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Publication Date: 
April 24, 1950
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Approved For Release 20 "1"CblirrAt R01731R0'026000A944' ?. a April 1950 inztx?.tuutz:Fci1--,vammoTarrEE (:=vicE) umom cr 71E; IAC =XXI: "roev Flow of Policy anzl Operational Informaticel to CIA bLUOrandliti for the Chief, CUPS. from the AD/OrtEs dated 7 April 1.950, telbjeati *Content and Dis- tribution of the CIA Daily fAirmary** 1* For a considerable tine this Agency has felt concern over the fact that while the Department of State is bending raw effort to rake its taidaect loyal intelligenoe and eyeratienal neterialsi which have utility for intelligence pewees, availeige to the Central Intelligence Agency. the Departments of Aregr, Navy. and Air Force nonaally do not provide operational matter* The bulk of the Inuteria withheld consist? of operational cables which are not normally sent to the intelligence orsanisations of the Depart- rafts for action but are available to to Various atteapts have boon made to obtain access to this traffic, which to of =adorable imortance to the preduction or both CIA current intelligave publicatiens and national intealigenee estimates, but results have not been forthcoming* 2* It appears, neVerthaellIS, that another attempt should be IWO to resolve this matter became of the attitude of the Depart- ment of State* which is explained In the enclowe1 eithatel it should be arphaoised that the rain reasen this cable traffic should be made available in its importance to national intelligume pro- duaticn* 3. It is suggested that CIA per4uicipation on the &orrice? Iteuding Panels for the purpose of making a daily aelection of cables, for which CIA has en Intelligent:le requirement* might provide a satisfactory solution to thin problem* ce?66, At&eutAv /f2 (//i (ONFtDENTIAI: Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002600050001-2 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002600050001-2 CONFIDENTIA1,. 14 41 It t; repeated that you look into this .natter within your respective department& In order to assist in its resolution. L conference of the Cif, and rvice Mod,ers of the Starranc, Comittoe 1:111 be eallel to discuss the subject in the near ruture? cc: AD/OTIE State Dept. AD/OCD Central Records zr- PC/dhl riCa.:COri* Cla11-Z, Chief Coordinaticirti, CVemtiosua and ?alley Staff 1.3N (4; Adi?ities Lid methods u:MiDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80R01731R002600050001-2 Approved For ReAgiase 201.011101114AtR01731R002600050001-2 JUtl Ts aontent and Weary iartmant o: the content and es was reflected eumeariesa, am4 it C4 between the tett of the sables avaiWas =Is U2e 2. liehint a dgeste of cato It ego included, so 1 security an4 needed tharaf This onnar*Ittme remained a Gaidin,, 11841.44 the Daily Sunken', the eole eedificaticia I Seeeritii Cowell is no regarded as also being a ;rime target* publissatienp flier, it has been true tre ths '-ossiginnie4? Laily Summary' has coneistei aleoet entirely et di4esta of State Liepart. meat telegrams, the pereenSaos of State materials usually runnin4 wall ever 90 per cent* AlthouGh it is oler thut Lup38.03LAO Live met 8,14? niftoant problems 411 usually ogle within the purview of the ,:apartment of ltate, the extraordinarily high percentage at Adste items La tbe Lsily3usskry is also owin, to the withhold/lag of 414?laval by the various smetaims of the MAUI:nal Defense entablishment parti.w oularly operatpmel ealaes era the one Llano, an4 the consistent Lis triention-ot sitohloateriall by nuts on the other* rag coeLlint=tiba time two tutors has mood tho oostsat of the IL Listilr Somali to (moist *let exausively at high level -tate ?Apartment operational anui intelligence eables4 Approved For Release 210ThinDEN OR01731R002600050001-2 Approved For Relewase 2003/05fONT FR1731RE42600050001-2 3. Distribution the Cliki*:147;;? Analynie ofthe dis- tribution of the 1iailr "'usury discloses t 26 of the . ooeles distributed externally go to some part of the ritional Do4 ense ostab- eieSmonte This imbalance is caused bys (a) the four-to-one ratio between the Defense a: ice and the Department of :7tete; (b) the interest of the Defense aecncies in learnik;, throuji the Da114 :larreuvit about the plans and okerations of the ,7,:tate Department; ared (e) the disintereet of State in reading a publication which cenziets 70 aant of its own materials. Ilhatever its causes, however, this itbalaneo means that the Daily Zummary has become a one-may chnmol by lihich r!tate De- partment's most eensitive inform tion and operetional pla1% is made evailatle to the Defense agencieu, without reciprocatian V thone agencies. From States point of view, CIA's professiee that the Daily Summary is desielled primaril;y for the Presieent and the !'SC is over- shadowed by the fact that the distrieution of the pullicatiea is predosinafttly to the militerer. 441 The present concern of the oep.Irtment of 3tatc would te con- aiderably relieved, if not entirely dispelled, if J', Navy, Lind Air wore to maks available for the CIA Zell/ Summar', cables and telezraes of a seneitivity equal to those provided by Citate. Under sUch ciroumetauces the content of the Daily %emery would more accuratele- reflect cable traffic which relates sienificaatly to the eecurity of the US Moreover, under such circumetancea the eopartment of State would undoatedly ask for more copies of the Daily Summary, thus adjustinc the imbalance of the present distribution, MOOMMUDATIONSI It is recommended that COAPS 1 Acquaint the military agencies eith the intellieence needs of CIA in connection with the Daily Sylmar-if 2. Inform the military agmeeies of the eogree end kin., of 3tate D epartmet contributions to the Dail,y Summary' Advise the military agencies of the possibility that :14 ms,y be forced to curtail distribution of the Daily Se-nary tO those agencies in order to protect its position eith the eopartmeat of State unless they are able to provide CIA with equally sensitive material. Approved For Release 2003/05/C5ONFZEWRA1731R002600050001-2