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50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Table of Contents Bulgaria Lis 50X1 674/1- Page A. General 1 B. Environmental factors affecting health 1 1. Topography and climate 1 2. Socio-economic pattern 2 3. Animal and plant life (of veterinary importance) 2 a. Animal 2 (2) Flies 2 (5) Ticks and mites 3 (7) Mollusks 3 (8) Worms 3 (9) Reptiles 4 (10) Rodents 4 (11) Wild life 4 14. Nutrition 4 b. Food supply and distribution 4 c. Food sanitation, storage, and technology 5 C. Diseases 5 2. Diseases of animals 5 a. Prevalent animal diseases 6 (1) Brucellosis 6 (2) Foot-and-mouth disease 6 (3) Leptospirosis 7 (4) Hog cholera 7 (5) Tuberculosis 7 (6) Sa1mone1losis 8 (7) Contagious agalactia 8 (8) Echinococcosis \\ 8 b. Other animal diseases 9 D. Medical organization and administration (veterinary) 9 1. (Civilian 9 a. Organization 9 50X1 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003- r/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 , b. Legal controls (1) Licensure (2) Quarantine (3) Inspection c. Professional organizations (veterinary) d. Medical research (veterinary) f. Emergency medical servides (veterinary) 2. Military (veterinary) E. Medical manpower (veterinary) F. Medical care facilities (veterinary) G. Medical supplies and materials (veterinary) H. Reference data I. Comments on principal sources 1. Evaluation 2. List of sources (in order of importance) Figure 1: Organization of Bulgarian Veterinary Services, 1961. 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 15 15 3.5 15 50X1 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 !I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 NIS 23 - Section 45 Bulgaria A. General -- The development of veterinary public health and animal disease control services after World War II has made slaw progress. Continuing incidence of diseases and patasitic infestations that are normally controlled in many parts of the -world play an important part in Bulgaria's chronic shortages of food products of animal origin. Frequent references to food-borne epidemics or significant illnesses among 50X1 the population indicate that sanitation in food processing or distribution facilities is sub-standard. The shortage of qualified veterinarians is acknowledged by Bulgarian authorities, and recently efforts have been made to accelerate education and training of qualified veterinarians and auxiliary personnel. Bulgarian veterinarians are relatively isolated except for contacts with colleagues in the Soviet bloc area, but occasionally participate in meetings at the international level. Recent threats of introduction of a new type foot-and-mouth disease (FFID)have led to frontier conferences involving protective measures with 2/ 3/ 11/ 22/ Greek and Turkish veterinarians. B. Environmental factors affecting health 1. Topography and climate -- Bulgaria is predominantly a hilly country, rising from 600 feet at the Danube in the north to about 1800 feet at the base of the Balkan mountain range which transects the country horizontally. South of the Balkan mountains more hilly country, similar in height exists, with the Rhodope mountains rising along the Greek and Yugoslav borders. Numerous river valleys, including that of the great Danube, winding in and out among the hills, at some points form -1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL extensive swamps, particularly during flood seasons. At these periods the swamp and marshy areas provide ideal breeding ground for a number of insect pests troublesome to man and animals. The country, as a whole, suffers periodic droughts which adversely affect crops and reduce availability of locally produced foods. Winters are not severe, except at high altitudes. Low lying areas are hot and humid during the summer 23/ 29/ months. 2. Socio-economic pattern -- Bulgaria, at the crossroad of Europe and Asia, has been transversed many times by migrating people and armies. Although migrations of the past no longer exist, Bulgaria is still considered part of the Balkan corridor through which Asian animal diseases may enter and possibly become established in 22/ 29/ Europe. 3. Animal and plant life (of veterinary importance) a. Animal (2) Flies -- A number of flies, either nuisances or possible disease vectors, have been identified, including a reported 32 species of green and blue blow flies (genuses Calliphora and Lucilia), only a few of which are named in available literature. These are: Protocalliphora azurea P. sordila Pollenia rndis Phormia spp. Lucilia 22E. Calliphora erythrocephala Chrysomya megacephala In addition to these flies, Musca domestica and Hypoderma bovis are reported. 1/ 2/ 3/ 12/ 22/ CONFIDENTIAL -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL (5) Ticks and mites -- Ticks identified include: Rhipicephalus sanguineus R. bursa Dermacentor marginatus Boophilus calcaratus Birula Ixodes ricinus Linn. I. persulcatus Argus persicus A. reflexus Fabricus Ornithodorus lahorensis Neuman Haemaphysalis concinna Koch H. inermis Birula H. otophila Schulze H. punctata Can. and Franz. H. sulcata Can. and Franz. Amblyomma hebraeum Hyalomma savignyi Gervais H. plumbeum H. anatolicum Koch Mites: Sarcoptes scabiei, Psoroptes communis, P. ovis. Numerous mites, species of 2/ 3/ 20/ 22/ 25/ the family Gamasidae, are nuisances to animals, particularly poultry. (7) Mollusks -- Limnea palustrisand Galba truncatula are important intermediate hosts of the flukes Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. Ninety-seven species of mollusks, several involved as intermediate hosts for parasitic infections 2/ 3/ 22/ in fish, have been identified in the Black Sea. (8) Worms -- The most important parasitic worms of livestock are: Dic roc oelium lanceatum Fasciola hepatica F. gigantica CONMENTIAL _3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL Paramphistomum cervi Dictyocaulus filaria D. viviparus Echinococcus granulosus Taenia solium (intermediate larval stage Cysticercus cellulosae in swine) Trichinella spiralis Oesophagostomum dentatum Ascaris lumbricoides Moniezia expansa (9) Reptiles Vipera ammodites Linn. V. berus Linn. Natrix natrix ann. N. tesselata Lauri (10) Rodents Cittellus-citellus belcanicus - gopher Silvinius sylvaticus - forest mouse APodemus agrarius - field mouse- Microtus arvalis - field vole (11) Wild animals Putorius putorius - black polecat Vulpes vulpes - red fox 1/ 2/ 3/ 11/ 22/ 30/ 2/3/ 2/ 13/ 4. Nutrition b. Food supply and distribution -- The relatively low level of production of food of animal origin is a direct result of low fodder availability. Bulgaria, for many years, has produced only enough fodder or pasture crops to sustain livestock -- never enough to fatten or finish more than a small percentage of its animals. Failure to produce sufficient fodder makes importation of grain for livestock supplementary feeding necessary. Furthermore, the law level of animal nutrition CONFIDENTIAL -4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 50X1 contributes to the complication of animal diseases, which further reduces output. During the summer of 19620 Bulgarian authorities announced price increases in basic foodstuffs, including meat, milk and eggs, to combat local shortages. At the same time$ a special appeal was made to farmers to utilize every foot of available land for crop and fodder production. A part of recent shortages in animal products stems from two successive seasons of unfavorable weather for pasture and fodder crops. Collectivization has also adversely affected animal production since, under this system, there is little incentive on the part of farm operators to pay sufficient heed 12/ 17/ 23/ 24/ 26/ 29/ 30/ 45/ to disease and parasite preventive measures. c. Food sanitation, storage, and technology -- Food storages refrigeration and dairy facilities have been materially expanded in post-World War II years. These plants are designed for regular supply to the metropolitan areas and, aside from the fish refrigeration units of the Black Sea fishing industry, are not designed for long- term bulk storage. In 1960, an inspection system, including laboratory facilities, was ordered set up at the major units. Refrigeration at the retail to consumer level is rare, and the degree of sanitation in meat markets and dairies does not provide adequate insurance against food contamination. There is considerable evidence of rather frequent outbreaks of food poisoning involving several bacterial agents. 2/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 22/ 30/ 37/ Outbreaks of trichinosis have also been reported. C. Diseases 2. Diseases of animals -- The relatively high incidence of a number of antral diseases and parasitic infestations is a major factor in Bulgariats deficit in animal products. The disease problem is complicated by rather serious shortages of fodder and consequent nutritional deficiencies. Moreover, several of the important diseases 50X1 - = Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL of animals are communicable to man, a fact of which Bulgarian public health and veterinary authorities are cognizant and one with which they are concerned. a. Prevalent animal diseases (1) Brucellosis -- Brucellosis in cattle, sheep, goats and possibly swine, is a much more serious disease than is indicated in the official reporting system. Investigative and experimental work repeatedly refers to its seriousness, and there is ample evidence that disease control systems in use do not offer adequate protection to susceptible stock. In addition to Brucella abortus infection in cattle, B. melitensis is relatively common among sheep and goats. ,The role B. suis plays in swine is not completely understood. .Although the incidence of animal infection is not accurately known, this disease, in addition to its adverse affect on livestock produc- tion, is an important public health problem, particularly as an occupational disease. (2) Foot-and-mouth disease -- Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) has been enzootie in Bulgaria for many years. Vaccination as well as restricted movement of infected or exposed animals have been used as control measures against the disease in the past. However, in years of rising incidence in Europe and during periods of epizootics in Turkey, Bulgarian livestock has suffered similarly. Currently, the South African Type I (STI) virus has been identified in European Turkey and the western part of Greece. Unusual disease preventive precautions and serious concern of Bulgarian veterinary authorities indicate the spread or imminent threat of spread to the Balkan countries are possibilities that cannot be ignored. However, there is no current official confirmation regarding the types of viruses actually active in the country. At least a part of the Bulgaria-Greek-Turkey frontier has been fenced, and CONFIDENTIAL -6- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL patrols have been mounted to control movement of animals and farm workers in a five kilometer sector adjacent to the border. (3) Leptospirosis -- Both virulent and benign leptospira organisms have been isolated from Bulgarian livestock. several investigations of slaughter animals, as Well as tests in livestock herds, dogs and rodents, have revealed a number of leptospira serotypes. Among the more important of these are leptospira icterohaemorr- hagiae, L. canicola, L. autumnalis and 14 pomona. The recorded incidence has reached. as much as 53 percent in swine and 12.5 percent in cattle. A number of water-borne outbreaks in man have been traced to the vicinity of swine farms. (4) Hog cholera -- Hog cholera, known as Swine pest in Bulgaria, results inconsiderable losses to the pig industry. Vaccination is rather widely practiced, but infections with high mortality rates occur in spite of such precaution. This is due either to use of ineffective vaccines or over-riding exposure to virulent virus. Within the past two years, the modified live vaccines have been used to a considerable extent in hog cholera affected areas. However, the backbone of Bulgaria's fight to eradicate this disease is still crystal violet or modified crystal violet inactivated vaccine. (5) Tuberculosis -- Although bovine and porcine tuberculosis are officially reported as occurring sporadically, the incidence of either may be quite high. Very little testing is carried out, and comparative testing to differentiate bovine cases from infection caused by strains of the organism common to other species is apparently neglected. No information is available as to how much bovine infection results from contact with human carriers. Tuberculms cattle which are considered good milk . CONFIDENTIAL -7- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL producers are not slaughtered. Reactor animals retained in herds are theoretically isolated. The effectiveness of this isolation is questionable. Calves from reactor dams are allowed to remain with the dams briefly and are then added to the open herd. (6) Salmonellosis Salmonellosis occurs quite commonly in all classes of livestock. The frequent isolation of Salmonella Dm. in. food poisoning outbreaks or as contaminants in livestock products attests to its widespread distribution in Bulgaria. Although the specific causative agents of the enteric fevers of cattle, sheep and pigs are only infrequently determined, it appears obvious that salmonellae organisms play an important role. In addition to significant mortality among calves and young pigs caused by enteritis, salmonellae frequently remain in the animal system as inapparent infections, and these animals are thus reservoirs for further outbreaks or they may even play a role as contaminates of milk or other livestock products. (7) Contagious agalactia As in other areas near the Mediterranean, contagious agalactia of sheep and goats is a serious problem. This disease has a sporadic incidence, and clinical cases often develop during periods when other factors contribute to debility. Not only are direct losses often heavy, at times reaching 15 percent, but the secondary effect on young stock from cessation of milk is serious. Bulgarian veterinarians have concentrated heavily on research of this disease and development of vaccines. The causative agent, a pleuro-pneumonia like organism similar to that causing contagious pleuro-pneumonia, Mycoplasma mycoides, can be grown in culture media or egg embryos. Vaccines prepared from such material or from infected milk, brain and udder tissue, are widely used in Bulgaria. (8) Echinococcosis -- The incidence of echinococcosis in Bulgaria, particularly in sheep, is extraordinarily high. In 1961 hydatid infection was CONFIDENTIAL -8- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL reported to be 66.5 percent in sheep, 40.8 in cattle and 4.4 in swine. Recently, a campaign to treat dogs for echinococcosis regularly at 4-month intervals has been instituted. The efficiendy or results of this control effort are not yet measured. b. Other animal diseases - Other important animal diseases in Bulgaria are Q fever, anthrax, trichinosis, Aujeszky's disease, swine erysipelas, Newcastle disease, viral pneumonia of pigs, and rabies. D. Medical organization and administration (veterinary) 1. Civilian a. Organization -- Bulzaria'S veterinary services, primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is a bureaucratic, complex structure. The intricacy of functional arrangements are ill-suited to an organization of such relatively modest size and scope. Directly under the Ministry of Agriculture is a triple functioning service consisting Of, (1) the Central Veterinary Administration, (2) the Veterinary Services to Provinces (Okrug), Counties (Gkoliya), Cities and Districts (Rayon), and (3) the State Veterinary Inspectorate. The first two services represent the functional elements for veterinary services maintaining professional control and servicing the various units. Administrative support to units in the field is the responsibility of the provincial or local people's councils. Several ministries or boards at the level of the Ministry of Agriculture maintain specific veterinary units administratively. However, the Central Veterinary Administration has technical and professional authority over these units which are, (1) Milk Inspection, Milk Cooperative Board, (2) Veterinary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, (3) Meat and Food Inspection, Ministry CONFIDENTIAL 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 ? CONFIDENTIAL of Food Industry, (4) Control of Livestock Transportation, Ministry of Transportation. These three ministries and one board, as well as the Ministries of Health, Defense, Commerce and Interior and the State Insurance Institute contribute members to the . Council for Veterinary Matters, which is a technical advisory body responsible to the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, the Iiilgarian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, ? established in 1961, functions in an advisory capacity to the Ministry of Agriculture and guides and coordinates research .in all fields of veterinary activity. This involves work underway at several institutions, the following five being the most significant; (1) Central Veterinary Institute for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (Tsentralen nauchno-izsledovatelski veterinarno-bakteriologicheski I parazitologicheski aaveykov Blvd. No. 15, Sofia (42-41W - 23-19E); (2) Institute for Com arative Pathology of Domestic Animals (Institut po sravnitel noi patologii na domashnie zhivotnye), Georgi Miley District, Sofia; (3) Professor Dr. Georgi Pavlov Higher Veterinary Medical Institute (Vissh veterinarnomeditsinski institut Prof. Dr. Georgi Pavlov), VVMI, Lenin Blvd. NO. 55, Sofia; (4) Turnovo Regional. Veterinary Institute (Rayonniya veterinary institut, Turnovo), Turnovo (43-04N - 25-39E); and (5) Veterinary Virological Institute (Veterinaren institut po virusologiya), Vasil Petleshkov, Street No. 75, H. Dimiter District, Sofia. Other microbiological institutes under guidance of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences carry out some veterinary research in addition toresearch in other scientific fields. The most important of these are: (1) Central Helminthological Laboratory (Tsentralna khelmintologichna laboratoriya), Georgi Miley District, Sofia; (2) Institute for Morphology (Institut po morfologiya), Georgi Miley District, Sofia; (3) Microbiological CONFIDENTIAL -10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Mikrobiologicheski institut pri BAN),. Georgi Miley District, Sofia. The Central Veterinary Administration consists of nine divisions: (1) Epizootic Control, (2) Animal Treatment, (3) Parasite Control, (4) Animal Food Products Control, (5) Veterinary Planning and Statistics, (6) Veterinary Supply, (7) Border (Inspection and Quarantine) Control, (8) Refrigerator Plant and Fish Market Inspection, and (9) Sanitary Animal Disposal. It also regulates eleven Veterinary Bacteriological (Microbiological) Institutes or laboratories: the State Serum Institute, Vratza (43-12N - 23-33E); the State Plant for Veterinary Medicaments (VEiPROMSNAB), Sofia; the Institute of Biological Production, Mbderno Pregradie, Sofia; and a number of Regional Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories. The Veterinary Services to Provinces, Counties or Cities and Districts supervisel the Veterinary Supply Stations, Veterinary Hospitals and State Farm (TKZS) Veterinary Services. These are, however, financially and Administratively supported by the local People's Councils or the State Farm administration. About one-half of Bulgaria's 2,000 veterinarians are engaged in some form of work related to public health, primarily in the field of food inspection. Activities of a large proportion of these individuals are, however, on a part-time basis. Qualified veterinarians are considered too few and services are augmented through the use of subprofessional technicians trained for specific tasks. Veterinary services are completely nationalized and veterinarians are assigned to farms, veterinary installations or services by the Central Veterinary Administration. 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 21/ 22/ CONFIDENTTAT, -11- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL b. Legal controls (1) Licensure -- Completion of prescribed veterinary education automatically 10/ qualifies personnel for service in the nationalized veterinary services. (2) Quarantine -- Regulations regarding the importation or exportation of animals or food products of animal origin are specified in the Regulations on Veterinary Affairs, Decree No. 353 of the Council of Ministers June 15, 1953. This Decree covers the broad requirements and responsibilities of veterinary officials, and has been augmentedL or amended several times to provide special authority' for specific disease conditions. The latest of these is a 1962 order related to border control regulations on the Turkish-Greek frontier to protect the country from intro- 10/ 11/ 13/ 32/ 48/ duction of South African Type I foot-and-mouth disease. (3) Inspection -- Legal sanitary controls over foodstuffs are adequate to provide reasonable protection against food-borne diseases, illnesses or parasitic infestations. However, the rather common references in the literature to occurrences of serious human illnesses attributed to food products indicate: i laxity in mechanics 11/ 12/ 13/ 19/ 30/ of control. c. Professional organizations (veterinary) -- As is the case in most socialistic countries of eastern Europe, no professional veterinary association - exists. d. Medical research (veterinary) -- The level of veterinary research in Bulgaria does not reach standards achieved in many of the northern European countries. However, applied research, receiving major emphasis, approaches that of Poland. It still lags behind that achieved in East Germany, Czechoslovakia or Hungary. The financial support for veterinary research is derived almost totally from government CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL grants. The only exception is occasional participation by other Soviet bloc countries in research of common interest. The greatest degree of strength in veterinary research has been the fields of bacteriology and parasitology, two fields wherein lie Bulgaria's most significant 2/ 3/ 11/ 19/ 27/ problems. f. Emergency medical services (veterinary) -- Emergency veterinary Service as a formal organization is not known to exist. However, as in any socialistic country, mobilization of veterinary personnel or facilities is feasible as is recently indicated in Bulgaria by its stringent patrol and control over its Turkish-Greek frontier, as a 10/ 11/ 1/4/ /48/ 49/ 52/ result of the threatened invasion of foot-and-mouth disease. 2. Military (veterinary) -- Veterinary services in the armed services are attached to each infantry regiment. One veterinarian, chiefly concerned with food inspection, serves in each medical service section. Veterinarians not identified by veterinary insignia also serve in Border Guard units where they are attached to administrative services. There is evidence of veterinary participation in biological warfare research at the Turnovo Regional Veterinary Institute, Turnovo, but details 14/ 41/ 43/ are not available on the character or extent of the investigations. E. Medical manpower (veterinary) -- The ratio of veterinarians to livestock population in Bulgaria compares favorably to that of many European countries but is still far short of ideal requirements. To augment the services of some 2,000 veterinarians at least 750 technicians (feldshers) are employed. From a numerical standpoint, Bulgaria is better off than neighboring countries, such as Greece and Yugoslavia. In recent years, the number of veterinarians admitted to Bulgaria's single veterinary CONFIDENTIAL -.13- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 CONFIDENTIAL school has been augmented to achieve the objective of providing at least one veterinarian for each state livestock farm. In addition to the recently stepped-up formal veterinary training, considerable attention has been given to increased training cf auxiliary personnel. F. Medical care facilities (veterinary) -- It is the intent of the veterinary services to have veterinary hospitals with facilities for surgery, treatment and confinement of animals in each county. This objective has been partly achieved. To support these units more elaborate hospitals and diagnostic centers are located in each province, and recently inter-county diagnostic centers have also been established. Veterinary , authorities have designated more than 750 veterinary disuricts, more than half of which i) have specially planned veterinary buildings which serve as offices, supply centers and modest treatment and diagnostic facilities. The remaining districts utilize converted ? 10/ 11/ 14/ 19/ 29/ quarters. G. Medical supplies and materials (veterinary) -- Bulgaria is essentially self- sufficient in production of veterinary biological preparations and produces the major part of required pharmaceuticals as well. Veterinary supplies and materials not available through national production are obtained from the other Soviet bloc countries, chiefly Czechoslovakia and East Germany. The major biological production institutions in Bulgaria are the State Veterinary Serum Institute in Vratza and the Institute for Biological Production in Sofia. Virtually all pharmaceuticals produced in t,he country originate from Vetromenab, a government plant in Sofia. The distribution of all veterinary products is handled through the Veterinary Services for Provinces, Counties and City communes and Districts, and its Veterinary Supply Stations. The continuing references to rather serious animal CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 50X1 disease problems and definitely prevalent parasitism, indicate that sufficient products 10/1141Y19/29/ do not reach the livestock raisers or that they are not effectively applied. ? 321 H. Reference data -- Not included in this report. I. Comments on principal sources 1. Evaluation -- A large volume of source material on livestock production, animal health and veterinary affairs is available. However, much of this material is either in abstract form or exists in the form of translations from Bulgarian publications. A considerable part of the latter is heavily laced with propaganda and, therefore, must be critically evaluated by comparison with bits of information flowing from more reliable sources. Specific data regarding disease incidence, disease preventive operations and volume of veterinary medicaments in use are lacking or may often be conflicting. 2. List of sources (in order of importance) 1) Monatshefte flir Veteriar Medizin (Monthly Journal for Veterinary Medicine). Various issues. Leipzig. S. Hirzel. 1956-1961. (Unclassified) 2) U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. "Economic Geography of the People's Republic of Bulgaria." JPRS. NY-547. Washington, D. C. July 8, 1958. (Unclassified) 3) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 4A1, of Be_galElan Scientific Literature. Biology and Medicine. 2. Department for Scientific and T*7-6=-Information and Documentation." Various issues. Sofia. 1958-1960. (Unclassified) . Bulletin de Llinstitute de Microbiologie de l'Academie des Sciences de Bulgarie (Bulletin of the Microbiological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). Various issues. Sofia. 1955-1957. (Unclassified) Kalypov, I. M. "Influence of the Great October Socialist Revolution on the Development of Veterinary Affairs in the People's Republic of Bulgaria." Trans. V-1286. Veterinariia 35(5):10-13. Moscow. 1958. (Unclassified) 6) Ministry of Agriculture. "Scientific Investigations, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Research Institute for Veterinary Hygiene and Control of Animal Products." Trans. summaries. Sofia. 1958. (Unclassified) -15- 50X1 im Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 Figure 1: Organization of Bulgarian Veterinary Services, 1961. Bulgarian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Veterinary Research Institutions Ministry for Agriculture=.- 1 Ministries of Health, Defense, Commerce and Interior State Insurance Institute Council for Veterinary Matters s tru 4- 0 Veterinary rvices Pro Countie Veterinary Supply Stations Veterinary Hospitals State Farm Veterinary Services State Veterinary Inspectorate Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Food Industry Ministry of Education and Culture Milk Cooperative Board ?1?? Central Veterinary Administration Veterinary Bacteriological Institute Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories State Serum Institute State Plant for Veterinary Medicaments (Vetpromsnab) Institute of Biological Production Broken lines indicate advisory or coordinating functions. Sources: 10, 11, 19, 27, 32. - Declassified' in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25 : CIA-RDP8OR01426R009800120003-2 Milk Inspection Veterinary Education Meat & Food Inspection 'Control of Livestook Transport- ation 41.1?????? Epizootic Control Division Animal Treatment Division Parasite Control Division Animal Food Product Control Division Veterinary Planning & Statistics Division Veterinary Supply Division ? Border (Inspection & Quarantine ) Division Refrigeration Plant & Fish Market Inspection Division Sanitary Animal Disposal Division 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120003-2