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~~ 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 - Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Sxeden A. Gene rn,3. $. `~ron~ntal. f actAra 1. Topo{~rep~7y u:ui cli.xs~te 2, .?OC~.O-?CO2Z0$L~C ~)dttr.IYl . ~. Nutrition b. kbod Su~n-~3y c. Fob aanitation~ atara~e and technoln~ 0. Diseases Z. ~iaeaa?s cat' ~ni.~ala g. i'rEV~lent t3nirnal di.sea~a Z. I~aatitiec 2. *~fYci.+~nev cii~ca~a ~. ~si~laa ~. Airinn Ieuko~-].s aor~~lex ~. ~sls~one?loais 6. 1~.nthx~t 7. Y~raeitic infeetatiorw ~3. Fbot-and-mouth tli.+~eaa+e b. Otlu.~r i.*~ozrt-ant an3~2 diseases ~?. Veter; nary or~an.ixatiort aril ada~ni~tratioA 3. ;;~,viliaa a. ~anizatioa b. Feral aoatrole (1) Lgoens~~re (2) quarantine (3} Inspection a, Professional, veterinary orrAn.3.aeti~na d. s etE rf na r~ research f . ~~er~e:~c3? getErf~~* rep-sriren 2. Mili~zS: L~. Vs ter3 n ~r me npo~wer ~f.f ~.f .~-_. ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 G, ~QtFx~i,crsrg' s~u3:=~:s '.;. ~:f'ercaae data 25 .~~.?~ur~e It Dr~~nixati~n oi' !.iv3_?s.an Vet~r~.rt~ry .~rrtaes in iea -~ 3.95$. 1~i~:,urr ~ s 51rm~ ~'~~crin~rl ~fcdi~al Institute::~sed~n. - Y959. ~'i~.ure ~s traQ~' t~'~tt~l..~tax~.- :~i'vicea - `3recie~n - 159. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 ~tZS 11 - 9etotio:t t:5 ?. f~eneral :>xrsdeM ie Ec+rrently rem~rlcablp fr9e of aeries aa{sr~s2 d3s4sses a;xi remains Ct~e of the >~ot3t advanced i~:tzrogean Gauntries in ef~'ecliva~.~ eoz$b~ttir~ re;~:ain#~ ~oai af' s~onatic inf~utians in its animal patn~.iutior~. ffi~h st-~n~~azds in the perms tor~anncse of rret~rinazy aterrice~t tssve cotstriruted si~nificant3y to tt~e a ~fic~,e.nay of .~~'i.ih li'v+ttsstack ;~r+ddaiction atui tQ ~,rt~raeaive acidnncea in publics health Ovm~ itiorw. ~diah liveetc+ck ~rcxiucerJr tts w~e12 as 7.ivestock pra3uat px~cs$~ore ~~a'i-~1 I.on~ dt ,~ar~dec! an aocialiscE-d or anb$idSsed '~~r~.narg rwrtr~ieet anci its achievex~n~ raT~ ~~es:s ef:`eotively publicised byr ~edish ~terin~ authorities tv secure con- ti.mri!'~' cooperation +~i1~r. rteces: arq policies a'~ a~etiona. '!`~ current silos Of ',hs YO'~.fr~.Iy0.Y'~ services A2"e tQ furt~r reduce tha i.ncidenea et sxrt`.~a2 diseases in order td increase ~xbduction s_*ticienc~ ~rx3 ~ enasre di8t-ributi::n of high ~uali#yy rPtalcaa~ict li'crestoek ~~roducta. ~~e attitudes of aracl.tsh aath?a~.tiea can measuz~es deai~ned tc- preTant 3.cttres- ~Jucti;~u QS die-eaate frost onterids actvrces ors o-~CSSiorte-2.1y aoztdri:~?red ur~3uly Meld. 2lrrvsrtrsless~ c,:?ideretScn swat be ;*3.ven to ~den~s sitx~inpeni~ re~utzla- bona as factors in 4?he emt~ually Io~r 3.naidemte of ani.sal. diaeteie ar food 'warns hua~u 3nPeEtion. Vetez-.iaary faailitie~l Par routine dia,~nostia Pracsdwres are t~el.~. dga#xilauted Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 acaordinp to 7~aa~. re~~~i.r~-rr~nt, s~ tl~e c~or;3iriation ~f tt~cie i~ta].~.~ti~ ~rur s~~ftii the ,.~x~ a2aborite eFrrtxali~~ units is aaccelle:nt. ::~tre*~tkt aid diatrihu- tiozl of $taf~ ie rational aryd adeQu~te. A hi~hl,~,r centreli.z~. amt autY~;rita~,ive vet~r3.riary d~arae~Linn hau bEan re~? a-; ~--4~.~1e ~'ar ;~rromm~t anti o7f?ten bold actiom to e31.e~.sxte or ao~atrol in~7 ox~s~t arxi.~aal d.iat~bea. '~dsCQt~tte fins uvailatle for ze~~ilar arul praer~encr~r vatsrina~r pz~ree~a. men acti~alp ,l~~rticipst~t in a pride ;~an~~ of in{..errzation+~l r~atarinar~r prvf-ra~crr a;-ad 't.':..sh ~tartnars,,srbt hsnrs r.~de ouista:ndi,t~: cantx'ibnt,~.+~ in pxrav3d~.n~ ~e~.n3.aa2 as~iKf~ce ~eraonne~ and ~~cial trsi~af.a~ prop iota for unde>nfitaTelai~ci cx+:~ttt~ee t!ta~..:c;.tx 'Initcd '.rations ;~,pecialieed ,~anaiee. ""` ~. ran~eu~fiaY. faa'&are ~,. fiogograpIr,~ arbd c3.3aaartr -~- bt9~rtock grod+~t3.aa and ag~ricu2trri+1 devel.a~xt s-xe aor~entrateKl in tl2e sonthe~ ~cxl south eaat.~ ~zt3.n~ts oi' ~tsni siBCa t2xer e~ret~ cltmati~ ~~~.tione 3re~o~re ecora~i.c xae{~rietiot~s ata t~ axpaz~sio.n of ttaae is~iuatrio~ to ru3r~sg~ sre:a,s. die Qo~aentri:tiau Qf diae~e susceptible ~tpQk in arege ;~raxi~a]. or aontiguowar to oti~er Tsnrop~aa arouatrf.e3 si~, acted ~' s~:x'io1att and hitChly izttaetifdoua ~n~:..~el d~lreaasa 2?E'Q:~.rar~ aonetant v3~:1.1.a~ Aztc{ P~i?t vater3. n ~ actl~a.~ .1 2. ~~Qia-eco:w.~i.c ~~t Bern -- '~eter~.naryr service+~ M.::ve b~teu subaidisaei by *ha atzte for raar{y~ yc~ara Strad modish ?~-Ners are r_.en~x~3.ly ~reoable to the Yet?~r4n~zg gollcies that ~vr obPir,uaiy ovntribatsyd to the high Ie ve1 of an:'.ma7. he al.th caul ?~rorixcti??ity. Oul;r oa~.esionsl. I.ao~.ated c~poa$tlan tca striza~:ont 'v+ete7~irtai'~r' re~ssuree o^aur+e. Veter-? :~~ry af.fitciiU havQ ei'fectively utilised e-di3catiaa~tl. ~! der~ar~stratiorial Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 teahtiiqucsi thro:.gh extEnnion Ae:t~rlces azr_!. cgc,,~ rati.ves, to setp}s~rt ?~r~ vFterin~ry reE' ulations. a,~;r-:.r,;::2tural z~sst;rcraas f~3r Ziveetc~k rr,Q~.~ing arF limited in Aden a~d~, t~~~r~..?c~_~i c~'iirient t~z~oduetion ie a vita. ~'aotor to oanscrvirlF ~twcor+-iC r~~~arc~~t ~6hat ~~~z:1.d ot;~rtrS.se rleee:~;sax~i2y bit ~tivax~t~~d to f;~ry Spr an r~~nciing regnire?~cut ~1~I7 ~a of 3lvestock produ~'ts. ~i. taut rig ~ 411 b. Fuad aaut~~~1,Y -- i3sa~ite ~teden~s hi~hl.y ef'~~.riep;~i livestock ~~+cluction! t}ua Co ~:ilt~r^l' ~r;:~.i.~i s nE~t 3.r~e:?orter of m~ .at ~ 2.3.ve3tc~ck pradt~cta ss r~ result of sn ~.tncrea$it~ htuus~ ~,opuletinn 4:~! a x~ex?stive:.y hi.uh refs at' east t~j~/2o~~a6 co:rau~taon. c. ~"aod sani'?~rtian~ stor.~~e a:~d t~'.nolo{~y --~ I~at artd n+1lk ~rvpeaeir~~ a~rep;e p~.mrits and esn3.t~xy ~zex~ciling i'aail.itiss in Sweden, azyn moderzt end adequatt~. ?^~~~~+rds !'or ine7~etction ~rzi euper~3..~xfon of eanjtary distrft~utia~s ~ a_merz~ the M~hest 3.ct the ~rorld. Irtcriminat3.ozt of bdC'F.Qr1aI c~orttam3.i~t~td meat oz~oducts~ its e~~rees of food bonne Yn~an disease autbreaka hav+e~s in recut yer~ra, r8ailted in the m~diaa~,, praPe~sicnu~ stimulstic~ vatersxi:3.ry ax~thorities to conduct detsileQ aacamt*~a.tion of locplly ~~rdiduced ar~d ~~orted seat rid ,?:~ products. these t~rncsd~:rea haws Caused cor~iderah2a acrrs:ern on the F~a..~ ~" foreign ezporLEre, sintsa fi:~dir~g of eontsmtinenta ax~i~rily cc,nsidered ineont~squsntiel have leci tv~ ark map i,, the iut~u~e cause costlT diversion of shipments to other markets or Coacleatnatlcn at ~redis3~ ports. 1 J ~o ~3 ~ f Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 C. 1~iaeaaets 2. D~ssrus of ar~i.mala -- the ~e~or a~raal. ~?iseapa~ p}rticularlx thop conaidared :Kt;:ortant zaac~aees~ h .ve bet~n ~ri~?tuelly eratlica~d i~ "~ecen. ~ ari~ilg:nt a:ui Coz~s~~E,Gnt tr~ttezinssxy s~z~ice exercises :~rorgat and atrir~ent action sgain~t conetan$ t~~s?ea~t~t of disease rs-iis~txaciuction fzor, nFr~.rby x,ure~pewn co~mtriea ar Lhraz~;h l~e:aort of 11~-+ptack products, The veterin~.ry s~rvtoss and ~.i~e9toQk producers are eurz?t ntly ~3i.,reQt3x~ attt: nti~~n to~rd eI3m3.zwti~~tt of tI~ !'sw re~s~.rd.r~ c!ia~eaea er c~stx~i.tions t2rst c~.ther redone .roduatio.n efficiency or c~ nsti~Eute to ~~uba.i.c health thx~eti to COt'~d13~C7t'Q. t. r ~r~tlenb arz:i~l di paces 1. ~stiti~r -- Infeetioua me,atit~s is one of the ~ns~or rerssin3.r~ disaasQS a~' catt].i in ~clen. Taterinary aathoritiea aandttct exte~. e1~::i rrra~trch 3x~t3.L~tfam~ ~~ - ~aidlsat eepvice fu~.l-t3,~ (a~{c~pal v+et~rSr ot'fic~rss meah ireactior~y 4uax`aztt#.ne i~~etftcr:j - ~7. FNS.-time ?~na~stars at ~r4,gate3~-cart~t,, con*rvltoci . _ r~~aughter-h~uara g~ ~ura1 asaar.~LSoaa ~tert~sri arm - ~ ~ ~ ~ . 3'rlv~tte, prs~titioa~rai #n~3~Qi.tx~ arti~ia3+~ ~la=rarin~- ttoo asad part#-ixa~ mp, at i~~gsctiva~, ~tFi . ? ~ 2b~ ? _ ..... ~Yal ~'eire~.f~aay re~ey~ cospoae~[ ~vt ~.5 dQpar~~~ raah ~e~! ~ A ~gi'esso~, a~Yt~ra ccrurees 3,~eftis~g t,Q. a iti~lae~a- gs a ~-i.~ry ~rgron. g'he total period of ins~wtton far th~,s certi~3ca#,is~a ie I~ t~x~ ~2 'peg Y~ax'j, ant t~ar;y rtnder:tr ~t~ntl ~iR to ern ' ~ arit #e~o~ a;r~~3.r~ for (e~aai~tiva. A ~loctc>reta ~.rt veterinary ic~nr rirq~l,rer a Lhe~+ir anger thcr eaaar terms applied at tmt~rera3.t~i~. - 4~ sta~axr~s ~ot teac3t~.r~ sn-3 ragoar+nh at ~~ ~Yal ' 9et~rinsrg tJolt~g ars 00f3'did~I'~ 0Q12~, fll' d3'~t?P ~'.O ~OS~ ~ ~`~- ~`'~'CF;l' pt~ ~rt@Sinal"y ~C~? The tears ~nstiLutarj nou ia4.ier $b,~ r~~tectioa oS, 4he ~vYLe~e,, Offt~rs op~ortim3ti~ for idtv~nced reaei~rct~ sn ollninal t~at~~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ 1 ,pt~3oio~.3oa1 d~..-~~r. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 F. Y~texrinar,~r ia~il3.tiea ~"rte principal ce:~tral vetryri~r;~ f~.li.ty is the C;~~ ~et~rir~ars l~~oal Ire titu8e~ ~~toelrn. pia in~tituta is ras~.wnsible for :,he detr~i2ed dia~ostio imrr sti~;at,iflns at ~teris-~, fros~ res'i~na]. aou~as~ for blolo~iaal nrpderc:ti~n m1A For ts-~-~~1aI x~s~ arch f~rabl~a. ~`ha ticrya~. T+~eterinaryr Co12~ ~s arxi t~fe Slicara- 7rzatituter cArr,fi bu$ 03 i.lzis~. it~sti~:tip n~ s~rxi uru~arts-1ce spsctisl ~3isaaae ir~v+e~s ti~~ a~t3Qns. aech ~,f tt~.a twe ntyfout Ccxmty vaterinarx~r ~~ au~ ? a few ~' i.atrict timi.#-a ha~-e QSt lsbar+~tnriea Tor ro~:tit3,ie di,o.: tics ~ot^lc. X11, 1. r s~3a-.~hter~ho~ess ham, a~eiL eq,:i~* ~a1 3abRStator~~e gor baatsriolc~i?a2 f1z~t~ psrssitclo~lcal ~.mraeti~at#.or:. CQOrrii.art~,;. n h~ttte~e~e red-~.onal are; ax~~xt~cal '~~~tc~ar~ faai~i.t~.as ~.s l~irt~ t3evelape~ acxl aatba~tcsry sFSrvicea ~ ~ecle~quafie. ~. t'et~f ca~earerai.al t~.ar~dr pro:~~c3nB Pt~rmace~zt3aela bract bialo~ioale Yr$rrt reaantl~ aa~~ertt~ fsuilt#.9.es f~o~rj ~anis~al di/sease itsYestitratiana ~ttr,i proci,nCt3on of ~l ~'! .l .rL1 re'~rinary m~diael attpn2lea~. ~. Yeterirts;'Y sugpliesr fi~ ~ero].a,~isa1 ~erArrtment off' tha ~~t~ate Bete rinary Medical ins#itut~a ~~:ces practiaal.l~r all of tt~ bialo~Qal s~~iss rsgviroa . ian :~edaa. Pha~ta~cet~tiaals and s~~r3biaLica arrr produced h'Y Qomeereial aonc~erae acrd -are arailabie to 1.iveRt~ock prod:aeera eittie7~ tfu~rt~h the t~S.fi~itl ~~rvt~rnmsx~t v+~tvriu&r1r ottiaea or thtot~h ~i 8 IO the Rural-:conou~y -;.all~s8ia~.ior~ar ~'~~rirsarp ~epnrt:re~ta. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 3i. ~af~reu~e data ~?~? 'da r~fc-,rertee ~~at~ are i.ncludeci in t.}ii$ 7t't~~o7rt,. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013!05101 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Royal Ministry of Agriculture fate Veterinary edical Institute (b Departments & a Secretariat) Swtedish V?terinary# o ~ _________m. o~-_;-- Association 0 Veterinary Board (5 Appointed Members Scientific Advisory Committee ~ ~h$ Swedish Veterinary Association is not an official government agency9 but it is an important advisory body A~Broken connecting `l;ines indicate advisory responsibility, SOIIrCes: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013!05101 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 ~?:~~v.~e ~ ~ ~ ~~te~f.~~ Se~vi~c~~ ~ 8~e~es~ ?2959 0 ~ya~. l~.i~is~ ?~ ~~~~se Oorr~.~e~I~Chief Yle~eT'itia' 8~:i.en~iz~i~ Ad~e~.~ory Ocsm~.i~~e~ ~ls~~e~~ ~ 8~~tg~~,ie~ ~o?~ 8~i~~~ie~3 ~~~a~~ 8e~i~~ ~ ~e~ ~~.eon ~s~~ e~~ Ai~~~~tu~ ~ ~ ~e$~x~ Sex~f~~ ;~ ~~~e~a ~oe~~i ~i~e~ i~~ a~~~? ~:a~a~~~.~~.1~,~ ~c~~a~'~~a~ ~ ~ ~/~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4 Q Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/01 :CIA-RDP80R01426R009800110002-4