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Document Release Date: 
July 21, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 18, 1954
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(e fr, Approved For Release 2003/07/29: CIA-RDP80FJ1731 R001200280019-3 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI The University of Kansas City is very much interested in establishing a Russian Center, as described in the attached Prospectus. I have been informed that the Central In- telligence Agency might be interested in such a project. If so, would you kindly let me know under what circumstances. Earl McGrath President Mr. Allen Dulles Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200280019-3 Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200280019-3 This propaaai concerns the development at the kniverai: of a Russian 41t4ies "#-ter to s ir*iulate ar d aid the study of a U aspects of Russian society is high schools, co;L3 e es and t t LVer s Lties, and adult orgy .zations. While certain phases o tne tsr t s work nay be directed primarily at sties tlr and servicing the tidy of the U.S.S.R. by Mid-West institutions and crgsnisati rns, ct , 3betsee .r -suchh as the development c f etude unite for high aohoola--can Ix- directed at wider, perhaps national, institutions and groups. f x emotional a:..;proaah to aoviet society is din?.,erouea scholarly and c n rete ive knowledge (based on primary solar, tee varied aspects of Soviet life and policies can provide a stron-,; fou. c ati ?n for wise. decisions. Although a few centers -ussia) suidi s exist,, they are mainl ? in the. st. loroov r, they are dedi.cat t a2 xs exclusively to research or sc ' c training within t iv3 ar iverel ri.es, And yet, it is preeciael.y in the Ld-West thst the need t"ar , apr = biased nowle a is trie greatest. ins; its tasks, the (.enter ^ ld. devel-a a ra such ar:t'ivities =fir< ter -.... -cooperatio: i with adult education a ;e cies (s aeh as Vim (:ansas city Adult Education Association and the American Founda%CLoa for 'olitical duration) in the a eevelopsr nt of prof.*,r e, in "rov'idirk' conwulta-- tive atgd Itute4rahip services, and in tr sz adult dit4e+xssion lt:adere. ----organizing lectures, institutes$ c,anferences and aveicsp.tn : materials for `the mass Leales) , 2, The education or high school students in the area of iiu.ssiar, Studies throuhs velopin ; and providing stu y, ion of u d appropriate ooooera of tional institutions willchs tram high school teachers, Char own 3c',1001 of #' tic. 4.,rior. is already akin - ?e?a?te steps in this d=i.recl its, materials with,highcar educa-- Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200280019-3 --?..--provid- iq Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200280019-3 i`he ecihcat in .` college student. Or uct ; and publishing the resau1ta of r ;ear zh; fields acid topics wkalcft are not the ob; ect of exist Ing ?e earen. ---- xgaarzdi i ussiaaan , tadi in our n it gwwr&L edic-,ti* rcra . > in tae various Divisions aid hools of the 1:raiversity~aa sct ulati ; afuoslaan -Studies at other higher ea' c st. ,aa gal i etitutios . -?contribut4 studies. peciaaal stress on foreign pu:bli cattl ran sian, Chit , other %a rat.~t nin a res arch a; .d service li raa ry and a at r ai s Or filrs fugitive maater:laal, diawragr , et*). The coliocti.cn n lain awintrins, and -14e-stern European countries. . , au -lying rotor. c life (aaa~~,r cultu , techaoleagy, me is a e, indu to inaatituti ;na and ess:-r~s havln an interest ~ " rob le-M. 6. Publishing a jiussia l Digest eonsistings of tr, siaaaaa arioa of, or extracts from, important artielf,~ s, do men A?vi.F t ata :3, eta, in all. areas of #tuasian Studies. ta_ as Direst will c ., tribute to w he fill ea?:t of the aims list.a4i as ovc . The initial faculty and staff might :irr:e rude abut six st yla o WOuld taken. together, cover the areas of bean a and l .t iture, poLtics, econoaaict., sociology and anthropology, p -)nopkay, sal cultural nitut=ona, A head librr`aarn uld be needed. In attrition, i, would be desira,. i.o t?) have a number of scholaarsn. r s aiu f'as l ea?aaas a #.aa a avail Ahla t* p ror :ote t1 m traininar of specialists in the several a , of SOa tract: ; tu&exi,. Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200280019-3