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Document Release Date: 
October 27, 2009
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Publication Date: 
February 12, 1975
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Approved For Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R002200100025-4 WASHINGTON PRESIDENT'S FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD NSC REVIEW COMPLETED PFIAB/NSC Review Completed. MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 12 February 1975 Yesterday evening I received a telephone call at home from Mr. Francis Bessenyey, who is the President of the American-Portuguese Society of which I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He stated that he had just been approached by Mr. Valentim Xavier Pintado, who is the managing director of the Banco Portuguese Atlantico. Mr. Pintado is in the United States trying to solicit financial assistance for the Partido Centro Democratico, which is the equivalent of the Christian Democratic Party of Portugal. He emphasized the importance of this Party to counter communist party efforts in connection with the election which is now scheduled to take place on April 12th. I explained to Mr. Bessenyey the atmosphere which prevailed in the United States, and the limitations which are placed on the U. S. Government for participating in what would be concluded to be "interference with the internal affairs of foreign governments. " I cited to him the present controversy raised in the Congress and the press with respect to the change of government in Chile last year. I also told Mr. Bessenyey that I would think the matter over overnight and let him know if I had any constructive suggestions as to what might be done. This morning I talked to the Director of CIA, and arranged for a meeting with General Walters, the Deputy Director. I discussed the whole situation with Gen. Walters, who confirmed my conclusions of the situation. After Gen. Walters' departure, I telephoned Mr. Bessenyey at his home in New York. I told him that I had given the matter considerable thought and discussed it with some appropriate people. I indicated that it would be advisable for him to inform Mr. Pintado that the best sources of funds would probably be found from the Conservative Parties in European CLASSIFIED By P-- I EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE QF EXECUfWVF O?:?:R 11#52 [X- EMFIIOtNI CATEGORY (y 5B (:)(~=i or (4) ) r - - AUTO. J+TtCALLY DECLA;$11'TD ON Impossible to Datumirte (effective data. or, event, it flny Approved For Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP80R01731 R002200100025-4 ~ Approved For Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP80R01731 R002200100025-4 countries, particularly stressing the Christian Democratic Party in the Federal Republic of Germany that might be in a better financial position than the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. I also suggested that they might well approach the French. I expressed the hope that Mr. Bessenyey would tell Mr. Pintado of my deep regret that I would not be available in Washington Thursday and Friday of this week, when he contemplated coming down here to see me because of a trans - cending commitment I had to be in Norfolk, Virginia, on those dates. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ADM. G'0. V. ANDERSON, JRa George W. Anderson cc: Gen. Walters Approved For Release 2009/10/27: CIA-RDP80R01731 R002200100025-4