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Approved For ReLeas PU DT. lc tRDP80R01741 oQi Jb0050074-7 GUN IA HHEADWALTUS Returning from Abroad 1. The high intelligence potential of conk}reac States Government officials returning from abroat depends in large part upon the opportunity they provide to secure from such officials their personal and uninhibited vie: and opinio . This d pe .a it turn on the guarantee vhi eh . can be given to suc1 officials that their ree arks, b -ever informal, will be honored by a olute and rigorous ecurity precautions on the part of an attend.ia such conferences. 2. In order to insure that such security 1t cautione are th e;;m to the fullest possible extent,, certain steps are; proposed to increase existing security guarantees and, thereby further reduce t danger z security violations. Since several security viotions have occurred in the recent past in connection with participat5on of the intell.i ence agencies in such conferences, I consider it desirable to tighten up on the security aspects of this matter and to regulz rite other peoceft aspects thereof. a proposed a.reez-nt covering ox in this matter is sutted for ycknr concurrence After the final text of this paper is Fgreed upon by It is proposed that it be issued as a" on this subject. 4+. It is believed that there are other op?ational:ud. relationships 7 ich need clarification and stand rdisation. Often these matters apply to CIA's relationship vith only o'' or a fear of the ligence agencies. After a ement is reached on these matters by the CONFIDENTIAL I .VAL I' LLLII{C Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For ReleeCO~ ErM80R01731 R001200050074-7 my of to ft" etch of 1cle'Ju y fte CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Reljse 2eONfpDE1\ITl R01 731 R001 200050074-7 agencies concerned? published agreements at the t.ppropriatea policy level will provide the desired machinery for thira purpose. 5? I should appreciate receiving your eark- reply, both regard- ing the substance of the enclosure and regarding the issuance from time to time of agreed-to "Interagency Operating Procedures" which are x of so broad in application as the policy National 3;curity Council Intel- ligence Directives or the implementing Director of Central Intelligence Directives. Enclosures Draft of Proposed Operating Procedure, with enclosure PC /mhb COAP8..1k P'ebruery 1950 DISTBJ ,'Z4H?. Director All/tom AD/OSI Chief, I&SS AD) 00 Return to CORPS Central Records CONFIDENTIAL a MMUM R. H. III Rear Mairal, VSN Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 C fIDENTIAL Approved For Release 200 / P / : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 the Navy, br CI tbrtw ir:tol? of the . p _ 4 v* of tl ! - Art # tor foffu-talz CIA wA to t t or Andes co Due tlttc tl of Bel by CIA to - luteU$. ee d. CIA r? of Dw-*.rt- ,de edtble fac$Utles for emit cox, CIA w. p itaoU fox a c , CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Release 200ON Dc A 01731 ROO1200050074-7 w4 subjec 0 att"d s 5. respective U be ask*d is abl* to int, . 7. by ax CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Release 2FJ Ck01731 R001200050074-7 c"sitic ati item aa4 too aiwitt` dU not he disa- b. To mke no dis na-ti of expvss*d at t Us con xtcea, an& Lo views or opinions only in the e . ti prodwticsn, vit t r zi t *i.- UmecUt s9 c e To a k questions about c st. t+ c _., sti. a U,3. iuteU rc, on m I umdwstandv in ccr fusion, t bat ixW e - t- `-ri stittiWs a record of ' rat . at this cc tai: e, 4z.., I :: that 1 i+ '3cs1 of *vea is t t o i &: i u' Matt ? discussed hexest v131 resnilt In a t c 1 i wr ti . CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 Rb01200050074-7 DIRE B 01 Ccm x~ DEPUTY D:IC C FOR n LLT(Re STAFF DV=TOR, rD _L ),U OF MY33 of Contact 'oints tion a ainst Promoters, Aliens, Etc. (a) Circular bra ndt to the IAC l ember3 from t}_e &ub :pct: Report a "Visito MOM ies Interagency ?: used Is a report about ne offices and indi !e Proposal l 2. ContirmIng recent conversations between our respective sts , I think steps should be taken by all Intelligence. agencies to prate { < the j Intelligence or zations from penetration by non-goer tail reference ha been followed, some or toes: "viaifs" i controlled or eliminated 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET 17 APR 1950 se feral Intelligence /04'c. Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Release 20038, A-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 25X1 4. If the other intelligence agencies had. -, similar procedurc astral. In ~e1.3 i ;epee t)epart_: nt of ::> to e Jopar t.rient of the Army .je.rt rent of the Navy )epartrraent of the Air force tad States Government o :icials met r n nj;; to iced tate s from areas whic a are W." si,~:nificant intelligence interest constitute a va1ua.'Dle source of informet_on for inteii=rence purposes and may be of ;great assistance to intellf- I virtue of the opportunity such conferences pr wi.:to to secures: from nci ooifions. cessr,ry burden of repeating their remarks to successive oups o. intelligence spec_.alists, that the initial interagenc intelligence confer mice will be conducted under the awa.spices of the Central intelll ;ence A ,.ney- for the benefit of all agencids articipating in txhi.s a preen tpxcept in - lose cars in rs'hich, by mutual aLree snt:, it is detor ..n d t oed there is insu ficient interest t o justify a central m3etin : the f ollow ng, o are agreed upon: outi3ide the a:Yency of d s a dardize certain conduct o,` such core erences. procedures and allocation of respoal.., CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE (A) Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 a lists ') Approved For Release 200 j 1 i liiJR01731 R001200050074-7 The 1n tel1i,- c ce orgmizafi i s the.iV., k>avy a and the i r Yore) will inl' officic,1s of their de M: as v&ich are of si , ."icE -Ave is ool. tioa, of of ocher departtm provasi done b7 CIA, threea rice Ore.- Arm, the navy' these ')epart ?nts; and chamela for officials of ot.xe o:a the U. i4. Oo e' ie t. se on? erec+ w1'a. c. , imm, advance notirica will be liver, of available. facilities, U IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Release 2003 1rv~x~.. e 31xit 'c)l- 'a i lit1ea for s` % poi tatic n facilities andi 4 orric i 3articipatin , inn CLL. will bE reaponsi to for iJ co? ti of si `h 3. speciaLists iv'i dir t it r st in the srs and oubjects -,'A:) %rop to quos ~ : mach, cor erenoes are rio ; z participation. selection of those d. I. t lli nnC S, e V 5fl 7Oifl ?# toy:' d ~,over n- the cu4 t is or , may submit Viem to the j are idin officear Jf t er 3 oi a or g w tion2 so sf.bmIt~ sh bear the of he 1n-tc l ce s ecialie s: co fer ,cess ;+`Joci s. sec those xo e naws are et clad or 'TO L At-tacbed 15 a copy of which uhi %- cbe asked to . n before each coere* t. CIA is a lc r and clean c d ?r t 0 r.ut o? wa t re f tia s A r a' i' r nce r have be w:< "A-tea Oo-rarnment CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Releas RDE B0R01731 R001 200050074-7 officials retu uing fram ? broad who do not axis through the Washington rarea, in a manner similar to its operatiour. under the provisions of I SCID io. 7. CL k will do this in -_.:ie interes s of and according to requirements submitted. by the intelligence organizations of the Depart ae nts of State, .he Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. tt00 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Approved For Release 2003/0c/99 "JI? MIMO1731 ROO1200050074-7 T t US Mg wad . PLACM OP b* wqvessod views d Via. =f ft oartified an 0 141i I re r0S t, d r :t 1 of Porstanal vioos or, . ie is elmnif e to t to i uw cw~y yy} ~~ +^F'io s an the amas x"-=k us Gt oh }ate ;w:ttve Prowas 0.1,* nig-03 aox 13, alt:: t t'r at a at this o ort t 1r 9 uulorixod -!Ll um i r result 14 & 'Oro ;;r i inve4 t&gmtian, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 Pffifolp,ENTIAL, Approved For Releas: CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7 ,R. 0_` 0 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE (B) Approved For Release 2003/07/29 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001200050074-7