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7 Approved For Release 2004/09/03: Cl I1f 1133A000100200003-3 13 N11 'x-775 cu i 11. A RI., Dlr*ator of A-ttaeh*d sour awrawal JAZIC, for tb* cy st tts "A ths AI is t the rb* to and 25X1 I,, hw t o #U . ,, 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 ;W IN Approved For Release 2004/09/0 SR. T Tf 80M01133A000100200003-3 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 : 01133A000100200003-3 Approved For Release-2004 OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 2 Director of Central Inte lience 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPM L DI$ ATCH - c'.F OWMENDATION C-OWENT FILE RETi: M __ CONCURRENCE INFORMATIOPB SIGNATURE RemarITS: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME'. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE__ E. H. Knoche, AD/DCI/IC, 7E09 HqS. e, "V FeRM NO. f)) Use previous Editions GPO: 1974 O - 535.857 aDD !r 1-67 Approved, For Release, 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP80MQ1 I33A000100200003-3 SENDER WILL. CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM SECRET Approved For Release 2004/09/03. LCFl0M01133A000100200003-3 2 4 NOV 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, USIB Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee (JAEIC) 1. The purpose of this Letter of Instruction is to identify matters to which I expect the JAEIC to give particu- lar attention and tasks which I expect the JAEIC to accomplish during FY 1976 in support of my Intelligence Community respon- sibilities. 2. The statements of responsibilities and functions as set forth in DCID 7'6 and DCID 3/3 continue to apply, but additionally I instruct you to: a. Provide me in March 1976 with an assessment of the current and projected capabilities of intelli- gence resources, including the Atomic Energy Detection System, to satisfy the nuclear test detection, location and yield determination intelligence requirements arising from a Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT). b. Continue the development of the data and analytical techniques which will provide the yield determination and other findings needed for treaty monitoring and which will provide a basis for assessing the validity'of Soviet data provided in accordance with the TTBT. Be prepared to report the results of this development to me shortly'-prior to the time the treaty is submitted to the Senate for ratification. c. Assess the ability of selected foreign countries to protect their nuclear weapons and nuclear materials from theft or diversion. This assessment should be done in conjunction with ERDA, the DoD and other U.S. Government 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 : SE-6 O ,40113 k-1 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 : 01133A000100200003-3 agencies with parallel responsibilities for the security of U.S. weapons and U.S. nuclear materials in foreign countries. This study may be limited to those countries which are producing or storing their own plutonium or highly enriched uranium in kilogram quantities and in chemical forms more accessible to terrorist exploitation than, for example, irradiated fuel elements. I would like this assessment furnished to me no later than June 1976. e 3. In carrying out this year's program you should: a. Coordinate Community collection and analytical activities which are intended to respond to the relevant KIQ on nuclear proliferation and provide an annual report to the NIO/SP on progress in fulfilling the KIQ and on the need for a new national estimate. b. Maintain a continuing review of ongoing research and development into satellite sensors, radiation detectors and environmental sampling techniques to determine the compatibility of such programs with priority strategic intelligence needs and to ensure that they are cost effective and that they complement the capabilities of other sensors and techniques. c. Periodically review the performance of operational technical intelligence collection systems primarily intended to respond to nuclear intelligence requirements to ensure that they are cost competitive and cost effective and that they are contributing to the highest priority nuclear intelli- gence requirements. d. Conduct continuing assessments of the U.S. capability to identify rapidly and positively the movement of Soviet nuclear weapons outside the Soviet Union. Provide to me by May 1976 a report on the status of the sensors, the operations,, the analytical programs and the demonstrated and potential effectiveness of the reporting in support of U.S. policy needs. 'AusOL W. E. Colby 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 RDP80M01133A000100200003-3 RE I Apprpv6c~ For Release 2004/09/03 : A- M01133A000100200003-3 Distribution: Orig. - Adsee. (Return to IC Reg. for USIB Sec.) 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - AD/DCI/IC 4 - CS/ICS 1 - IC Registry Originated: JAEICI (3 Nov 75) DCI/IC,S/CS/k (11 Nov 75 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 : C =01133A000100200003-3 Approved'For Release 2004/09/(@6$91133A0001002000033 effective 1 July 1975 Terms of Reference of the SUBCOMMITTEE ON. ENERGY of the Economic Intelligence Committee A. Authority Pursuant to the provisions of Director of Central Intelligence Directive No. 1/3, 3 December 1974, a permanent Subcommittee on Energy of the Economic Intelligence Committee is hereby established. B. Mission The mission of the Subcommittee is to encourage the most effective use of the full economic and technical talent on energy matters available in or to the Government in meet- ing the needs of US policymakers for intelligence support on world energy problems. C. Functions To fulfill its mission, the Subcommittee will: 1. Serve as a forum to exchange information on and discuss problems encountered in research on energy issues, identify information collection deficiencies, con- sider gaps or duplication in intelligence production, and examine the adequacy of dissemination of the intelligence product in the energy field. 2. Keep the EIC and NIO for Economics and Energy informed of the results of the Subcommittee's work as an aid to the continuing assessment of the degree to which intelligence production is meeting the needs of US policymakers. Approved For Release. 2004/Q9/O 6FAI-RBPF( 1 133A000100200003=3. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 : CIA-RDP80M01133A000100200003-3 CONFIDENTIAL 3. Conduct studies or surveys, as required or as directed by the EIC, to serve as a basis for recommendations to appropriate officials regarding possibilities for improve- ment in the use of resources devoted to energy intelligence. D. Organization 1. The Members, Associate Members, and Observers of the Economic Intelligence Committee constitute the member- ship of the Subcommittee. 2. Representatives may designate alternates to serve in their absence. Other persons whose presence would contribute to Subcommittee activities may be invited to participate, subject to approval by the Chairman. 3. Working groups may be formed at the discretion of the Chairman. 4. The Subcommittee will be supported by an Executive Secretary. E. Procedures . 1. The Subcommittee on Energy will meet at least semiannually, or at more frequent intervals at the request of the Chairman or any of the Members. 2. Security clearance levels required for the continuing conduct of Subcommittee business will be established by the Chairman. Participating organizations will provide the Executive Secretary with certification of the clearances of representatives, alternates, and other personnel. Security clearance levels for working groups will be governed by the classification of material being considered by the particular working group. .3. An agenda and minutes of all proceedings will be distributed to the Subcommittee by the Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary will maintain a list of representa- tives, designated alternates, and any other personnel associ ated with the Subcommittee in any significant way. 4. Findings and recommendations of the?Subcom- mittee will be referred to the Chairman, Economic Intelligence Committee. EIC/S - -2 - 1 July 1975 Approved For Release 2004/09/03 CIA-RDP80MO1133A000100200003-3 A N O UNCLASSIFIED O L OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 D/DCI/IC 2 DCI 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: You asked about tasking JAEIC to assess the economic potential of nuclear power. This is already under consideration by the EIC Subcommittee on Energy (see copy of terms of reference attached). 'loth JAEhC and STIC have representatives on that subcommittee. As further insurance that nothing falls between the cracks, I have asked your NIO/ Economics and Energy to meet periodically with representatives from JAEIC, STIC, EIC and the IC Staff to exchange views in the whole area of energy . I attach a copy of my memorandum for your review. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE E. H. n che, AD/DCI/IC, 7 E 09 Hqs pr 9103 CIA- i 1,11 o, 3 UNCLASSIFIED -9 9 CONFIDENT ~W IA4 Approved For Release 2004/0 OFFICIAL ROUTING -SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE= INITIALS 1 D/DCI/IC 2 Director of Central Inte ll ence 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY P?EPAPE REPLY APPrO{AL DISPATCH P.ECONMERDATION COiR.MENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : -- `?" ti FOLD fiERE TO RETURN TO SENDER Ff?OM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE E. H. Knoche, AD/DCI/IC, 7E09 Hqs. UI/CIASSIFI Cd~~+iF11Iet~5`IAL SE:fsliE"~' FPM ~a. 237 Uu previous editions GPO : 1574 O - 535-857 I-67 Approved for Release 2004/09/03: CIA-RDP80M01133A000100200003-3 NFIDENTIAL SECRET CTION OFFICE USPENSE DATE . I called office 25X1 this morning, and_he responded by bringing up his proposed LOI. You may recall we had only a few minor changes to'suggest in his first draft. These have been made as per our suggestions, and I have prepared a forwarding memorandum. to the DCI for your signature. Recommend you sign and forward so this 'action can follow closely the DCI's announcement of I las the new Chairman, JAEIC. 25X1 25X1 Note: suggestion re the 25X1 JAEIC production in support of. the Conference of the ICIS has been checked out. The task is due to be finished r.76 shortly, however, and is not considered to be significant enough to warrant singling out from other support JAEIC regularly provides to the NIOs such as inputs to NIE 11-3/8 etc. Approved For Release 2004/09103 : CIA-RDP80MOl133A000100200003-3 Approved FMTlMALUQEd'AQM9M0i WM 19 November 1975 NOTE FOR: The Director You asked about tasking JAEIC to assess the economic potential of nuclear power. This is under purview of the EIC Subcommittee of Energy. Both JAEIC and STIC have representatives on that subcommittee. As further insurance that nothing falls between the cracks, I have asked your NIO/Eco- nomics and Energy to meet periodically with representatives from JAEIC, STIC, EIC and the IC Staff to exchange views in the whole area of energy. I attach a copy of my memorandum for your review. Believe you can go ahead and sign off on the JAEIC LOI as drafted. 25X1 E. . Knoche AD/DCI/IC Approved For Release 2004 f rgDP80M01133A0001002000 TTOM UNCLASSIFIED D OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIA 1 D/DCI/IC 2 Director~of'-Central Inte li ence C- 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : ay:2 A FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE c e CT/IC 7E09 Hqs. ? UNCLA FI nm FONM NO. 237 Use previous editions