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Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 6 .; 1i40RANDUK FOR GR EF? L S) I9'H SUBJECT: PSB Staff Paper entitled s;Report on Social Science Research in Cold rations, 25X1 as prepared ryf dated 11 l. }rii 1951 REFI ,ENCE: Mmaorandurs from Q for DCI, subject "Social Science Tesearch, is undated. 1. The background of this matter, as known to ~1e, is as .follows: a. In the course of preparing subject Report, , of the PSB staff held certain informal di}.scuss-_ons with who was then AD/Rt. After some of these conversations had been held, a formal request was made on CIA (by mmemora dated Februa- - 114, X52 from to furnish research br^eakdou figures for the purposes of his study. 1 of 7 b. The question of furnishing the requested i Afor- mn+jlin referred to Mr. Saunders, who advised Tfr. that CIA had not previously authorized d:isse ni_na- zon of such fi-ures outside CU. 1r. Saunders further advised that to rake CIA fiscal information available for 25X1 the purposes of the survey as requested vrould be co_ztrarv to special security arrangements in offect with t h Bureau of the Bud et which according to *-as cooperating with in his study, 25X1 c. Upon being so advised, with the ocn- currence of Mr. Wolf, emote to under dat , of 5 March 1952, erxplaining the circurnst.ances and referring to the special security arrangements in effect with tIie_ Bureau of the E fidget, stating in part: i'I believe it host desirable in the light c_' the above that tiny fiscal data concerning CIA be e eluded from the subject survey. I know you will ap_~re ;i_ _e the nportance of our taking all security measures necessary tcj prevent disclosure of arrr fiscal iti?- fonaation that might indicate the magnitude of the Agency or any of its programs." y1 ..I/C. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 8001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R0l731 R001700230005-8 25X1 25X1 25X1 hf i er recei.y-inFT the CIA f't - ? sh 25X1 these figures a_ re- quested authority to have I Idiscuss the resevrcii to have any figures. This was noted of record by in his Diary of 6 n?aa-ch 1952. the D rector i s log an of 6 Narch a;,d at, the Deput es t _.~ 25X1 meeting on tint date the Director commented favor.ef:ly or. our refusal to give CIA budget figures to the General Smith indicated that all PSB required was to kn what research as being done and where. PSB had Ito: new problem generally with 13uri.nn this convey 25X1 sation, made i main tol (1) That the DCI himself had disapproved the furnishing of the figures, and (2) That CIA could not, in the light of the foregoing, agree to the inclusion of such -'figures 25X1 the proposed PS3 Zeport. f. this clear expression of the Director's views, the PSB Report as prepared bar under date of 11 !pr_L'L 1952 contained references , ,_-A and figures respecti i%g amounts allocated to r esearci, by CIA which, although rounded off, are generally aco~zr?.e, as was determined by reference to M-,?. Saunders. g. The .SUB draft memorandum containing svc f igure$ was Fiffiidcarrieci bar to Air. Dulles (who u7~. not fully informed as to the fore o'njL, background) with a reauest for clearance. aid not infortr. L that he had m3.c.e this request of Mr. Dukes, r. 25X1 es, in turn, referred the Report to for comment. 13. On April 23, 1952, I Icalled to ttention, by phone, the fact that the Report in the form in which it was presented t Dulles was contrary to the understanding previously reached, which, on the pert of CIA, was a position taken pursuant to specific instructions by the DCI. undertook to review the Report and consider de e tLon or all references to CIA. Under date of 23 April 1952, Inoted in his Official ?Diary; Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R0l731 R001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 25X1 HEBrieft;d Mr. iyulles respecting t: PSB r on research on cold war operations, which coma ned references to CIA directly contra to the undeL- 25X1 standing that I had reached with 25X1 o t ;r. instructions fron the Director. e this up with at lunch, and later called me, which time I suggested ,flat =-~- references to CIA be deleted. If any questions .arose in the PSB3 the General would be Sitting as C~jjWi a 25X1 and could answer thqL as he saw fit. rdertoo!z to have a talk witil and to inform me of what e. lie stated that this references they plan to a LA paper had riot beer.: distributed to anyone outEit.e PSG, including the Budget Bureau. I made it plain that 25X1 felt that the paper in its present form waL contrary to the understarict-ng that we had reached. " 25X1 i. Thereat-ter, on may 2, 1952, 0 stating that re xa=rd.nation of the Repo, has made us C eel that the references in qa ~"--W are an essential part of the report and that ue are consequently face3 with either scrapping the $?or;> cr sui),iitting it with the references." After receiving this letter from hYh.4' .e ba ~? addressee a meir.orandum to Mr. Wolf, giving round or this situation and requesting that he be e.ssu 1: g ound -OcL (a) That the release of these f' res in %A e = a repo t in which they were set out in the would be eontrarrr to previousl, -established ,X)- icy of CI& ; and (b) That suc7 policy had theretofore been d in dealixs with the Budget Bureau. 1 On 7 May 1952, li r. Wolf advised in reply T that release of the budgetary amounts ccn-c .isles in the draft _ ,eport is contrary to prtviaus ,.uta )fished policy of the Agency and that we, have e ;general u.nderstmdIng with representatives o$' the Bureau 01, the Budget that CIA budgetary 3 hf`oMatioa is not available for dissemination to other a?;etlcies and/or establishunents. " Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 tinzg upon verbal author it on 16 1,'air 1952, wrote to in part: )idles, stat- ra ".e have given your suggestion very ca..refid consideration, but to authorize your request would involve a departure from a long-established ;policy 4iich we think is of importance to the security, and other interests, of this Agenc-. Aw-o regret very much that you feel it neces- sary to citscard the report if our figures are cr eluded, but dc wish to point out that you v ere advised before the draft report was prepared, of ' he e.c stence of this policy and of the Director's desire that the figures not be included. W1 appreciate it if you would have the 25X1 references to CIA, and the breakdo:Jn of figures relating to it, excised from the report." ra. On 27 $ i QKq I lunched vrithh 0 of PSB and in is ree- or tn.e convereat on at this luncheon concluded with r.;he statement: ",N%sh I made it Main that we would not be unha n-s to see the questions raised by~pressnted - -? - forma r info d 25X1 r._. On Wednesda, 1952, discussed. the I I of PSB and made the fo l1c : v note of this conversa.,ion in his Official Diary: "Chatted with Director of the PSB respectinor the Repo explained to him the situation with respect to the figures cited in the Report and also the general reasons -4.y I feel that the ratters considered in this Report could best be handled by a program of coordination undertaken by the Department of State, rather than PSB. I indicated, however, that if the figures relating to CIA vrere deleted, I would have no o0jection to the circulation of the Report, since it was at least thought-provoking and that is wYiat was required in this field. After some discussion, Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 ndicz.ted that he would transuit the ;'ith the figures relating to CIA d Gen. `ii;iith under a covering letter from W-"Ict 25X1 be transrd.tted to Gen. Smith rouge try. T`i .a permitted us to cancel the later meeting scb;duieci faith tie General and I so informed the Gerxer L at .-::te deputies' meeting." ~., Thereafter, on 23 July 1952, I 6f PSB conferred with Yr. Sa s 4th respect -0 tiit: 25X1 deletion of the CIA figures from the aeporc,. ije:3itl} 25X1 sic ted betfreen insisted upon includ.L ; Clr1 Thereupon Pair. ;Saunders called into the r=eet---g, 25X1 which time again made clear the position of ;,L: that the figures could not be used in the Report, eitiia.: separately or as part of a total governmental rosaar;h i u:t-s. 25X1 25X1 p. Seves'al days later, Dr. I at 1 25X1 inniji.Fed as to the status of the revision of the sp: i hat the only remaining q est z; _.. as to the release of the Report was the deletion ci the CIA 25X1 d stated he understood that e doing this and would tiiereafter clear rite. indicated no dissatisfaction with this arran 'men;. 25X1 q, undated memoranduzu request u g Gen. Smith's reconsideration was noted by the DCI on 31 Ju Ll y 195k* It is apparent from the foregoing that: a. I first point is not a ttdifferE-ice of opinion" between the CIA and PSB staffs, but tli refusal of PSB to accept the DCI I s deterni_nat. on t at CIA budget figures could not be released in a IQ, L3 report. I I and his staff have been fully advised that was acting under DGl t s tions and that, if it were important for PSF itsol-' to consider these figures the DCI would be sit-&in as Chairman of the Board and could have then made availa bl e. in error in stating test ar one information on jurisdictional gro Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001700230005-8