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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 The Scientific Humanities: an Urgent Program IN kNcmNT GEEEcE, when the great growing-tip of civilization was the concept of Democracy, there were two classes of people, those who were actively involved in the movement and those who were not. The partici- pants were those who held or could hold public office; the others, disin- clined to such office by nature or nurture, were idiotes. The word proved useful and its meaning was extended from those ignorant of politics to those ignorant of the other aspects of civilized life as well. They were idiots. Now, without implying that Democracy is one iota less important today and without over-glorifying Science, I should like to suggest that Science has largely replaced Democracy as the growing-tip of civilization. Cer- tainly science and technology have become the most active. sector in our national deployment of manpower and intellectual capital. But at the same time that we have become thus extensively engaged to the benefits and woes engendered by science, we have bred amongst us a new class of idiots, a class without participation in or appreciation of this force which is driving human- ity. I shall indicate why this has come about and why it is not only un- fortunate but highly dangerous. I shall further show that there may be a solution which is pleasantly attractive to humanistic scholars and profitable for industry and government.. There are, I think, two main reasons why the new idiocy has arisen, one involving the content of science and the other its form. In content the barriers of technique-especially those of higher mathematics and intricate experiment-have tended to make science a closed shop. Last year I sat at High Table at a Cambridge college and heard an eminent classicist claim Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 nM SCIENTIFIC HUMANITIES 7 in a voice tending to pride that he knew nothing of physics and mathematics. With the shade of Newton so near I could not help imagining a scholar of, say 1750, claiming a similar idiocy of Greek, Latin, and the Bible. His arrogance would have been ill-received, marking him as unlearned and un- gentlemanly to the point of expulsion. I shall anticipate by remarking that this barrier is an unnecessary relic of an age when the research front of science was only one jump distant from the schoolroom. Until a generation ago a youth could learn quadratic equa- tions and the elements of calculus and consider that this was what mathema- ticians did on a higher level. He could do Boyle's Law, dissect a frog, perform an inorganic analysis, and get the feeling that this, on a grander scale, was the life of the experimental scientist. There is today virtually no truth in such a claim and it is time we dropped the pretence. America once led the world by inventing and instituting the system of training in science by means of laboratory instruction rather than by demonstration. That leader- ship could be re-affirmed by excising laboratories and all non-utilitarian mathematics from the syllabus of schools, replacing thtrn by a wider view of science, past and present. The intending specialist would not be hurt; he can either fend for himself or be helped by special coll.?ges. In any event, the tendency in England, if not here, seems to be for the first year at Uni- versity to be spent in un-teaching and re-teaching the basic groundwork. MORE DANGEROUS than the technical content of science is its cumulative form. Original work in the humanities may be likened to photographing small sections from the pattern of a giant kaleidoscope; the pattern changes but each man sees different reflections and combinations formed from the basic elements. In the sciences, however, each worker adds a brick or pebble to a growing pile. From time to time the structure settles down or pieces landslide away to leave it more regular, but in the main, one has to place one's brick on top of those that have gone before. This is a very essential difference. All kaleidoscope pictures have on the average the same content of humanism. But the reach of science is meas- ured by the height of the pyramid, and to double this reach you must multiply the number of bricks eightfold-the cube of two. The metaphor is both exact and frightening. An accurate numerical analysis shows that over the last three centuries at least, the reach of science and of the humani- ties-indeed of all human achievement has, roughly speaking, been growing so as to double (with compound interest, geometrical progression, exponential Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 8 BASIC COLLEGE QUARTERLY - WINTER 1959 growth) in the course of each successive generation. Since the crude size of science behaves as the cube of its reach, the crude doubling of size occurs three times in a generation-so increasing eightfold. I need not remark on the runaway characteristic of such unchecked compound interest. In three centuries science has grown from the first few of everything to the order of millions. In the same interval of time the humanities have increased by less than hundreds, though perhaps achieving the same relative result. I must emphasize this: every measure of the size of science shows that it doubles in a period of about ten to fifteen years, and it has been doing so for so long that we have come to think of it as natural and indeed essential for our intellectual, economic, industrial, and military well-being. This rate of growth applies to the size of scientific libraries, to man-power, to expendi- ture, to bulk of literature, and probably to intensity of specialization. It can- not continue lest there be more scientists than heads of population. I wish I could present a full statistical analysis, but take my word for it that within the next ten or fifteen years either something cataclysmic must happen or the situation will become quite untenable. However distasteful be this hypothesis, in all its vagueness, I should like the reader to consider it as an explanation of the present social and internal diseases of science, and also as sounding a warning of dangers that must be faced. The greatest danger, as I see it, is that it has been no man's pro- fessional. business to talk about science in this way. Who should suggest that a similar tapering off in growth occurred in medieval institutions of learning and saw them break and decay significantly before the new learning of the Renaissance got under way? Who should analyze the troubled argu- ments that led successively to the literary forms of the learned journal, the specialist journal, and the abstract? Who will take a historical perspective of the popular picture of the scientist as a man-in-the-laboratory and show that the public laboratory is but a recent and obviously evanescent feature in the evolution of science? Each of these enquiries is fundamental to a current problem about science, concerning it in the large rather than in detail. Just as financiers do not write about economics and politicians usually make history rather than write it, so scientists are not ordinarily especially competent or. concerned to ex- amine science-in-the-large. A few such people, however-scientists and historians mainly, but also some philosophers and sociologists-turned to this field. My grievous complaint against them is that they take it as something too small, too esoteric and specialized. Their scholarly standing is of the Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 highest, but for them and for their universities such a subject as History of Science-has a status and part similar to Egyptology or the study of Dante-a legitimate but narrow speciality. Mention of my colleagues by name would be invidious. Suffice it to note the excellent professional 'historians of science now wort ing at Harvard and M.I.T., at Cornell and at the University of Wisconsin; as well as my col- leagues at the Smithsonian Institution. They all have the finest and highest of scholarly attitudes toward their research. I agree with them to the hilt and hope to show that their work is intensely interesting and intellectually rewarding; I also hope to show that it is a wide open and almost neglected field for humanists. Before going further, let me explain my disagreement with the attitude toward these studies which is found in persons at all these places. They have the "egyptology attitude," which assumes that the intellectual integrity of pursuing an esoteric subject is sufficient justification for their choice of career and their acceptance of the bread-and-butter chores of giving more or less popular "orientation courses" to students in science and history, raising a few (very few) Ph.D. graduates, and running a museum. I FEEL sTxoNCLY that while they do a good and esse n.tial job, they have missed a golden opportunity to serve not only their own subject but the wider field of learning as well; they have failed to shoulder a national re- sponsibility that must eventually be thrust upon them. It is not entirely their fault: the universities have been hospitable but not visionary; industry and government have been too busy with the frantic alleviation of symptoms to pay much attention to the disease. Above all, moi,t of the humanists have failed to recognize the child newly arrived among them and fast reach- ing maturity. Some of them indeed, fearing the techniques of science, would cast the baby out with the bathwater and become the modern idiots. The child I refer to may be called the Scientific Humanities. Included in that term is the history of science, its philosophy, and all the rest that goes into talking about science rather than doing it. It includes many things which are not within the professional purlieu of the scientist at the research front or of his teacher-such as wide surveys of scientific theory and studies in the organization of technology. Before the work of such men as George Sarton, Lynn Thorndike and Otto Neugebauer, it might have been claimed (and it often was) that these Scientific Humanities were only talk about scholarship, not scholarship itself. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 10 BASIC COLLEGE QUARTERLY ? wINTER 1959 Few would make this charge today; instead, many now maintain that the field entails recondite and special techniques for which one must have had scientific and other training. This is a fallacy which I want to expose by some personal examples. I have already spoken of the- statistical investigations of the exponential growth of science. It is the sort of thing that scientists often talk about and that ex-scientist-administrators of science have to use in their jobs. It is vital to government planning. Yet, because it might involve technical expertise, it has been left alone by the humanists. Having done some of this work myself I feel confident that there is much in it for which the training of the statistician, the sociologist, or the economist is more apposite than any- thing -but a general "talking-about" knowledge of science. If this seems rather a fabricated case, let me cite another from a more traditional form of scholarship. Five years ago I had the good fortune. to discover a fourteenth century Middle English manuscript in a college library in Cambridge. I have since edited it and tentatively identified it as a hither- to unknown scientific work by Geoffrey Chaucer-a companion to his Trea- tise on the Astrolabe and the only manuscript in our first poet's own handwriting. Now I admit that to make a critical edition I had to have a knowledge of elementary mathematics and an understanding of medieval astronomical theory. I had also to learn palaeography ab initio, revive a small trainingin'Middle English acquired through the caprice of a teacher in high school, and, most fortunately, find a good linguistic collaborator in Professor R. M. Wilson of Sheffield. I think we have done a good job, but it could have been done at least as well, and probably more painlessly, by a Middle English specialist unafraid to explore the little mathematics and astronomy involved. I wish I could convince a few Anglicists of this, because there is an enormous body of Middle English scientific literature for which the manuscripts have never even been examined, let alone read or edited. Mine had lain in a library for five hundred years, falsely catalogued and untouched. Such texts, of the greatest literary and linguistic interest but seldom involving complicated science, have never been mentioned in the didactic literature of medieval England. George Sarton and many other scientist historians of science did not cavil at the need to learn Arabic; Neugebauer undertook his superb work with Babylonian mathematics written in cuneiform, Needham with the immense bulk of classical Chinese literature. Yet when I sought through England for a Hellenist to help in editing Ptolemy's Almagest, I could not find one Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 willing to make an effort to pierce the mathematical idiocy. Let me cite one more example, this time of a piece of work crying out to be done and neglected for more than fifty years. I speak of the Antikythera machine. Most of my readers will never before have heard of these little fragments of corroded bronze, dredged from a treasure ship dating from the first century B.C. and lying on the sea bed between Greece and Crete, off the island of Antikythera. They show the remains of a highly complicated, geared machine-as sophisticated as a modern chronometer-which was probably a planetarium of the sort that Archimedes is said to have built. If we could find out more about it we might be brought to a complete re- estimate of the power of Hellenistic science and technology. Either the Alexandrians did not write about such things or the evidence has been lost. For me, the Antikythera find is like opening the tomb of Tutankamen and finding a jet plane. Perhaps we know as much of Greek civilization as the Martians would know of ours if the only evidence to survive an atomic war were the contents of our art galleries, carefully preserved in subterranean stores. Could one reconstruct our civilization from the evidence of Picasso and Rembrandt? Yet there has been no clamor to study the Antikythera machine, and no Hellenist or Classicist has come forward to replace Heiberg or Heath in fundamental studies of Greek and Roman Science. so FAR i HAVE BEEN speaking of the humanistic research that is possible for those who turn their faces towards science rather than away from it. It remains for me to fulfill my promise and show how another aspect of these Scientific Humanities can be of great importance. I will not say much of the lip-service that is given to these subjects as bridges between the arts and the sciences. There is no real gap scholastically, but there will always be one in subject=matter. Teaching such subjects to scientists and to historians is already an established and very rapidly growing activity in many universities here and in Europe; indeed I predict that within the next decade it will be found in every considerable university. What I seek is something larger, namely the establishment of the Scien- tific Humanities as a school within these universities. Like any other school it would have two functions, scholarship and education. Roughly speaking, these reflect the post-graduate and the under-graduate sides respectively. I have already spoken of the post-graduate research aspect and shall here add only that our greatest lack has been in attracting students---not through dis- inclination but because there were no attractive careers for them. A program Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 BASIC COLLEGE QUARTERLY - WINTER 1959 in the Scientific Humanities would provide such careers and would, I believe, draw a goodly share of the intellectual cream of our youth. When we insti- tuted such courses at Cambridge some five years ago we found that the brightest would-be scientists were coming to us in dissatisfaction with being able to acquire only a limited view through specialization in a narrow field. We also got some of the most penetrating embryonic historians, theologians, and philosophers-students who felt that they needed to talk about science in the deepest fashion but who did not want to work at the scientific research front. It is the undergraduate side for which I propose the new mass character, not as part of the study of history, or of science, but as a training complete as either of these, or as economics or education. What would the graduates of such a training do? They would fill the para-scientific professions and thereby relieve and probably cure the manpower shortage in science. By "para-scientific professions" I mean the schoolteachers of science, the editors and abstractors, the writers of books about science, journalists, and others who explain science to the rest of us. Most important of all are the admin- istrators of science-the men in government, in industry and business, in the great organizations of scientific societies and trusts-men who have to understand the scientists and the significance of their work. Such men are the go-betweens for the active research front on one side and the rest of our world on the other. Willy-nilly, their actions have tremendous effect on the work of active scientists and equally far-reaching consequences on the relations between their work and the use to which the world puts the result. The greater part of our technology depends on them. Is it not fitting that these para-scientists should become what I spoke of at the beginning, namely those whose professional business it is to study and analyze the state of science-in-the-large? I doubt if such learning could be grafted onto the specialist courses for scientists or for anyone else; it is a huge field in its own right. Consider the present state of these para-scientists. One might estimate, as a talking point, that for every ten people taken up to the research front of'science, only one stays there. The majority of the remaining nine become Para-scientists by a process of wastage. Once we could criticize the schools for sacrificing their educational program to the supposed needs of those intending to become scientists. Now we must criticize them for gearing their training to those who will continue to do research. If there is any less wasteful way of training such people, we certainly should give it every Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 encouragement. The Scientific Humanities offer the possibility of training scientists who would work behind the research front. The world needs them perhaps more badly than it needs the others. They could supply the manpower craved by industry and government and, together with their teachers, give us a body of learning which would not only deepen our understanding of science but would help scientists cure the internal diseases of their pro- fession. Perhaps it is the only way that first class brains can be attracted while still fresh to scientific-managerial posts of industry. Having come so-far, perhaps I should say something of the syllabus that a School of the Scientific Humanities might have. I do this only with the greatest diffidence and very tentatively; America is the country of educa- tional experiment, and some of my readers would certainly Ise able to draw upon a body of experience and knowledge much larger than my own. SorrE zFrINGS ARE certain. The history, sociology, and philosophy of science must play a large part in the program, acting, so to speak, as connective tissues. Also, there should be a series of survey courses covering the whole field of science at the highest possible level-even to explairing the content of the active research front. Such surveys present the danger of watered- down treatment, but this is by no means my intention. Relieving a teacher of the responsibility for training students to be original workers in his field should enable him to cover a much wider field in shorter time. No student could cover the whole range of such courses, but a suitable combination of them with special courses in education, business administraion, etc., could lead to a variety of special careers. Would this program work? I am a little doubtful about the high level survey courses but not at all about the Scientific Humanities. Are there enough people to institute such courses? We have some and, given the possibility of jobs, we can readily get enough to strike a good balance between teaching and research. What of students? I am sure we could get them of the finest quality and in sufficient numbers to make a brave start. The scientists seem to inherit the world and all its forces of good and evil. But, like a rabble raising a republic, they know not their o* constitution- only how to wield individual arms. Their leaders are fine -fighters but piti- ably unschooled in strategy and tactics. The time has come to examine this republic of science and seek more than empirical experiences for its leaders. Humanists must not reject it and thus make of themselves the idiots of Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 science. Rather, they must help the republic toward a full coherence and do their utmost to prevent its dissolution. What the old humanists did for class- ical learning the humanists of today must do for science. This article is from a paper read at the annual American Humanities Seminar held by The-University of Massachusetts. Seminar sponsors, in addition to the University, were The Humanities Center for Liberal Education and The College English Associa- tion. The author, Derek J. Price, is a member of the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. Recipient of Ph.D's from London and Cambridge, he has published extensively in the fields of physics and the history of science. Reprinted, with permission, from Basic College Quarterly, Vol. IV (No. 2), Winter, 1959, published by Michigan State University. For additional copies, write to Dr. Maxwell H. Goldberg, Executive Director, Humanities Center for Liberal Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 The Scholar's Scratch Pad Some Music From the Spheres I am looking at my crystal ball-a sphere -so crystal, so transparently composed, that many of you cannot see it. Can you, sir? Or you, sir? No imagination) I shall use it for a small adventure in horoscopy. I shall try to make an approach to a horoscope for the human race. At first glance I see trouble ahead. I see a confused, lonely man off the fairway in a sand trap, gazing wistfully at a distant putting green. I see dark forms, menacing figures, dancing in the shadows of the bordering woods. Is there not someone to help select what iron to use; someone, not imprudent, to plan the approach? If there is, this lonely man needs him. From now on, will it be just one damned sand trap after another? Turning the crystal ball a little I seem to see a broad land full of laughing but wor- ried people. They also are in the rough, and confused; they seem to have wandered unwittingly off the fairways. They search for a cause thereof; did they slice, did they hook? They search for a scapegoat to blame for their loss of general directitude, and ? Author of many works on astronomy, re- cipient of numerous awards and medals, and a member of the Editorial Board of Tim AMERI- CAN SCHOLAR, HARLOW SHAPLEY was di- rector of the Harvard Observatory from 1921 to 1952. This article was presented as an address at the concluding luncheon of the 1958 American Iumanities Seminar, jointly sponsored by the Humanities Center for Liberal Education and the University of Massachusetts, with the Presi- dent's Committee on Scientists and Engineers co-operating. only slowly do they begin to recognize that they are their own scapegoats. They. begin to fear that never again can they, in the light of recent disclosures, pretend to a. nationally practiced political virtue. Ahl Imprudence) Meanwhile the dark figures dance gleefully in the shadows. I do not like what I see in this crystal ball, this 1958 model. Let's put it aside and try this larger one, the 1970 model. Strange and weird things now appear; I am unable to understand them fully or even partially. Much is obscured by social smog. Appar- ently by 1970 another small but useless war has been fought. Already atomic energy courses through many of our power lines. The Near East states are sinking back into their natural feudal corruption. Brave new attempts to reorganize the world have tem- porarily prospered-and collapsed again be- cause interracial humanity is only skin- color deep. The cult of being led around submissively has grown in prevalence. The dignity of the individual is less talked about. It is a sad, sad picture, and it leads me to want to break that cloudy crystal ball to bits. Let's build one nearer the heart's desire. Let's consider further the here and now, and tomorrow. With deliberate follow-ups of action, we may defeat that 1970 horoscope. By 1970 we may even stop dichotomizing the intel- lectual enterprise, stop opposing those words "science" and "humanities." We may unqualifiedly revere knowledge, and the pursuit of it; we may habitually make an integrated approach to learning. But I cannot keep my thoughts off the 218 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 distant future. I dreamily wonder what this universe will be a thousand years from now. To appease me and my desires, therefore, I shall sketch two themes. One could well be labeled "Damnation," the other "Redemption." The first sketch will refer to attempts at the pandemic damnation of the human race. How might man's career on this planet be terminated, and the biology of the earth returned to the durable clams, kelp and cockroaches, which dominated the lands and seas for hundreds of millions of years before the human ex- periment got under way? I have looked rather carefully into this matter of terminating man, with a sur- prising result; namely, it appears to be a hard job to shake him off. He is an ingen- ious critter, and in his relatively large fore- brain he may figure out escapes from ex- tinction-escapes from what appears to be coming to him soon and inevitably-soon, on the cosmic time scale. No one of us who has thought about it expects man as we know him to be on this planet a million years from now. Let's base our speculations on the much better chance that he could still be here, in spite of hell and high water, ten thousand years from now-that is, one hundred centuries from this epoch. Our dealing with the future will take both logical analysis and imaginative poetry-it will take science and the hu- manities intermingled. Life on this planet now depends com- pletely on the sun for its continuity, as it depended on the sun some three or four thousand million years ago for its origin. To meet our need, the sun must stand by for one hundred centuries and remain steady. Explode the sun and you expire the biology of this planet. Dim the sun and you damn the man. The sun's fuel supply of hydrogen is very great. At the present rate it will shine be- nevolently for billions of years, rather closely thermostated throughout that time. The stars are so remotely scattered from one another that a lethal star-sun collision is out of reason for much longer than our ten thousand years. If the nearest star, Al- Jr pha Centauri, were aimed directly at us, which it isn't, and were approaching as fast as one hundred miles a second, which it isn't, it still could not get to us in one hundred centuries-stars, you see, are so isolated in the ocean of space. Also, the sun is of a calm variety, with no likelihood of explosion. The earth moves in a stable orbit. There is no chance, our celestial mechanics tell us, that it will break loose, escape from the sun, and freeze to death out in empty in- terstellar space. And there is no chance that it will spiral into the sun and perish of temperature. Equable climates for the next hundred centuries-this is my fore- cast. We see no way, therefore, of clearing the earth of Homo sapiens through the misbe- havior of stars, of sun or of earth. Could the seas rise (high water) or the land sink (hell) and drown us out? This is not at all likely. We have had continents and oceans for more than half a billion years, and there is no likelihood of serious change in the land-water relation in the next ten thousand years. How about the atmosphere? It is safe. The inert gas argon is slowly increasing, and possibly the life-building oxygen mole- cules also increase in number, but both at a very slow rate. Carbon dioxide from the volcanoes and from industry? There is too little to bother us when it is diluted in our quintillion tons of salutary air. I could spell out in some detail the dan- gers to man from wild beasts, from insects, from fungal growths, and even touch. on microbes and disease germs. But all these have been thwarted in the past in their at- tempts to eliminate Homo, and they can be thwarted in the future if we retain something resembling our current culture. I am glad to report that it looks pretty safe on this planet for ingenious man-safe, that is, but for one horrible threat. Man has a deadly enemy at his throat-one that may succeed in returning the planet to the clams, kelp and cockroaches. The enemy is, of course, himself. Man's worst foe is moan. We all know how, with Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 man-made bomb concussions, with radia- tiqns and poisons, that cruel enemy can carry out his lethal enterprise. Poor Homol It would be so wasteful to do him in, He is such a nice animal, so kind of heart at times, so cute, so remarkably put together, with opposable thumbs that have created art, and roving eyes that have provided posterity; with his sweet vocal cords, his powerful forebrain. It would be too bad, for he is so well-equipped to appreciate the universe-its beauty and its cosmic music. On happier planets, which circle stars in grander galaxies, the most highly sentient beings may have solved this problem of suicide or survival. I wonder if we could do something about it by giving heavy thought to the matter. I wonder if we shouldn't do something. At least we might start programs that aim specifically at our retaining possession of the planet for the remainder of this century-programs that aim to let us hold on long enough to pro- vide that our near, dear posterity may en- joy something of what we have enjoyed. So much for the Damnation theme. Now some words on Redemption-on a practi- cal redemptive plan. Many years ago, in the thick of our second blind world war, I wrote an essay entitled "A Design for Fight- ing." It was, strangely enough, printed in this magazine, the American Scientist, the Atlantic Monthly and two anthologies. But nobody enlisted for the fight. Scarcely any- body, that is, and those few who did were rarely in the front lines. There was some talk about it, however, and perhaps some good did come of my simple suggestions. I am now inclined to revise that design some- what, or at least dust it off and try again for a sale. The argument in "A Design for Fight- ing" was simply that we should note that man is recently from the jungles. We should observe that we are still animals rather than angels. Fighting comes naturally. In fact, it has in the past been highly advisable to ? fight, whether our enemies, real or im- agined, were beasts or demons. We grew up because we did fight. Now, with a nostalgic look back to those brave, naked and brutal days, and another look at today's jungle man all dressed up in a dazzling culture, we still find the need of enemies to be com- fortable and progressive. There is no sense, however, in losing our lives and our civilization by fighting each other, by fighting within the species. We need outside foes that we all fear and hate, some terrible common enemy that we in- stinctively dread. It might bring the human race together. We will unite when the dan- ger is fearsome enough. My first thought, naturally, is to encour. age the Martians to try to clean us Terres- trials out of the solar system. That would unite Yank and Slav and Hindu and Jap- everybody. But apparently the Martians are jellyfish when it comes to fighting, or, more likely, they are fungoidal sedentaries. There is no fight in them. And actually, of course, they do not exist. There is, to be sure, a hypothesis that they do, but it would be no fun fighting a Martian hypothesis. It would not get us together and eliminate intraspecies strife. The Venusians, on Venus, are equally impotent. Where can we find an enemy that would rally us all to the colors? There are many, all of varying potentiality: human disease, the most obvious; human hunger; economic slavery; illiteracy; blind suspicion. The Great Enemy is the Tyranny of the Un- known. That Tyranny, which feeds on su- perstition and ignorance, could be over- thrown if we had a workable will and a will to work. If we were reasonable, rational and well- minded, we could oppose some of these enemies with gusto, and we might bring peace and understanding to the species as a by-product. The scientists have shown the way in that magnificent operation, the Interna- tional Geophysical Year-sixty-six nations ambitiously working together to solve com- mon problems. The sciences involved are: oceanography, meteorology, volcanism, gla- ciology, seismology, antarctic exploration and exploitation, ionospheric physics, solar radiation, magnetism, cosmic ray intensi- Approved For Release 2003/04/18"dlA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 ties, and satellites. Work proceeds effect- ively with the scientists. In the I.G.Y. we co-operate; in the U.N. we expostulate. But back to the Design. Let's continue indefinitely some of the International Geo- physical Year's co-operations. It will cost us something, but, for next year, it would cost considerably less than a futile battleship. And let's undertake, either along with many nations, or with the U.S.S.R. alone, other "international years" where full co-opera- tion and complete communication can be practiced. What about an international medical research year or an international cultural exchange year? We should all willingly ponder and work for such Hoino savers. Certai,ly we must continue to pro- mote defenses against the devilish devices of man's worst enemy. So saying, your agent from the galaxies deflates the 1[170 crystal ball as well as this 1958 model. And he reminds you again, dear Brutus, that it is not in our stars but in ourselves that we shall find salvation. Reprinted with permission from The American Scholar, Vol. XXVIII (No. 2), Spring, 1959. Additional copies available from Dr. Maxwell H. Goldberg, Executive Director, Humanities Center for Liberal Fducation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200,110036-3 FILL OUT FORM ON OTHER SIDE OF THIS FLAP AND RETURN TO: MAXWELL H. GOLDBERG, Director Humanities Center for Liberal Education South College, University of Mass. Amherst, Mass. JOSEPH W. ANGELL, JR., Assistant Chief, USAF Historical Division EMERY F. BACON, Director of Education, United Steelworkers of America RALPH BALDWIN, Institute of Advanced Management, General Electric Company FRANK L. BOYDEN, Headmaster, Deerfield Academy PERCY W. BRIDGMAN, professor emeritus, Department of Physics, Harvard University RALPH W. BURHOE, Executive Officer, American Academy of Arts and Sciences AMBROSE CALIVER, Assistant to the Commissioner and Chief, Adult Education Section, U. S. Office of Education ROBERT F. CAMPBELL, Educational Director, National Coal Association THOMAS R. CARSKADON, Associate Director, The Twentieth Century Fund A. BURNS CHALMERS, Director, Davis House; Secretary of Education, American Friends Service Committee HENNIG COHEN, Executive Secretary, American Studies Association WILLIAM H. CoRNOG, Superintendent, New Trier Township High School HENRY DAVID, Executive Director, National Manpower Council RICHARD EELLS, Consultant, Public Policy Research, General Electric Company BENJAMIN FINE, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Yeshiva University AUSTIN W. FISHER, JR., Manager, Business Development, Research and Development Division, Arthur D. Little, Inc. HAROLD M. GORE, JR., Eastern Regional Coordinator, Foreign Relations Project, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools FRANK P. GRAHAM, United Nations Representative in India and Pakistan RALPH HELSTEIN, President, United Packinghouse Workers of America FRANCIS A. HENSON, Director of Education, Great Lakes Territory, International Association of Machinists ERNEST V. HOLLis, Director, College and University Administration Branch, Division of Higher Education, U. S. Office of Education GERALD HOLTON, Editor-in-chief, Daedalus SIDNEY HOOK, Chairman, Department of Philosophy, New York University FRANCIS H. HORN, President, University of Rhode Island THEODORE F. Koop, Director of Washington News and Public Affairs, Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. ANTHONY LUCHEK, Professor of Labor Education, University of Wisconsin MARSHALL McLUHAN, Department of English, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto JOSEPH MIRE, Executive Director, National Institute of Labor Education JOHN S. NICHOLAS, Trumbull College, Yale University. Past President, Scientific Manpower Com- mission HOWARD LEE NOSTRAND, Executive Officer, Department of Romance Languages and Literature, University of Washington DWAYNE ORTON, Editor, Think, and Educational Consultant, International Business Machines Corporation FREDERIC E. PAMP, JR., Division Manager, International Management Association CHARLES W. POWELL, President, The American Agricultural Chemical Company FRANCIS C. PRAY, Vice President-College Relations, Council for Financial Aid to Education, Inc. DEREK J. DE SOLLA PRICE, Institute for Advanced Study EUGENE RABINOWITCH, Editor, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists { NEIL B. REYNOLDS, Educational Relations and Support Service, General Electric Company WILLIAM J. SANDERS, Commissioner of Education, State of Connecticut HERBERT L. SEAMANS, Consultant on Human Relations, University of Miami HARLow SHAPLEY, Paine Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University SEYMOUR N. SIEGEL, Director, The City of New York Municipal Broadcasting System EDMUND W. SINNOTT, Osborn Botanical Laboratory, Yale University ELVIS J. STAHR, JR., President, West Virginia University PHILLIPS STEVENS, Headmaster, Williston Academy GEORGE WINCHESTER STONE, JR., Executive Secretary, The Modern Language Association of America A. M. SULLIVAN, Editor, Dun's Review and Modern Industry F L. WORMALD, Associate Director, Association of American Colleges Approved For Release 2003104118: CIA-RDP80R01731R00020 110036-3 AMERICAN HUMANITIES SEMINAR July 13-15, 1959 University of Massachusetts Sponsors The Humanities Center for Liberal Education The University of Massachusetts The Question How may humanists work more effectively with Science and Technology Labor and Management Government Medicine and Law Education and Religion Press, Radio, and TV to strengthen international exchange and to achieve cross-cultural goals? 1. INTEGRITY: How advance cross-cultural cooperation without violating cultural integrity? 2. IMAGE: How shape an effective image of man, fused from, but transcending, national cultures? 3. VEHICLE: How best utilize the vehicles of personal and public com- munication? 4. PROJECTION: How apply the experience of the Geophysical Year to an international cultural year? Background Information The American Humanities Seminar is an annual function of the Humani- ties Center for Liberal Education and the University of Massachusetts. Sponsors of previous seminars have included the College English Associ- ation with the University of Massachusetts. The Planning Consultation for the 1958 Seminar was made possible by a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies; cooperating in that Seminar was The President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers. Keynoting speaker at the first of these seminars, held in 1956, was Perry Miller of Harvard University. In 1957 George Boas, then Head of the Depart- ment of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University, made the opening address. Last year, proceedings began with an address by Frank Porter Graham, United Naticus cplwser_..trve,in India 414, P 111: among of r_spc; s wen Percy W. Bridgman, Harvard University; Theodore F. Koop, Director of Washington News and Public Affairs, CBS; Harold Taylor, President, Sarah Lawrence College; William Homer Turner, Executive Director, United States Steel Foundation; Harlow Shapley, Past President, American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Seminars usually bring together 75-100 men and women known for serious thought and action in science and the liberal arts, and in such fields as business, labor, and government. Registration Fee Lodgings, Meals, Transportation Seminar registration fee of $50.00 will cover cost of all meals, including reception and dinner meeting at Lord Jeffery Inn and Deerfield Academy. It also defrays cost of lodgings at Crabtree Dormitory on campus, Monday noon through Wednesday noon. Rooms in dormitory will be available at no extra charge for use on both Sunday and Wednesday nights by those who may wish to arrive early and stay late. Transportation between the campus and Springfield will be provided upon request and at no extra cost for those arriving and departing by train or plane. Please make checks payable to: American Humanities Seminar. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731R000200110036-3 Program * MONDAY, JULY 13 12:00 Opening Luncheon 1:30 General Session 6:00 Tour of Old Deerfield (transportation provided) 7:00 Dinner Meeting, Deerfield Academy TUESDAY, JULY 14 9:00 Group Discussions 12:15 Luncheon Meeting 2.00 Ajroup.l igtussiuny. 5:45 Reception: Lounge & Garden, Lord Jeffery Inn 6:30 Dinner Meeting, Lord Jeffery Inn WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 9:00 Panel Discussion 12:15 Luncheon Meeting 3:00 Closing *All events will take place in the Student Union Building, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, except as otherwise indicated. THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS J. PAUL MATHER, President SHANNON MCCUNE, Provost FRED V. CAHILL, JR., Dean, College of Arts and Sciences HILLS SKILLINGS, Acting Assistant to the Provost THE HUMANITIES CENTER FOR LIBERAL EDUCATION Academic Chairman:, J. PAUL MATHER, President, University of Massachusetts industry Chairman: GILBERT W. CHAPMAN, President, The Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company Executive Director: MAXWELL H. GOLDBERG, University of Massachusetts Associate Directors: JOHN W. BALL, Miami University DONALD J. LLOYD, Wayne State University Consultants: PAUL C. DUNCAN, Paul Duncan Associates CHESTER L. NEUDLING, Specialist for the Humanities, Division of Higher Education, Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CI-RD 9ORO M1 R000200110036-3 0 U N Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 The Intellectual in Action HAROLD TAYLOR I BEGIN with a comment by the Greek citizen Pericles, who had so much to do with the public life of Athens. Unlike other cities, Athens expects every citizen to take an interest in public affairs; and, as a matter of fact, most Athenians have some understanding of public affairs. We do believe in knowledge as a guide to action; we have a power of thinking before we act, and of acting too, whereas many peoples can be full of energy if they do not think, but when they reflect they begin to hesitate. We like to make friends abroad by doing good and giving help to our neigh- bors; and we do this not from some calculation of self-inter- est but in the confidence of freedom in a frank and fearless girit. I would have you fix your eyes upon Athens day by y, contemplate her potentiality-not merely what she is but what she has the power to be, until you become her lovers. Reflect that her gloryy has been built up by men who knew their duty, and had the courage to do it. Make them your examples and learn from them that the secret of happi- ness is freedom, and the secret of freedom, courage. This is also the secret of Athens' greatness in the greatest days of Greek civilization. I believe that what Pericles has said is profoundly true. We all know what he means when he says that people can be full of energy when they do not think, but when they reflect they begin to hesitate. The man of action, or the man who is doing well and who feels happy with things as they are, is annoyed to be asked to reflect on himself, or he senses danger to his own situation in the possibility that he may be wrong. This in a real sense is the reason for the suspicion held in some quarters of America for the intellectual. The intellectual, the social critic, the thoughtful citi- zen, put things in doubt. They question what exists, and make anxious those who have adapted themselves fully to what exists. The kind of self-confidence needed by a person of a country is the kind which has a frank and fearless spirit, which has no fear of being questioned or criticized. There is a difference, of course, between Harold Taylor is President of Sarah Lawrence College. This paper is the text of an address given at the Third Annual American Humanities Semi- nar at the University of Massachusetts, July 15, 1958. self-confidence and complacency. Complacency wishes to ignore criticism, to prevent it, or to explain it away. It is thoughtless and mindless, and it is based on self- interest. What Is an Intellectual? Self-confidence is built upon an honest appraisal of the reality of things. It is based on the belief in knowl- edge as a guide to action. The union of thought and action, the creation of the ideal from the materials of the real, the desire to imagine what can be in place of what is-these are the elements of a philosophy which defines the true intellectual in action. We have no separate intellectual class in this coun- try, and it is my hope that we never will. The ideal soci- ety is one in which the citizens think for themselves and do not want others to do their thinking for them. There are, of course, intellectuals in every society, and there are intellectuals in America. But in America they do not form a class of political or social leaders whose function it is to think for the rest. Many of our political leaders take pride in not being intellectuals and take pains to make it clear that they are regular Americans without any intellectual connections. The intellectual in America is tested by his society in the same way as any- one else-by his ability to perform the tasks lie under- 368 Reprinted with permission from Approved For ReVol. IV3(No/9}-, Nov EeA erM58000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 takes. If he is a novelist, can he write books which are interesting, which have in them the ring of truth, which compel the attention of the reader to the image of hu- man life which they proclaim? If he is a newspaper writer, can he get down the facts, can he perform his task of informing the reader? If he is a composer, can his music command the attention of musicians, can he write for opera, for full orchestra, for dancers? If he is an educator, has he anything to say which can persuade his listener or evoke a response toward the ideas he advocates? In that case, who is the American intellectual? He is to be found in many areas of American society. The writer, certainly, the novelist, the editor, the poet, the playwright, movie and television writer, the teacher, the government official, the scientist. But every scientist and every teacher, for example, is not an intellectual. A per- son who teaches or who carries out research may per- form his task without a serious interest in the ideas with which he operates. An intellectual, in other words, is, a person who is interested in ideas and carries on a serious intellectual life of his own. If he has no private world of ideas, he is merely a practitioner or a technician in the field of ideas. There are corporation executives who are seriously in- terested in the theory and practice of corporate enter- prise, in economics, in political philosophy, in public affairs, and are among the American intellectuals. I sub- mit that the man who wishes to make a contribution to his society, whether as an office-worker, a carpenter, or a college professor, must have some degree of interest in ideas and some degree of ability to deal with them. Otherwise, he has eliminated the dimension of his life which has to do with himself as a person, his citizenship, his sense of public responsibility, his relation to his own time. It is for this reason that I believe that every boy and girl must have a full opportunity for education, not merely for vocational training, but for sharing in the intellectual life of his society, in whatever degree, his capacities and interests may allow. The ideal for American society is therefore one in which the intellectual and aesthetic interests of the citi- zens are an element in the daily life of the country. For this reason I welcome the mass culture which is so often despised by our social critics, and I believe that the spread of mass culture through television, radio, maga- zines, and newspapers and every part of the mass media is a significant part of the development of America as a civilization. For a similar reason I welcome the impend- ing expansion of our college population, without fear that in such an expansion our intellectual standards will be lowered and our educational system debased. This is not to say that I look to a time when the in- terests of our most advanced intellectuals-research sci- entists, historians, poets, philosophers, or writers-will be shared by the entire population. This is not a natural or attainable foal, since those who are at work in par- ticular areas of intellectual advancement must by defi- nition be involved with ideas which will not be imme- diately available to everyone. It is to say that the dis- semination of~ideas and the enjoyment of art on a mass scale has a positive effect on raising the level of intel- lectual interest and information by the total population. By putting more of our young people and the adult population into the stream of mass culture we do not debase standards, we create new possibilities for the development of higher standards. It is the responsibility of the rest of us who already make some claim to intel- lectual interests and values to seize every opportunity to encourage the spread of thinking, whether this be car- ried out in the home, in the community, at PTA meet- ings, in the school, adult education courses, in television, radio, magazines, or college. Responsibilities of the Intellectual Education, today, is being talked about, debated, dis- cussed, argued, and even advertised in such volume that sheer weight f;`f attention is bound to bring reforms in a positive direction. If we, as interested citizens, intel- lectuals, and educators, do not add our voices to those now being herd, it is our own fault. We have been given the opportunity. It is up to us to take part, to speak up, to express conviction. If we do not speak up, it must be either that we are afraid to, or that we have nothing to say.. I have little patience with the argument that this country is anti-intellectual. What country is not, merely by the fact that no country as yet has a system of public education which can involve all of its citizens in an interest in ideas and cultural values? Of course, there is anti-intellectualism. But it is not to be overcome by a retreat from the issues, nor by condemn- ing mass culture and the sins of the advertisers. Let me turn for a moment to one sector of the edu- cational front---the sector occupied by college profes- sors. We hear more about their salaries than about their ideas, although, of course, we must speak fiercely and urgently about salaries. But, at the present time, money is what college presidents and college professors talk about, while business men, admirals, and bankers talk about education. "The function of a teacher," says Alexander Meikle- john, "is to stand before his pupils and before the com- munity at largo as the intellectual leader of his time. If he is not able to take this leadership, he is not worthy of his calling," If the teacher allows that leadership to be taken away from him 13Y others-by politicians investigating col- leges, by pressure groups who try to silence him, by those who speak more loudly outside the schools and colleges-this means simply that he is not fulfilling his mission as a teacher and an educator. It is the task of the intellectual to express his view of the world in his Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 own way and to celebrate the possibilities in human existence. I believe that it is because teachers in the colleges have not considered their task to be that of exercising intellectual, social, or cultural leadership be- fore their pupils and before the community at large that their pupils and the community at large have become content with what they find around them, have accepted the values of their own society, and have sought success in material terms. Our Culture-As the Young See It "Success for me," says one student who speaks for many of his contemporaries, "would mean a job I could leave after eight hours and that would provide for self- fulfillment within a framework of inconspicuous luxury." Now surely this is an over-modest demand, and much less a demand than the young should be making. The demands are not less because this generation is less ideal. istic than its predecessors. It is more talented, better educated, better able to handle its problems, and is genuinely concerned with human values. But it has been taught by its society to recognize the advantages ,of material success and personal security, but not the means of translating idealism into productive action. This seems to me to be the responsibility of the con- temporary teacher. I turn to another student, with a different view of life and a different view of his society. He is speaking of the culture he finds around him, in his university and in his country. Everywhere is blah, and when our own blab stops like a toy that has run down, we turn on television and the phono- graph to stuff the void. Everywhere, in the subway, in the airport waiting-room, in rest rooms even, the music plays and races through our veins like a file of ants-but only while the Wurlitzcr whirls. When we run out of dimes, when the joint closes up for the night, not one beat remains in our hones. Only a pre-dawn inquietude. But, happy to report, m X 41 . :: ~" .~..yAro?rdo o.b? sr6~?~o.~i~.l;g!~/'titi/ "a framework of inconspicuous luxury..." we arc slowly erasing this unpleasantness from our daily schedule: with the pocket-sized radio, we soon will never walk alone. We have no other-rooms, no private dens, we do not have the back-shops Montaigne advised all men to keep: our hearts are public houses.... Wine needs time and the darkness of a cellar. But the minute we receive any juice at all, we spill it out before it can assume an intoxicating dimension: hence the flatness of our speech and of our lives.... If this is the character of our culture, as seen by the young, if, in fact, all the generalizations about conform. ity, security-mindedness, complacency, and banality are true-what is the solution? How do we get nonconform- ity, boldness, daring, excitement, flavor, freshness, orig- inality? Again, it would be easy to condemn. But we have had much of that. It is a negative time. But the question is, What do we do? Let the Poem Speak for Itself! One thing we who are in the colleges can do is to concern ourselves with the life of the intellect and the imagination again, and remind ourselves and the public, that the purpose of education is to develop people who can think and act for themselves. We have become so engrossed in the practical problems of education and the culture that we find our teachers talking only of "problems"; we have become lobbyists for the intellect, full of promotional devices for advertising the virtues of the humanities, the sciences, or foreign languages. Even in our teaching we have been pressing for attention to cultural and aesthetic values rather than allowing the values to be seen, enjoyed, and savored by ourselves and our students. We must let the poem speak for itself, in its own purity and enchantment, without our eternal explanations and analysis. Let the music be played and listened to, without explanation, with no set of instruc- tions on how to listen, what to look for. Let the idea generate its own response in the minds of our listeners, let them see for themselves that the idea itself is pas- sionately held by the man who proposes it. There is too much concern for classifying, and thus defeating, the new. When a few young Englishmen say bitter things about their own society and the place of the intellectual in it, they are immediately classified as Angry Young Men, who, in fact, are less angry than unhappy and complaining. When a group of American writers and poets give us a model for a life of drugs, travel, jazz, and mystic experience, we confuse and elevate their mean- ing by classifying them as a Beat Generation. This is intellectual promotional work, not creative thought or contemporary literature. W. H. Auden spoke in his poetry lecture last year at Oxford of a teacher of Anglo-Saxon who had lectured to him. "I do not remember a single word he said, but at a Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 certain point he recited, and magnificently, a long pas- sage of Beowulf. I was spellbound." I think we need to have more people spellbound,.en- tranced, joyful, enchanted. They need not stay that way permanently, but they need to know from direct experi- ence what it means to be captured by a feeling or an idea. If we arc ovcrimprcsscd by money and material values, if our culture is lacking in spiritual content, then is it not the task of the artist, the architect, the dancer, the playwright, the philosopher, the composer, the so- cial thinker, the scientist to show us what he can do and to have enough confidence in what he is doing to work in his own way without regard to the number of people he influences or ever reaches? With the present resources of the mass media, the present demand for more ideas and more talent will leave few who have such talent alone in obscurity. How Do We Break Out of the Conformist Circle? I would like to look further at the idea of noncon- formity, a virtue widely celebrated but rarely visible. How do we get it? Certainly not by trying to noncon- form. Deliberately to cultivate nonconformity is to act falsely and hypocritically. The conformist can very well ask, If a situation is a good one why change it? If teen- agers speak the same language, dress the same way, think the same thoughts, or if their mothers and fathers in the suburbs of Chicago, San Francisco, Cleveland, New York, and Boston all have the same kind of houses, cars, and ideas, how do they break out? Should they move to the city? Read only James Joyce? All switch to MGs in place of those fin-tailed, gas-burning monsters of the automobile industry? Should they drop John Foster Dulles in favor of Mendes-France? The classical ballet for Martha Graham? I can't imagine that this would give us anything but new forms of conformity. Already there is a standard liberal stance, and modem art itself has a grip on mod- ern taste from which only a few can depart. Those. who are influential it, creating standards of aesthetic taste are themselves con! nually searching for new forms. What has happened is that the concept of opinion- makers has tra asferred itself from business with its ad- vertising and Promotional instruments until now it is assumed that ,,ere are influential leaders in all fields- from art to politics-who mold public attitude by their techniques of t;ersuasion and the engineering of mass opinion. 'I1-ie counterpart to this is the public opinion poll which tells the man who is trying to lead opinion what the publi - thinks on every conceivable issue, so that then he cK,,n trim his opinion to suit the people. This is the dot:ble-edge of conformity-the conformity of democratic --adership to citizens' opinions, and the conformity of the citizens to the acceptance of brand names attached to public figures and to ideas. People seem to be reviling the magazines to see what they should think, while the editors and political leaders anxiously watch the readers and listeners to see what they are thinkilig. This completes the conformist circle. Again, how c:o we break out? In the first pace, I question the concept of the opin- ion-leader and,, the masses. I also question the wisdom of wanting to know what other people think before you say what you, think. College presidents are, among others, considered to be opinion-leaders, although a great deal of the time they are business managers and administrative experts, busy with the public relations mechanisms of making their institutions attractive to the public and finding money to support them.. They therefore do rir.t lead opinion, but follow it in search of funds. However, college presidents, among hundreds of others, receive. through the mail masses of pamphlets, books, circulars., and statements from the United States and foreign g+vernments, businessmen, editors, indus- trialists, cduc;al Tonal organizations, few of which they can possibly re td and fewer of which they could use in action, even if hey wanted to. As W. H. Whyte's book Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 of scvcial years ago asked, "Is Anybody Listening?" child. 'I he simple fact is that America can be better Certainly there are public figures whose views count understood both at home and abroad today by the tes? and whose opinions arc respected. But they "form opin- timony of its writers and its artists than by the threats i ns liti f ion" because they are thinking freshly and well, mdc- penclcntly and soundly. We need to understand that the public consists of individuals, not of masses of sub- scribers or listeners, and that these individuals are con- sidcrably more intelligent than they arc assumed to be. That they are on the whole ill-informed, we know from the polls showing, for example, that 79 per cent of Americans in 1953 did not know what the initials NATO stood for, 54 per cent knew nothing about what the United Nations was doing. But there arc reasons for this, deep in the culture and in the educational system. The mistake is to generalize from this, and to say that therefore the American people should be talked down to, should be "sold" ideas like soap, and should be manipulated into holding views which the "opinion-leaders" want them to hold. I do not believe that such efforts to manipulate opinion fall within the ethics of democratic government, but more than this, I do not believe that in the long run they are very successful. Public relations efforts create their own antidotes and create after a while a cynicism about the efforts rather than an acceptance of the propaganda- unless, of course, there is solid truth and sound opinion at the heart of the enterprise, in which case the truth may be believed. The break with conformity which I propose, there- fore, is an old-fashioned remedy and repeats what Pericles, among others, has already suggested. It is the remedy of the nonconformists, Robert Frost, Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Einstein, Carl Sandburg, Martha Graham. It is to tackle the thing which matters most to oneself, in a frank and fearless spirit, being true to one- self, and refusing to be deflected from that central en- terprise either by the attractions of material success or by the disapproval of the public. This is a philosophy of risk, a philosophy of experiment, and of true individ- ualism. The independent man must not be alarmed at where his independence will take him. If it takes him to conservatism, he should accept himself as a conserva- tive and not become an anxious liberal. If be should then become a radical, then that is what he should be, and not a cynical conservative. The Intellectual dnd National Policy Finally, I wish to turn from the intellectual as an individual to questions of national policy. I see an enormous need for the full acceptance of the intellec- tual and the artist by the United States government. I would like to revert to type for a moment and speak of money. The United States is rich in resources, ma- terial resources, human resources, cultural resources- we have them in profusion. Yet we behave toward our cultural resources like niggardly parents of an unwanted . c a po of military power and the statements o When we learn of the reception accorded to our crea- tive artists-Marian Anderson, Leonard Bernstein, the Philadelphia Symphony, the New York City Ballet- and to our intellectuals, whose work abroad is in some cases better known than it is at home, we can regret that the United States government lacks a coherent cultural or educational policy. We have not yet worked out a way in which the creative arts in America can be financially supported. This is true also of science and education, and if we put together the arts, the sciences and education, we can say that most of the sources of American culture arc underfinanced. This is partly because we do not yet realize how great a part can be played by the arts and sciences in our daily lives, and partly because we do not yet realize how im- portant our political and cultural contribution can be to the world at large. Ahmed Bokhari of Pakistan has put it, "East and West can now, for the first time, meet on terms other than conquest and exploitation." We know from our recent experiences with visitors from the Soviet Union, from the exchange of scientists, educators, in- dustrialists, and others between countries, including the United States, that to share in the exchange of ideas is perhaps the most important single factor which can ease the tensions among all countries. Respect for ideas and for intellectual and cultural achievement rises above politics and governments. It is for this reason that we should be happy that our part in the Brussels Fair is one which is not devoted so much to propaganda as to the presentation of American architecture and American culture in its reality. For this reason we should regret that our government has not seen fit to give more of its support to the artists who could bring the excitement of the American performing arts to Europe if only there were funds to do so. It is also true that in the new countries in the East where national independence has been late in begin- ning, those who serve as national leaders are themselves intellectuals and respected as such, among them Premier Nu of Burma, Malik of Lebanon, Nehru of India, Bokhari of Pakistan. We need also to consider the role of intellectuals in European government where Malraux, one of our most distinguished men of contemporary arts and letters, has always been involved in the political and social issues of his society and is now a government official. Yet our government sends too few books abroad, either in English or in translation to reach the millions of potential readers in Europe and the East, at a time when the Soviet Union is translating and distributing, at prices ranging from ten cents to eighty cents, millions of textbooks and Russian works in languages ranging 372 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 from Urdu to English. There is also too great an em- phasis in the selection of the books we do send abroad or those which emphasize the American political system. Again, we are not content to allow our arts and culture to speak for themselves at a time when the countries of the world do not wish us to tell them what they should think about its. This is not an ordinary period in American history. It is the first time in the history of civilization that one country has ever had the chance of leading the whole world in creative and democratic experiments in social planning. It is the first time in history that any country has had the means, both in material wealth and in social structure, to give to every child born an opportunity for education up to the height of his powers. It is the first time that any country has had the economic strength to wipe out entirely the slums, and with them the bad hu- man relations, the juvenile delinquency, and the evils of congestion. It is the first time that it has been pos- sible for the entire resources of Western culture-its music, poetry, drama, literature, ballet, art objects-to be brought to a whole population through television, motion pictures, radio, and the mass magazines. These possibilities coincide with shortened work hours and higher pay for everyone-everyone, that is, except artists, intellectuals, teachers, and educators. We in America are at the beginning of what amounts to a cultural revolution made possible by science and education, moving in an incredibly short time from education and culture for the few to universal educa- tion and a high level of mass culture for the total popu- lation. With the flood of new talent which will be forth- coming from the millions more who will be in our. schools and colleges, with the thousands of new writers, artists, architcwts, planners, builders, composers, play- wrights, and scientists, we are now approaching a time when the achievements of the American past can be seen to be just the beginning of a magnificentnew era in American culture. But we could lose the revolution easily by failing to recognize the content of our own tradition. Our tradi- tion is not conservatism, or middle-of-the-roadism, or moderation. It is individualism, liberalism, humanitar- ian democracy, and it is progressive, stemming from John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Tom Paine, Walt Whit- man, William Lloyd Garrison, Woodrow Wilson, Wil- liam James, John Dewey. There are challenges within our tradition which face us now. They center in the challenge to the American mind to express itself in new forms. It will be clear, I imagine, that I am among those who believe that we are entering a new era which is full of promise for creative change and for the expansion of new frontiers. It will also be clear that I hold the view that the educated man, the intellectual in action, has a central part to play in the development of original ideas and the solution of social problems. It remains only for me to say that as you reflect, with Pericles, on what your country has the power to be, that you do as he asks, Reflect that her glory has been built, not by the se- curity-minded, not by men in gray flannel suits, but by men and women who used knowledge as a guide to action, and by men and women who knew their duty and had the courage to do it. "We need a prophet of a'Brave New World,' not like Huxley's, but one that is really brave and really new. But before these geniuses can appear upon the scene, the experts in the natural-and social sciences, together with the humanists, must lay the ground-. work by the same cooperative endeavor that animated the various scientific experts who split the atom. In short, we must achieve a humanism that is truly scientific and a science that is truly humane." -AcNES E. MEY ER From Education for a- New Morality For additional copies write to Dr. Maxwell H. Goldberg, Executive Director, Humanities Center for Liberal Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 373 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R000200110036-3 Society and the Individual PERCY W. BRIDGMAN GREAT many people in this country have been disturbed because of, the sputniks. Some of these. have been disturbed primarily because of the implication that this country is falling behind in the technological race, and others have been dis- turbed primarily by the disturbance of the others. I am a member of the latter group. From the very start we have adopted a fundamentally false position in our response to the Russian challenge. I suppose that none of us would maintain that the government and the institutions of this country are the best possible to meet conditions in a world chang- ing as rapidly as ours. At a time when the major con- cern in this country should have been to find how to make our government and institutions better adapted to changing conditions, at a time when we should even have been daring enough to question the as- sumptions and to recognize the inherent limitations of democracy itself, we have allowed ourselves to be di- verted into a passionate defense of our particular dem- ocratic institutions as the best, not only under present conditions but as the best absolutely, so that even to question them is treason. The present concern with the Russian threat has been mostly centered about technology. It has been properly appreciated that technology in the modern world is of necessity rooted in "pure" or "basic" sci- ence, and the popular reaction of late has been to encourage pure science by all means in social control, and President's committees have been formed to con- sider the matter. This reaction has betrayed a naive misunderstanding of fundamentals, which takes no account of the process by which pure science actually gets done. Flow Is Pure Science Done? Pure science, in the first place, gets done by indi- viduals, and these individuals have rather specialized characteristics which must be recognized if their turn- ing out of pure science is to be properly encouraged. One of the most important of these characteristics is Percy Bridgman, professor emeritus at Harvard University, received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1946. disinterestedness-the pure scientist is not primarily interested in the practical consequences or in the ap- plications that may be made of what he finds. His attitude toward his work may have various as- pects, and it is probably not possible to give a single characterization. Because he is not primarily interested in the consequences, it may be said in general that he is interested in his work for its own sake. This again may be because he has a passionate need for the under- standing of how things go, or because he has an in- satiable curiosity to discover new things, or because he feels the challenge of difficulties not yet surmounted. Whatever the motivation of any particular pure sci- entist, I think that he is almost never motivated by the simple pleasure which achieving these satisfactions may give him, but that he is possessed by some sort of inner drive which masters him. Feeling as he does, the man who does pure science cannot help being a little be- wildered by the clamor of the public that he should get busy and turn out pure science in order that the United States may stay ahead of Russia, nor can he help feeling that if he should yield to the clamor he would lose something in personal integrity. It is stylish at present to think of science as essentially a public activity and even to incorporate its publicness into the definition of science. It seems to me that on the contrary the most fundamental things about sci- entific activity are private and individual. The drives which make the scientist go are af- fairs of the individual, as are also the esthetic pleasure in finding new harmonies in natural phenomena or in creating a beautiful theory, and the satisfaction af- forded by the conviction of the logical soundness in the deductions of a theory, without which any theo- retical activity is sterile. Now these things, which make the individual sci- entist go, are all deeply human traits, possessed in greater or less degree by all men, in particular by the humanist. It seems to me that the drives which make the humanist go are much like those of the scientist. The methods of the humanist and scientist differ in detail, but the primary reason they differ is because of difference of subject matter. The subject matter of the humanist is much less precise and much more com- plicated than that of the scientist, and for both reasons much more difficult, which is perhaps the most im- A condensation of an address to the 1958 American Humanities Seminar held at th~PM99rIe1Qg~tDPB$'I171MLtW2~Q1:'9OW scion from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. XIV (No. 10), Dec. 1958. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R000200110036-3 porlant reason why at present the humanities are so iunch less developed than the sciences. But insofar as the methods of intelligence are applicable to the prob- lcrus of the humanist, and except for matters of pure esthetics, the humanist has to rely on the general methods of intelligence almost as much as does the pure scientist. In particular the individual is the ul- timate unit which gives meaning to the activity of both scientist and humanist. Society Is a Collection of Individuals Although the individual is the ultimate unit for Goth scientist and humanist, wherever he is found, the potentialities of the individual are determined in a critical way by the characteristics of the society in which the individual is embedded. It seems to me that the most important fact about society is that it is composed of individuals, is com- pietely determined by them, and is completely de- scribable in terms of their activities. There is nothing else-no state or other sort of super-thing, as is often assumed, particularly by those with a metaphysical bias in their thinking. For, given a detailed description of the activities of all the individuals in a society, then one has the material from which one may deduce everything that can be said about the society. This proposition is often not understood. F'or one thing, it is sometimes felt that the converse proposition ought to hold, and the converse proposition obviously does not hold. Because if one is given every- thing that can be said about a society as society, one is not thereby in a position to say everything that can be said about the component individuals. "Society" is r word that applies only to certain aspects of an ag- gregate of individuals. The proposition is also often misunderstood because it is taken to imply that an i?idividual in society displays no traits except those that could have been inferred from his behavior in an environment in which there were no other individuals. l-'his, I believe, is a mistake. But the proposition that a society is the total of its individual components has nothing to do with the proposition that in a society the individual displays properties that could not have been inferred from his behavior in a nonsocial en- vironment. The individual is determined by his total environ- ment, and social environment counts just as much and possibly more than the impersonal environment of "nature." In fact, acceptance of the proposition is by no means inconsistent with the recognition, upon which modern psychologists so delight to insist, that the most important factors in shaping the personality of the individual today are social in origin. insistence on the value of the individual seems to !.