R"&E 731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 Z9 September 1948 - 2 ON, reference request for temporary security waiver on three people. I&S working on name check and information should be available about Friday. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 T RDSUR llR002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 30 September 1948 Mr. Contact Branch, 00, referencel Mr. , their petroleum specialist, advised there was doubt as to technical ability of subject; also that there existed an "air of mystery" concerning him and his activities. Information relayed to Admiral Hill, National War College. OSO, reference memo for Secretary of State regard- ing draft instructions to diplomatic officers in connection with Anti-Communist Resolution at Bogota Conference providing for exchange of information pertaining to subversive activities. Mr. tated draft instructions had been thoroughly discussed and believed they would adequately meet requirements. Captain Hume, AF, Wright Field -- personal call. 25X1 25X1 , NSC staff, inquired status of report 25X1 OSD, reference programs to be printed for the Joint Orientation Course; queried if sub-speakers and sub-titles should be indicated and DD advised that only main topic and DCI as speaker should be listed. Approved For Release 2003/04/ PIA CIRET 731 R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030031 TOP SECRET 1 October 1948 reference designee for Signal accountability officer-- Col. ~7=~ ' I Discussed matter with General Counsel. I&S reported information on OSO, reference OPC request for special funds personnel 25X1 25X1 29A *1 25X1 Mr. II National Security Resources Board, reference documents claimed to have been given to member of CIG by F_ I DD requested further check be made of files and will advise ents located. (Subsequently located in I&S- Mr. -) 25X1 1 Mr. Boyle, State, advised he had talked with Mr. D and wanted 25X1 to thank DD. Also, Mr. Omentioned he had discussed his suggested central translation service with members of CIA. Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/210CIA-R991731R002700030031-~ TOP SECRET 4 October 1948 Mr. DeLoach, Liaison, had talked with Mr. Ladd, FBI, regarding Mr. II discussion with Mr. Ladd; Mr. Ladd deemed it advisable to appoint another liaison for OPC. Individual to represent FBI will be Mr. Dick Lawrence. Mr. DeLoach will continue all other liaison activities. 25X1 25X1 Dr. Colby, AEC, reference Scientific Branch. Later called Dr. 0 RDB, concerning discussion with Dr Colby about Scientific Branch. - Dr. Colby stated he would discuss matter with Dr RDB. Representative Bartlett, Alaska, called concerning address and name of Director -- per inquiry from constituent. Commodore Wm. G. Greenman, Naval Petroleum Reserves, requested information on availability of oil in certain areas, etc. Information needed for study being conducted for Navy by DeGaullier and McNaughtin, firm of engineers, economists, and statisticians, who have been indoctrinated in the handling of classified material, etc. DD suggested that request be made through ONI. reference trip to Maxwell Field for lecture at Air University by DD on October 25. Definite arrangements for transportation will be made at a later date. Congressman,Domengeaux reference nominee for MA West Point. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/2fO-F _(W31 R002700030031-0 Q A- (UT Approved For Release 2003/04/2JA- e~OR 31R002700030031- 25X1 TOP SECRET 5 October 1948 Congressman Domepgeaux, La, advised nomination of appointee to MA West Point had been forwarded to Secretary of the Arny. Later called Col. Wilson, Fort Benning, regarding subject matter. Director's Staff Conference cancelled. Mr. Montague and Mr. David A. Robertson, State, concerning study being made by State on NSC 26 -- requested designation of liaison with CIA -- Mr. Montague was designated by Memo to Acting SecState, for this purpose. ORE, reference Navy cables. Dr. Colby, AEC, reference Scientific Branch. Had not yet contacted Dr. 0 but will do so and then discuss matter again with DD. reference contact made by Mx. David A. Robertson, State, with JCS in connection with NSC 26. Had obtained from some source identification of certain JCS papers. Col. Babbitt was requested to caution personnel not to reveal source or identification of material discussed in connection with NSC 26 -- or any other study. Deputy Director called Gen. Todd, JSC. Mr. Carey, Mr. Kirkpatrick and "r. 0 reference certain temporary security waivers for OPC. Reference nominees for Advisory Board to OPC. Did not concur in nomination of Comdr. 0 Navy. DD called Admiral Struble to indicate preference for later Adm. Struble consented to above designations. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET . TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 6 October 194.8 ICAPS, reference membership of SSE/SANACC, with particular Mr. OPC, reference designated membership of the Advisory Board to OPC. Also reference memo of understanding with FBI. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Congressman James E. Van Zandt,Pa, reference series of speeches to be made; desired to check accuracy of certain information he had on Russia from a military standpoint. Also stated he would appreciate receiving aroy material which could be released for his use - Admiral Parsons called Col. 0 NEG/OSO, and requested that he continue briefing the Chairman, MLC to AEC. Mr. replaced Mr. s Chairman, MLC. 25X1 25X1 Comdr. telephoned re ardin visit of 25X1 I ac ec e to arrive about 17 October; requested appointment with DD. Scheduled for 10 AMjX 21 October. Conference - 12th Army Group - reference plans for Reunion, 22 Oct. Approved For Release 23/25EE1~780R01731R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/PIA'R= 731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 7 October 1948 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Col. Babbitt, ORE, reported result of discussion wi h Senator Gurney regarding his recent trip to Europe. Dr. and Mr.[ 25X1 accompanied Col. Babbitt. Major II reference Efficiency Report for Capt. report to SO to comment and return. 0 0 Queried OSO reference number and grade of clerical personnel assigned 25X1 29A*1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Dr. Colby, AEC, referenceScientific Branch. Regretted he could not consider suggestion that he head that group. Had talked with Dr. Mr. Souers, NSC, reference NSC meeting today. NSC 26 discussed and responsibility for implementing placed with CIA but outside OPC activities. Reference the Robinson article written for Saturday Evening Post and request for photographs, etc., by Ollie Atkins, photog. Mr. Childs reference dissemination of INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDA, etc. Mr. Young, Senate Judiciary Committee, x 156, called regarding a report A ffovzRe a b2N3 22-tiCh hEOPURD9139P fl2vTO9 1-Qiscrepancies; call referred to Mr. Pfofm~~~r Approved For Release 2003/04/2TO JA-l$1 C ReT731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 8 October 1948 Inspected Map Room facilities and status of projects. Mr. Pforaheimer reported request from House Armed Services Committee for up-to-date information on the purchases by Russia of natural rubber--where purchased; date and quantity; where shipped; etc. Request relayed to Col. Babbitt, ORE, who will prepare report. , OPC, reference NSC 29 -- and work of Col. Captain Wm. H. Hume, AMC Eng. Field Office, Navy Department -- personal. Captain A. J. C. Sabolot, Navy, reference Navy members of Advisory Board to OPC; strongly objected to two Intelligence members from Navy -- believed one should be from Operations. It was suggested that he discuss matter with Mr. I NSC, reference amended decision of NSC concerning imple- mentation of NSC 26. Also reference NIS Surveys referred to NSC for approval because of magnitude and expense. DD will discuss with Chief, ICAPS. ID, reference handling of certain intelligence memo submitted to the SecArnLr--those originating from OSO sources and handled thru Adv.Council. Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/0 1731 R002700030031-0 CI P 25X1 25X1 25X1 5X1 Approved For Release 2003/O pCISEC E1101731 R00270003003 I 1W TOP SECRET 11 October 1948 Col. Babbitt reference Mr. Schlesinger of ECA; subject has not yet returned to W.D.C. but contact will be made as soon as he arrives. Col. Pettigrew reference Navy cables. Mr. Ollie Atkins, Saturday Evening Post photographer, reference request for photos to be used in connection with article by Mr. Robinson on Intelligence. Mr. Childs, Ch. ICAPS, reference the N.I.S. Program referred to NSC for approval. Exec Secy, NSC had suggested that we obtain IAC approval of schedule or concurrence subject to NSC approval. Mx. Childs, ICAPS, reference Status Report of ORE projects --misunder- standing in connection with use of "Staff". Col. Edwards, I&S, reference use of polygraph. Conferred with Secretary of Navy Sullivan. 25X1 Col. Wood, Aide to SecDefense, reference notes on recent trip of Approved For Release 2003/04/22 r0 Ito Europe. TOP SECRE 1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 11 October 1948 - 2 OPC, reference United Press dispatch, London dateline of 10 October, appearing in Times Herald, concerning formation of guerrilla forces by Western Union. Queried advisability of Lunched in office. Approved For Release 20 /2~.Fp80R01731R002700030031-0 PM , . ET Approved For Release 2003TQP2 : S F T0R01731 R002700030031- 25X1 TOP SECRET 12 October 1948 Director's Weekly Staff Conference. Capta.i reference USCIB matters. Also reference temporary clearances for certain individuals for Advisory Council. Mr. I =p SO, reference contact in Baltimore with Array brought individual to W.D.C. and is billeted here. DD suggested SO send message to reference above matter. Q 0 Col. Babbitt, ORE, concerning desirability of extracting certain mateei making copies for internal use of Ireports. DD approved. Reference reassignment of two individuals currently assigned to Map Branch (Mrs. and Mrs. II); talked with Exec. for A&M concerning problem. /1aIsE Mr. -Movea, INS, inquired about Mr. Lewis, NY News, called about Mr. Laviero, NY Times, reference Mr. SO, reference assignment of Mr. -pending rece p of request from Request reportedly contained in pouch--currently missing. Endeavored to contact Mr. in this connection. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 10 SECRET 25X1 25X1 29A *1 25X1 2~1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ~Rl 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/2210p-Rj 12 October 1948 -2 Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference organization of World Communism group in the EE Branch, ORE. General P&A, concerning necessity for assigning Gen. to troops in USA; queried if we would release subject. ec a with Mr. OPC, who stated he would appreciate advice of Gen. or about three additional weeks and after that time the use of subject for consultation. This information relayed to Gen. =Who stated that Gen. would not be reassigned for at least a month and that arrange- ments for consultation with subject would be agreeable. Col. reference request orwar a ADCI to Secretary of Array requesting assignment of Col. to CIA. (Copy of letter delivered to Col. and Gen. 0 in addition to SecArn;y.) Mr Richard Davis, Newsweek Magazine, queried credibility of CONSTANTINE W. BOLDYREFF whose article on Russian underground organization appears in Oct 26 issue of LOOK. DD stated he would endeavor to obtain some information on reliability of individual for Mr. Davis and suggested he call again on Wednesday afternoon (13 Oct). Asked Capt. individual. and Col. Edwards to obtain check on OCD,. reference request on information needed by Northern Branch, ORE. Lunched at Army Navy Club -- Mr. F_ I "31 R002700030031-0 to Europe and various business interests. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/320: CIA- P$O 11731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/Y?~IA- P~$Q~,Q1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 1 October , reference background information on CONSTANTINE W. BOLDYREFF; I&S furnished additional information. Advised Mr. Richard Davis, NEWSWEEK Magazine, of appraisal of individual for his personal use only. Mr. reference instructions from concerning assignment of W. Q. Stated nothing had been received. Mr. 0 informed and requested to forward message indicating letter mislaid. OCD, reference additional portions of translation being done for Historical Section of Army by FDB. Gol.IlID, had been informed that inasmuch as material not primarily of intelligence interest, that translation would not have priority. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Dr.~ OSO, and Dr OCD, reference dissemination of 0S0 Information Reports. ID, referencel -1 believes we should try to keep individual in country at least for awhile and suggested that Col. F----and Mr. ~ (OSO) work out .9..i... S , - .General reference Dr. I I-- who had worked with Col. 0 and Gen. in EUCOM; has application with Col. Q and Col. Babbitt. DD talked with Col. about possibility of employment. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 R 8 31 R002700030031-0 T Approved For Release 2003/04/2j(T- ((% 1731 R002700030031-0 13 October 1948 - 2 and Mr. Houston reference handling case of 25X1 25X1 OCD, queried if temporary security waivers could be approved on two individuals needed as couriers. DIi -instructed OCD to have I&S forward the necessary request. 20-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/f9U~IA E T 731 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/ TOP SECRET 14 October 1945 plans for developing economic mobilization; advised that the 25X1 paper had been submitted to the NSC. (NSC-33) M 25X1 NSRB, stated that Mr.lL NSRB had talked with DCI about 25X1 25X1 (TR01731R002700030031- Later discussed this with Mr.lI OPC, who stated he would contact for further discussion of matter. Col. Babbitt, ORE, referencel , applicant. Stated he was considering subject's application and will advise if vacancy is found. 25X1 22111 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr. Kirkpatrick, CB/OO, reference Col. II NYC. Stated bad tried to contact the individual but under the name check with the G-2 representative in NYC office, Col. Newman, revealed that subject had been Major in CIC and probably had attained rank of Lt. Col; and that the Army "would not touch him with a 10-foot pole". Will check with Navy and Contact Register. Deputy Director called Mr. M. Thompson, Commerce 3935, to say information not complete but believe we have had no contact with subject and no particular interest. Mr. DeLoach, FBI, reference - have considerable investigation file on subject and is "bad actor" -- it was suggested that we give subject "brush off"--and refer further correspondence to FBI. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003M 2 : R01731 R002700030031-0 5X1 "4-7-'21 R002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 DOpR T TOP SECRET 15 October 1948 25X1 Mrs. I. employee -- referred to Executive Director. 25X1 Col. Babbitt, O_RE, reference desirability of removing partitions to facilitate activities of a particular group. Later discussed this with Captain Ford. Col. Babbitt stated ORE was interested in application of 25X1 25X1 but that definite spot had not been found. Later called on DD but was referred to Col. 25X1 25X1 He was informed, however, that General had been informed MI there was an interest in his application an that an effort was being made to find a proper position. Dr. Ohad the 25X1 25X1 impression that Gen. had said that were was a definite 25X1 place for him immediately. 25X1 25X1 reference implementation of plan 25X1 = and r. II I&S , 25X1 25X1 25X1 Mr. Houston and Captain reference varying interpretations of NSC 10/2 and subsequen irectives pertaining thereto. Mr. Houston will review NSC directive in light of a Memorandum of Agreement and Understanding and other pertinent communications. OPC requested copy of NSC 20 for their file -- 25X1 reference requests for temporary security waivers for 25X1 25X1 25X1 Col. Babbitt reference request from John Easton, Foreign Affairs Committee of House -- for background material on Austria. DD advised against permitting Mr. Easton to read any documents on hand but stated it might be possible for Col. Babbitt to extract and paraphrase material for Mr. Easton's use. Also mentioned that a written request on the DCI by a member of the Committee for information on a particular subject or area would permit a report to be pre- pared and submitted for their use. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: 0A-Q1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 15 October 1948 - 2 Mr. McDougall., United Press, reference query from their New York office regarding story in New York Times to effect that FBI was "eyeing" a new spy ring from South America into U.S. DD stated we would have no connection with that kind of investigation and had no comment on report. OPC, requested meeting to discuss facilities and responsibilities in handling alien refugees. Scheduled for Tuesday 0945 - 00 and OSO representatives to attend. Lunched with Maj. at Army-Navy Club. reference various problems of the workin staff f g o Consultative Group on Foreign Information Measures -- particular reference to utilization of various polls of foreign countries. Approved For Release 2003/04/ IOP L-CJA-RDP80ROl SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04TWI" 1731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 18 October 1948 Mr. kirkpatrick, CB/00, reference final report of Called Mr. Thompson, Commerce x 3938, to indicate subject was not being used for intelligence purposes. Mr. Carey, 00, reference Called Mrs. New York City -- in connection with notes of her recent trip to Europe. Invited her to call on DCI on her next trip to D.C. Mr. 1 1) -- personal. Col. Julian Wilson, Army, reference assignment of Col 25X1 Returning soon to London. reported for duty. 25X1 (Mentioned NSC 13/2) 25X1 25X1 applicant -- reference his desire to be of Mr. DeLoach, FBI, stated the Bureau was now ready to start exchange of information as result of Bogota Conference anti-communist resolution calling for exchange of information between American Republics. This information relayed to Mr. 050. Mr. OPC, reference letter to Mr. -which letter might possibly be misconstrued and it was suggested another letter be forwarded to indicate our interest. Mr. Houston reference I ec a wi. h or background information on subject individual. Also queried General concerning subject. Mr. Kirkpatrick, 00/C, reference request by Army and ORE that we arrange to talk with Its. in connection with his recent trip to Europe. Mr. of his office, stated Mr. was in N.Y. but will call upon.iis return. Approved For Relea5e 3/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CPP'L731R002700030031-0 25X1 ET TOP SECRET 18 October 1948 -.2 Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference reply to Director of Intelligence, USAF, concerning certain information which we are not receiving. Reference possible employment of Dr. Checked with ORE concerning request by House Foreign Affairs Committee for up-to-date information on Russian natural rubber purchases. (Request relayed 10/8) Mr. Carey, 00, reference proposal by ADOPC concerning responsibility for handling of alien refugees, etc. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CTI PS4jftr002700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA P, OS 731 0 02700030031 E(RET TOP SECRET 19 October 1948 Directorts Weekly Staff Conference I Mr. Carey Mr. Kirkpatrick Captain To consider responsibility between OPC/00 in connection with handling alien refugees. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference contact with 'r. regarding plates of Russian maps, etc. held by fire Basic communication given to Mr. or consideration. General Appointment arranged for interview 1000 hours, 20 October. (Has completed two years secretarial training.) 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Brig Gen James E. Moore, Secy of General Staff, reference 25X1 desirous of secretarial position. Gen. Moore w 11 ask her to call Deputy Director for appointment. Congressman Albert Thomas, reference of enclosure to his letter. -- requested return Major reference preparation of Efficiency Report for Col. Mr. Carey to prepare work sheet. Mr. Carey reference request of , Project RAND, for DD authorized dissemination of subject reports to l? IF I advised that the proposed amendment to NSC 4 by State Depart- ment had been submitted by State to NSC and was being considered. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: COI -RDPBORQ 1 R002700030031 -0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : TOP SECRET 19 October 148 - 2 FQ R002700030031-0 Mrs. Hillenkoetter reference return of DCI. State y would be staying in care of Mr. , Philadelphia, over week end. Called General Chamberlin, Dir of Intel, GSi7SA, to express appreciation for his interest and assistance to this agency and to wish him well in his new assignment. Lt. -Col. I- personal. Cocktails - North Lounge, F Captain Sabalot O-NI Captain Captain Mr. Carey Col. Dr. Col. Babbitt Mr. Childs Capt. Dr. R.A. pREj Carlton - 6-7:30 assi I -- ~., - ..~~. gnment. Approved 25X1 25X1 for another 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 TPAUKX11R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET 20 October 1948 subject delivered to Mr. OSO, reference contact with Mr. concerning Russian documents, etc., in Vienna. on 19 October.) Appointment scheduled for 21 Oct. Basic paper on 5X1 25X1 25X1 called for appointment in connection with employment. 2 5X1 Interested in secretarial work (Gen. Moore called in this connection Miss Washington D. C. - interested in secretarial position. Was given Forms 57 and PHS. Col. 1l ID, reference contact with arriving; foreigners-- Ap;ointment scheduled for 21 October to discuss coordination. (Case in point: Checked with Personnel concerning Mr. I I applicant--as result 25X1 of communication received from OSD. General 1I reference Dr. Also talked with Col. Babbitt and Col. 25X1 reference subject. 25X1 requested appointment for 21 October. Col. Babbitt, ORE, reference dissemination of report ---State NEA had forwarded to Paris, War and FBI. It was suggested that we also 25X1 Col. 0 ICAPS, reference his release. General would like 25X1 him to be made available 10/26. General to submit written 25X1 request. Also reference DD's lecture scheduled for 10/25 at Air War College. (Transportation arranged for Sun AM via plane -- to return Monday afternoon following lecture. Pilot will call DD at residence Sat PM to identify himself and advise # of ship.) Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RS1700030031-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA- Rc T700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 20 October 19A - 2 Called Dr. appointment for 5 November, 0930 hours, Rm Mr. DeLoach, FBI - reference reports on export of ball bearings, etc. OSO, concerning disappearance of 25X1 Mr 25X1 Mr OSO, reference offer of assistance from Mr. Ladd, FBI, to "-expedite" thru customs of DCI and party. Cocktails for 25X1 a Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002700030031-0 TOP SECRET called to say he was leaving for Chicago to attend to urgent business -- but will contact DCI later to report on his recent trip to Europe. 25X1 25X1 25X1 125X1 25X1 f' Ir Approved For Release 2003/04/22 :19PRD~P I' > c1R002700030031- 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 21 October 19/.x$ Dr. IL OCD, reference refusal by Army to give information which ORE considered quite necessary--in connection with report from State. Liaison Stetson brought request to DD's attention and it was suggested that written request be made on Army if unable to obtain desired information from State. 25X1 Mr. Carey, 00, reference provisional clearances forl - 25X1 Provisional clearances as distinguished from temporary security 25X1 waivers -- on basis of no access to material classified above Restricted; full security investigation to be made and employment subject thereto. 25X1 I I concerning -- Reported to have called father from Nashville, Tenn -- and en route home. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Also reference 0-reported missing. I&S to make report to FBI and request assistance in locating. 25X1 25X1 for interview. 25X1 Col. Edwards and Mr. Houston, Gen. Counsel, reference investigation report. Mr. OSO, reference reported visit of foreigner. , ID -- reference handling of certain aliens. reference inspection to be resumed of OSO activities and COMINT. Talked with Admiral Inglis and latter item. -- applicant -- referred to Col. in connection with Luncheon at Army Navy Club by Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : Cl 8014''P 12700030031-0 25X1 25X1 25X1