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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
October 28, 2005
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Publication Date: 
October 13, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80R01284A001800030053-7.pdf68.79 KB
Approved FVelease 2005/11~3 : dx-~b 8 001800030053-7 13 October 1967 Morning Meeting of 13 October 1967 DD/I briefed the Director on the preliminary assessment of the 25X1 second bucket of thel Preparations were under way for another test, perhaps around December. DD/I discussed the briefing session at NPIC yesterday for BOB personnel. DD/I noted the distribution today of a memorandum on increased Chinese interest in geodetic theodolites. Between January and Septem- ber of this year, the Chinese were negotiating for the purchase of 465 of these precise surveying instruments, which we and the USSR use to position accurately our respective ICBM's. Godfrey, replying to a request from the DDCI for comment on the report of Castro's intentions to attack Guantanamo, said there is no evidence in photographic coverage to indicate a build-up in the area. OCI will continue to watch this situation carefully. Godfrey discussed Alsop's coverage this morning on the Giap article. Kent reported that he and C/WH met yesterday with Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Oliver. Kent briefed the Director on the status of NIE 11-8, which he assured will be ready before the 26 October USIB meeting. The Director is anxious to avoid any further slippage, and if this appears likely, he would prefer instead to use the footnote medium. discussed the small number of U. S. military forces in Approved For Release 2005 ? CIA-RDP80R01284A001800030053-7 Approved Felease 20 1 2W 001800030053-7 Carver said that he has circulated for comment a draft memo- randum for Philip Goulding. It should be ready for the Director in final this afternoon. Warner noted that the Rodino bill was approved by the subcom- mittee. Bross discussed the appearances before PFIAB yesterday, which he felt had gone well. DD/S&T briefed the Director on an unusual launch from Tyura Tam yesterday. The missile was launched straight up. DD/P gave the Director a briefing paper on DD/P noted that a leftist publication in Rome has put out what is purported to be an OCI special report of 5 July 1953. We are checking on this. Approved For Release 200jPffl CIA-RDP 0 1 84A001800030053-7 25 25 25 25