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Approved For R(bIease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 3 0 APR 1969 STAT STAT O/DCCI cad 29 Apr 59 Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 _DCI ER W/bwte ~;;ecutiv RegastxST e STA Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 ' Executive Registry Approved For Release 2003/04/18: Ci'A-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 3i8 A. X. TAB 0 R F STAT A il 14 1959 Mir. Allen U. Dulles Director, C. I. A. Washington, D. C. pr, I am writing to you in regard to your brother=s illness. I have information that I feel might be helpful to him. I would like to offer him the benefit of our experience but I doubt if it would be proper to contact him personally under the present circumstances. Several years ago my brother contracted cancer (Lymphoma). We were told that there was practically no hope for him. I then sidetracked work on various inventions and made a study of the problem. I recalled that when I was a boy they used to cure rheumatic fever by giving the patient blood transfusions from someone who had recovered from the disease. I also knew personally of one instance in which a person recovered from cancer without treatment. This was a woman who was "healed" at a church revival. Local doctors pointed out that it took two weeks for the cancer to disappear and diagnosed it as a case of spontaneous regression. There was also a policeman in New York City who had recovered without treatment from the same illness that my brother had. This man came in for a biopsy and various tests and arranged for treatments. His illness was in a serious stage but he was so busy he kept posponing his treatments. Four years later he came in for tests and showed no sign of the disease. I wanted my brother to have transfusions from someone who had aquired immunity to his illness but I ran into opposition. Itr sister-in-law and other relatives refused to have anything done unless the doctors at Baylor Hospital reccomended it. They told my relatives that if there was anything availqble that would help my brother they would have it. So I ran into a blank wall. They did insist on giving my brother various drastic treatments reapproved" by the Medical Association. Besides x-rays, these included a dangerous chemical, a cobalt cocktail, and injections of Mustard gas. He looked like a living corpse after each treatment and was each time in worse shape after treatment than before. After each treatment he had-to have blood-transfusions to save him. - Meanwhile I wrote letters to various research centers (including the Surgeon General) about the above and various other ideas I came up with. I notice that three of my ideas have now become "approved"by the medical proffession. Besides the technique of transfusions from aquired immunity cases, they have approved my idea of electrical current therapy inside tumors, and my idea of perfusion chemotherapy by isolation of a cancerous area in the body; involving the use of heart-lung and kidney machines and a separate blood supply to the ciseased area. Doctors W.C. Sumner and A..C. Foraker of Jacksonville, Florida report cure of Melonoma cancer by transfusions from a person who recovered spontaneously from the same type of cancer. Research on the other two is in process at the New England Institute for Medical Research and the M.D. Anderson Tumor Institute at Houston, Texas. It brother died last summer. The moral to my story is this, if you are looking to an impressive funeral for Secretary Dulles then sit back-and trust in the Medical proffesion. Py suggestion is, that you start looking for someone who has made a "spontaneous" recovery from the type of cancer that your brother has. Such cases are fairly rare but not impossibly so. If Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 r i1 Approved For Release 2003/04418 : CAA-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 your proposed donor has not made a recent recovery (10 years or more) his immunity can be highly activated by giving him an injection of sterilized media taken from the patient. There is also the matter of blood types and the consent of the donor. It idea involved using the aquired immunity of one person to cure another and then the aquired immunity of both of them could be used to cure others and so on. This would involve an endless chain in which each type of cancer virus could be stamped out completely, In the unlikely event that you are unable to find a suitable donor of the type mentioned above, there is another type of transfusion that would probably be helpful. This involves removing a p' t of blood each day and replacing it with another half pint from a healthy s has proved helpful in leukemia but has only been tried to a. limited extent in other types of cancer. I feel that the donor in such instances should be a young and vigorous person but that point has not been proved as yet. I believe the end of the cancer fight is in sight but I believe also that you yourselves will have to take the inititiave if this is to be of much benefit to Secretary Dulles. There is a tremendous amount of unmoving inertia in the medical pr:offession. In any case I wish the Secretary a prompt and speedy recovery. Sincerely yours, P, S. 9. ' I. Jr- To let you know who I am, the enclosed clipping is not entirely accurate. I am the inventor of the brushless and stable polarity type electrical generators used in our late model military aircraft. Also the Flying Air Base concept and various inventions relating to the militery use of nuclear weapons. Back in the late forties I wrote your organization a letter about a special invention. This related to a weapons system for using the ionizing effects of a chain of nuclear explosions to discharge the electrical potential of the upper atmosphere,or ionosphere, as a military weapon. Such a discharge, in some ways analogous to lightning, would be a thousand times more powerful than an H-bomb. I believe you may know of this weapon. There has been some controversy in regard thereto. It looks now as if this invention might soon become a specific for another type of cancer (communism). Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000300090049-1 Inventor Alga Tabor's most loyal backers watch as he demon- strates an experiment in their home at Hurst. With Mr. and Mrs. Tabor are the children, Deborah, 2, and Meredith, 6.- Press Staff Photo by Bob Bogen. Every working day Alga M. Tabor leaves his neat home in Hurst and drives 82 miles to Greenville. Tabor starts out about 9 p. m. He is a night-shift line mechanic at Temco. Work done, he drives 82 miles back to 704 Oak Dr. He's the father of two small children and doesn't behind him, he plays with t010 kids. TABOR, 40, IS also active' in the Bedford Church of Christ. Religion gets some of his time. You'd think this would make a rather full day. Tabor doesn't. He manages to find hours for his work- shop, where he develops de- fenses against atomic bombs, new methods of aerial attack, and a device that he says demolishes part of Einstein's theory of relativity. ALTHOUGH HE works i a field largely populated b experts with strings of col loge degrees, Tabor is throwback to the days of Edi son and the Connectieu tinkerers who revolutionizes industry. He's not a college gradu- ate. Nearly everything about physics, atomic energy, static and dynamic electricity was learned by reading in his own home. Several have been patented. One - a method of increas- ing the effectiveness of aerial attack-is under study at Convair. Five others are before the Atomic Energy Commission. AEC may determine within 30 days the sums to be awarded to the Hurst in- ventor. Tabor's curiosity ranges far and wide. His aerial at- tack method involves a plane carried piggy-back on a-fly- ing tanker. Piloted planes are more ac- curate than missiles, he says, and planes can fly hundreds of missions against one for a missile. TABOR HAS invented a device and means for produc- ing ultra - gamma radiation. He has developed a theory of high energy cosmic radiation, and a defense against nuclear radiation based on throwing up protective chemical clouds bctween the attacker and the target. HE ALSO HAS patents for improvements in atomic weapons, for means to induce lightning artificially, and for inventions and discoveries in stroboscopic rays. Doing all this has cost Ta- bor quite a sum. His pretty wife, Elizabeth, gestures around their sparsely - fur- nished house and says: "All the missing furniture went into experiments." The Atomic Energy Com- mission awards will be sub- stantial, the Tabors feel. "We have had a long, up- hill struggle," says Mrs. Ta- bor. "If the money comes through, we hope to use part of it for church work, prefer- ably in helping to establish foreign missions." works in a field linked close- ly to warfare, he believes world understanding fostered by religion may prevent in- ventions like his from ever being needed.