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Publication Date: 
December 21, 1955
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25X6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Next 5 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 ij 41a Approved5F orie~lease 2000/08 - DR~1IM000488230003-1 INDONESIA I. President Sukarno is apparently attempting to bring down the Ma.sjumi-led coalition of Prime Minister Ha.ra.ha.p. A. Sukarno opposes disciplinary action-- proposed by Hara.hap and vice-President Watta.--against Air Force officers re- sponsible for (14 Dec) public defiance of government's authority. B. 14 Dec incident took place at swearing- in ceremony for new cabinet-appointed deputy a.ir chief. 1. Sukarno had approved appointment, but apparently not agreed to early insta,lla.tion of new deputy. 2. Air Force personnel made show of arms and broke up ceremony. 3. Air Force (17,000) has not previous- been of political importance but lines now drawn are same as in Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Approved For Release 24 101i44F~~0400230003-1 'a.tta. on one side; National Party, Communists and Sukarno on the other). C. Another example Sukarno siding with PKI is 14 Dec speech, when he said WOULID B; A exclude Communists from next Indonesian government, since supporters their ideology had polled 6 million votes. II. In address to an Air Force formation on 19 Dec, asking for "calmness and unity," Sukarno had at his side Air Force chief Suryadarma., who engineered incident; earlier, he had refused Suya.darma's resignation. A. Cabinet weakening on earlier decision to take "strong measures"; no arrests yet made. III. Sukarno has strong motive for bringing down government in near future. -2- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Approved For tele e20AO/pp r - pp q~~JIAENR0#80230003-1 new parliament (to represent national minority groups); these 20 may hold balance of power. 1. Provisional constitution states these shall be appointed by "the government": both Ha.raha.p and Sukarno claiming privilege. 2. If Sukarno got a rubber stamp cabinet, dispute would become academic. IV. Haraia.p will resist pressure to resign, is backed by Hatta, and the Army. A. But as head of a, many-party coalition government (due to resign when new parliament meets in Apr 156) his political position is weak. B. He cannot count on full support of small-party coalition members when present parliament reconvenes (10 Jan) . -3- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Approved ForrRele eggg9/08ZIgiF - Pn~OgPA44JROJW00230003-1 voting for Constituent Assembly further tending to weaken his position. 1. These show National Party, Communists and Moslem NU all doing better than at comparable point in counting of September vote. 2. Ha.rahap's Ma.sjumi Party doing worse. -4- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Approved Forielease 2000/08/30: CIA- RDP8oR8 M8040 30003-1 INDONESIA BACKGROUND LATEST ELECTION FIGURES 1. Latest available figures on Indonesia's 29 Sep elections for Parliament (unofficial, published 1 Dec) show the following: NATIONAL PARTY (PNI). . . . 8,078,000 MAASJUMI . . . . . . . . . . 7,853,000 COMMUNISTS (PKI). . . . . . 6,451,000 NAHDLATUL ULAMA (NU). . . . 6,006,000 A. Although these figures are unofficial, they were published after completion of the official count (29 Nov). II. Early returns from Indonesia.'s 15 Dec elec- tions for a constituent assembly (to frame constitution) show a drop in Ma.sjumi strength when compared with similar returns from the Sep voting, as follows: DEC VOTING SEP VOTING (as of 20 Dec) as o 3 Oct) PNI . . . .3,563,000 (34%)--5,788,000 (32%) NU. .2,870,000 (27%)--4,399,000 (24%) PKI . . . ..2,567,000 (24%)--4,089,000 (23%) MASJUMI . ..1$63,000 (15%)--3,648,000 (20%) Approved EqrjftIea/Sg 20?0LSQL.6JAfRB-BB-QR0 F6Q0400230003-1 Approvdd~Forie1ease 2000/08/30: CIA-RDPid RBJJJ 000400230003-1 1. Campaign for 2 Jan '56 elections being marked by increased registrations, quicken- ing tempo. A. Over 1,200,000 new voters registered. B. Candidates are drawing record crowds at record number rallies. C. Poll indicates more Frenchmen than ever before intend to vote (88% of electorate, compared with 80% in '51). II. Basically, a, three-cornered race, which re- duces possibility of elections producing stable majority: the three majors are-- A. Communists, who are playing up worker solidarity, pressing for left government: 1. Confident this time that "alliance" mechanism--which worked against them in 1951--will be unable to deprive them of seats in proportion to their popular strength. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 Approved For Rqeas 2S%Wo m4PCF will gain 35-40 seats, for 41, ~ total about 135 of 596(30 Algerian seats will not be filled now) at stake. B. Mendes-France Republican Front (coali- tion of Socialists, most Radicals and minority of ex-Gaullists), is attacking Right-Center "stagnation," advocating parliamentary, electoral reform to strengthen French executive. 1. Republican Front hopes to win pro- test vote (usually given to Commu- nists), and youth vote. 2. Front expected to win about 150 seats. C. Third major group is.Fa.ure-Piney coali- tion (includes Popular Republicans, a bloc made up of Independents, Pea.sa.nts and most ex-Gaullists, and also those right-wing Radicals who have split from Approved For ReIomj OOI08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1 -9- 1 0 IPM IN Approved For RelpaseT;gl0sOI2poup: i 7-Pfj8.Ofg14~~PgPJ00230003-1 prosperity, promise of higher living standards; also aiming at youth by advocating cut in military service. 2. Faure-Pinay group may win close to 300 seats of 596 total. Neverthe- less, little likelihood of stable coalition. III.Among smaller splinters are anti-ta.x rightists (Pouja.dists) who are running nega- tive campaign against both Mendes and Faure cand ida.tes . A. Their activity responsible for some violence so far. TV. Contest between Mendes and Fa.ure-Pinay blocs confused by fact that both blocs include wide spectrum of views, yet share basic ideology (differing mostly on method). A. Formal platforms similar: only clear- cut issue separating them is state aid Approved For Relgg ens g8Q%ogiAA-F RPM&%OR X1400230003-1 Approved For Relgase g8kg8/;Va:n ~?P"1g44 g%%400230003-1 foreign affairs issue by attack on Pinay for accepting 19 Dec NATO Council statement on Soviet Middle East tactics. V. Both Pinay and Mendes pessimistic: A. Pinay fears loss of votes to anti-ta.x rightists, thus forcing use of propor- tiona.l representation in many a.rea.s (which will help Communists). B. Mendes-Fra.nce's private opinion of Republican Front chances is only about 150 seats - -4- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400230003-1