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Approved Foelease 2003/03/28 :.CIA-RDP80RQ17 001100170002-4 Allen W. Dulles, Washington, D.C. Dear Allen: COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, INC. THE4 iAROLD PRATT HOUSE 58 EAST"6$TI3 $tkE$T NEW YORK 21, N. Y. 25X1 I Walter H. Mallory, I send you herewith the agenda and documents for the meeting of the Board of Directors which will be held here on Monday, December 17th, at four o'clock. I am looking forward to seeing you then. --sincerely yours, Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 A G_END 94th Meeting of the Board of 'tors of the Council on Foreign Relations 58 East 68th Street, New York December 17, 1951 4:00 p.m. 1. Approval of minutes of 93rd meeting of the Board. 2. Confirmation of Amendments to the by-lags voted at the last meeting of the Board. 3. Report of Finance and Budget Committee on a. staff salaries b. research financing 4. Discussion of tho dAsirahi_lit,y of a snrvey of the Council's membership problems, program and finances. 5. FOREIGN AFFAIRS and Ford Foundation support. 6. Election of Members. 7. Other business. Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 Approved Fe lease 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R011 R001100170002-4 Minutes of the Annual (93rd) Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations Held at the Broad Street Club, 15 Broad Street, New York on Tuesday, October 30, 1951, at 1:00 o'clock Present: R. C. Leffingwell, presiding Hamilton Fish Armstrong John W. Davis Lewis W. Douglas Devereux C. Josephs Walter H. Mallory George 0. May Philip D. Reed David Rockefeller John H. Williams Henry M. Wriston Frank D. Caruthers, Jr. George S. Franklin, Jr. Mr. Leffingwell stated that the minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to the members of the Board. It was NOTED; that the minutes of the 92nd meeting of this Board and all actions pursuant thereto be considered as read and approved. Mr. Mallory presented the report of the Executive Director for the year 1950-51. It was VOTED: that the annual report of the Executive Director be received, approved, And ordered distributed to the members of the Council. Mr. Mallory, on behalf of the Treasurer, presented the report of the auditors, Price Waterhouse & Co., on the financial operations of the Council for the past fiscal year; and the report of the Investment Counsel, the New York Trust Company, on the Council's investments which had been approved by the Finance and Budget Committee. It was NOTED: that the report of the Treasurer be hereby approved. Mr. Wriston described the current research activities of the Council, and Mr. Mallory called attention to the sections of the Executive Director's report which deal with the work of the past year and.should be'regarded as the written report of the Chairman of the Committee on Studies as required by Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 Approved Ffelease 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R011 R001100170002-4 the by-laws. It was ?DOTED: that the report of the Chairman of the Committee on Studies for the year 1950-51 be accepted and placed on file. There was a discussion of the letter from Mr. Alfred Kohlberg to Mr. Leffingwell concerning "The United States in World Affairs, 1950" and of Mr. George Sokolsky's review of the book. Mr. Wriston stated that the Committee on Studies had seen. and approved the manuscript of the book and took full responsibility for having had it published. On motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: that the Council by-law VI be amended to provide for a Vice-Chairman of the Board as follows: The officers of the corporation shall be a Chairman of the Board, a Vice-Chairman of the Board, a President, one or more Vice- Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board, or in his absence the Vice- Chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President may call meetings of the Board, and shall have general executive direction of the corporation. The Vice-Presidents in order of seniority shall discharge the duties of the President in his absence, and shall perform such other duties as from time to time shall be assigned them by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the corporation. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the corporation, and shall keep its records. Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following nominations for officers, and members of the Standing Committees for the year 1951-52: QFF ICERS Chairman of the Board Vice-Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice-.President & Secretary Vice-President & Treasurer R. C. Lef-fingwell Allen W. Dulles Henry M. Wriston David Rockefeller Frank Altschul Devereux C. Josephs Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R001100170002-4 Approved VRelease 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R01s R001100170002-4 Executive Director Walter H. Mallory Assistant Executive Director George S. Franklin, Jr. Assistant Treasurer Frank D. Caruthers, Jr. Finance & Budget Frank Altschul, Chairman Devereux C. Josephs George 0. May Philip D. Reed John H. Williams Studies Henry M. Wriston, Chairman Hamilton Fish Armstrong Allen W. Dulles Grayson L. Kirk John H. Williams STANDING COMMITTEES Membership John W. Davis, Chairman Hamilton Fish Armstrong Joseph E. Johnson Whitney H. Shepardson David Rockefeller Library Myron C. Taylor, Chairman Frank Altschul Robert Woods Bliss William A. M. Burden Lewis W. Douglas Thomas K. Finletter W. Averell Harriman David Rockefeller VOTED: that the report of the Nominating Committee be accepted and that the Secretary of the meeting be instructed to cast one ballot for the above slate to serve until the next annual meeting of this Board. The Secretary of the meeting reported that the ballot had been cast. Mr. May, Acting Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee, presented 'budgets for the fiscal year 1951-52 which had been approved by the Committee with the suggestion that an increase of staff salaries be considered by the Board. It was 'VOTED: that the budgets for the Council, for the Research Department, and for FOREIGN AFFAIRS, for the fiscal year 1951-52 (attached to these minutes Exhibit A) be hereby approved with the proviso that the matter of an increase of staff salaries and retirement benefits be referred back to the Finance and Budget Committee for further study, and that it present a specific recommendation at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Rockefeller suggested that the Finance and Budget Committee might consider the preparation of a consolidated budget in future years. Mr. Armstrong made a report on the operations.of FOREIGN AFFAIRS for the past year. He stated that the deficit for the review in 1949-50 was some Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 Approved F,Release 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R01f R001100170002-4 $26.000, and that by economies, change of printers, and an increase of the sub- scription price from $5 to $8 it was anticipated that the deficit for 1950-51 could be reduced to $11,250. Actually, operations had resulted in a deficit of only $10.204. The deficit for 1949-50 was made up by generous contributions of Frank Altschul, Clarence E. Hunter, George 0. May, Earl H. Osborn, David Rockefeller and John Hay Whitney. Several of these donors had indicated that they would either renew their gifts or make contributions toward the 1950-51 deficit in one-half of the amount of their contributions in the previous year. Also Mr. Leffingwell had offered to'make a gift in 1952 and he felt hopeful, there- fore, that the total of $10,204 to bring last year's budget into balance would The secured. Mr. Armstrong's report was approved with expressions of gratification at the good showing of the magazine. Mr. Davis, Chairman of the Membership Committee, presented a list of candidates for membership in the Council. It was VOTED: that the gentlemen whose names are checked on the attached list (Exhibit B) be invited to membership in the Council. There was a discussion of the desirability of electing eligible younger men to membership in the Council. It was VOTED: that David Rockefeller and George Franklin should associate with them- selves appropriate younger members of the Council to constitute an informal committee to bring forward candidates for -junior membership in the Council and that the names of Messrs. Joseph C. Fox and Robert Rosenberg,-who have been suggested for such membership, should be referred to this Committee. Mr. Mallory reported that Mr. Lewis Einstein had offered to give the Council a 17th Century tapestry to hang in the stairway at the Harold Pratt House. After discussion it was VOTED: that consideration of Mr. Einstein's offer should be referred to a committee composed of Messrs, Wriston, Rockefeller, Armstrong and Mallory and that the Council's architects William A. Delano and Frederic R. King should be consulted. Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 Approved Fe lease 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R01, R001100170002-4 Mr. Leffingwell said that he thought that the members of the Board should make an effort to attend Council meetings and dinners at the Harold Pratt House whenever they could manage it. He felt that their presence would be appreciated by the guests of the Council as well as by the members. Mr. Mallory reported that Mr. Hunter's gift of 15 shares of New York Trust Company stock to the Council's 25th Anniversary Fund had been registered in the name of the Council. It was intended that the stock should be sold and the proceeds applied to the fund. It was therefore RESOLVED: that the Treasurer acting alone be and he hereby is authorized and empowered at any time and from time to time to sell, assign, transfer and deliver unto J. C. Orr & Co., a nominee firm of the New York Trust Company, 15 shares New York Trust Company Capital Stock belonging to and registered in the name of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., and for such purpose to make, execute and deliver any and all Powers of Attorney or other instruments in writing necessary, proper, or desirable for the purpose; further that any post action in accordance herewith is hereby ratified and confirmed; and further that any officer of this corporation is hereby authorized to certify this resolution. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Secretary of the Meeting Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 Approved Welease 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01?R001100170002-4 MEMBERSHIP PROPOSALS Council on Foreign Relations Suggested List December 1951 Resident I)uplaix, Gecrge Pub. Golden Books (Simon & Shuster) Thomas W. Braden 1230 Sixth Avenue Heinemann, Hans Kidder Peabody & Co. Albert H. Gordon 17 Wall Street Eioguet,?Robert L. Jr. V.P. National City Bank Floyd G. Blair 55 Wall Street Irwin, John N. II Ptnr. Patterson, Belknap & Webb Oscar M. Ruebhausen 1 Wall Street Morris, Grinnell V.P. Central Hanover Bank Knight Woolley 70 Broadway *Oppenheimer, Fritz 20 Exchange Place (lawyer) Allen W. Dulles *Richardson, Arthur B. Pres. C heaebrough Mfg. Co. Roscoe H. Hupper 17 State Street *Willcox, Westmore Chase National Bank Charlton Ogburn 18 Pine Street Academic *Berkuer, Lloyd V.. Pres. Assoc. Universities Laboratories Caryl P. Haskins Brookhaven, Long Island *Forkner, Dr. Claude E. 260 East 66th Street (physician) Percy W. Bidwell *Starr, M.- rk International L;idies Garment Workers' Union 1710 Broadway Stebbins, Richard P. *Tyson, Levering Council on Foreign Relations 58 East 68th Street National Committee for a Free Europe Thomas W. Braden 808 Seventh Avenue Head of Division of Inter. Cooperation Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4 - Approved Release 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80R0* R001100170002-4 NAME ADDRESS SUGGESTED BY Non-resident F3ayne, Edward A. Economic Cooperation Administration Percy W. Bidwell Washington, D.C. *Braniff, Thomas E. Pres. Braniff International Airways Houston, Texas Standish, Alexander M. Meredith, N.H. Francis T. P. Plimpton -J. A. Whitney & Go. Wilbur, Brayton Ch., Committee for Free Asia Thomas W. Braden San Francisco lion-resident academic Cheever, Prof. Daniel Harvard University George S. Franklin,Jr. C:am.bridge, Mass. -Assoc. Ch. International Affairs . .:;r: Program *Goodhar1, Prof. Arthur Master, University College Oxford University Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R001100170002-4