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ARMY review(s) co, Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80MOl 133A000500070008-99" DCI./IC 75-1780 8 0 JUL 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Contra-]. Intelligence SUBJECT Army Clandestine IHUMIN`1' Proposals FY 77-81 1. On 21 July 1975 I met with BG Edmund Thompson, OACSI, Army (replacing )3G Gene Ko.l.loy reassigned) , and members of his staff to .review Army Clandestine ITUMIN'll proposals. Their new initiatives represent DCI and ASD (:r ) issues in the ongoing program review. A Memorandum for the Record of the meeting is attached. 2. The Array was more forthcoming in this head--to--head discussion with me, but Army ACSI again was not able to provide clear concepts and specifics of what he Army proposes t.o do against thcIn view of your personal concerns and the need to get key players together 'on those issues, I have. requested the Army to brief you on 13 August on their proposed program. General Aaron present. Dr. 1-fall's office believes he might well attend. I believe this affords us a good opportunity to address long- standing irritants and issues. Politically, it would also be well to clear the air on the PFIAB recommendation regarding IIUMINT activities of the Military Services. 3. 1 will provide you a paper highlighting major points prior to the briefing. SIGN Samuel V. Wilson Lieutenant General, USA D/DCI/IC Attachment: MFR Distribution: 0 - DCI, w/att 1 - DDCI, w/att 1 - ER, w/att ,,I - IC Registry, w/att 1 - D/DCI/IC, w/att 1 - H.B/Army I-IUMINT, w/att. 1. - IIB/Chrono - w/c at-t- 25X1 I r k, T? 1 7 K Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80MOl 133A000500070008-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 22 July 1975 SUBJECT: Meeting on Army Clandestine HUMINT Proposals FY 77-81, 21 July 1975 1. Gen Wilson met on 21 July 1975 with BG Thompson, Director of Operations, OACSI, DA, Col Spirito and Maj Ebersole on the Army Clandestine HUMINT pro osals. The meeting was attended by and HUMINT Branch. The purpose of-the meeting was to continue the on-going review of the FY 77-81 proposals as requested by the DCI in his letter of 1 April 1975. 2. Gen Wilson, in his introductory remarks, provided background to Gen Thompson, newly assigned to OACSI, on .this review of the Army Clandestine HUMINT Program. He pointed out that the Army proposals had taken on a new importance. The Senate Select Committee (SSC) had expressed specific interest in these proposals and was planning to follow closely the determinations made by the CICAG and the DCI. Gen Wilson pointed out that there were now three audiences in addition to CICAG: the White House staff; the Senate Select Committee; and the State Depart- ment. The White House was involved because of the SSC and the sensitive nature of the Army proposals. The SSC has made specific inquiries into this matter. The White House staff could choose in this case to protect sensitive intelligence operations from undesirable exposure. The State Department is involved in its principal foreign affairs role and by its responsibility for monitoring the presence of US Government representatives overseas. 3. Following his introductory comments Gen Wilson stated the central questions: Is strategic clandestine collection a proper Army mission? -If so, is what the Army proposes a valid, viable way to accomplish the mission? Gen Thompson and Col Spirito responded along SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 I Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 the line that the Army believed itself justified in doing what was important to the Army. This is reinforced by the expertise of Army people on Army matters. Gen Thompson indicated that the Army effort would be in cooperation with others so far as possible. Col Spirito described the Army initiatives as small, representing a refocusing of existing resources so as to provide a more important and better intelligence product on priority matters, principally in. support of R&D and doctrine. 4. Gen Wilson summarized his understanding of why the Army wished to increase its strategic intelligence capability. a. The Army's requirements for clandestine intelligence were not being satisfied by CIA, there- fore they considered it appropriate to take. steps to meet these requirements with its. own resources. b. The Army should have a clandestine HUMINT capability for times of international crisis and especially in wartime. c. Army expertise makes the Army best equipped to satisfy Army requirements. d. In many areas of the world Army has cnpri a1 access because of its locations. In discussing these Gen Wilson asked if the Army could provide specific cases where the DDO response was inadequate. Col Spirito said that the Army could provide such informa- tion. Gen Wilson asked if the Army had had any successes in the proposed type of clandestine collection recently. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 I,- Vi I I- I 5. In summarizing the Army's case fora role in clandestine intelligence, Gen Wilson pointed out: "a" above could probably be corrected; "b": the need for a capability is valid; "c": the special expertise of the military to understand their own requirements and to deal with them has some alternatives; "d": access of the military is a strong argument. The question next arises: Is what the Army proposes the best way to do what is needed? Further, could the Army do what it proposes to do? The concept(s) is/are not clear. Gen Thompson stated that he agreed to the need for a_well-conceived concept for all these proposals. 6. Gen Wilson urged the Army to proceed in a number of aspects of its HUMINT program. Certain projects MG Aaron had very effectively identified and activated such as the Foreign Officer Contact Program, and the Domestic 'Exploitation Program. They had merit and the Army is well suited for them without question. 7. Gen Wilson proposed to Gen Thompson that the Army should clean up their proposed clandestine programs defining the concepts and details in the form of a pre- sentation to the DCI in the next few weeks. The purpose of this briefing would be to provide the DCI a clear under- standing of what the Army wishes to do in clandestine HUMINT, its justification, and the alternatives considered. Following the discussion with Mr. Colby, the Army could refine and revise their FY 77-81 program for a subsequent presentation in the first two weeks of September along with the other Services. The first briefing for Mr. Colby would be in a somewhat restricted audience. The ASD(I) would be invited. In the meantime, the CICAG would address the clandestine HUMINT programs of the Air Force and the Navy. Gen Wilson proposed a final presentation to the DCI consisting of the Army, Navy and Air Force Clandestine HUMINT Programs. He would invite to attend for a final resolution of clandestine HUMINT problems. AC HB ICS Di tribution: - Army HUMINT file l - Chrono 1 - CICAG : z.le 1 - HD Chrono DCI/IC/HD/ICS, (22Jul, retyped 23 Jul) 3 ISECR'ET Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80M01133A000500070008-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80MO1133A000500070008-9 INTELLIGENCE U O M UN ITY STAFF SUMMARY INTERNAL COORDINATION ~._~....., Subject: . Army Clandestine . IHUMINT Proposals FY 77-81 The MFR of your meeting is included to highlight major issues. what has taken. place following the,CICA ee ing. on 13 August. and I can fill in You may wish to invit.el to attend the briefing 25X1 25X1 RECOMMENDATIQN: your signature of proposed memo to the Director. ," Action Officer: Title and Signature I Initials Coordination ,._ M_.P one Number General Wilson SSignature 9093 ' Approved For Release 2008/04/08: CIA-RDP80MO1133A000500070008-9