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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 A. General lONFTDENTT, Dominican Republic ' Veteiinary'public health service! in the Dominican Rai5nblie have never achieved a eignificant level of development because neithcr human nor financial resoerces hamt been adequatat_available for !such activities. The major veterinar,_, emphusisimas beet placed .on atieal,disease treatment rather than diserse prevention, and the sMa nuher of available veterinarians or technicians have been and are currently fully - occupied 'in attempts to cOpe with the animal dieeases of greatest immediate economic significancei A limited investigation of bovine brucellosis and tuberculoais Avito4es high incidencea0 but no program of significant ,scope for control or .elihination of these disePees is in operation. Voterinary.eupervision over neat . . Inepecti7 end food distribution or handling is mvsory at best, and most of the .; ? 7 ,antualerk is undertaken by inadequately trained technicians who have little support :in the uay of facilities for laboratory diagnostic work. Aofn moot othor Latin American areas, food handling and processing customs are often Primitive, with casual attention, at bent, to sanitary precautions. : The cement expenditure for livestock development and veterinary services amounts - to $300,000,:lessthan one-fourth of cao-pezaent of the national budget. It is quite Obvious that only token attention can be directed to animal health and sanitation under such circumstances. Current vete:itary planning envieages public health activities related principal* to brunelloaistand tuberculosis and tick control, and veterinary inspection of meat at the major elaighterhouees, chiefly one engoged in export of meat to Puerto Rico. t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 00NPIDPNTIAL Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 , B. EnVironmontal faatord effecting health ;opegraphy and climate-..-The Dominican Repuaic occupies about to-thirds the -Liao* Of Hiapaniszle with the entire area, including off-shore islands, , eomprisiog about 19,000 square miles. About 1,662,066 acres provide suitable -natural -pasture for livestock, and uch land ia fairly well -distributed Ornughnut'ths country with the exception of the higher mountain rerione in the 'West. ' ReasonlbiKjegnitable rainfallAhroughout the year makes permanent grazing possible. he year-round tropical climate is conducive to the development and perpetuation of , . . great,Variety of inseetvesta afflicting livestock, come of which are ttivolved 3BYWIE in the trenonimaion, of zoonosee. ciOosiesecenomic pattern The lower and middle income groups in urban and rural areakiave little concept of modern food sanitation. Storage and refrirerator jecilitieU ,kfor,handling food, particularly livestock products, are not generally available. , -,Consequently, Meat is consumed fa4sh generally the day animals are slauglitered, 'and,milki %then us;ti; generally boiled. Such empirical practices are largely .f3 121 Isponeible for preventing widespread food0borne disease outbreaks. 3. _Animal and plant life :Anima Th 'insects involved in the transmission of diseases anong aninels have never been accurately identified by veterinary authorities. ? . Mosquitoes are involved in periodic epidemics ofequine encephalomyelitis,: -and a 'great variety of tick are responsible for the transmision of such seriouli,. ? animal diseases as anaplasmosis and piroplasmosis. Parasitic worms areientriHmrter pommnn in animals, but species have never been accurately identified. 00NrIPENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTI11 Reeetterreparte-mentrinsnexious weeds as-isquOmime,-catultalosses in livestock a- unidentified. Iktriti on Au Food supply And distribution Consumption of liveAock products in the Dominican Republic remains low in comparison to that of most other Latin American ceuutries.. With little possibility for immediate production increases and a =Writing trend toward siphoning off available supplies for export, there is little bops of maintaining even the *present low rate of consumption. ?Current plans ? to aid and stiMulate livoetock production will require some time for implementUtions: and even longer to show significant results. The constantly rising human -populations_ increasel create further demands on available supplies. The possibility for nearly dotblielthe country's production of livestock products by effective disease control , and improved animal nutrition exists, but considerab,,y greater technical assistance. g and possibly financial support are easential for inlementation.V 7,21 7/.W9.1 Food sanitation, starers, and technology -- Several licensed slaughter establishments exist in the Republic, but only one, Natader10 Industrial, in Santo Domingo T--- 'I:has modern facilities and refriFerated coolers. Otherevwhich generally consist of a concrete floor covered by a roof with water available, slaughteZa few head of animala for local distribution. Sanitation in all installatiena is minimal at beat. sal has bee* made for construction of three new packing plants, costing $660,000 each. t of these is schedul ,-.4-1:built in Higuey ), in the eas anning and study is neepadary on of the country, but further -3. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 C2NFIDENTILL 1 . ..52.4X-;,4.a.Z.-44.1-11(cA(7-'"'`_?...--r---- The diderinduetry-is undeveloped and milk consumption/iS 1,a me ern as r e? .t. .4-4,:tdiLit' ' AP/12/160 Pasteurizhtion-plant has been established inSanto Domingo. 8/.40 Diseises 2. Diseases of animals 40,- Critically low animal productivity is largely a result of widespread and uncontrolled disease and parasittms. The annual calf crop is less than. half that normally expected under modern livestock producing systems, and the annual slaughter rate is no more than a quarter of that expected in the more advanced livestock producing areas. Although a part of these low yields are , attributable to nutritional deficiencies, by far the greatest loss results from failure to control disease. Prevalent animal diseases 4,(l) Brucellosis Brucellosis iserObably the nrst immediati : disease in the Dominican Republic. The incidence has risen to over 50 rtant in some herds5 ae&-the-efTecto other than--4.11atfpubli...c health significance, is reducible caltcrop and seriously retard' Xduction. Although the rate of infection '? ? has probably not yet reached the overall rate mentioned above, it is bound to , Lspread and continue to retard production. It is already so widespread that an , eradication program by elimination of reactors is infeasible rlan immediate tassive vaccine tion program is essenti44 c_LA- (2) Tuberculosis ?-- Although only a small proportion of livestock hail been testedo.tUbereulosis is ebw1au4p=emite common. No information is available vtIC-5^1 egtaf 4.114,Lw-we. /.\ doncerningy* relative significance of tuberc osisA)ther-tbaRz..humine. Consequently, 0/144/nov44,..4, the practical approach to control is currently uncertain. Since milk is either pasteurized or boiled, under ordinary circumstancea the threat of hman infection is somewhat reduced. CONeUXTITIAT, Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONPIDEN'T.F. ?? ? a?t - a CI! a * le; r. (3) Tidkuiborne protozoan diseases Anaplasmosis 'ani piropaasmosie are '?? 'I:. ? . ' 'glissandos ted throughout ..??? ? ?.r. * ? ? - . -". ; ' ? - ' 'Serve to 'perpetuate the .ft;,,, 4,,:t?.. 4r't::::" ''?titi.7*! insaii'te. Fashisna type animals are resistant to the disease and, to a ..;:....,.1- 1..1,;2, ? .N, :. % , t ...,e . , ..,; , ,.. ? ? - ?,- . ? %%.41? ". ? ? , . , . - .., . , . .-41; certain extent, to tick infestation. _ ..., . ?)- -. ???,.,i,...; . ? ? ,.... ? V. .Country's livestock development ,plans call for rather intensive importation of ...,,,? .. ,-4? the livestock population, and ticks, which are ever present, disease. Anaplasmosis may also be transmitted by other Tbeever..eince an important phase of the ?0 .7! ? , European type :animals. which are highly susceptible to these diseases, oars mast be . ??'. - ..../;:_. V. ?-- , , .,-, exeicised.;inpiotecting such stock or in selecting only young acimilajin order that ? 5...7 4 0 ? - .. :i ? . 4,---- t 3.4 -f. , 4 (.4.4 - . ? - ,%. . ?,.. ' ' 0' . i_i-.1: they .might` undergo prelnition.before being added to retro bird?. )?Theee-gliaeasee- ?, -? ? ? , .? , , .. . e, n ? - ? 'I-, ,,, . .';'' , ? . _. ' -'....4' -v1110 endoubtedly, be a constant problem in dairy herds2i 4 ? .,,:. ? , t , 0 , ? ' ??401 -)i- , ? ;V:n ? ....J-1 .0.4 ,A.,Itt ? i ? - ; ...?} ? I 7 by ,4 , i . . 6 . ? ,C4,? e. 3 ' ? ' ? I , .-4. :severe less i .* n all classes of livestock. . In cattle particularly. pasteurellosis , '''';* I ..: 0 'Dirt-ova disease. it ma, be complicated by virus pneumonia. A great deal of (4) Respiratory infections -- A. variety of respiratory conditions cause " I I. ;N: ? - ' ? 11 . ? ? treatment of questionable value is devoted, to this condition. Apparently, little. attention is gi7en to improved managemeht?ii a key factor in reducing losses from ? this syndrome. (5) Equine encephalemyelitie -- This disease appears periodically inirib-e).4t4AA) country with occasional heavy losses among equines. Although the human form of the disease has been reported in 1963, veterinary authorities have noted no cases ? among horses and have conducted no aerological tests to determine whether equines . or birds are harboring the virus. (6) Rb+holera ..1. Rog cholera is enzootic in the country .arat vaccination 4 e _ A. , . _ is practiced to some extent Controls to prevent its spread are not nforceds and ' ? A 'the possibility of spraud,through distribution and use of uncooked garbage is completely ----si :????t" elverlooked.. " ? . ? ? ":"" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426-R069-8001-2-001975 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 - CONIUDENIM (7) Newcastle disease -- Newcastle disease is widespread and a serious , use of losses to the small poultry producer. The newly established broiler ZUPVT-C-v ,iestallationarnon to prevent this disease through regular vaccination. (8) Other animal diseases -+ Other important animal diseases include ,Wmastitims blacklegs pullorum diseases chicken pox, coccidiosis and a hoot of , , parasitic conditions. Yip., Medical organization and administration (Veterinary) Civilian 44 14"gonization -- Veterinary services in the Dominican Hopublioslis all -0421. other government servieee:Jare in a transitional phase. The proposed organizational etrnetUre for the Arectorate of Liveertoeks under the Secretary of State for .01 AgricUltuxel4, calls fora Director General of Livestock Offices with responsibility for control and orientation of all livestock activitiel. These activities will be directed by the office of the Sub-director of Livtstocks which will supervise five sea tion 1:4-15e1Wtlan,af Laboratory of Animal Biology) Animal Health t' Livestock Development/ ? Training and Information) 0?-Vt, Poultry Production '4 similar system is now in operations but the lines of responsibility are not steemrateti- /-- 'delineated. in actual current pract!fThere are far too few veterinarians or trained L , technicians to Garry out the necessary programs, and the inauguration of a new , a ....V (v.", ,sobsmatio system will not materially change the eiturtion. -6- ..Aei.1)712;11, ,m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CO/viDa,v :The Laboratory of Animal Biology is ocheduled to carry out diagnostic investigation , - ,for fieldservices and arrarre the importation of necessary veterinary suppliee.. It mai'slOo prepare a limited amount of biologics locally and cooperate in the.: '2SboratoreiTArk required in certain soonotic dlseases of interest to the national public health services. The Animal. Reelth Section is. to be concerned vith the control of infectious livestock diseasee and parasites, the application of animal health regulations and flail programs, the prevention of disease introduction, supervision over livestock.. .,..:,.. . . ,., . or livestock products, and exportd.import activities. -, .., . he Livestock Development Section is intended to stimulate production of milk,. .,moat\and other livestobk products, take care of statietical 'reporting, carry out nvestivOions related to breeding, nutrition and health, operate the artificial niemination'promams, and organize livestock exhibitions. . kt.,!..k..\?..;,,(). .-- ' he Training andInfoMmation Section is ItelNito carry out an extensim Activity. , 'MS Poultry Production Seotion is to be concrned with expanding poultry, meat and egg production, end collaborating with regional veterinary technicians in reducing infectious diseases and parasitic infestations. Of 26 provinces, only a few have established local veterinary services. Although enough veterinary medical technicians have been locally trained to provide some degree veterinary services throughout the comtry, only a few areas hove resident 'technicians. Theoretically, these veterinary medical technicians are intended to prostide emereenay services, conduct the routine disease preventive procedures and supervise the sanitary processing of meat at local abattoirs. "-7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R014261i009.8601-2-66riii-. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 ? IDErTIAL Veterinarians at headquarters in Santo Domingo are responsible for port and -airport requirements for import and export certification of livestock and livestock illitils611/W19111.11.41 'b.. 'legal, co rOcls f (3.) Licensure - The director of live-tock is responsible for determining /\.- 2/111W -Anclificatione for veterinary serviceta:9Lno formal licensing system exists. tra,t-L?A-j-J , (2) Quarantine 4.1rseries ofedecre t in past years have placed . - A quarantine id inspection of live?tqk requirements within the restionsibility of the Secretary of. State for Agriculture::IThe latest Tor No. 4030, January 1963, prohibits the importation of poultry (except baby chicks) in an effort to prevent infectious WilY.WE/L21.21/ . poultry diseases. (3), Inspection control ce-teat and meat bywproducts as a function of the Secretary of State for jeZ..tx regulations are adequate but ani Se from cursory inspection and /1 .) ? L f9S7r' A regulation )lo. 1638, April l96,( established sanitary Health. control in the pity of Santo Domingo, little effort is made to inspect or enforce sanitary handling of liveetock products" Professional medical organi7ation (veterinary) -- No veterinary ?' professional society exists in the Dominican Republic. L'?Vre-'1) The Dominican Republic has. niither ? 4. Medical research (veterinary) adequately trained veterinary personnel nor acceptable facilities for conducting wyLvw research. * ci0 f.- Emergency medical services (veterinary) -- No organized enerFency veterinary medical services exist. The current veterinary force could not react effectively in 4/ il 8/ 11/ -the case of a serious epidemic or animal disease threat. .8? Declassified in 'Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 C0VIDEN7TAT, Military veterinary orraniTation -- No military veterinary service exists in 'the Doednican RepublicY manpower (veterinary) The eirector of Livestock Development has currently 26-tediv14vale-trained thMDominican RePublic or other-Latin American countries on his staff. This - 'represents.. about 60 percent of the veterinarians in the Domitican Republic. ..and tha * only ftekmant of the professimaith arty degree of effective competence. Theoretically, , theseLveterinarians are assigned principally to regions or provinces, or to major' - elaughterhouses. In practice, several reside in Santo Domingo or other reasonably lame municipalities, and seldom are available for other than routine vscoination or , inspection work in the field. Three or four are engaged in veterinary trainin?. or laboretorediagnostic work in Santo Domingo. The number of veterinarians is icrott ,rt inadequate, nd without considerable outside assistTnce there is little hope for expanding efficient veterinary services. The Department of Veterinary Medicine, ' forged in the College of Agriculture in 1555, originally had four Spanish, veterinariane# r ? L-19--r? w?VC.4. - trained -in Colombia, on its staff. The nuMber has dwindled to one fuil-time and a fie part-time instructors, and therb have been frequent interruptions in the training Y 1.4/ W.241-142/22/ courses.. Training has never achieved minimal acccptable standards. Veterinary medical facilities Only one veterinary laboratory, located near Santo Domingo, exists in the L'ominican Republic. Current equipment and facilities ;Jima the extent of diagnostic and investigational work, but plane are underway to obtain soms)modern equipment and improve facilities.) Plans are also contemplated for establishment of 30 breeding stations, sone of which will operate artificial insemination units under supervision of veterinary technicians:1. One of the most critical current problems in the veterinary service is lack of mobility, few ? 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP8OR01426R0098001200N-)5(1 viduals having vehicles for field services. Veterinary' medical supplies and materials veterinary medical el and Materials are imported. Only a small percentage of the total liveitock population. is protected by vaccination against such diseases as brucellosis:77--- V.Le-ve -blackleg, hog cholera and Newcastle disease. la..samearer sufficient ? inseCticides hameMbesimported knd-used ,for regular treatment for as much ae ?k?\ D . 25 paccout of the 'cattle population, It appears unlikely that the Dominican , gOvernment'can, with Current personnel and facilities, undertake significant- biological.production,and supplies will need to be imported for some time./,ftems. --,J 7-aseno indigenous sources of drugs or raw material for preparation of veterinary !V Vb/.51,WIS phareacent4ciagettia?.s,j4jLQL4 tierketrdsts-----Not-inelimiea in this report. 404. Oomeents on principal sources Evaluation -- Reference material for the veterinary section of this:-report is extremely meager, simply because virtually no detailed reports have been produced ' in the Dominican epublic or eleewhEre on veterinary or animal heblth problems. Disease incidence has ilen investirated only for a few conditions and not in significant scope. Veterinary activities in regard to health have been neglected., . 6 No surveys are. available regarding the identification of parasites or insectS. Nstimates'of existing conditions, suggested in a few reports, are eubetantdated through conversation with technical assistance personnel and local veterinarians currently on duty in the country. , "7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP-80R01426R009800120019-5 50X1 DeCla's' srified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 ' /1st of sources (in order of importance) 1)12_,*cocion General de Collision Ganadera (Second reunion of the Livestock ? Onnealssicra ). Santo Domingo. 1963. (Unclassified) -Directoioa General de Collision Ganadera ..(Third reunion of the Livestock Commission). Santo Domingo. 1963. (Unclassified). cion Genera3. de Direcoion General de Gcnaderia (Projected organitatien of the Directorate iTeneral for Livestock).? Santo Domingo. 1962. (Unclassified) 4) Maddox, C. W. 3.962. ."Corments on the livestock and meat situation in the ' Dominican Republic.a International Development Services Inc. .Santo Domingo. ' 1962. (Unclassified) 5) Nieves, M.A., R. Ramon* and P. Gasper. 'Peet, present and future cooperative programs in the Dominican Republo.ti International Development Services Inc. Santo Domingo. 1962. (Unclassified) 6. U.S. Agency for International Development Techlical Assistance Officers and Dominican Republic Veterinary Offici;as. Personal communications. Santo Domingo. 1963. (Unclassified) 50X1 74 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 50X1 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Table of Contents Colombia Ni A. General 1 B. Environmental factors affecting health 1 1. Topography and climate 1 2. Socio-econo-ic patt.ern 2 4. Nutritim 2 b. rood supply and distribution 2 0. Food sanitation, storage and technology 2 C. Diseases 3 2. Diseases of animals 3 a. Prevalent animal diseases 3 (1) Foot-and-mouth diocese 3 (2) Bovine brucellosis 3 (3) Bovine tuerculosia 4 (4) Tick-borne diseases 14 (5 ) 1lminth infections 5 (6) Arthropod infeetations 5 (7) Rabies 5 (8) flop cholera 5 (9) Othrr diseases 6 D. Vet, rinsry orFanization and administration 6 1. Civilian 6 a. Organisation 6 b. Veterinary legal controls 7 (1) Licensure 7 (2) Quarantine 7 (3) Veterinary inspection 7 0. Professional veterinary !medical organization d. Veterinary research 7 f. EmilTency veterinary services 8 2. Military veterirary a rvices 8 E. Vet, rinsry manpower 8 .74-)frill013 50X1 50X1 um Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTLJat F. Veterinary medical facilities 0. Veterinary medical supplies arL', materials H. Veterinary reference data biLir 9 9 10 Figure lt Organisation of Veterinpry Services, ColoskdA ? 1959. . I JETT T 50X1 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTIAD NIS 85 Section 45 Colombia 50X1 A. Oenerel , Colombia has a great potential as a livestock producing country; presently, however, its livestock is of poor quality and large areas of land suitable for animal raising are not utilized. Veterinary services, which are under the direction . of the Ministry of Agriculture, are lax and inefficient, and efforts to educate farmers and ranchers on the importance of proper animal disease control and livestock management are neglected. 'Other factors responsible for the low etandard of the Colombian livestock industry are, a government austerity program restricting the import of high qualito, breeding stock, rovernment restrictions on meat exports preventing the establishment of foreign imitate, and high prices of feedconeentretes. Furthermore, contraband marketing of good quality beef cattle to Venetuela to obtain higher prices diverts supplies for home consumption. The Mae* of tgriculture has reCognited the significance of en efficient livestock industry and, in addition to accepting the aeaistance of internal organisations for special projects, has announced its intention to carry out extensive disease Control campaigns. However, 212.31 204/ . proPrees beyond the planning stage is, in most instances, inapparent. H. Environmental factors affecting health 1. Topography and climate -- Large sections of Colombia's diverse topographical areas are ideally suited for livestock production. In seam= it is n3t affected by drought or flood, the area of the low, tropical llanos provides luxuriant pasture for beef cattle. The northern lowlanda and coastal tropical areas also support considerable ? 50X1 'R71121.AL im. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 UMUIDWITIAL beef cattle. The alluvial valleys at 2.5 - h thousand feet and plateaus at eleva? tions of up to 700 feet running north to south through central and mestern Colombia, . 22.120/ are yell suited for Utz's' cattle raising. - 2. Socio-economic pattern Efficient livestock management and animal disease contra are hampered by the attitudes of farmers and liveatock owners. An attitude of extreme resignation causing i reluctance to improve existing conditions is prevalent among the Colombian farm population. Mani believe human as wallas tamal diseases to be inevitable and refuse to adopt contra measures. Ranchers frequently regard the raising of cattle as a sideline or weekend occupatipt, leaving herds in the hands of personnel that have neither the background nor the training necessary for successful cattle raising. 4. Nutrition b. Fool supply and dietribution -- Consumption of all types of moat in Colombia is Mos the level recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council. High meat and egg prices make it necessary for most consumers to utilize a diet of starches and other cheap foods. Milk and dairy products are frequently unavailable due to an outmoded and inefficient ' milk distribution system. Improved animal disease control and Management as well as a better mak distributing system are key factors in utilising the country's great potential as producer of meat and dairy products, thereby increasing the availability of these commolitiee for the Colombian doneumere c. Food sanitation, storage and technology -- The meat produced in most Colombian slaughterhouses is low in sanitary standards and quality. The S'olombian " Cattlemen's Association, in cooperation With various rovernmcnt agencies, is developing 'ONFIDE.:TM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDtNTIAL plane for the rehabilitation of approved slaughterhouses and the construction of canning factories in order to take advantage of a potential export market for canned 3/2/2iliVgigini and processed meat. O. Dileases. 2. Diseases of animals -- A high incidence of Various seriout animal diseebee is a min factor in retarding the development of an efficient livestock industry in Colombia. The government has become.inereasinglya,are a the eionomio importance of animal diseases and has initiated, severe], control programs. Its efforts however, are severely hampered by Ignorance and an uncooperativi attitude on the part of mmv livestock owners. Nenagement prectices as applied to el:seise control, are extremely poor in many parts of the country. Another factor hindering efficient dime* control is the high cost of vaccines, sera and pharmeccuticals, a largeproportionof which mnet be imported from Europe or the United States due to inadequate local production. a. Prevalent animal diseases , (1) Foot-and-mouth disease -- toot-and-mouth disease is the most important cattle disease in Colombia. Two virus strains, BCH and 0Aft, have been isolated. The Colombian veterinary authorities, with assistance from the Pan American Foot-and-Mbuth Disease Center', are attempting to contra the dilemma through vaccination, and quarantine measures; reportedly 300,000 hoods of cattle are being vaccinated monthly. However, the norooperetive attitude of livestock owners, which, above all, is responsible fer the unauthorized movement of cattle, makes it unlVely that the disease will be eradicated or even controlled in the foreseeable future. (2) Bovine brucellosis -- Reports vary as to distribution and incidence of bovine brucellosis: The Mindstry of Agriculture reports the disease to be confined CONFIDENTIAL -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTIA to certain regions, while the Ministry of Health considers bovine brucellosis to be etzootio throughout the country. The two ministries also diaagree on the incidence of bracelloeis, the Ministry of Agriculture believing 201percent of the dairy cattle to be infected, utile the Miniitry of Heelth estimates the incidence to be 8 28 ? percent. This difference in reporting an important aoonosis indicates that there it little cooperation between veterinary and medieal authorities. The Ministry of Agriculture recommends the use of rtucella abortus strain 19 vaccine for both female and rale dairy cattle of sll ages. However; since the cost of vaccina- tion has to be borne by the cattle owners, it sceme-doubtful whether the Ministry's: recommendation will be followed to any large extent. Oaloabian veterinarians feel ? that brucellosis Mainly affects the European brecds of cattle and that the native ? W.,?.?ft./ (criollo) cattle is relative)/ resistant. (3) Bovine tuberculosis -- Recently (1960) veterinary authorities recognized the importance of tuberculosis in dairy cattle and adopted a wogram for the control of this disease. In the course of the program it is intended to tuberculin test, free of charge, all dairy cattle over 2 years of age and to limit the sale of milk to that obtained from'.herds certified to be free from tuberculosis.. The incidence - WE/ of tuberculosis in beef cattle is probably considerably lower than in dairy cattle. (4) Tick-borne diseases Although anaplasmosis (Anaplasma marginale) and piroplasmosis (Babesia higemina) are of considerable (significance to the Golotbian cattle industry, little to being done to control these diseases. . Reportedly, the only measure designed to combat tick-borne disease' is come effort at tick control through dipping and spraying.. Piroplasmosis is most common in the hot las rerions of the country; but cattle build up a resistance and the animals primarily affected are those ConnaUTIAL ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 intermittently brought down from higher elevations and those imported from abroad. (5) Beleinth infections -- internal parasite infectic_ns are an omnipresent problem in Colombia. Gastro-intestinal helminthoses and verminous brombitie.are .widespread throughout the country, while diastomatosis occurs mainly in the 'Linos. Cysticercosis is very common in swine and to a somewhat lesser extent in cattle, sheep and goats. Although no data regarding echinococcosis (hzdatidoeis) are available, this condition is probably rather common among domesticated as well as wild animals in 19/ 21/ 22/ :2/ Colombia, as it is in most eountriee of this region. (6) Arthropod infestations -- Vario..a species of ticks and biting4lies affect livestock in Colombia. The most serious problem, however, is a condition. called 11=W or ntorsole, which primarily affects cattle. 1/Nuche,I, a. myiasis caused by the larvae of the oestrid fly Dermatobia hominis, does ettensiVe damage to hides 234/ and is responsible for considerable loeces in milk and meat production. . . (7) Rabies -- Rabies i. important ip both dogs and cattle. Bovine rabies is mostly of the vampire bat type. The.control of rabies lies largely in the hands of the medical authorities, which conduct vaccination of dogs and cattle and 'also have set up demonstration centers for rabies control in several cities. Reports indicate that, in 1957/58, .144,212 doses of canine vaccine were prepared, while only 3,275 doge were actually vaccinated, indicating a doubtful effectiveness of.rabits contra. (8) Hot cholera Ehg cholera is widespread among swine in Colaibia; it is the most important single limiting factor to the development of swine production. The extensive feeding of uncooked garbage plays an important role in the perpetuation 22/ of the diseases, Vaccination is hardly practiced, since the vaccine has to be imparted y making its price prohibitive.. -5- i.%:FIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 1.2./ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDEN.T1AL (9) Other diseases -- Other significant animal diseases in C;Olombia arc, bovine mastitis, trichonomiasiss paratuberculosis, anthrax, blackleg, malignant edema, pasteurollosis, and calcium and phosphorus deficiencies. The existence of diseases such as fowl pox, :Newcastle disease, infectious coryea, pullorum, foal typhoid and coccidiosis, is a serious obstacle to my development of poultry production in Colodbia. 14 Veterinary organisation and administratien 1. Civilian ' a. Organization -- Meet veterinary services at the rational level are provided through four departments of the Ministry of Agrieulturet Dkartment Of Agrieniturel Services (2) Department of Agricultural Investigation, (3) Cauca Valley Extensien Departments. and (4) The Zooprophylactio institute., The Del.artment of Agricultural Oervices, responsible for field and quarantine services, is eomposed of six sections: (1) Animal Nutrition,. (2) Milk ContrOlp (3) Disease Control (4) Anti-FOot-and-Mbuth Disease Campaign, (5) Reproductive Disease and Artificial Insemination, and (6) sheep and Minor Livestock Development. The Department of agricultural investigation, primarily concerned with dairy and beef cattle, conducts investigations in the fields of diaesuie control, nntritionrend artificial insemination., The Cauca Valley Extension Department utilises the services of four veterinarians in its agriculture and livestock improve- went program.., The responsibilities of the Ministry of Health include the direction of rabies . control measures and =moves investigation, as well as the sw,ervision Of food sanitation.. The Ministry employs five veterinarians. International oranirations maintain liaison at various levels with agencies of the Colombian veterinary services. rONFIDLIITIAL -6- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTIAL b. Veterinary legal controls (1) Licensure -- Veterinarians graduating froM a Colombian veterinary school receive .a mLicenciature (veterinary diploma), Presentation of a thesis and successful conviction of a special examination are required for tho degree of *Doctor en Medicine y 7ootecniao (Doctor of. Veterinary )ledicine/. (2) Quarantine -- The Ministry of Agriculture -has established regulations prohibiting the import of livestock and poultry from countries havint; certain animal . disenses. Ca ?coati= these regulations have been eased to permit the entry. Of Small numbers of selected breeding stock as well as baby chicks and hatching eggs. ?morally, however, there has been little owortunity to test the effectiveness of these regulations, since an austerity program in effect since 1956 has severely restricted importiyY11291 (3) Veterinary inspection nforcement of an attention to moat inspection in departmental and municipal slaughterhouses is lax. There is little evidence Of condemnation of diseased slaughter animals or unsanitary meat products. Purthermore,' livestock owners frequently daughter animal*, particularly swine, avoid payment of tax levied for prooessing carcaszes in approved 2/y.w w way establiihments. c* Professional veterinary medical organization -- The Colombian Veterinary Medical Association (Asociacion Colonibiana de Medicos Veterinerioa) apparently has little influence on veterinary activities in the country* Information regarding the Association's organization and membership is unavailable. d* Veterinary research -- There is no evidence of significant veterinary research beinr done in Colombian StaffMeetbre at the two veterinary schools and at the .7. 114,1ATIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTIAL National Zloprophylactio Institute are merely engaged in disease investigations and arecondecting little, if egy, original research. In December 1959, the Einietry of igriculture completed glens for the building of an animal disease research laboratory on the campus of the National University in Bogota. The Hockefeller Foundation has donated $150,000 for use in the next three ycars to buy eqUipment and books for the laboratory. f. Emergency veterinary service. 7bo Vinietry of Arriculttre has authority to conscript veterinarians for animal disease control campaigns. In the plot, howevers'auch campaigns have not been appreciably successful. 2. Military veterinary organization -- The Colombian an maintains a veterinary eervicej however* no information concerning organization and activities of the LW service is available. E. Veterinary manpower The present Colombia, if utilized properly, would be adequate for vastly improved animal disease control am.' pmblie health activities. 'However, empansion'of the ColoMbiegliveetook industry would require a-larger veterinary force. Ineffective governmental guidance, uneven distribution of veterinarians* and leek of interest on part of livestock owners, are major factors respOnsible for the poor resulta of disease control progrsos.. The standard of veterinary education is relatively low in Colombia.. The two veterinary schools at Bogota (4.- 40N - 71440) and )thnisales 0-0511 ? 75-32'.14.which are components of universities falling under the jurisdiction of the Plinietry of Education, ,suffer from a lack of adequate equipment and library facilities. Ehgy faculty's:embers cannot devote sufficient time to teaching duties becalro of the necestity to seek outside employment to augment their income. ? .8., . - AdiIF IDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 CONFIDENTIAL Veterinarians can obtain a public health degree at the School of Hygiene of the Rational 'University in Bogota. The school, currently understaffed Plans to increase its faculty in the future. Y. Veterinary medical facilities The Sig laboratories of the Department of Research and Diagnosis of the National Zooprophylectio Institute perform most of the animal diagnostic work in Colombia. Laboratories are located in Bogota, the headquarters of the Institute, and in Tunja, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta, Medellin and Cali. The Ministry of Agrieulturemmintains 29 livestock stations throughout the oountry to provide a breeding and dipping service for farm animals. Each station ie supervised by an mina husbandry technician or veterinarian who advises farmers on matters of animal health and management. Veterinary clinics are planned for each of the stations in order to provide better. facilities for animal treatment. Purebred sires are maintained at thellbaitata agricultural expriment station in Bogota for the collection of semen, which is ? .2.. dietribmted, to various areas of Gtaxabla for field use.I.V 123/2.2/W G. Veterinary medical supplies and materials Veterinary biological supplies are produced by government as well as private laboratoriee. The mall-equipped Production Department of the National zeopropkilactic Inetituto produces the bulk of the country's foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. Canine and bovine rabies VACCIMO is produced by the National Institute of Rygiens.- Private laboratories are under gov?rnment control and May supply certain biologics from time to time under contract. Most pharmaceuticals and some biologics are imported from Europe and the United States and are distributed through normal commercial channels,. CONFIDELIIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Figure 1: Organization of Veterinary Services 9 Colombia- 1959. 1 Ministry of Education Veterinary Faculties at Bogota and Manizales Ministry of Agriculture Rockefeller Foundation Os,, INS? ?331. International Cooperation Administration Veterinary Services Zooprophylactic Institute Production Department ? [-- Research and Diagnos- tic Deoartment Administrative Department Sources: 13/ 15/ 221: Cauca Valley Extension Department Veterinary Services Department of Agricultural Investigation 1. Dairy a) Disease control b) Nutrition , c) Artificial' Insemina- tion 2. Meat a) Disease control b) -Nutrition Department of Agricultural Services Nutrition Section Milk Control Section Disease Control 1 Section Foot-and-Mouth Disease Commission Reproductive Disease and Artificial In- semination Section Sheep and Minor Livestock Devel- opment Section r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120019-5 50X1