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Approved For Release 2004/10/28: CIA-RDP80Rd,17 011400 f- III, 21 Jul 71 C 1.3 USSR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ASIA & PACIFIC) According to the report, in 1969 the T.hieu Ky clique received under the Food for peace program 106,000,000 dollars spent for military purposes, last year--119,000,000 dollars, and in the past months of this year--75,000,000 dollars. Starting from 1.954 the United States has assigned more than 610,000,000 dollars to the South Vietnamese puppet regime. U.S. WAR CRIMES DURING cP iQE1TI ,B OE.EP TION REVEALED Moscow TASS International Service in English 1058 GMT 20 Jul 71 L [Text] Washington July 20 TASS-Monstrous crimes committed by American intervention- ists and their Saigon flunkeys during the so-called "Phoenix" operation in South Vietnam have come to light at a meeting of the House subcommittee on foreign operations and government .information. The testimony at the subcommittee was given by W~ Colby, former head of the American "pacification" program in South Vietnam. The "Phoenix" operation which was organised, by the Central Intelligence Agency and officially aimed at "neutralisation~o.f the enemy infrastructure" but which actually means genocide against the South Vietnamese population, was a, component part of this program. Colby admitted that as a result of such "neutralisation" 20,587 South Vietnamese citizens were killed in the period from 1968 to May 1971, Member of the sub- committee 0. Reid has shown official instructions of the American command which mentioned women and teenagers among persons subject to destruction? Chairman of the subcommittee W. Moorhead has reported that he knew cases when South Vietnamese, who- refused to give bribes to representatives of "the local authorities", were' put on the list of "suspects". The crimes by the American military in Vietnam, the policy of genocide carried out by the United States there, are giving rise to growing indignation in the United States itself. Prominent Politician E. McCarthy, who ran for the presidency from the Democratic Party in 1968 elections, published .in the recent issue of the NEW REPUBLIC magazine a poem which tells about brutal assassination by an American soldier of a 6-year old Vietnamese boy, The public resolutely demands the most thorough investigation into the United States military crimes and punishment of those who bear responsibility for the crimes. PRO-PEKING ELEMENTS TRY TO INCITE PKI TO ADVENTU.RISM Moscow in Indonesian to Indonesia 1500 GMT 9 Jul 71 D [(Aminskiy) commentary., "Whose Interests Does the Adjitorop Group Serve?"] [Excerpts] Lately a group of Indonesian emigrants in Peking headed by Jusuf Adjitorop, former member of the Indonesian Communist Party [P1(I] Central Committee, has been carrying out divisive activities. They have published a magazine called SUARA RAI(JAT INDONESIA [VOICE OF THE INDONESIAN PEOPLE] and. issued all kinds,of statements, A letter signed by Adjitorop, which was sent to the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] Central Committee, has been released in Peking. In similar documents they claim to act in the name of the Indonesian people and communists. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001100060032-5 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP80R01720R001100060032-5 21 Jul 71 C 14 USSR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ASIA & PACIFIC) But after scrutinizing those documents, it is apparent that they have nothing to do with the present struggle of the Indonesian working people. Their statements are full of humble tribute to and veneration of the great helmsman and his slogan of "Armed revolt now," alleging that a brilliant revolutionary atmosphere prevails throughout Asian countries, especially in Indonesia. The Adjitorop group is stubbornly propagating Maoist slogans like The China road is the correct road." "Power grows out of the barrel of the gun". "Encircle cities from the countryside." In venerating Mao, the Adjitorop group said that Marxism-Leninism has reached the stage of Mao's ideas and thanked the great helmsman for his support and assistance to the Indonesian people's struggle. However, the composers of the above letter did not mention the Peking-supported tragedy that hit the Indonesian people. In the past few years the Maoists have continued to instigate the communists and their allies to take the road of adventurism. They repeatedly expounded the rotten theme of Indonesia being in the midst of violent revolution and that history obliges the PKI to embark on the road of armed revolt now. It is regrettable that as a result of Peking's instigation some Indonesian communist leaders in 1965 supported the action of a handful of officers. This provided the reactionaries with a pretext to mobilize the police and army to crush the PKI and its allies. The adventure resulted in the elimination of thousands of Indonesian frontline fighters. More than 150,000 democrats are still languishing in concentra- tion camps without due process. But even after the national democratic forces had been crushed the Maoists con- tinued to incite the Indonesian people to launch a people's war. By claiming that all of Indonesia was being engulfed by the flames of the struggle, the Maoists attempted to create the impression that some communists had given their support to the people's struggle, and therefore instigated them to embark on adventurism. In their efforts to prove that the ideas of the great helmsman are scoring more victories in Indonesia, the Maoists directly bie:trayed the Indonesian communists. For example, Peking publications have leaked.: out information on the location of patriotic forces in East Java. The ING REVIEW wrote: Guerrillas are operating near Malang, Kediri, Banjuwangi, Djember, and Eiitar. They disclosed not only the location of the guerrillas, but also the hiding places of members of the Central Committee. After receiving such information the Djakarta reactionaries mobilized their police and soldiers to crush the patriots. As a result the patriots suffered heavy losses. Judging from Peking's big-power chauvinism and the activities of the Adjitorop group, it seems that they are attempting to turn Indonesia into a testing ground for adventurism and superrevolution. By advocating an armed revolt they are actually advocating needless losses on the part of the Indonesian. patriots. PEOPLE'S DAILY wrote that the more people that are killed by the reactionaries the greater the revolutionary forces will grow, and that it will speedup the reactionaries' downfall. This sinister slogan is inspired by the Maoists, who humiliated the Indonesian people and other Asian peoples, whom they considered as blind followers of their schemes, for the establishment of the great Han hegemony in Southeast Asia. The recently published document of the underground Indonesian Marxist-Leninist party correctly evaluated Maoist actions as a betrayal of the Indonesian people's interests. Lenin taught us that to make a revolt a success, it must not be founded on a plot or a party- A~~ dbPor i'&gsod'2b(',ff'IfP&'`tlft &80R01720R001100060032-5