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Document Release Date: 
October 24, 2003
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Publication Date: 
November 10, 1959
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Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R000200070012-4 Mr. Frank H. CWt??1'j Chaim The Carolina Forum,, 1959-60 Thank you vent' such for your letter of 23 August inviting to GPO'kk at ChaPel Hilo the spring. I vould have written been endeavoring to arrange s so that I mi.l;,ht give you a specific ? ate. I find however that I tat cannot at this time make a definite ct .t t for next spring. I an planning a trip out, of the crtRry sometime during the spring and also have a ran*er of official commitments during that period which preclude mi making any more specific dates right z. I could take this =Ar advisees and get is touch with you a? time in the early part of next r when my ply are ec tat more definite. once again may thanks and kindest regards - Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director O/DCI bak 2 No v 59 Rewritten: bak 3 Nov 59 Rewritten: d 1 0 Nov 59 Distribution: c s .. -Orig - Addressee 1 -.FMC 1 - ER 1 - Col. Grogan .c / --- jv ;69 f5~." 6:~ F~ L B waL ~ w Y ~~ STAT Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R000200070012-4 STAT August 23, lYbY Mr. A l l e n W. Du l l e s Director, Central Intelligence Agency 2430 E St., N.W. Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Dulles: I am writing in reference to our discussion of August 20 regarding the possibility of your visiting the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for an informal address this coming spring. For your information and reference, I will list herein exactly what such a visit might entail. Should you plan to arrive in the early after- noon, we would prepare an informal gathering of students where you might consent to answer questions for a period of approximately one hour. This session would be restricted to students of the Consolidated University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, Greensboro and Raleigh), Duke University and North Carolina College. Later that afternoon, you might participate in a general discussion with professors from the several institutions, we would hope in a relaxed atmosphere. Before your address to the combined university communities, I think it proper to arrange a private dinner for you with the heads of these various in- stitutions. William C. Friday, President of the Con- solidated University of North Carolina, would be your host. The address itself is normally scheduled for 8 p.m. This will be the only time that members of the press are to be admitted, As I Indicated at the time of our meeting, your address does not have to be formal in nature. Your general topic or topics, however, should be announced in advance. I have found, in the past, invariably, that the fewer directives or suggestions we give a visiting speaker, the more interesting an address we receive. Therefore, the choice of subjects will be left to your disgression. Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R000200070012-4 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R000200070012-4 On the chance of being accused of violating the aforementioned tenet, I will say that I hope your address might include some discussion of the present demands of national security and, most importantly, an appeal to the students that they consider a career with the government in mind. The latter is a rarely discussed subject, sadly enough, and I believe that such an appeal could come from no better source than yourself, being the member of a family which is already legend for Its devotion to the supreme difficulties of running the American government. This Is also one of the reasons I asked Dr. Raymond Saulnier to address the university later on this year. The average college student has only the most amorphous semblance of an Idea as to how our economic system functions. The physical arrangements, of course, may be attended to at a later date. 1 will mention that our organization, The Carolina Forum, assumes the expense of your air transportation to and from Raleigh- Durham airport, where you will be met and escorted to the Carolina Inn at Chapel Hill. All other expenses while you remain are also our obligation. For a date, may I suggest that you consider any week in February, the first two weeks of March, any week In April, or the first two weeks of May. To borrow Martin Luther's words, "Here I stand." Were there any more effective means of urging you to consider, better, consent to this visit, I certainly wish I knew of such. My request, simply, is that of the students who so infrequently are afforded the opportunity of talking with and listening to the men, other than the politicians in Congress, who carry on the business of our government. Thanking you for your attention to this matter and hoping that you may find time to visit Chapel Hill, "the liberal mind of the South," I am, i erely your Frank H. Crowt h Ch her e Carolina Forum airman, T 1959-60 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80R01731R000200070012-4