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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R00-9800-120001-4-71 Table of Contents Hungary t'd (1r) If IS f &e-e-cTrik5,0,1 +iv If6 3 Ess A. General 1 B. Environmental factors affecting health 1 1. Topography and climate 1 2. Socio-economic pattern 1 3. Animal and plant life (of veterinary significance) 2 a. Animal 2 (2) Flies 2 (5) Ticks and mites 2 (7) Mollusks 2 (8) Worms 3 (11) Wild animals 4 I. Nutrition 4 b. Food supply and distribution 4 c. Food sanitation, storage and technology 4 C. Diseases 4 2. Diseases of animals 4 a. Prevalent animal diseases 4 (1) Bovine tuberculosis 5 (2) Bovine brucellosis 5 (3) Fascioliasis 5 (4) Echinococcosis 6 (5) Swine diseases 6 (6) Poultry diseases 6 (7) Anthrax 7 (8) Foot-and-mouth disease (9) Rabies 7 b. Other important animal diseases 8 D. Veterinary organization and administration 8 1. Civilian 8 a. Organization 8 b. Legal controls 10 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 (1) Licensure (2) Quarantine (3) Inspection c. Professional veterinary organization d. Veterinary research f. Emergency veterinary services 2. Military veterinary organization E. Veterinary manpower F. 'Veterinary facilities G. Veterinary supplies and materials H. Reference data I. Comments on principal sources 1. Evaluation 2. List of sources (in order of importance) Figure 1: Organization of Veterinary Services in Hungary, 1960. Ems 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 50X1 50X1 50X1 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 NIS 19 - Section 45 50X1 Hungary A. General -- Unsettled wartime conditions caused an increase of many serious animal diseases throughout Hungary. Government measures to improve animal health have been only moderately successful. lack of popular support, political inter- ference and, particularly during post-war years, a shortage of qualified veterinarians, have hindered disease control efforts. All veterinary activities in Hungary are under strong control of the Ministries of Agriculture and Supply. Private veterinary practice does not exist. Hungarian veterinarians participate in scientific meetings within the Communist bloc but only rarely are permitted to visit those held in western countries. B. Environmental factors affecting health 1. Topography and climate -- A temperate continental climate and favorable terrain and soil, particularly in Transdanubia and the Northern Upland are in general well suited to livestock production. However, the assignment of a large proportion of farmland to grain for human consumption leaves Hungary without b/16/ sufficienli pasture area. 2. Socio-economic pattern -- As in other socialist countries, a post-war trend towards industrialization and urbanization has paused a decline in agricultural production while at the same time creating an increased demand for livestock products. Government attempts to increase farm output through large-scale collectivization have been largely unsuccessful, since farmers and livestock owners, reluctant to 4/ 16/ relinquish their individual property, have failed to give their full cooperation. Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL 3. Animal and plant life (of veterinary importance) a. Animal (2) Flies -- Cattle warble flies (Hypoderma 222.) are important among the various insect species plaguing Hungary's livestock. They cause severe hide 20/ 22/ damage and impair milk production and weight gain. (5) Ticks and mites Ticks -- Many species of ticks, several of them vectors of disease, occur in Hungary. The most important ones and the diseases they transmit, or cause, are: Dermacentor marginatus D. pictus Anaplasmosis, piroplasmosis, tularemia, brucellosis, equine encephalomyelitis, spring- summer encephalitis, Japanese B encephalitis. Piroplasmosis, tularemia, equine encephalomyelitis, Omsk hemorrhagic fever. Haemaphysalis concinna Spring- summer encephalitis H. inermis Tick-paralysis H. otophila Piroplasmosis H. punctata Piroplasmosis, tularemia, brucellosis, tick-paralysis Ixodes ricinus Piroplasmosis, tularemia, brucellosis, tick-paralysis 1/5/ Mites -- Mite infestations by species of the genera Demodex, Psoroptes and-Sarcoptes cause debilitating conditions in all classes of livestock. 5/ 20/ (7) Mollusks -- Numerout species of snails act as intermediate hosts for liver flukes (fasciolidae) and lung worms (metastrongyles), which widely affect Hungary's livestock. The most important Snail species are: CONFIDENTIAL -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Hungary are: CONFIDENTIAL Galba truncatula ) ) Radix peregra ) ) Succinea oblonga ) ) S. hungarica ) Capaea vindobonensis Helicella obvis Helix pomatia Zebrina detrita Intermediate hosts of liver flukes Intermediate hosts of lung worms (8) Worms -- The most important parasitic worms of domestic animals in 1 Fasciola hepatica Avitellina centripunctata Cysticercus bovis (Taenia saginata) C. cellulosae (Taenia solium) Echinococcus granulosus Moniezia benedeni H. expansa Stilesia globipunctata Thysaniezia giardi Ascaris lumbricoides Cystocaulus ocreatus Dyetyocaulus viviparus Metastrongylus spp. MUllerius capillaris Neostrongylus linearis Parafilaria multipapillosa Protostrongylus rufescens Strongyloides stercoralis Syngamus spp. Trichinella spiralis Trichostrongylus colubriformis CONFIDENTIAL -3- 5/ 15/ 13/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL (11) Wild animals -- Foxes, particularly numerous in the northeastern 13/ part of Hungary) serve as reservoir of rabies. 4. Nutrition b. Food supply and distribution -- Prior to World War II the consumption of animal proteins in Hungary was substantially greater than that in other east European countries. The reduction of the livestock population by more than half during the latter part of the war and serious economic and financial problems in the immediate post-mar years, resulted in serious deficiencies of meat and dairy products which, despite the effort of agricultural authorities, have not yet been overcome completely. Lack of sufficient roughage and concentrates, collectivization, increased industrialization and the export of slaughter cattle, meat, and poultry products to western European and Communist countries, are major factors responsible 2/ 4/ 6/ 16/ 22/ for the continued shortage of livestock products. c. Food sanitation, storage and technology -- Sanitary supervision of processing of meat, milk and poultry is reasonably adequate, but there is a definite lack of refrigerated storage and transportation facilities. Within the last 10 years refrigeration plants were constructed at Debrecen _,1.32_N__-.1_21-38-E), f- Gyor (47-41-N---17-38-E), Kaposvar (46-22 N.,..=-17-481), and Miskolc (48-06-N-20-47-E). Yet, even this added capacity is insufficient to meet the ever increasing demand 8/ 10/ 11/ 23/ for refrigeration space.- ? C. Diseases 2. Diseases of animals a. Prevalent animal diseases -- Unsettled conditions during wartime and immediate post-war years caused a widespread increase of animal diseases. The disease CONFIDENTIAL -4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL problems are complicated by a frequent lack of feed and by the reluctance of the rural population, resentful of collectivization, to cooperate with veterinary 13/ 14/ 22/ authorities. . (1) Bovine tuberculosis -- Bovine tuberculosis is Hungary's most significant livestock disease. The national tuberculosis reactor rate is estimated?at 18 percents including a 23 percent infection rate for cows. Mergers of state farms and the establishment of new cooperative farms from small private farms keeping infected cattle, have been major factors in the spread of the disease. In 1962; the Ministry of Agriculture published a decree providing for the slaughter of infected cattle during 3-year periods in certain areas designated each spring by veterinary authorities. Cooperative farm affected by this eradication program will be paid compensation in the form of loan cancellations or bank credit. Effective January 1, 1963, bonuses may be paid for milk or cream from non-infected herds and reductions may be made from the purchase price of infected animals sold for slaughter purposes. Subsequent to January 1, 1964, state, cooperative and private farms keeping infected caws may not sell their milk directly to consumers, but only to state dairy enterprises. 13/ 20/ 22/ (2) Bovine brucellosis -- Brucellosis causes substantial economic losses to Hungary's cattle industry. Control efforts presently are confined to Strain 19 22/ vaccination of heifers and mature cows. (3) Fascioliasis Fascioliasis (liver fluke infection) in cattle, sheep and swine, is one of Hungary's most troublesome livestock diseases, causing an annual production loss of approximately 250 million forints (approximately 20.8 million dollars at the official rate). During years of average precipitation, the CONFIDENTIAL -5 \- L) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENT TAT, infection rate of cattle and sheep is believed to be 25-30 percent. In swine the disease causes the condemnation of 5-10 percent of livers in slaughtering plants. Veterinarians, who put more emphasis on therapeutic treatment than on destruction of snails serving as intermediate hosts, claim good results with the intramuscular 5/ 8/ 14/ 22/ injection of carbontetrachloride in cattle and sheep. (4) Echinococcosis Echinococcosis (hydatidosis) in ruminants and swine, aside from its menace to human health, is responsible for considerable losses to the food and pharmaceutical industriesby causing the condemnation of many organs and, carcass parts. Veterinary and public health authorities are attempting to control echinococcosis through the application of strict sanitary measures at slaughtering sites and through obligatory atabrine treatment of dogs, the principal carriers 2/ 15/ 22/ of the disease.? ? (5) Swine diseases -- Transmissible gastroenteritis, chronic salmonellosisl, and swine pox, are Hungary's most significant swine diseases. Hog chaera and erysipelas still exist, but compulsory immunization with crystal violet or lapinized vaccines and erysipelas bacterin respectively/have reduced the incidence of these once widespread diseases considerably. Other important swine diseases are edema 13/ 15/ 22/ disease (colibacillosis), tuberculosis and brucellosis. (6) Poultry diseases -- Poultry raising, which has a long tradition in Hungary, is threatened by a number of serious diseases. Fowl cholera (pasteurellosis) is the most important disease in terms of economic losses as well as difficulty of control. Until recently, control measures consisted of the administration of sulfonamids and antibiotics in the feed, but the appearance of resistant pasteurella strains has forced the abandonment of this form of treatment. Present control CONFIDENTIAL -6- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL efforts rely on complete slaughter of heavily infected flocks and on quarantine of those less severely affected. Vaccines and sera are not commonly used, since the resistance they impart is too short-termed to be of major practical value. The incidence of fowl pox has increased proportionately with the development of large-scale poultry farming. In flocks where the disease reoccurs from year to year, immunization with pigeon pox vaccine in chickens and turkey pox vaccine in turkeys is carried out. Obligatory vaccination with H and B1 vaccineshas reduced the high post-war incidence of Newcastle disease. Other important poultry diseases are fowl typhoid, pullorum diseases tuberculosis 11/ 13/ 15/ 20/ spirochaetosis, leukosis, encephalitis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis and gout. (7) Anthrax -- Although no serious epizootics have occurred since 1952, anthrax is still a problem in certain parts of Hungary. In enzootic areas annual 5/ 20/ 29/ vaccination with Carbozoo or a spore vaccine is carried out. (8) Foot-and-mouth disease -- Outbreaks of type 0 ands-to a lesser degree, of type A foot-and-mouth disease periodically occur in Hungary. In the past, the disease has been reasonably well controlled through quarantine, vaccination and slaughter. Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine is prepared by the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute in Budapest (47-30N - 19-05E), which was established in 9/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 30/ 32/ 1955. (9) Rabies -- Strictly enforced vaccination of dogs (Semple type vaccine of ovine origin) has sharply reduced the incidence of this once rampant disease. Outbreaks of some magnitude, however, still occur in the mountainous provinces CONFIDENTIAL -7- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL (megyek) of Borsod and Heves where foxes are the principal carriers of the 5/ 9/ 13/ disease. b. Other important animal diseases -- Other important animal diseases in Hungary are Aujeszky's disease, epizootic 'catarrhal virus pneumonia of cattle, virus abortion in sheep, leptospirosis, listeriosis, ovine enterotoxemia, bovine piroplasmosis, trichononiasiss ovine globidiosis, cysticercosis, verminous bronchitis ectoparasitism and deficiency conditions. Dourine and glanders were introduced during the war and 5/ 13/ 15/ 20/ 33/ some cases of these diseases still occur. D. Veterinary organization and administration 1. Civilian a. Organization -- The Veterinary Directorate, under the Ministry's of Agriculture Chief Directorate of Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Medicine, is the principal authority for Hungary's veterinary field services. This Directorate directs the Veterinary Divisions of the Provincial (megyek) Peoples' Councils, the Veterinary Hospitals, the Diagnostic Laboratories and the Quarantine Figure]. Stations. The Provincial Peoples' Councils! Veterinary Divisions supervise the Veterinary Services of the Regional (Jarasok) Peoples' Councils, which in turn direct the District and Cooperative Farm Veterinarians. Veterinary Hospitals and Diagnostic Laboratories have no organizational bonds to provinces, regions or districts but simply provide their services to the geographic area in which they are located. The Veterinary Council, a body of distinguished veterinarians, acts in an advisory capacity to the Veterinary Directorate. CONFIDENTTA -8- LDeclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL The chief Directorate of State Farms of the Ministry of Agriculture, has administrative control over State Farm Veterinarians who, however, are professionally responsible to the Veterinary Directorate. Hungary's major veterinary research institutions, with the exception of the Veterinary Research Institute which is controlled by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, are directed by the Ministry's of Agriculture General Administration of Agricultural Education and Research. This Administration supervises the Budapest Veterinary Colleges the National Institute of Veterinary Medicine, thenPhylaxiall National Vaccine Production Institute, the National Institute for the Control of Veterinary Immunological Products, and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute. The Ministry of Supply's Department of Food Hygiene and Central Administrations for Meat, Dairy, and Poultry Products Industries are responsible for the sanitary control of food products in Hungary. These agencies rely largely on veterinarians for the staffing of their control laboratories and the supervision of their inspection personnel. In a number of small slaughterhouses, operated by Provincial or Regional Peoples' Councils, meat inspection is carried out by provincial or regional veterinarians. Artificial insemination is entirely a function of animal husbandry agencies under the Chief Directorate of Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Medicine, which employs a number of veterinarians. Veterinary servides in Hungary are completely nationalized. Private practice does not exist. CONFIDENTIAL -9? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL b. Legal controls (1) Licensure -- Completion of the 5-year course at the Budapest Veterinary 15/22/ 25a/ ????=mr ? dEm College is prerevisite for employment as veterinarian: (2) Quarantine -- The Decree No. 5/1962 and the Code of Veterinary Hygiene (Allategeszsgugyi both published by the Ministry of Agriculture in the No. 6/1962 issue of the Ministry's weekly official gazette (Mezogazdasagi Ertesito), govern the import of animals and animal products. The Code of Veterinary Hygiene is available for 12 forints (approximately 1 dollar) from the Central Bureau for Newspapers and Magazines. In February 1959, Hungary and East Germany signed a special agreement regulating the import and transit of livestock and livestock products. A similar agreement between Hungary and Czechoslovakia was signed in February 1961 (published as 22/ 25/ Ministry of Agriculture Decree No. 9/1961):? (3) Inspection -- Regulations for the inspection of meat, milk, and dairy products in general are sound and reasonably well enforced. Hungary, through legislation passed in 1938, was the first country to require obligatory poultry inspection. The present poultry inspection plants are usually modern and well equipped. Official testing of veterinary biologicals is performed at the National 5/ 10/ 11/ 14/ Institute for the Control of Veterinary Immunological Products. c. Professional veterinary organization -- Hungary's veterinarians suffer from the absence of a professional organization. They are members of various trade unions that show little interest in veterinary matters. Veterinarians employed in food sanitation and belonging to the Union of Food Industry Workers have a somewhat CONFIDENTIAL -10 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL better opportunity to guard their professional interests, since they constitute 10/ an influential group in that union. d. Veterinary research -- Hungary's veterinary research achievements, while among the best within the Soviet bloc, are not comparable to those in the more advanced western countries. _Political interference, meager funds and limited scientific contacts with western nations binder the full utilization of a basically 5/ 9/ 11/ 13/ 14/ 21/ 22/ good research potential. (See Section 17) f. Emergency veterinary services -- As in other socialist countries, Hungary's veterinarians are under strong central governmental control and can 10/ 12/ 13/ 22/ readily be mobilized in case of serious epizootics. 2. Military veterinary organization -- Little information on Hungarian military veterinary services is available. One source reports the existence of a group of 30440 army veterinarians engaged in the care of horses, while another claim the 28/ 31/ abolition of the Army Veterinary Corps in February 1956. E. Veterinary manpower -- Although a post-war shortage has been alleviated considerably, a need for veterinarians still exists. The present veterinary manpower consists of about 2,000 veterinarians aided by a force of veterinary assistants. The Budapest Veterinary College, with an annual graduating class of 120-150 students, is capable of providing an adequate number of veterinarians.' Veterinary education in Hungary, while not on a level with that in England, Scandinavia or 3/ 6/ 9/ 15/ 22/ 25a/ Germany, is among the best in the Communist countries:- - F. Veterinary facilities -- Hungary's veterinary facilities for treatment, laboratory diagnosis, quarantine, and food sanitation, are adequate in number and reasonably CONFIDENTIAL -11- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 CONFIDENTIAL well distributed. In 1960, there existed about 40 veterinary hospitals, 5 diagnostic laboratories, 13 quarantine stations, 7 meat inspection laboratories and several laboratories for the control of dairy, poultry and other food products. Testing of animal sera and vaccines, most of which are produced at the uPhylaxiatt National Vaccine Production Institute and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute in Budapest, are carried out by the National Institute for the Control of Veterinary Immunological Products, likewise located in Budapest. The Veterinary Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the National Institute of Veterinary Research in Budapest are Hungary Vg major veterinary research facilities. Additional research is carried out at the "Phylaxiall National Vaccine Production Institute and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute. The Budapest Veterinary College, aside from its educational activities, maintains clinical and research facilities. The Budapest Coordination Institute, established and maintained by various East bloc countries, serves as clearing house for the exchange of veterinary information 5/ 8/ 10/ 22/ 24/ among its sponsors. G. Veterinary supplies and materials -- Hungaryts requirements of animal sera and vaccines is met almost entirely by the uPhylaxiatt National Vaccine Production Institute and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute. Most veterinary pharmaceuticals and antibiotics are produced in government controlled plants that also supply human medicaments. Some veterinary drugs are imported from other East European countries. MingaryiNnext to West Germany, is the leading European country in the development 5/ 9/ 13/ 14/ 27/ and manufacture of veterinary instruments and equipment. CONFIDENTIAL -12- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/09/25: CIA-RDP80R01426R009800120001-4 50X1 H. Reference data -- Not included in this report. I. Comments on principal sources 1. Evaluation -- The available source material was largely general in nature, providing few detailed data. Information was particularly meager on the distribution, prevalence and control of animal diseases. Reports on military veterinary services were contradictory. Sources 1, 2, 3 and 4 were useful for most sections of this report. Source 5 contributed information on the organization of the civilian veterinary services. 2. List of sources (in order of importance) (1) Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja. Various issues. Budapest. 1958-1962. (Unclassifiedj (2) U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. "Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing in Hungary." (Trans.) Various issues. Washington, D.C. 1959-1962. (Unclassified) (3) Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Acta Veterinaria. Various issues. Budapest. 1958-1962. (Unclassified) (4) National Agricultural Library and Centre for Documentation. Hungarian Agricultural Review. Various issues. 1957-1962. (Unclassifiedj (5) KOcot, M. "The Organization of the Veterinary ServiCe in Hungary." 271.1 Polish7 Mad. Met. 16(5):295-296. 1960. (Unclassified) 50X1 en.L.).? 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