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25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CI180rF2p02700030005-9 Z: I TOP SECRET 26 January 194E The Director approved dissemination of copy of Weekly and Daily S_unm pry, at request of ONI, for the Commandant of Marine Corps.. General Sibert with reference to the G-2 Weekly intelligence publica- tion (SECRET) which has been Furnished by OCD to the Field Offices (9 copies). OCD receives 29 copies -- balance ,going to 050, ORE and executive offices. Discussed subject of intelligence publications for the field offices with Captain 0? Na CIA publication above CONFIDEATILL will be furnished field offices; those furnished to be returned within specified time. CaptainL [eference letter from0 Research and Development 25X1 Board, concerning personnel recruitment grogram for Scientific Branch. Mr. Childs, Chief, ICAPS, concerning request by Gen. for 25X1 minutes of two meetings held luring November and December. Committee had no status at the time and record of meetings is not available. Gol. 0 also called on same subject. Col. Galloway reference "Johnson Island". Mr. concerning contribution to 12th army Grp pup publication. Personal . applicant -- retired Marine officer, former Jap prisoner; knowledge Referred 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 Z-R6r8VlZ01 31 R002700030005-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: YDIR002700030005-9 U .TOP SECRET 27 Janua y 1948 Weekly Staff Conference. Mr. Houston, General Counsel, reference immiration cases--particularly concerning Justice Department ruling to deoort anyone previously engaged in Communistic activities---also concerning "defectors". Discussed Communications Branch requirements at Fort (Meade. Admiral Olsen reference reassignment of Col. Captain 0 was informed of conversation. Captain about March 16th. 25X1 reference discussion with Capt. McCollum, ORE, concerning I--possible reassignment. Kiss I Iapplicant} presently working e Commerce as stenographer. f . er f -fiscal lyst. deferred by friend, office, 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 Captain 0 nd Lr? SO, called concerning a press 25X1 report regarding commodity speculations by one 0 State 25X1 Department Press Section hfd been caueried. Approved For Release :-Mi D ?> 2 y7. 1 R002700030005-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : W1RDPN96k6N9 R002700030005-9 TOP SECRET 27 January 1945 -_ 2 Mr. Doherty, FBI, picked up information re?ardinti; material received by the Hoover Library. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 :CIA-Rpp 0R 73 #JW2700030005-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-1 P0R KR 700030005-9 TOP SECRET 28 January 1948 25X1 Yhecked status of application of Budget & Finance heal 25X1 returned as lication with notation that position for which she had been considered had been filled. Personnel had only considered her for "fiscal analyst". It pas su_. vested the a-p;plication be forwarded to SO because applicant expressed desire to the Deputy Director for an overseas assignment--in any capacity. Captain concerning Executive Registry--files being maintained, etc. ORE queried disposition of papers marked for "file" in 25X1 Ieference Center. ORE to retain temporarily until Reference Center facilities adequate to handle these papers. Subject discussed with Col. Colreference corresoondence manual. Other papers on subject will be returned to Central Records via I&S for informnation. concerning old SSU file on File returned 25X1 to him 23 Jan via Col. Galloway. concerning a NhG paper to the IAC reference ?'stablishmerit of a. Joint Nuclear E,ergy Intelli-lence Committee. Also reference 1-dvisory Council: office of record for papers from SA1NACC, Joint Chiefs, NSC, etc. Dr . Arthur Turner, Chief, 'p?edical Intelii ;ence Branch Surgeon General's Office, rite. reference to our pro.-rain on 25X1 .)ueried Col. Babbitt ORE concerning inclusion of mec ical intelligence in 25X1 Attended briefin; ' by SO Branch Chief, u;r. I on Southeastern Euro_se. O Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9 Attended presentation by Mr. Angus ward, Counsellor at t tukden. 25X1 25X1 u ~ Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : ClIQ P8&U002700030005-9 TOP SECRET 2 January 1948 was requested to submit li;:t of X11 travel requests oyat General Sibert queried date of arrival of Investigation Board as mentioned at Staff Conference 27 January. reference alien interrorrration actiti,ities; safeha?jen, etc. of Washington during month of January--to reflect individual, office, destination and purpose. recruitment for t e Nuclear Energy Group. and ~;erscn~ gel 25X1 Chief, Medical Intelligence Far, SG, invited Deputy Director to inspect his office and observe their various projects, etc. reported on discussion ;--uith Dr. (formerly OSS) applicant. Interested in rsychologrical warfare activities. G-2, reference availability of I I .e ooi t" about i hich 25X1 the Deputy Director had in_;uired recently. General Chamberlin stated he would ask Col. Clarke to seek permission from Secretary oya,ll co make the r. e cor t available to DCI. Col. Galloway. 25X1 reference paper on Enemy Document depositories. 25X1 f- reverence communication -problems. Referred for further discussion to Capt.0 called on the Director). Caotain Ir epor?ted on their discussion. 25X1 ladvised that the 2,eference Center t> oulr' be ec uipped to handle pappers about the seconrh :-eel- of F,'ebr?!,.ary. Files to be restricted to CIA only and restricted within CL,. to ORE and OSO with Asst. Director's approvinf individuals having access to the files. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9 U Approved For Release 2003/04/22 ! g R T31 R002700030005-9 29 J?.nua.ry 1948 - 2 reference signature on voucvere for Dr. consultant (3 days). C,= taidFeference s", ace problem; reported on DirectorI ~, conversation with Secretary Forrestal on subject. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/22T -R X31 8002700030005-9 TOP SECRET 30 Januar. 1948 Ito confirm appointment of Maj. Gen. Jas Director of Military Intelligence, vice Gen. relieved. Mr. Robert Blum, Office of SecDefense, for appointment Monday, 2 February. Mr. J. C. Austin, United Press, inquired if there would be anything in the way of news emanating from CIA; it was suggested he call on the Deputy Director upon his return to the city after 6 February. Special Funds, reference budget for psychological warfare. Col. Babbitt reference arrangements for Reference Center to handle the Attended SO briefing by Middle East Branch Chief, Dental: appointment. 25X1 25X1 Mr. CD, reference package secured in for the Deputy Director. 25X1 Congressman Mundt queried if we had any objections to instituting suit against as result orarticles appear ng in French press. The Deputy Director stated we had no objection. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/2T- _C"T31 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9 TOP SECRET 2 February 1948 25X1 Col. Galloway reference preparation of National Intelligence Surveys; recommended that SO be responsible for preparation of chapters on the foreign intelligence services, secret police, etc. Memo concurred in and forwarded to Director for approval. General Sibert concernin lease of office space for thel 25X1 Discussed subject with Captain I lan 25X1 Col. and h ter advised Gen. Sibert that we cannot enter into a 3 -year lease; that no expansion of this unit is anticipated for at least six months. 25X1 Captain =reference call from Congressman Wiggles*orth concerning reassignment of The Congressman had called in Personnel on this subject. 3d Armored Division, Fort Knox, Ky - personal. General Sibert urged reconsideration of promotion of and Lyman B. Kirkpatrick. Personnel files on above individuals requested. 25X1 25X1 Professor of Economics, presently with 25X1 at the request of ORE. Lunched at Army-Navy Club with Col. Deputy Director mentioned that 00 had been asked to 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22TOpR ~lk a1 R002700030005-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : UtA RDP fI FT R002700030005-9 TOP SECRET February 1948 Checked on status of application of shopped in SO. 25X1 application being 25X1 Col. Walker, War Department Legislative Liaison Branch, concerning request from Congressman Donahue of Massachusetts for information of CIA organization, functions, etc., for a constituent. Referred to Mr. Pforzheimer. Conference with Mr. Bernard Baruch, Sr. and Comdr. Bernard Baruch, Jr. on CIA organization. Admiral Olsen, OCD, and sir. I ORE, reference "eyes only" sheet 25X1 in connection with Daily Summary. Deputy Director stated this subject would be discussed with members of NSC by the Director. Security Office. Project Review Committee meeting - SO - funds for psychological operations. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9 i~'~ 1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : Dl Elf R002700030005-9 25X1 TOP SECRET 4 February 1948 General Sibert reference personnel problem; lack of translators; field offices not fully equipped to operate efficiently; etc. I I applicant - ormerly with OSS, OWl. Personnel files, I&S file and OSS file checked. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Colonel Galloway reference State Department designation for Deputy Director queried Mr. dulten, Deputy to Mr. Peurifoy, State, concerning this matter. General Sibert con a NYC, repeated 25X1 contacts withi claiming Director romised her employment in that office. Deported to be relative of extensive 25X1 police record, etc.) 25X1 Col. reference Col. had been placed on next 'Mar College accepted, could he be retained on duty another six months. Deputy Director indicated this would be satisfactory. 25X1 . General Sibert concerning reorganization proposed for Contact Branch. Approved For Release 2003/04/22: V& Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : 9 9-DP&K4F-1TR002700030005-9 TOP SECRET .5F ttrj nry I Cal. eference efficiency reports -- Army Regulations prohibit preparation by civilians; therefore will have work 25X1 sheets prepared by the appropriate supervisors and then forwarded to General Wright for rating as he deems fit. This to apply to Army and Atr Force officers. Similar arrangements will be made for handling Navy efficiency reports - except that the Admiral will rate the reports. Col. Galloway reference report on Russian deserters. Reference report of meeting between Mr. F- and Mr. Kennan's 25X1 staff, State, on interrogation of Soviet refugees. 125X1 Reference availability of cable book to OSO. Deputy Director will determine procedure for expeditious handling. 25X1 Y Personnel Division reported on status of application of General Sibert concerning desirability of replacing Chief, Contact Branch. Dental Clinic. Finance Office -- reference credit for national guard service. Lunched in office. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 $ OFD 80R01731 R002700030005-9 ~r ' Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIiQlP80'R 002700030005-9 TOP SECRET 6 February 194 Called Northern Branch, ORE, concerning Mr. letter; Deputy Director will stop in to chat with her one day soon. Rm. 2541. M Bldg. Chief.) 25X1 Mr. IJ ORE, reference cable book furnished Director -- stated the delay in 00 had been eliminated. Captain and Col. ~eference General Sibertts recommendation tha r patrick replace Mr. C-Jief, Contact Branch. 25X1 Captain Jalso mentioned his with General Sibert concerning personnel and administrative problems which should clear thru the Executive Director prior to discussion with the Director. Admiral Olsen delivered suggested memo to NSC concerning the format and dissemination of the CIA Daily Summary with particular reference to an "eyes only" edition. 25X1 Col. Galloway and Mr J concerning call on Director by Col situation in Istanbul. Also discussed Advisory Council. - Memo for Record attached. 25X1 ~oday reference subject with Mr. L-Ioncerning his recommendation that Capt. presen y assigned to Advisory Council, be considered as nominee for Chief, Contact Branch. General Sibert later queried the Deputy Director concerning 25X1 Congressman Hale Boggs of Louisiana called on the Deputy Director connection with the application of Deputy Director checked status of application with Personnel Div and also talked with Deputy Chief, Field Offices, 00 in connection with the a , 1being considered for employment 25X1 pending security clearance. ongressman Boggs had been associated closely with subject applicant in Navy. Deputy Director introduced the Congressman to the Director. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 CIA-RDP80R01731 R002700030005-9