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Document Release Date: 
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Approved Follplese 2003/ DP8OR017.013001 ramtitm? acjiyar 801/79 tz:311-10%3E.1?1:?., U DSC t .ASSWILD OLAS. QtiANGED TO. NEXT:AgittEW DATE: 4tsg, ALITit :? 2 CONFIDENTIAL JenuerY 1949 STAT Acting'Assistmt Di. eports, Orrice of Special Ore ,440118d. m;,:,..ieoranitmuC frac the, Assistan a04 14?0scatUa4cri ti'10*.nrded for inforcation. 2. The uffine of .,Rererts an F.stimates cunt hsvivesery bit of intellip:ence information posaible in Order to assure- inflicter .4t may .,...11410 practicable that intheir smuluations_they have. Conaidered all theses of any questiOn. -Therefore, cOpt4w,of all intelligence infermation received by the Office or:4004*i ppOraV.ono, will be forwarded to the Office Cr Reports tolit*etisetea 'lad to the Office. or 401exti tie rntslitonios through thr'brfiee of 'Collettion: and Asseminittft., T140 10111 inoludeboth l'ositive. and Oonteresri ?nu,* , reports.. Hov.n'er, it 411oot itelude operatilnel and:adoiniatritive report. and Irs ONLY .diepatches for DeIn*t. Director or .,Aetietant i)ireator for -,,,Srediel Operations., Such 410Pct4hOs Vill be del iv ered to the Dtreeter :aid Verrill,' Director Whe? ifloh* deo* the inforlation to, be or latelliitenos valos# ? will forward thi rerorts on to the Office of Lejorta sod Estimates sad the t files , Cr- .3 entiri o Intelligence. 3. AnuarecielsecurityAetip4attelis required will bq steeped - on the foe to the retort sod'ih011:ise4trict17 Complied With in all Officlos.' ,XL41P) R. Hillenkoetter pp "War AdOral, Direct of Central Intelligence Enol Memo to DCI fro AD/OCD, 1/19A9, PR 0.2960 go - w/o endl AD/COD AD/ORS AD/OSI D: Rffii/b Orig. & 1 cc - Addressee - w/orig of end l w/encl Director - 1 cc w/ cc of endl. w/o encl. Central Records w/o enc]. Approved For Release 2003/0 'riDENTIAL -RDP8OR01731R001300160006-9 INITIALS INITIALS pr rilleWaw2043101MOCIU i-SENDERNILL CIRCLE CLASSIFICA WURSITIORO TOP AND BOTTOM) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY o-zno OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIT 31 +11,11 2 3 Executive Deputy Director. Director DATE 5 FROM IIMMIN111111 Asst Dir ? D 2 DATE " 3 =APPROVAL =COMMENT 1,2 INFORMATION 1 DIRECT REPLY - r-====-1PREPARATION OF REPLY 1ICONCURRENCE I I RECOMMENDATION d*- wit1-46 REMARKS: CAP1.4):,'? 04- M -itwa vw/ SO Air 014$ fAAP-C12404-112 ctAn1 A C wiU 0114 evve-t1.64-fia D + IR - AReefivW1 441131(11/01 in-FREIPP017Vilik% SI GNATURE RETURN DISPATCH FILE C S 0 ? matt aa: FO 30-4 SEP 1947 6- 0160006 Approved For ? ase 2003/07/01 ii*!1! '0R01731 1300160006-9 CONFIDENTIAL', , Approved For ase CIA-RDP80R01731401300160006-9 CONFIDENTIAL eill be. writio? this Agency's finishd4ntelligonce OA worldowids oomonnist activities. its analyst& will require all informstion.:hearing upon the Problem which re can obteln from say mares. An:Iutelligenoo Momorz,ndu itt.n in ignorance of OSO materials Might huve disastrous results. 0. ORX rosmivms from the LAG agencies, through OCD, all information obtained by them ooncerning aoviet and Communist *lions In foreign countries. ORE to Ad receives save on a Ilitoemeal basis, information of this character collected by OSO. d. The argument that OO reports dealing with saunter- espionage are *too sensitive* for ORE analysts to read is mis.. Justified. The inolysts are obliged in their daily 'work to deal pith msterials classified higher than TOP 'SECRET. More- Overt they not infrequently are shows OSO reports desling with CZ in the course of their conferences with Army. NM and State ialysts. 0. It ie damaging snalystis to be shoos, in produood informatimm repo within CIA itself. Use of tht. Agency or ORE s of other agencies IA.. h--vis been withhold from them 5. It soulti be *greeds I be es by all offices of tide Agsa*Y thrt he op:Irv:Alone of our own uneercover people should be safeguarded by evory +security measure which it is possible to 401Fieee Thibre is seldom if aver ,py. need for parsoasel outside of (SO to hove knowledge of the individual 10011 and 'ones who are serving us undercover At co*. siderabie hard to themselves. However, se do the.* :soPle *11 justice if we fail to make ths best 2ossib1e use of the infOroatios which it ccOts them so much, in hardships and &lagers to obtain4 to owe it to them, I think, to ensure thet every scrap of information sent in Is exploited to the Pullest possible degree by the most oom. patent specialists re can employ. 6. It is recommondod tlat CIA policy be formuloted to provides a. Thst.gainfor tioa collected by CIA 'hall be trans- mitted to OCD far distribution to OHS and OI pro2ucti4n com- p.-mentos ao appropriate; b. That ,p.cis.X ec s -ble to specific reports hall be duly tndj.oted selves and shall be strictly complied with Or all concerned c. That exceptions to (a) above shall be alio .ed ?sly on the authority of an Assistant Lirector or his Deputy; shall apply only to single reports (not categories of reports) each Approved For Rele /01 : CIA-RDP8OR01731R001300160006-9 ? ** ot ou .porta. *11 tomothol*** be doivsr.d to the ol or tho Apoistont z? tatut ro OSI, oo appropriats. 1: CIA-RDP80R01731R001300160006-9