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Approved For Release 2002/02/13 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002 World Week A National Magazine of Social Studies and International Affairs. Published Weekly During the School Year EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL STAFF Maurice R. Robinson, President and Publisher Kenneth M. Gould, Editor-in-Chief John W. Studebaker, Vice-President and Chair- man of the Editorial Board Jack K. Lippert, Executive Editor Sturges F. Cary, Associate Editor, World Week; Assistant Editors: Robert Stearns, Irving DeW. Talmadge (Foreign Affairs), Ruth Imler (Fea- tures), Jean F. Merrill (Movies), Herman Mosin (Sports), William Favel (Vocational); Mary Jane Dunton (Art Director), Sarah McC. Gorman, (Production Chief), William D. Boutwell (Editor, Scholastic Teacher), Lavinia Dobler (Librarian), Lucy Evankow (Library Research), David J. Lane (Teacher Edition). G. Herbert McCracken, Vice-President and Treasurer ? Don Layman, Vice-President and Director of Sales Promotion ? C. Elwood Drake, Associate Director of Field Service ? Agnes Laurino, Business Manager. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD, 1951-1952 Mr. William M. Barr, Millburn High School, Millburn, N. J. Dr. Stanley E. Dimond, Professor of Education, University of Michigan. Miss Corlie Dunster, Shelby High School, Shelby, Montana. Dr. Clyde F. Kohn, Professor of Geography, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Miss Dorothy J. Fouls, Soldan-Blewett High School, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Wallace W. Taylor, New York State College for Teachers, Albany,1 N. Y. Mr. Leo Weitz, Curriculunl-Coordinator for High Schools, New Yorl ' City. WORLD WEEK, published weekly dur- ing the school year September through 47 May inclusive except during school holidays and at mid-term. Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at Dayton, Ohio, under Act of March 3, 1879. Contents copyright, 1951, by Scholastic Cor- poration, and may not be renroduced without written permission. Marco Reaktrada. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulation. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: 55 cents each a semester, $1.10 a year. Single sub- seriptlon, Teacher Edition, $2.00 a school year. Single copy (current school year) 10 cents each. Available on microfilm through University Micro. films, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich. Office of Publication, McCall St., Dayton 1, Ohio. 6enerai and Editorial Offices, WORLD WEEK, 357 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. CONTENTS THIS ISSUE Newsmakers 6 Quick Look at the News 7 World News in Review 8 United Nations News 10 Special Unit: KOREA TODAY_ 1'i-16 Pro-Con: Missouri Basin Flood Control 18 Good Citizens: Touring Classrooms 20 Crossword Puzzle 22 High School Hi-Lights 25 Vocational: Truck Driver 26 Sports 28 Words at Work 30 How Would You Solve It? 31 Ask Gay Head 32 How's Your Health? 34 Say What You Please! 35 Movie Check List 37 V off for the School Year by GREYHOUND CHARTER SERVICE-for group trips to school sports events, conventions, exhibits. EXPENSE-PAID TOURS-for carefree pleasure trips in- cluding hotels, sightseeing. EXPRESS & LIMITED SCHED- ULES-for time-saving trips, back home, weekend visits. FREE! COLORFUL WALL DISPLAY Mail this coupon to Greyhound Infor- mation Center, P. O. Box 815, Chi- cago 90, III. for your copy of Grey- hound's famous, full-color wall display, "See All the World-Here in America!" (Kit includes 16 pages of lesson topics.) Here's how to add fresh interest to the school term ! Try a Greyhound trip, an Expense-Paid Tour, or a group excursion ... all available to you at amazingly low cost. Especially in Fall, Greyhound trip`s are delightful along scenic highway routes ... Greyhound Tours offer ex- citing weekends or vacations at big cities, National Parks, historic places ... Greyhound Charter Service is the smoothest way to move a group. Whichever you choose, you can be certain of dependable service, safe and courteous drivers, money-saving fares everywhere-by Greyhound! /q LOT /MORE 7 4 t-EL. FOR. LOTLE-ICS,w,vEy.F :ORE GREYHOUND .?......? .......................................................... Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 200 Get Ahead in your School Work with the LEADER ... with the new "FAMILY KEYBOARD" You can easily sell yourjamily on buying this brand new Underwood bargain ... because The LEADER has a special, new "Family Keyboard" to meet the typing needs of the whole family. For school papers, you'll have the advantage of arithmetical symbols such as +, -, X, _, and even the degree mark (?), in addition to all the usual characters you need. Dad has all the commonly used business symbols *, etc. for his letters and for his office homework, while Mother has the run of the keyboard for her receipes and social correspondence. The '%n This Sensational Bargain-Priced UNDERWOOD PORTABLE SMALL is yours for only a DOWN PAYMENT What a bargain this LEADER is . . . for you to use and your whole family to enjoy! All the features you'll need are there ... and you'll be delighted with the new smart-looking Dup-Tone finish, and handsome carrying case. Your leading Typewriter Dealer, Department Store or Jeweler has it . . . priced right, built right, by The Typewriter Leader of the World. He'll be glad to show you all the features that make the Underwood LEADER your family's best buy in a Portable. See him today! Underwood Corporation Portable Typewriter Division One Park Ave., New York 16, N. Y. ?1951 Portable... MADE BY THE TYPEWRITER LEADER OF THE WORLD Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA- The toothache that made medical history ! 1. A little over a hundred years ago there was a man who had an historic tooth- ache. He dreaded having the tooth pulled out as much as he feared leaving it in. His dilemma brought about an experiment that opened the way to modern surgery. e 2. His dentist, William Morton, told him of a strange vapor that reportedly made men insensible to pain. Morton also warned that little was known of this substance and it might prove dangerous. The man was in such a state of mind that he asked to try the substance regardless of the consequences. 4. There is much dispute as to who discovered ether. The honor is generally credited to Dr. Crawford W. Long of Georgia. Morton, however, made it known to the world when he was allowed to try it on a surgical case before an audience of medical men. 6. Early forms of ether were impure, undependable and even dan- gerous. Not until Dr. Edward Robinson Squibb developed the first pure, reliable ether in 1858 could doctors use it with confi- dence. Then, a great new era for surgery began. At last, careful and deliberate techniques could be used. Great advances in surgery followed one upon the other. In your drugstore, look for the Squibb name and the Squibb seal. They say...' There are no finer products made." 3. The vapor put the man to "sleep", and then, to the delight of dentist and patient, the tooth was pulled without so much as a twinge of pain. This miraculous substance was called ether. 5. To understand what ether means to mankind, imagine what a surgical operation was like before its discovery. Attendants held agonized patients down while surgeons worked at top speed to get the horror over with as soon as possible. In Dr. Squibb's day, there were no high stand- ards for medicines, as we know them today. He rt set out to provide doctors with drugs of absolute "purity, reliability and uniformity." He even helped get laws passed that set these standards. The company he founded has perpetuated his ideals. From the most complex medicinal your doctor prescribes to simple home product in your medicine chest ... if it bears the name Squibb. . . it's a product you can trust. E? R? SQuiss & SONS Manufacturing Chemists to the Medical Profession since 1858 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/0 GET THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS GOLD POINT Yob can't help but improve your writing when you use a Waterman's "Leader." Because you have a wide choice of hand-crafted 14-Karat Gold points ... one of them will suit your writing exactly! So this year, get a Waterman's . . . remember, better writing means better grades! On sale.,, everywhere. Newsmakers YOUNG MAN GOING PLACES WE NOMINATE for "Explorer of the Year" a young Californian still in his twenties. He is Wendell Phillips, 29, the man at left in our cover picture. A few months ago he rediscovered the Kingdom of Sheba, lost for centuries amid drifting sands of the Arabian desert. Phillips was only 17 when he signed up as water boy and handy man on an expedition to Indian sites in New Mexico. He has been explor- ing ever since. On a trip to the Mid= dle East, he met the fabulously rich Aga Khan, father-in-law of Rita Hayworth of the movies. The Aga Khan urged Phillips to go to Yemen, in southern Arabia, to look for the Kingdom of Sheba. The Bible tells .that, 3,000 years ago, the mighty Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon. "MISTER ITALY" "MISTER ITALY" will visit Pres- ident Truman this month. He is 70- year-old Alcide de Gasperi, Italy's premier and foreign minister. He leads the middle-of-the-road Christian Democratic party. When De Gasperi became premier in 1945, many observers thought he was a compromise candidate who wouldn't last long. But he was so good at making compromises among Italy's bickering political parties that he still heads Italy's government aft- er seven changes of cabinet. No pre- mier in the. Western European de- mocracies has held office as long as De Gasperi, except Attlee of Britain. One subject on which' De Gasperi doesn't compromise is communism. His bitterest battles are with Italy's Communist party, the largest and toughest Communist party in West- ern Europe. De Gasperi's home town is a mountain village in the Tyrol, at the northern edge of Italy. This region, the Trentino, used to be part of Aus- tria. The people are mostly of Ital- ian descent. At 17, De Gasperi joined agitators who were clamoring to have the region joined to Italy. Twice he went to jail. Later, elected Before Europeans found sea routes to Asia, camel caravans brought the drugs and spices of the East over- land to sell to European merchants. Some of the "spice routes" crossed Arabia. Along these routes rich and powerful cities grew up. Phillips found the long-buried sites of two of these vanished cities-Timna, and nearby Mareb, capital of the Queen of Sheba. Phillips' discoveries are writing a new chapter in our knowl- edge of ancient Arabia. Mr. Phillips is now in the U. S. to arrange for another Arabian expedi- tion. Meanwhile, digging continues at Mareb under the direction of 20- year-old George Farrier (at right in our cover picture). The two men are standing by a stone obelisk which they unearthed in the center of Timna. -American Foundation photo Wide World photo Alcide de Gasperi to the Austrian parliament, he ar- gued openly for the cause. After World War I the Trentino became part of Italy. De Gasperi won a seat in Italy's parliament. He was a leader in the opposition to Mussolini, who seized power its Italy's dictator in 1922. De Gasperi had to go into hiding but fnalh was caught and sent to jail. After his re- lease he took refuge in Vatican City and worked as a librarian. Vatican City is in Rome but is not under the government of Italy. It is a tiny bit of land ruled by the Pope. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Quick Look at the News INSIDE WORLD WEEK: IN NEWS PAGES (pp. 8- l0)-Japanese treaty signed; Indian soldier, barred from burial in Iowa, is laid to rest at Arlington; contracts let to build A-plane and A-sub; Conant says-"no World War III"; millionth U. S. soldier death recorded, mil- lionth traffic accident victim due in December; copper strike halted. KAESONG ATTACK: Ten. times the U. N. denied Communist charges that U. N. forces had violated the Kaesong neutral zone, scene of Korean peace talks last month (see page 11). Last week came Case No. 11. This time the U. N. was in the wrong. A U. N. flyer, making a mistake in his target, machine-gunned Kaesong. The U. N. apologized. Meanwhile the Reds refused the U. N. invitation to resume talks at some new site-not Kaesong. QUICK CURE FOR MALARIA? Malaria kills more people than any other disease. Its sufferers, who live mostly in tropical and semi-tropical regions, are num- bered in the hundreds of millions. The United States has 3,000,000 cases a year, in spite of our constant war- fare on mosquitoes. (The anopheles mosquito carries the malaria parasite.) Now a new source of malaria in- fection is reaching our shores. More than 800 malaria victims have been found among G. I.'s coming home from the Korean war. Most of them never knew they had the disease, because they were dosed regularly with drugs which suppress the disease without curing it. But the Army has new weapon that may squelch malaria for good and all. This new drug, called prima- quine, hunts down and kills the malaria "bug" in its hiding places in body tissues. Soldiers rotated home from Korea are being treated with primaquine. WORLD WEEK SALUTES: Teen-agers who are mak- ing their mark in the world of sport-Maureen Connolly, tennis champ (see page 10); Mike Wayland, 18, Wash- ington, Kansas, winner of the national trap-shooting championship; swim champs Ford Konno, 18, of Hawaii, and Mary Freeman, 17, of Washington, D. C.; Olympic Games prospect Mary McNabb, 17, of Tuskegee Insti- tute, who broke the women's U. S. 200-meter sprint record; "Ham" Richardson, 18, quarter-finalist in men's national tennis singles championship; and-oh yes!- national chess champ Larry Evans, 19, of CCNY. THEY SOUGHT FREEDOM: We've heard of many heroic escapes from behind the Iron Curtain: on foot, in rickety handmade planes, in boats whose sailors mut- inied and captured their officers in order to sail to the free world. But one of the strangest flights from com- munism was the case of the Czech railroad engineer who raced his express train across the border of his Red- ruled country last week and into the U. S. zone of Ger- many. The engineer skipped his last stop in Czecho- slovakia and switched to freight tracks leading into Germany. Twenty-four of the 111 passengers and the engineer want to stay in Germany as refugees. Wide world photo NEW LOOK IN SCOUT UNIFORMS: Don't be fooled by the Scotch look of these laddies! They're American Boy Scouts coming home from the World Jamboree in Austria last month (WW. Sept. 19, p. 5). When they weren't "Scouting," the Scouts at the Jam- boree were swapping clothes and gear with boys from other countries. OUR NATURAL RESOURCES-THE SOIL: Flood waters surged over more than 30,000 farms during the Kansas-Missouri floods this summer (see page 18). Now thousands of acres are pock-marked with pools of water and buried under two to 10 feet of muck, sand, and gravel. Federal officials say the crop-wrecking, soil-ruin- ing flood wiped out a tenth of the nation's food produc- tion. Much of the land, experts fear, can't be reclaimed- at least, not for growing rich wheat crops. KEEP YOUR EYES ON: NEW DEAL FOR GERMANY-Now that Japan is being set up in business again as a nation (see page 8), `Allied leaders are trying to do the same thing for West- ern Germany. The U. S., Britain, and France plan to make an agreement this fall with the Federal Republic of Germany (western Germany). This contract would make the Republic practically an independent country for the first time since Germany's defeat in World War II. But the Allies will keep the right to say "whoa!" and step in if they find that communism or reviving Naziism threatens German democracy. ENDQUOTE: President Truman, at the Japanese peace conference (see page 8): "Making peace is like repairing the many strands of an international cable. Each strand must be spliced separately and patiently, until the full flow of communication has been restored. There is no other way to bring lasting peace than this slow patient process, step by step." Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 Re-birth of a Nation Is a new Great Power arising In the Far East? Will the new Japan be a ' democratic, peace-loving member of the free world, or will she turn back to her warlike past? Will she fall under control of her Communist neighbors on the main- land of Asia? These questions were in the minds of 100 men from 48 nations this month as they took one of history's most generous gambles. At San Fran- cisco on September 8, they signed a peace treaty with Japan-a peace without harsh punishment-a peace that offered Japan friendship and partnership with the free world. (See last week's issue for details.) Represented at the conference were 51 nations which fought Japan in World War II. Before the confer- ence, John Foster Dulles of the U. S. State Department, chief author of the treaty, and his staff had con- sulted the other nations on the terms of the treaty. Three nations, at the conference did not sign the treaty. They were Russia and her satellites Poland and Czechoslovakia. They came to the conference to try to block the treaty. They failed. Andrei Gromyko, Soviet deputy foreign minister, fumed that the treaty was part of an "imperialist" plot by the U. S. to seize control of Asia. But all seven Asian nations at the meeting signed the treaty. They were: Ceylon, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Indo-China states of Viet Nam, Laos, and Cam- bodia. Two other Asian nations, In- dia and Burma, did not attend the TV Spans the Nation ~.~ Television now has a coast-to-coast audi- ence that comprises about 30 per cent of the American people. This month- just in time to televise the Japanese treaty conference at San Francisco (see story above)-the American Telephone & Telegraph Company opened an Omaha-to-San Francisco relay system. It ties in with the previous Omaha-to- New York network. (Solid line on map shows route.) The photo shows models of the relay stations which pick up the. TV signals and send them along to the next relay station on the next horizon. An A. T. & T. official is pointing to the type of relay station used in western mountains. Network telecasts now reach all but 11 of the 65 cities with TV sta- tions and 94 of the 107 TV stations. World News IN REVW conference because they opposed the treaty. The Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand fear revival of Japa- nese power. To relieve their minds, the United States made defense treaties with these nations just be- fore the Japanese treaty conference. Japan and the U. S. signed an agreement permitting the U. S. to keep troops and bases in Japan. Japan has no armed forces, although the treaty permits her to rearm. What's Behind It: If you're a boy, you're likely to be drafted in a few months or a few years. Whether you'll have to fight in the Pacific some day may depend on how well the Japanese treaty works. Gromyko says it "sowed the seeds of a new war in the Far East." The U. S. be- lieves Japan will work with the United States in our efforts to pre- serve peace and prevent Commu- nism from spreading in Asia. Probably you've seen in the stores recently many knick-knacks and toys labelled "Made in Occupied Japan." Will we, the consumers, have to buy more Japanese goods so that we, the taxpayers, can get rid of the cost of supporting Japan? The U. S. has sent Japan two billion dollars worth of aid since World War II. Japan must use her well devel- oped industry to make goods to sell abroad, or her crowded land will starve. If you live in a textile or glass-making town, you may soon hear complaints that business is bad because Japanese products are underselling home town goods. Britain and some Asian countries fear Japanese trade competition more than the U. S. does. And there's the problem of China, which took nearly a third of Japan's exports before World War II. Some Japanese officials believe Japan must revive her trade with China. Com- munists now run that country. Would trade links with Red China pull Japan into the Communist camp? Would the U. S. Senate hesi- tate to ratify the treaty if Japan re- stores trade with Red China? Our Honored Dead An American Indian, denied bur- ial in Iowa because of his race, received a hero's funeral this month at Arlington National Cemetery. August, 1950, was the U. N.'s darkest hour in Korea. The U. S. rushed troops to hold our shrinking Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002 beachhead around Pusan. Among them was Sgt. John R. Rice, an American Indian. Two weeks after he landed in Korea he fell in battle. Last month his widow arranged for %burial in a cemetery in Sioux City, Iowa, near the Winnebago Indian Reservation where the Rice family lived. Just as the body was about to be lowered into the grave, the cemetery director called a halt. He said that the articles of incorpora- tion, under which the cemetery was created, limited burials to "members of the Caucasian race." President Truman read about the. case in the papers the next morning. He telegraphed .an indignant pro- test to Sioux City's mayor. "National appreciation should not be limited to race, color, or creed," the President said. He notified the Rice family that Rice could be laid to rest among the hero dead of Arlington, across the Potomac, from Washington, D. C. Officials of Sioux City (named for an Indian tribe) apologized to Mrs, Rice and offered a free lot for her husband's burial. But she chose to accept. the President's offer. Meanwhile, in Isle, Minn., the American Legion conducted a hero's burial for Paul Moose-another American Indian soldier. In 1949 Felix Longoria, an Ameri- can soldier of Mexican descent, was buried at Arlington after burial was refused in his home town of Three Rivers, Texas. Atoms Aloft and A-sea The atom is to swim. learning to fly and PLASTIC PROPHET A century ago billiard players were calling for a cheap substitute for the ivory billiard ball then in use. One result was the invention in 1868 of. celluloid, the first plastic. Today we have many kinds of plas- tics serving countless purposes. It's one of the many miracles of modern chemistry. This month one of America's most distinguished chemists peered into his ".crystal ball-to be sure, a plastic one, as befits a chemical age"-and foresaw new miracles. The speaker was Dr. James Bryant Conant, pres- ident of Harvard University. The oc- casion was the Diamond (75th) an- niversary meeting of the American Chemical Society, By 1976, he predicted, power gen- erated from the sun's rays "is al- ready of significance. . . The eco- nomical production of fresh water from sea water becomes a reality (about 1985)." Liquid fuels such as oil will be made in quantity from carbon monoxide gas and hydrogen. Meanwhile, he forecast, "worried humanity [will] find a way out of the Atomic Age" without crushing mankind with atomic bombs. In fact, Dr. Conant believes, in 15 or 20 years the world will find that atomic enegy isn't worth all the trouble it causes-especially the problem of getting rid of radioactive wastes. These wastes are now being buried. Some may be radioactive for thousands of years, endangering fu- ture generations. Dr. Conant was confident that there would be no World War III in 1950, when the U. N. went to the aid of invaded South Korea, "col- lective security became a reality." By the mid-fifties, he,said, the At- lantic Treaty forces would be so strong that Russia will hesitate to attack western Europe. By the 1960s 1. The A-plane This month the U. S. Air Force gave Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation the job of building the world's first atomic-powered air- plane. Consolidated Vultee manu- factures the B-36, world's largest bomber. An Air Force contract to make the atomic engine for the plane went to General Electric Com- pany last March. 2. The A-boat Last month the Navy awarded a contract to the Electric Boat Com- papy of Groton, Conn., to build the hull for an atomic-powered subma- rine. Westinghouse Electric Com- pany received the order to make the atomic engine for the sub. Target date for completing the A-plane and A-boat is-any time be- tween 1953 and 1956. the first constructive steps away from war would be taken, and by 1965 or 1970 the U. N. would be able to begin control of atomic weapons." This second half of the twentieth century may yet prove to be a peri- od of gradual disarmament and peace," he said. What's behind it: Dr. Conant is talking about the half-century in which you will be doing your life- work. What do you expect your world to be like during your adult years? Wide World Test pilot Bill Bridgeman took a rocket- powered Douglas Skyrocket to a record height of 72,394 feet (about 14'/2 miles) for a world's record. Speed was around 1,000 miles an hour. The tiny plane was dropped from bomb bay of a super- fortress at 35,000 feet. The four rocket tubes burned up the plane's three- ton fuel supply in three minutes. 1,000,000th to Die "G. I. -X"-the millionth American to die in U. S. wars-fell on the Ko- rean battlefield this month. His name? Casualty records aren't accurate enough to show that. But the association of Casualty and Sure- ty Companies say U. S. military deaths in all wars of our 176-year history passed the 1,000.000 mark about Labor Day. About Christmas of this year. the Association predicts. "G. I. -X" will be joined by "Motorist \." another unknown millionth victim. "Motorist X" will be the 1,000,000th American to die in traffic accidents since the automobile was invented. On the same Labor Day weekend when "G. I. -X" lost his life, 461 Americans died in traffic accidents. That was an all-time-high death record for the Labor Dav weekend. Since the Korean war began, autos have killed four times as many Amer- icans as have died in Korea. On the average, one American dies every 15 minutes in an automobile accidentt. What's Behind It: DO YOU share the blame for our terrifying accident record? Do you sometimes jaywalk. cut corners against the red light, swing your bike in traffic without signaling? If you drive a car, (l) von keep Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA- 10 t_;1 your mind on the "rules of the road"? We hope you do. But do you know that drivers aged 16 to 20 have five times as many accidents, in propor- tion to their numbers, as drivers aged 45 to 60? That the accident rate for drivers aged 18 to 24 is double that of any other age-group? What can we do to make young drivers better drivers? Massachu- setts found that high school driver training works. Officials traced the driving records of two groups of high schoolers (500 in each group). In a year and a half, those who took the school driving course had 35 accidents or traffic violations. Those who hadn't had driver train- ing were involved in 99 accidents or violations. Nearly 9,000 U. S. high schools offered driving courses last year. f THE NEWS IN BRIEF SCHOOL BELLS RANG this month for more than one fifth of the na- tion's population. More than 33,000,- 000 young people, the largest num- ber in history, are enrolled in U. S. schools and colleges this year. And there are plenty more to come! In 1940 there were 32,972,000 children under age 15. In 1950 there were 40,926,000 in that age-group. School populations will keep on rising. So far most of the increase is in the elementary school, but the great wave of rising enrollment will hit the high schools in a few years. COPPER MINERS are back at work. Nearly all U. S'. copper mines were closed for two weeks recently in a strike that cut deeply into sup- plies of copper, one of the scarcest defense metals. President Truman, who detests the Taft-Hartley labor relations law, had to use it to stop the strike. Under the terms of this law, a Federal court granted an 80- day injunction forbidding the strike because it imperilled "national health and safety." The copper-workers' union (the left-wing Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers,) called off the strike. Now Federal mediators are trying to ar- range a permanent settlement. NEW ZEALAND this month gave the Nationalist government of Prime Minister Sidney Holland a new lease on life. Holland called for new elec- tions when the opposition Labor party criticized his drastic measures for crushing a Communist-backed waterfront strike last spring. The voters gave Holland's party a bigger majority (47 seats to 33 for the Lab- orites) than it had previously. United Nations News ECOSOC on Oatis Case, The case of William N. Oatis, As- sociated Press correspondent who is in jail behind the Iron Curtain, cropped up in ECOSOC's 13th ses- sion this summer, in Geneva, Swit- zerland. ECOSOC is the Economic and So- cial Council, one of the six prin- cipal organs of the United Nations. It is composed of 18 nations, elected by the U. N. General Assembly. Its task is to promote better living con- ditions in all countries. Oatis was AP correspondent in Prague, Czechoslovakia. A Czech court sentenced him to 10 years in jail for "spying." The U. S. contends that he was jailed for doing his ditty as a newspaper reporter. ECOSOC approved, over the oppo- sition of the Soviet bloc, an Ameri- can resolution denouncing the pun- ishment by governments of foreign correspondents who" try, to perform their duties. Said Walter Kotschnig, the U. S. deputy delegate, "I hope that as one result of this resolution, the Czech government will free an innocent man who faithfully and loyally pur- sued his calling as a foreign corres- pondent." The U. N. Technical Assistance Board reported that it has made agreements with 45 countries to sup- ply them with 741 technical experts. The Board expects to assign 674 more experts this year. Cost of U. N. technical aid in 1952 was estimated at $33,168,000. Technical Assistance is the U. N.'s version of Point Four, the U. S. N'ide R'orld TEEN-AGE CHAMP: No wonder Maureen Connolly is wearing a big smile. The cup she's holding is her trophy for winning the national wom- en's singles tennis championship this month. She is the youngest champion since 1904. Maureen who turned 17 on Sept. 17, was graduated last June from Cathedral High School, San Diego, Calif. program for giving expert advice to underdeveloped countries to help them use their resources. The aim is to improve living standards. ON THE NEWS 1. Underline each of the following with which the United States recently signed peace or defense treaties: ja- pan. Russia, New Zealand, the pines, India, Australia, China. 2. This Atomic Age: The U. S. armed forces recently let contracts for two projects for using atomic energy in transportation. These projects tie: president of Harvard t'oiver,.h I)I. that the problem of (li i' i;l,.l of hinder widespread use of atomic energy. 3. ECOSOC is the U. N ............... .... 4. The percentage of the U. S. pop- ulation in school this fall is about (one tenth; one fifth; one third). Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 The "Yo-yo' Ware (see maps below) The maps below show why our G. I.'s call the Korean fighting "the yo-yo war." Like a yo-yo bobbing up and down, the war front has moved back and forth across Korea. Red colored areas are held by Communists. PHASE 1, June to Sept. 1950 Striking across the 38th Parallel, north Koreans overran most of south Korea. United Nations forces retreated to a beachhead around the port of Pusan (left map). PHASE 2, Sept. to Nov. 1950 Strengthened by supplies and fresh troops pouring into Pusan, the U. N. wound up and swung a haymaker-in fact, two haymakers. One force landed by sea at Inchon, near Seoul. Another smashed out of the Pusan beachhead. In two months the U. N. had crushed the north Korean army and stood almost on the border of Manchuria (second map from left). PHASE 3, Nov. 1950 to Jan. 1951 Chinese Communists entered the war on the north Korean side. The Com- munists hurled U. N. forces back across the 38th Parallel (third map from left). PHASE 4, Jan. to Sept. 1951 Instead of trying to grab territory, U. N. troops concentrated on destroying enemy forces. The chewed-up Red army retreated, but launched a massive offensive last spring. The U. N. stopped the Reds with tremendous Communist losses. By late spring the U. N. again crossed the 38th Parallel. This summer the battle line did not change greatly. U. N. forces made many small gains (right map). In peace talks this sum- mer (see next column) the U. N. de- manded a cease-fire line along or near the present battlefront. The Commu- nists insisted on the 38th Parallel. Unusual words in this issue are defined and pronounced on page 30. Will it be war or peace? War or peace in Korea? The question is still unanswered as we go to press. TOWARD WAR? Peace talks are still stalled. The talks, as you read in World Week's special unit last week, began this summer at Kaesong, near the 38th Parallel. The Communists broke off the talks after charging that U. N. troops and planes bombed and at- tacked the Kaesong neutral zone. The U. N. calls these charges "fakes" and "frame-ups." The Reds have been massing troops and planes. They are be- lieved to have 650,000 to 850,000 men and 1,000 planes ready for a possible new offensive. The U. N. says that Russian satellite states in eastern Europe have sent large forces to join the Communist armies in Korea. TOWARD PEACE? Peace talks have stalled-but are not necessarily ended. The Commu- nists say they're ready to talk if the U. N. will "admit" the so-called vio- lations of the neutral zone. General Matthew B. Ridgway proposed shift- ing the talks away from Kaesong to a new site where the Reds won't be able to fake incidents like the alleged Kaesong attack. (Turn page.) Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 200 12 THE KOREANS: Their past HO W KOREA WAS CUT IN TWO DO you know that Koreans in- vented printing with movable metal type before Gutenberg started the printing industry in Europe? Do you know that Koreans built the first iron-clad warship (to fight the Japa- nese 400 years ago) and the first suspension bridge? That Koreans in- vented the heated=floor method of home heating (see page 13), and a simple alphabet, easy to read? Where did this talented people come from? Probably it happened something like this: Some 4,000 years ago, wandering tribes from north-central Asia were toiling across the bleak windswept plains of Manchuria. Ahead loomed snow-capped mountains clad with mighty forests. Entering this rugged land, the wanderers found crystal streams that raced down the slopes into cool green valleys. Most of the wanderers settled down in the lowland valleys of the south and southwest. Here they could grow two, and sometimes three rice crops a year. LAND OF THE MORNING CALM From the Chinese, their next-door neighbors, Koreans learned a lot about farming, building houses, making pottery, writing, and the other arts and skills of civilization. Several times armies from China in- vaded Korea. China's rulers consid- ered that they were rulers of Korea. But the Chinese didn't bother Korea much. The Chinese emperors were satisfied to have Korea send presents now and then. And the Koreans did as they pleased in their own land. In those days Korea deserved her old name-"land of the morning calm." The name, Korea, comes from "Koryu." That was the name of the realm founded a thousand years ago by a warrior-king, Wang Kien. He united all Korea under one rule. Korea is the shortest land route between China and Japan. Over this pathway, civilization came from China to the half-savage Japanese. The rising sun of Japan proved to be the setting sun of Korea. In the 1590s Ride World t,hoto Old-style Korea sees the new: village elders, in traditional horsehair hats and baggy white cotton clothes, watch U. S. Marines. Note mountain background. reap exiles begged the great nations for help. At last, during World War I, the Allies promised that "in due course Korea shall become free and independent." In 1945 the Allies liberated Korea. Russian troops entered Korea from the north and U. S. soldiers landed in southern Korea. Military com- manders agreed that Japanese troops north of the 38th Parallel should sur- render to the Russians, and those Japanese invaders laid waste the south of 38 degrees to the U, S. "land of the morning calm," but KOREA CUT IN TWO were finally driven away. The 38th Parallel wasn't intended Three hundred years later Japan to be a boundary. But that's what it came knocking at Korea's door again, became. The Russians threw up bar- In 1894 Japan attacked China, which ricades and stopped trade and travel. still claimed to be overlord of Korea. When Russia and the U. S. couldn't Russia, too, wanted control of Ko- agree on how to unite Korea, the rea. Japan got rid of that rival by U. N. tried. In 1948 the U. N. helped beating Russia in a war in 1904-05. run an election of a National As- Japan annexed Korea in 191Q and sembly. Communist north Korea built a new and modern Korea. Fine wouldn't take part in the election. cities sprang up. Mines were opened So the Assembly created a new Ha- to tap the iron and copper and gold tion, the Republic of Korea_ south of of Korea's mountains. Factories were the 38th Parallel. Three weeks later built. Mountain streams were har- the Communist "Democratic People's nessed for water power. New land Republic ,af Korea" was set up in was opened for cultivation, north Korea. Did the Koreans benefit? Not at On June 25, 1950, the north Ko- all. They toiled to turn out rice and rears invaded south Korea. minerals and cloth-for the Japanese. How did the United Nations meet Koreans yearned for freedom. Ko- this crisis? See page 14. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/0 s 13 THE KOREANS TODAY TEEN-AGE REFUGEE MY given name is Nam Pyo. It This photo was taken recently minnrsouth means "south star." My grand- Korea. What differences does it suggest parents chose this name for me. In between the life of this country girl and Korea the grandparents, not the par- that of a city boy like Suh Nam Pyo? ents, pick names for the cfffldren. My last name is Suh. In Korea we write refugees are even more crowded. the family name first. So my name is Sometimes more than a dozen people Until last year I lived in Seoul. Before the war it was the Republic of Korea's capital and largest city. The war drove my family away. Now we're refugees. In fact, we're refugees for the sec- ond time. Last year, when the North Korean Communists attacked, we went to live with relatives out in the country near Seoul. The Communists overran most of Korea. But in the fall U. N. troops liberated Korea. Then my family went home to Seoul. rice. We also eat water-cress soup, pickled peppers, and bean sprout salad. For supper my family usually ate meat, chicken, or fish. Most Ko- rean families do without meat except on holidays. In Seoul I was in junior high school. My school was destroyed dur- Back in Seoul we lived in a bi g home with eight rooms. It was near Ing the fighting in Seoul. Now I am Seoul National University, where my sc what is called a "mountain-top father is the dean. There were two school." It isn't ruuch like our old one-story buildings, surrounded by school' We sit in the open air with a garden and a low stone wall. The stones for seats and desks. The teach- buildings had tiled roofs made of er tells us svhates-cr he can rernem- carved slate, and oaken walls six her about nhvsics_ mathcnutNcs. and inches thick. other subjects. There are no text- Our house was always snug and books or blackboards. We haven't warm; no matter how cold the wind. ny pencils or paper to riritc down The stone floor was covered with what he says. he do our hest to re_ thin layers of clay, cement, and member what he tells us. I have no h h Th s oes. at is not ,or,w- eavy paper. Beneath the floor were FLEEING FROM COMMUNISTS many tunnels, or openings, leading thing to complain of. Instead. that Last winter we had to flee again. into the kitchen fireplace, which was teaches me to stand up (irmis our the That was during the great attack by below floor level. The cooking fires soil of my beautiful t. the s. the Chinese Communists. There was sent hot air rushing into the tunnels. As I Waite be seen. the sky is d~?k. no time to pack. We could take This warmed the for and heated No star ip be seen. The ssocird roar- nothing but what we could carry on up the house. The stones hold the wg e, Th roar comes from our backs. We traveled south as fast heat for hours. Many Korean homes wluc'r'e The roar srnnuls iike threat- threat- as we could during the bitter winter have below-the-floor heating cuing deg ils. svs- tip cold. Sometimes we got rides in tems. Our ancestors adopted this I have made las~ ated not to trucks. We walked most of the way. way of heating hundreds of years know My clast dy l and I On the train, before the war, it took ago. know that we mast study hard to eight hours to go from Seoul to I don't know whether our house beunme rehuilders of rnn dc~stroved Pusan. We were on -the road two even exists now. Bombs and shells c?'try. weeks. My elder b th di ro er sappeared have wrecked a great deal of Seoul. and we never saw him again. I'll Here in Pusan, where food is never forget that terrible journey. scarce, I think of the good meals we Here in Pusan, my mother, my used to have at home. Like most sisters, and I live in one room. Other Koreans, our favorite food is boiled Nam Pyo's story Was cirri mc(l from Iris letters, which were translated for World Week by his father, D. S. Still. wl. Sul, is studying at Colrnnhi,r t'niteli/lrt in York City. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : THE KOREANS TODAY ~ KOREA: U. N. Test Tube LOOK at the maps on page 11. You'll see that Korea is shaped something like a test tube. And Korea is a test tube for the United Nations. There the U. N. is experi- menting in making war as a means of making peace. THE TEST TUBE WAR In Korea, the U. N. learned to fight a brand-new kind of war. For one thing, it's a war with some brand-new weapons and methods. A few examples are giant bazookas to stop tanks, jet fighter planes, helicop- ter rescue1squads. The Korean war is unusual, too, in bringing fighting men from 17 na- tions and every continent to serve under a single banner, the U. N. flag. Most of the troops are from two na- tions-the Republic of Korea (south Korea) and the United States. But what is really unique about the Korean war is not its weapons or its organization, but its purpose. The United Nations was founded to keep world peace-just and lasting peace. There can be no peace while aggres- sor nations roam at will like mad dogs. On June 25, 1950, north Koreans brutally invaded south Korea. "If the north Koreans get away with this," said the U. N. Security Council, "every would-be aggressor will see that it's safe for him to strike at his weaker neighbors. In the long' run, the rest of us peace-loving na- tions will be gobbled up." So the U. N. went to war-not to grab territory, not even in direct self-defense (except in the case of the Republic of Korea)-but to de- fend peace itself. Our Government also has some special reasons for defending Korea. Korea, in Communist hands, would be a good base to strike at our bases in Japan. And by aiding the Republic A U. S. Army Catholic chaplain conducts a burial service in a military cemetery near Pusan. Nearly 14,000 Americans have died in Korea. Total dead, wound- ed, and missing are about 300,000 on U. N. side, 1,300,000 on Communist side. 1f Meanwhile, the U. N. sought to keep the war from spilling over be- yond Korea. U. N. forces got orders not to attack or bomb China or Rus- sia, Korea's northern neighbors. The U. N. feared that such an attack might bring on a new world-wide war-World War III. of Korea, we encourage free nations General Douglas MacArthur, U. N. everywhere to have faith that Amer- commander in Korea, boiled over at ica keep will help in their own fight to the decision to keep the war strictly free from communism. inside Korea. He pointed out that TEST TUBE FOR PEACE The U. N. faces the aggressors with a gun in one hand and the olive branch of peace in the other. From the day the Korean war broke out, the U. N. has searched for a way to stop the conflict. At first, nothing worked. On the day fighting started, the U. N. Se- curity Council called on the north Koreans to stop fighting and go.back to their own side of the 38th Paral- lel. The north Koreans paid no at- tention. In the fall of 1950 the Chinese Communists entered the war. The General Assembly appealed to Red China to cease fire and join in efforts to settle the problems of the Far East. Red China paid no attention. The Assembly sent a three-man committee to look for some way to settle the Korean conflict. Red China wouldn't have anything to do with the committee. supplies for the Communist armies came mostly from Manchuria (in north China) and from Russia. Mac- Arthur wanted to bomb Manchuria. President Truman relieved MacAr- thur of his command and replaced him with General Matthew B. Ridg- way. Many people believe that the north Koreans and Chinese aren't the real aggressors in Korea. Would China and north Korea dare to strike without the backing of their ally. Russia? Probably not. Russia, a U. N. member, has never admitted helping the Communist aggressors. However, the first hint of a new path toward peace came from Rus- sia. Jacob Malik, Russian delegate to the U. N., suggested lone 23 that a cease-fire in Korea could be ar- ranged. Result: truce talks began (see page 11). Whatever their out- come, the U. N. plans to continue its patient search for a just and last- ing peace. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 THE KOREANS LOOK AHEAD If. Peace Comes ...- What Then? "riA UNIFIED, independent, and might have to keep forces in Korea opponents claim that anybody who democratic government of all for a long time to protect it from opposes Rhee is likely to be called a Korea." Communist aggression. Last month Communist and may be jailed by That is the U. N. plan for Korea's the U. S. announced plans to the national police. They say Rhee future. It is set forth in a resolution strengthen South Korea's army. One is too closely allied with rich land- passed by the U. N. General Assem- purpose is to help Korea protect its owners and is to blame for the slow bly last fall. freedom after the war. UNITY. For a thousand ears, u progress in breaking up large estates years, up If Korea were united, it might de- to provide land for poor farmers. to 1945, the Korean peninsula was a velop into a sturdy, self-reliant na- Rhee says he must use a firm hand united country. Koreans, north and tion. In population (over 29 million), to check communism and keep the south, are the same people in race, a united Korea would be about the country going until his people have appearance, language,, and customs. 12th largest nation in the world. In more training in self-government. The south grows most of Korea's area, it would be nearly as large as RECONSTRUCTION. Even more ur- food. The north produces most of its Great Britain. Korea has many of gent than unity, independence, and manufactured goods, fertilizer, and the resources for becoming an indus- democracy, is the need to rebuild electric power. Koreans, north and trial country. For power, Korea has shattered Korea. Bombs and shells south, need one another's products. coal and plenty of rushing mountain have smashed a million homes and The U. N. aims to, put divided streams which can be harnessed to buildings, including nearly all the Korea back together again. The produce electricity. In Korea's moon- factories of north Korea. One person U. N. wants free elections in all Ko- tains are large deposits of iron and in five is a refugee, like Nam Pvo rea to set up a single government. gold, as well as zinc, copper, and (see page 1-3). One person in 10 is a a What if the war ends with the other minerals. Probably Korea could casualty of war-dead, wounded, Communists still in control of part grow enough food for its people. missing, or sick as a result of war's of Korea? Would they forbid the DEMOCRACY. .Ko rpA lacks experi- privations. U. N. to hold elections in Communist enced leaders. During their 35-year Relief workers have set up refugee territory, as they did in 1948 (see rule, the Japanese never allowed the camps and are passing page 12)? Koreans to run their own country. clothing, and medicine. Most ofothe One suggestion is that the U. N. In north Korea, Communists run funds come from the United States. itself might rule Korea temporarily. the government. We can be sure that The U. N. Korean Reconstruction Proposals for making Korea a U. N. the people there aren't learning Agency has charge of post-war re- trust territory for five years were about democracy as we know it. building. Forty-five nations have made in 1945. Koreans were angrry. The Republic of Korea has a promised a quarter-billion dollars for They demanded immediate- democratic constitution. The people the first year of UNKRA's work. Thi., INDEPENDENCE. The U. N. aims elect the Assembly (legislature) by U. N. agency plans to build hospitals to help Korea become a fully popular vote. and schools, repair roads and rail- governing and independent nation. Under the constitution, the presi- ways and power stations. It will ship But an independent Korea would dent, who is elected by the Assem- cotton, coal, and other raw materials have dangerous neighbors-Commu- bly, has great power. The president for the factories, fertilizer and work nist Russia and China. The U. N. is 76-year-old Syngman Rhee. His cattle for farms. timber for homes. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 A Workbook Page 1. LET'S MAKE A MAP Here's an outline map of a part of the world you've been reading about in our Special Unit. 1. Write in its ,proper place the names of: the penin- sula (center), the nations adjoining the peninsula, the island-nation in the lower right corner of the map. 2. Locate (by marking a dot on the map), and label, the cities of Seoul and Pusan. 3. Label the dotted line which crosses the map. 4. Shade lightly that part of the map which is Com- munist-held territory. 5. Write "ROK" on the Republic of Korea. 6. Draw a line to show the shortest distance between Korea and Japan, and mark above the line the approxi- mate distance. 7. In what general direction did Nam Pyo travel 'in going from Seoul to Pusan? .II. TRUE, FALSE, OR OPINION? In the blank space in front of each statement, write T if it is true,. F if it is false, 0 if it is an opinion. _1. The United Nations is already taking steps toward rebuilding war-torn Korea. -2. A united Korea would have more than 29,000,000 people. _3. A free and united Korea would eventually become a strong nation. -4. A U. N. victory in Korea would help stop the spread of communism in Asia. -5. Many observers believe that one of Korea's great weaknesses is a lack of experienced leaders. 6. The Communists want the U. N. to hold a free election in all Korea to set up a united country. -7. The real aggressor in Korea is not Red China or north Korea, but Russia. -8. The chief farming region of Korea is in the south, and the north is the chief factory and mining region. III. WHAT'S MISSING? Fill in the missing words. 1. The war in Korea began on , when soldiers from crossed the parallel of north latitude and invaded 2. The United Nations sent to Korea a fighting force commanded (at first) by who was replaced by 3. Following a suggestion June 23 by Russia's U. N. delegate, Jacob ____ , talks between the U. N. and the Communists began at the Korean town with the aim of The talks stopped in August after the Communists charged IV. PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP Why is a U. N. victory in Korea important to the free world? (Answer on separate sheet of paper.) What You Can Do to Help Korea September is "National Clothing Collection Month for Korea." You can send clothing or shoes to the near- est warehouse of American Relief for Korea. ARK warehouses are in Maspeth, N. Y., St. Louis, Mo., and Oakland, Calif. No further address is needed. School supplies, like pencils, composition books, crayons, and chalk, can be sent to Save the Children, 8 Washing- ton Place, New York City. All money donations, no matter how small, are welcome at both places. Con- tributions sent to CARE, New York City, will speed packages of food to Korea. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13-: THE WATCH OF RAILROAD ACCVRACy rt ,p ($5.00 to Karoline Fellhauer of Detroit, Mich.) s slogan was coined by railroad men them- selves. For nearly 60 years More trains have been timed by I-larniltota khan 6y any other wakh, ----------- $5.= IS *yOVld- SEND USA QUESTION ABOUT '"t"', # # O FOR M ONE IF IT! oo ATCHES OR HAMILTO. fr. y1r MORE OF THESH ADS You WILL WIN #S' WILL STUDENTS SUBMIT IDENTICAL QU#STIONSr (BASED ON BE pp ID oNLYTO THE FIRST ONE?-MAILED THIS pE PAD ONS~? A NEW CONTEST EVERY mot't MONTHS ENTRIES MUST SE RECEIVED BY OCT.31. ; free bOOklef on watches? , P .Wania {nscin a Fine Wafer Fine. " k / ?t es Ma ca-rhen wrif us fur what, w' ..crest, PA. I TON i wATem to., Darr. of Rail TueWatchroad Accuracu ch Co. P / Copr., 1951, Hamilton Wat rices include Federal Tax. All prices subject tc cnan,, WHY IS HAMILTON . to WHO Was THE FIRST AMERICAN WATCHMAKER? ($5.00 to Marianne Eicholtz of Strasburg, Pa.) Lti er&oddard s+ar 4 +6 firs+ watchmaking shop a+- Shrewsbury, Mass., in 1809. From +l- I small s1 rl-, Ae American watch industry has grown to vital iMportanceToday, i+' our only sure source of certain precision instrurnenfS -For our national defense needs. WHAT KEEPS A NAMIL N FROM RVSTJNts ($5.00 to Billie Kimpton of Seattle, Wash.) Some parts are made of rustproo{ me l 4 h a s t' ers receive special anticorrosive l f?i p a ngSofffi ,eeeve is.+his treatment +ha+one I1arn ilton that-was buried for 2-5 Years needed only a sitn ,ie cleaning and oilihc, -fo put if back into service again - Shown, above: MAR,E_9old-filled case 5775, CAR~LTON goldfilld3 --e case,bo?SO. Better Jewelers everywhere have a wide selec+ion of f ine Hamilton wa+ches priced froth 449.soup ANN. AMIL Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/0 The Missouri Basin debates flood control When Water Runs Wild Hesse (St. Louis Globe-Democrat cartoon- ist) titled this cartoon: "Never Got Around to Calling a Plumber." The car- toon stresses Federal responsibility for flood control. What should states, com- munities, and individuals do about it? " HAT a lovely day, Mother! WKnsas City looks like her old ,elf lagain. That lbflood this summer seems likea bad dream." "That was no dream, Joan," re- plied Mrs. McIntire grimly. "Oh, the stench when we first came back' home after the water went down! And those inches of slime all over the house! When the junkman carted away the piano and all our new liv- ing-room furniture, I said to myself: `We've got to see that this sort of thing never happens again."' "And it can be done," put in Mr. McIntire. "It's up to Congress. Gen- eral Pick of the Army Engineers says this last flood wouldn't have done any damage to speak of, if Congress had put up $300,000,000 more for dams under the Pick-Sloan plan. For lack of 300 million, we Midwestern- ers have two billion dollars worth of damage to clean up!" The Pick-Sloan Plan "This Pick-Sloan plan, Dad-how would it stop floods?" "Well, Joan, this is the idea. The Army Engineers would build 105 dams and reservoirs along the Mis- souri River and the rivers that feed into the Missouri. In flood times, the dams would hold back the water un- til it could be fed into the streams without overflowing them. At other times, the water would be used to irrigate farm land, to generate elec- tric power, and to keep enough wa- ter in the main rivers for river boats In other words, we need more forest. planting, seeding of bare lands with grass, and terracing of farm fields. We need to build thousands of little dams t th h a e eadwaters of streams. to use the streams safely. In addi- Soil conservation is the answer, I tion, levees are being built to keep say." the lower Missouri within bounds. "Now, Bob, you farmers would What do you farmers think of Pick- keep your ponds so full of water for Sloan, Bob?" livestock that they wouldn't hold any "Not much," replied Bob Salerno, more water in flood times," Mr. Mc- Mr. McIntire's cousin from the up- Intire retorted. "Anyway, after such per Missouri valley. "It's a hodge- torrents of rain as we had this sum- podge of projects thrown together mer, we're sure to have a flood unless without enough study of how they'll we have reservoirs with enormous affect the river basin as a whole. For storage space. And did you stop to instance, the Army Engineers- think that it's cheaper to build a they're the Pick half of Pick-Sloan- hundred deep lakes than thousands want a nine-foot-deep navigation of the shallow ponds you're talking channel on the lower Missouri up to about?" Si oux City, Iowa. But the Bureau of Reclamation-the Sloan half of Pick- Sloan-says you couldn't keep the channel full without using water we farmers need for irrigation in the upper valley. There's no central au- thority to get the full facts and to decide who's right. "Congress makes things worse by approving projects piecemeal-a dam here, a reservoir there-without con- sidering how each ties in with other projects. And after seven years of Pick-Sloan, only about a dozen dams are finished or under way. "Anyway, the whole idea of Pick- Sloan is off base. Instead of building these giant dams to stop floods after they're already started, we should stop floods from getting under way. TVA and MVA "Isn't there another way to work this out, Dad?" asked Joan. "I've been reading about the Tennessee Valley Authority. It's set up by Con- gress to improve the Tennessee River valley as a whole. As I get it, this TVA ties together in one big program all the things you've been talking about-flood control, power, soil conservation, navigation, forest planting, plus other things, like im- proving farm methods and schools, that help the people of the valley." "Yes, Joan, we know about TVA. President Truman has proposed something like it, a Missouri Valley Authority, for our basin. But the job seems too big for any one group of men. Why, the Missouri basin is an empire 13 times larger than the Ten- nessee valley. And many of us fear that an MVA corporation would be a super-government over which the people of the basin had no control." "Well, one thing is certain," said Bob Salerno. "Right here in our Mis- souri valley, the biggest river engi- neering job in the history of the world is going on. With what's al- ready been done, surely we can find a way to use this mighty river to develop a better life for all of us." Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 You're sitting with the rest of your family in your farm kitchen in Ohio back in the I870's. As usual, the light is an unsteady glow from tallow candles and whale oil lamps. Then-Dad walks in with a great new dis- covery. It's a lamp-but what a difference. He lights it-and the entire room seems to blaze. Yes sir-this is the !gist genuine kero- sene lamp in your part of the county! Today a kerosene lamp is a poor excuse for light. But it marked the beginning of an important event in the automobile world. You see, kerosene was one of the first prac- tical uses to which petroleum could be put. And men kept looking for petroleum, drill- ing for it, to get kerosene from it. Then came the discovery of the automobile engine-which needed gasoline-and gaso- line is made from petroleum. Just as with kerosene, it's done by distillation-heating the petroleum and condensing the vapors. Of course, the first gasoline would seem as crude today as a kerosene lamp. Soon com- panies like General Motors discovered that tkt&t~ie waz~to az~omokvepower e Lamp to step up engine power and efficiency, they would have to improve gasoline. Otherwise the engine would "knock"-and this knock kept power down. So GM men found a way to cut down knock by adding tetraethyl lead to the gasoline-making what we now call Ethyl gasoline. This was the beginning. Since then, GM men kept watching gasoline burning inside engines, through special quartz windows. They kept studying one-cylinder engines in their laboratories - and discovered the amazing new performance that could be derived from automotive fuel by rearrang- ing its molecules, as you've studied them in chemistry. The results' Better automotive power and big savings in gasoline. For instance, two gallons of gasoline do as much work in today's GM cars as three did in models of 25 years ago. And there are even greater results. Building more and better cars led to more and better jobs. At GM alone there are more than 450,000 men and women where there were once only a few thoilsand. And yet-the average employe earns consider- ably more these days, while working fewer hours each week. In short, there are two illuminating facts about General Motors. One-as many car- owners will tell you-"you can't beat a GM car for value." Two-as the record shows- you can't beat a company like G\I for making more and better jobs. * * Getting More Out of Engines and Fnc-ls-here you see GM Research Inca .steadily tEorking away to get more power out of less gasoline. Their arc studying a laboratory engine in actin,,-using special meters to check its per'fornrnrox'. "MORE AND BETTER THINGS FOR MORE PEOPLE" G-F1 IVER AT f MOTOR,S THE KEY TO A GENERAL MOTORS CAR CHEVROLET. PONTIAC ? OLDSMOBILE . BUICK . CADILLAC ? BODY BY FISHER . FRIGIDAIRE Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002 GOOD CITIZENS AT WORK *k* ** A Flying Classroom A "FLYING CLASSROOM" soared over the eastern U. S. and Can- ada last May. It was a giant transport plane, filled with 55 high school students from Orono (Maine) High School. F or two exciting days, the stu- dents flew over a 1,500-mile-long route across seven states and part of Canada. They saw at first-hand many of the places they had studied about in textbooks. Old ideas took on new meanings. Said one youth high over New Eng- land: "I never realized how irregu- lar the Maine coastline is. Now I know the true meaning of the phrase, `rocky coast of Maine."' Said another, over the Great Lakes: "I always pictured that you could look across them. But they are awfully big. They are like seas." There were two stopovers. At Hartford, Connecticut, the students landed to visit industrial plants and historical sites. Another stop at Ot- tawa, Canada's capital city, gave these young Americans a glimpse of life in our great neighbor-nation. What They Learned Their high school science teacher, Albert J. Fortier, lectured briefly along the way, In notebooks (gifts of the airline) the students jotted down what they had learned. At the end of the trip, an Orono high schooler called it "one of the most valuable experiences of my school career. We had a chance to learn about our neighbors here in New England and Canada. And we also got to know our classmates better by spending the trip with them." The Maine teen-agers began work on their "Classroom of the Air" proj- ect two years ago. Teachers helped them plan it. Parents gave their con- sent. The students earned most of th e money needed. Through their own employment agency, they landed jobs as baby sitters, snow shovelers, and odd-job men. They worked at any and every part-time job they could find. At the same time, they studied up on the places they'd see on their air adven- ture. When they came home from their trips, America meant a lot more to them than ever before. Classroom-in-a-Bus Other "touring classrooms," on the ground, cover a lot of the U. S. every year. For example, one group of students regularly travels across the nation in their own school bus. The principal drives. The tour goes on during "school time." On board are the senior students of Ozark (Arkan-sas) High School. Last year the young Arkansans trav- eled to Washington, D. C., Phila- delphia, and New York, and returned by way of Canada. They saw the Tennessee Valley country, West Vir- ...w-w reen-a Photo b geri step off "flying classroom- Y Aart ir Ti,,,, at Hartford zd d airport. ginia's coal fields, Lincoln's birth- place, and Lee's tomb. At the U. N., the students watched a Soviet.dele- gate angrily walk out of a commis- sion meeting, "Probably for a year we'll l sti l be talking about the trip," said Sue Adams, class valedictorian. "We'll never forget the wonderful things we've seen and done." Ozark's high schoolers pitch in to help pay the tour's costs (about $1,000), The class of '50 cut more than seven tons of seed potatoes for a grower ($50), and shocked peanuts for six hours ($18). The boys set out 10,000 pine trees seedlings on an eroded farm ($50). Baby sitting, house cleaning, grass cutting jobs earned $30. "Co Slow, Mary," the senior play, netted $120; a basketball tournament, $100; and a square dance, $32. The high school piano teacher gave an organ recital and donated $27. The Parent-Teach- er Association helped out with $100. Other earnings and donations com- pleted the fund. Students from many schools wind up their senior terms with extensive tours. One out of every 50 U. S. school buses is used in the "class- room-on-wheels" movement. (Continued on page 22) Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 7 ...ME TOO! ITIS SO EASY TO LEARN TOUCH-TYPING WITH THE FULL-SIZE \ KEYBOARD < TYPING MAKES SENSE1;,g . ALL My TCHRS LIKE IT-AN'My MARKS ARE / BETTER "(P)AD'S LETTING ME TAKE HIS TO COLLEGE NEXT YEAR....WON'r IT BE SMART IN THIS NEW CARRYING = 'Every Smith-Corona portable comes in a lsmart, new silver birch carrying case. i'M ASKING MY DAD FOR A SMITH-CORONA F02 CHRISTMAS! O K. kbi be technical ~~1 l Easiest s MARGINS able! Si ystem on any Port. slide mPlyPress down and Pointer i s nto position. TYPEBAR SPEED BOOSTER Steel sprin g snaps typebar back faster speeds after Printing, ? Less up retur chance of n stroke. jamming. SUPER-SPEED ESCAPEMENT Permits Fastest typebar action of any __ CO LORSPEED KEYBOARD Riznless, agerprint sha I are keys are ed to Your fiGger afters cal" 'ea Rey charp ear o$ SEE the worlds fastest (and all 38 fea ~ Portable writer De Si=gyres t ve rywher everywhere. L C SMITH & CORONA TYPEWRITERS INC SYRACUSE 1 N Y Canadian factory and offices, Toronto, Ontario. Makers also of famous Smith-Corona Office Typewriters, Adding Machines, Vivid Duplicators, Ribbons and Carbons. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 THE PRINCIPALTOLD MOTHER, TYPING SCHAkLWORK RAISES MARKS 10 .OR \1 MOREI 22 Flying Classroom (Continued from page 20) Other high schools use buses char- tered from private companies. One is Denton (Texas) High School. Last year, 26 Denton science stu- dents took a 4,500-mile three-week tour by bus. They cruised through more than 20 states. and part of Canada. On 44 stops, they inspected mam- moth industrial plants and factories. They saw how science works for in- dustry, how high school "book-learn- ing" is used on the job, how educa- tion increases earning power. Science teacher Wayne Taylor went along to answer questions. Said one student, on return: "While we were on the trip, it seemed that we weren't learning a thing. But after we got home, it was amazing how much knowledge we had picked up. I stayed up until five the morning we got home, telling my family about the trip." Last year a cavalcade of nine chartered buses rolled into our na- Batter Up! tion's capital. The buses carried 260 high school students from 11 differ- ent schools in Indiana. Their "tour- ing classrooms" were out to see America-on a 2,000 mile trip through nine states. The students themselves had raised most of their expenses. Par- ents and townspeople had backed their drives. Was it worth it? Said one Indiana youth: "I can't take the Govern- ment for granted after this." Said another: "We came back, deter- mined to really deserve our govern- ment, by being active citizens." A Church's Tour In Grand Rapids, Michigan, there's a church that sends teen-agers on "good-citizen" tours. Last spring, the Fountain Street Baptist Church sent 30 teen-agers on a two-week 2,200 mile bus trip. It was called the "Citi- zenship Workshop Tour." The 30 teen-age travelers came from nine schools in the area. They visited Philadelphia, New York City, and Washington, D. C., and saw In- By Tom Pisula, Scottsdale (Pa.) High School (Starred words refer to baseball) 1 ~ y io tz 16 w 1 I6 >4 gq T 21 I a is 26 33 67 i36. I I 39 41 43 4q 45 4 47 y9 Students are invited to submit original crossword puzzles for pub- lication in Scholastic Magazines. Each puzzle should be built around one subject, which may be drawn from History, Art, Science, or any other field of knowledge. Maximum about 50 words, of which at least 10 must be related to the theme. For' each puzzle published we will pay $10. Entries must include puz- zle design, definitions, answers on separate sheets, design with answers filled in, and statement by student that the puzzle is original and his own work. Give name, address, school, and grads. Address Puzzle Editor, World Week, 351 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Answers in next week's issue. dependence Hall, the U. N., and the Supreme Court. How does democracy really work? What can we do for a better world? These are the questions the young travelers set out to answer. The minister, Bob Hauserman, encouraged them. The teen-agers worked hard to earn money for the tour. Their elders helped with cash contributions as an "investment" in the future-to help make good citi- zens who would make America greater. Did the church's "investment" pay off? Did the teen-agers find the an- swers to their questions? Said one: "We caught something of the history of our country. The trip made the history courses we took in school take on real mean- ing." Said another: "Just seeing the people who run our national govern- ment was important to me. There are many problems that still need to be solved. Kids in our generation can help solve them. What we do in the future IS important." " 1. Used in a sacrifice. " 4. Cincinnati - - - -. 8. Fraud. ? 9. American League (abbr.). 011. Ball hit out of bounds. 13. English country festival. 14. Lubricates. 16. George (abbr.). 17. International League (abbr.). '18. The umpire calls a (1 Down) and a - - - - 20. 12th President of the U. S. (initials). 21. Acquire. 22. You feel this when you dis- agree with the umpire. 24. It is the umpire's right to a man from the diamond. ?25. Preacher - - -, Dodger. 27. - - - Whitney. 28. Unit of electrical resistance. 30. A division of geologic time. 32. European Recovery Program (abbr.). 34. Author of "Common Sense" (initials). 38. Line from center of circle to circumference. 39. Tungsten (abbr.). 40. Grain for men and horses. 042. Used to clout baseballs. 43. Pamphlet (abbr.). 44. It is the manager's job to 46. Doctor of Science (abbr.). 047. Chicago - - - -. 48. Dairy product. 49. Charts. ? 1. The umpire calls a - - - - and a (18 Across). 2. Musical instrument. 3. Northeastern (abbr.). 5. Home field of Dodgers (abbr.). 6. Man's best friend. 7. Canal connecting Mediter- ranean Sea with Bed Sea. 8. To fall short. 9. What we breathe. 10. Lord Lt. of Ireland (abbr.). 12. Small portions of land. ?14. National League star, Mel 15. Used for winter snow sport. 18. Last year of high school. "19. Mistakes. 21. Strong wind 23. Except as otherwise herein provided (abbr.). 24. Exist. 26. Unit of measure for printed matter. ?29. A position, short 31. Seize. 32. Abbr. of Eusebius, church historian. ?:33. Brooklyn, - - - -. 35. Part of the hand. 37. Father. 38. Contraction for "it is." 39. To keep count of. 41. People of Indo-China. 43. Young dog. ?45. National League (abbr.). 47. Calcium (abbr.). Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/ ERNEST R. "ERNIE" BIGGS, Athletic Trainer, Ohio State University, says: "A balanced diet is of prime importance at the training table and no diet is completely balanced without enriched bread. Bread, definitely, is the staff of life and no athletic training menu is complete without it." ~., .~ asauena, vnio State Buckeyes were co-winners with Michigan of the Big Ten University won over U. of California. In 1949, the Conference, and took top Big Ten honors in '44 and '42. BREAD ? 1 at trainin9 table helps Rose Bowl ChampIons ke ep in lighting trim . P. S. to Girls: You needn't curb your appetite to keep your curves! Bread is no more fattening than any other food that gives you as much energy. I 10~~ ENRICHED BREAD Take the word of top-flight athletic trainers like "Ernie" Biggs. They know the value of bread and that young people should eat plenty of it. For bread, enriched with necessary vitamins and minerals, is a splendid source of the energy you need to keep going; the nutrition you need to keep growing! Penny for penny, enriched bread provides more of the things your body needs-more generously-than any other food. Here's why: VITAMINS & IRON Bakers Amuiw E more bread.,.get more .,~ energy Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 September Choices-7 Fine Books MYSTERIES ? NOVELS ? TRUE STORIES ? FILM HITS ? DICTIONARY ,~effio T4B 04 *44u: Beginning this fall each member has a wider choice of books than ever,.before. Seven selections for Sep- tember and for every month to come. One of the selections is what every student needs as the school year be- gins-a good Dictionary. Is your TAB Club already under way? Now is the time. Your teacher is likely to welcome a proposal to increase the reading of good books. TAB Club offers a rare bargain- for every four books you order from fall selections' you may choose one free book from the January dividend list. Since the books cost 25 or 35 cents each this means you get five books for every $1 or a few cents more you invest. If you want TAB's service, ask your teacher to mail us the coupon in her Scholastic Teacher. We'll send full details. And, now, here are books for September 1. ANNA & THE KING OF SIAM Margaret Landon True story of what happened when Margaret Landon accepted the job of teaching the 67 children of the King of Siam. Also his wives. A movie and Broadway hit. LNOT BOB Henry Gregor Felsen Thirty minutes to Trenton. Forty miles away. Bud Crayne, 17, tried to do it in his souped-up jalopy- with three police cars screaming be- hind. Recommended-Bob Pearson, Ar- gentine H. S., Kansas City, Kan. 3. THE OLD DARK HOUSE J. B. Priestley ANA garet Waverton and three e others seek Al ~ WV ~ Yt rl is eek shelter in an old .dark house during a National office storm. Strange things happen. Check Book Desired Write Amount Here 11. ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM (250) 2. HOT ROD (250 13. OLD DARK HOUSE (250) 14. HI THERE, HIGH SCHOOL (250) 1 5 . SUE BARTON, SENIOR NURSE (350) I 16. OREGON TRAIL (350) 17. MERRIAM-WE BSTER POCKET I DICTIONARY (350) I (Write in here what you wish to buy from the Favorites" list and the price.) Total Amount Write In price of each title you want. Then write in total of your order. Hand In to your TAB Club secretary with money shown in Total Amount. (Do NOT mail this cou- pon to New York.) Name 4. HI THERE, HIGH SCHOOL! Gay Head How can you make a success of high school? Hi There, High School! offers 44 pages of concise counsel. Read about "musts" in dating, clothes, friends. 5. SUE BARTON, SENIOR NURSE Helen Dore Boylston Oopsl That was the head nurse Sue Barton doused with soapy water. Laughter mixes with tears before Sue wins the black band on her cap. And then - should she marry, or continue her career? 6e OREGON TRAIL Francis Parkman Epic account of pioneers on the way West. Granddaddy of all "westerns." Ride beyond the frontier! 7. THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER POCKET DICTIONARY p1~ Is spelling your problem? Here's the answer. This handy dictionary contains 25,000 words. Gives defi- nitions and tells how to pronounce words correctly. Includes other use- ful information. OLD FAVORITES These old fait orites broaden the choice of books you may make in any one month. Write number, title, and price on the coupon. 1. SCARAMOUCHE, Rafael Sabatini 250 Sword play and romance. 2. THIRTY SECONDS OVER TOKYO, Capt. Ted W. Lawson First air raid on Japan. 250 3. NIGHT FLIGHT, Antoine de St. Exupery Pioneering air line across Atlantic. 250 4. MOBY DICK (abridged), Herman Melville Classic of men in wooden ships. 250 5. SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES 350 The Tempest, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 High School Afloat The Good Ship Moored in the East River in New k Ci i h Yo r ty s t e S. S. John W. Brown JOHN W BRAWN -one of the most unusual high schools in the U. S. Up its gangplank every school day tramp more than 300 teen- age boys. They are studying mari- time trades at first hand. During World War II, this 10,000 ton Liberty ship sailed the seas as a cargo vessel and troop ship. In 1946, "WHEELHOUSE ROUTINE": Students are getting instruction in the technique of piloting a steamship in and out of port. ENGINE ROOM: The instructor explains hhow, the ship runs. Notice that engine parts are lettered for identification. Instructor, in bosun's chair, watches teen-age "tar" paint cargo boom. The school awards the standard high school diploma, plus U. S. Coast Guard cer- tificates of service as ordinary seamen, wipers, electricians, messmen, or second cooks, for jobs on merchant ships. It was loaned by the U. S. Mari- time Commission to New York's Metropolitan Vocational High School. Most graduates become merchant sea- men or join the Navy. The curriculum includes the usual high school studies, plus a choice of seven sea courses: Deck, Engine, Radio, Steward, Boat- building, Maritime Business, and Ma- rine Electrical. Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-R He Rolls the Big Trucks BILLY WADE has driven trucks over American highways for more than 1,000,000 miles. We met Billy recently at the New York City truck terminal of Asso- ciated Transport. Inc., . the biggest trucking firm in the United States. "Sorry to rout you out of, bed at 11:00 a.m.," we said. "We know that you got in from Washington at three o'clock this morning." "That's okay," Billy grinned. "I'm rarely tired after an eight-hour run. Th e run from Washington York is about eight hours." "How did you happen to a truck driver?" we asked Here is what Billy told us. Billy's First Job 'JIIIIIIIi19111111111111111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP~191111111iUIPIIII~iIIIIIIIH01~l1!IIIIIIIINIIIHiIIIP!~~ A Career Club Feature illlllllll!Illlf!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiI!I('ll Ililhl!IIIIIII!II!I!III~~Illlilill ~I II~P,!!II!Illlliiil!Illlllllllllllllllhi~ cense issued by the state of North Carolina, where his truck is regis- tered. Once a year he takes it stiff ex- amination-physical, oral, and writ- ten-before his license is renewed. "What qualifications must a young man have to become a truck driver for Associated Transport?" we asked. Job Requirements We learned that it beginner driver must be at least 21 years old and have one year's experience (all four seasons) to drive a truck inside a city. To drive on the highways, a truck driver must he at least 25 years old and nave two years' ex- perience driving with a superior rec- ord for safe driving. To get this required experience, boys drive farm trucks, delivery trucks for stores, and bigger trucks for small firms which sometimes have easier requireineuts for begin- ners. Associated Transport requires a job applicant to pass a stiff physi- cal examination. He must demon- strate driving ability and be able to answer numerous oral and written questions about the traffic laws and regulations. Drivers also must be able to read regulations, be able to write well enough to make clear reports, and to be competent in everyday arithmetic. The Trucking Industry There are more than S6000,10 Billy Wade and his big "rig. , at~uun "rig.- "Tell us about your trip last night", we urged Billy. Billy reported at the Washington truck terminal at 8:30 p.m. to check his tires (called "biscuits"), his lights, and safety equipment (flares, fuses, etc.). He rolled his "rig" (truckers' name for any trucks) out of the terminal at 9:00 p.m. It was loaded with rayon, nylon h i o sery, and other goods coming up to New York from Burlington, N. C. (An- other driver bro h ug t the truck to Billy was born in High Point, Washington.) N. C., and he went to nearby Trinity After a run of one hour and 20 High School. When he left school in minutes, Billy stopped his truck at 1930, he decided to become a truck the Dixie Diner on the outskirts of driver. He knew a man who hauled Baltimore. Drivers stop their trucks furniture fro Hi h m g Point to Pitts- burgh, Pa. This man took an interest in Billy and taught him to drive. He started with a one ,and one-half ton truck. These were depression years and Billy earned $15 a week. Then Billy went to work for Barn- well Brothers in Burlington, N. C. He drove a big truck with a 30-foot trailer. It carried general freight- canned goods, cloth, etc.-from Burl- ington to Alexandria, Va. Billy earned $41.40 a week. During World War 11, Billy was a shipyard welder at Wilmington, N. C. In 1945 he went to work for Associated Transport. He trucks gen- eral freight between New York and Washington, D. C. He earns $90 a . week plus overtime. He drives three rou d a__ n every few hours to rest thei r eyes and relax. At Newcastle, Delaware, Billy got a 45-minute rest while his big truck was ferried acr~f~ss the Delaware River to Penn sville, N..j. Billy had a bite to eat at the Silver 'Moon Diner near Camden, N. J., before he drove on to New York City. When Billy is in New York City, his firm pays for a room for him at 'a small hotel near the truck terminal close to the North River. Usually Billy stays in New York from 15 to 24 hours before he leaves on the return trip to Washington. Billy lives with his wife and Young daugh- ter in Alexandria, Va. Billy drives with a chauffeur's li- . ARTI Zoeia Jezowski. eomm,.rrial arti,t. Unusual words in this issue are defined and pronounced on page 30 trucks in the United States, giving direct employment to more than 5,500,000 workers. Nearly nine out o ten trucks are designed to carry loads of 1'2' tons or less. There are about 400,000 trucks with a gross weight (truck and load) of eight tons or more. Some of the smaller trucks in this category can "swallow" a houseful of furniture. Some of the larger units, many of which never operate on the high- ways but serve mining and other off-highway projects, can carry 40 tons of ore in a single load. Others, including logging trucks, operate only on private roads in the forests and not on public highways. -WILLIAM FAVCi.. Vocational Editor NEXT CAREER CI UR CLE: Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-R quiz: Are you ?O6Ted? QUESTION: What square dance step are these couples doing? ANSWER: It's the Grand Chain. The "gents" move in one direction, and the "ladies" move in the opposite direction, alternating right and left hands with each dancer they meet. It's gay and lively-and takes plenty of "bounce" (or energy). A smart person knows that his "bounce" denenrty w aauy upon the foods he eats. lbso 61AP[ NUTS lbS/S 6RAPE?N Nos ... for instance, Post's new Sugar Crisp ated with sugar and honey. For snacks it's so handy, "As a cereal it's dandy, If " The Famo5 Or eat it like candy!" ~,ts Y PORT rere SUGAR CRISP f ~5~5 40%BRAN .LIMES TOASNIES Corn Makes; Post Toosties Post's Raisin Bran Post's 40% Bran Flakes Post-Tens Grape-Nuts Grope-Nuts Flakes Post's Wheat Meal Sugar Crisp QUESTION: What was man's first sweet? ANSWER : Honey, which was known and eaten centuries before man learned to grind wheat into flour. People at that time ate honey simply be- cause they enjoyed its delightful taste. Today, we know it is also one of the best energy foods, and very easy to digest. QUESTION: What kind of breakfast will build up your "bounce"? ANSWER: Breakfast of bread and butter (or fortified margarine), cereal,* milk, and fruit or fruit juice. It will put "bounce" into your school- work, athletics, and social activities. Don't slow down by neglecting this necessary meal. Eat a good breakfast-and "bounce" through the day. ,S'UGAR CRISP Approved For Release 2002/02/13 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000500160008-6 Approved For Release 2002/02/13 A Feller .. on the Except for the Pitching, 1951 Phone club isn't as strong all the the and Herman L. as the '48 tea e way around Masin and Jean F enced and m. We aren't experi F. Merrill were weak as as hit - S we By write this Positions. In we1948 Ina number of A faintest idea w , we haven't the everybod ho'll c "Truth' is I' ting the ball and Y was hit- h can Lea ue Op t e Amer_ , m surprised myself. At smoothly in every `fI were functioning g pennant. The T.t;.,.. the start of the r the y--? .. ... o d My atdrrght, get a lot of sleep PP ormty. ar s couldn't believe it. nune -run averages been "Wait have ;" they mu bl ' r a comeback is or it. a thousand - control is now you've been arocrn nments. He figures st, the year. the baseball story of Have y way? g' know most of th pyrite a while and Back in April, stylNeoin you changed your pitching You play a amthe teams and the men Bob everybwas ody32figuYearreds ol that know and that you know was through He . enough to keep d; mY delivery's no different. 1 He's fair in p 'ourself in games since 1947; I can't throw as fast as I used to, team. all his dealing, condition and his once mi h but I can still break off a with the he hadn't won 2 d curve. What advice worild give to sizzled, "Too g ' fast ball no longer And there aren't too goo bad," the experts clucked, " was great when he ball hitters, many good curve- schoolboy you had it." If You can put that bitions? '/ pitchers with hig_league am- he turned out just where curve All sure this into ing, indeed. By be dumb cluck- You want it, you'll do all just don't mid -season Fwas right. the talk of y jtunp the dugouts. His Feller "Incidentally I haven' sports before finishing p'?fessional showed 12 victories a 2 record d - as much the t been `slipping' college you 1i'glr school-and against only 2 de- as texperts believ have the feafs. The die-h ea d o ~<