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Document Release Date: 
July 25, 2006
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Publication Date: 
April 12, 1974
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Approved For Release 2006/c IIE -R DP80M01082A000300030005-5 DCI/IC 74-0377 INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORKING GROUP Minutes of 74-3 Meeting IC Staff Conference Room Central Intelligence Agency 12 April 1974 at 1030 hours Director, Management, Planning and Resource Review Gro lli ence Community Staff Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Richard Curl, Department of State Mr. Jack Tams, Central Intelligence Agency Mr. James Mayer, Department of Defense Mr. Arnold Donahue, Office of Management & Budget OBSERVERS PRESENT Mr. Richard Ober, National Security Council Staff 7 Defense Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Air Force Special National Security Agency Intelligence Community Staff Intelligence Community Staff Intelligence Community Staff Intelligence Community Staff Intelligence Community Staff /t; MORIDIF Intelligence Community Staff De uty Executive Secretary, IRAC Executive Secretary, IRAC Working Group FILE COPY Return to IC Reg Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80M0l - Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80nnn1nsz2nnnn~nnnti_~ SECRET 1. Mr. Mayer, reporting,for Mr. Vance, provided status reports according to the agreed format on several of the issue studies being monitored by the Working Group. It was agreed this type of reporting would continue and, by late April, be submitted to IRAC members as a status report for mail distribution. 2. ubmitted an agreed report from the Resource Packages sub-group containing an outline of Resource Package studies and an identity of subject areas nominated for study. Inasmuch as this report constitutes recommendations to the IRAC Working Group, there was discussion concerning the detail of the outline, the appropriateness of the subjects, and the consideration of other subjects than those nominated. A suggestion that the major area of SIGINT be studied was countered by a suggestion that the first effort be a pilot study of a smaller and 25X1 more manageable subject. The Working Group then listened to 25X1 s presentation on the IC Staff hich, among of er t ings, is an example of a resource package-type study. Following this briefing, and in view of the complexity of this relatively narrow subject, the Chairman concluded that the sub-group should give further consideration to the subject and scope of a pilot study. 3. Reports to the IRAC and the schedule for the next IRAC meeting was discussed, looking to a meeting about mid-May. Since an issue studies report will be made to Principals by mail, the agenda for the meeting probably will include (a) a financial plan report by DIA, (b) a report on FY 74 IRAC Management Objectives and proposals for FY 75 IRAC Objectives, and (c) a report on resource package work. NSA volunteered that the proposal for a National SIGINT Plan might be briefed to the IRAC. 4. The Working Group will meet again on Tuesday, 23 April, at 1330 to discuss the issue studies mail report, the resource packages and IRAC management objectives. 5. The meeting adjourned at 1230. Executive Secretary F SET Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80M0l082A000300030005-5