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Document Release Date: 
July 31, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 6, 1963
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Approved For Release 2006/08/01 : CIA-RDP80M01048A001500120012-2 Ob USA- ONLY,. elk ICLASS CLASSIFICATION) . I ani asking the General Counsel to be the action office in solicit- 63-,67 ACTION MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Action Memorandum No. A4484 Date 6 f epternber 1963 TO JUDJG%.1 C_anefdat.sss for Imtesnship in congros atonal operations REFERENCE: grade level to acquire a thorough understanding of Congressional operations. The prograu provides for a period of Orientation from 12 Noverr bor to 20 Dec. eem- opportunity for a small rnurther of carefully selected administrators at-#t:idd -I. You will recall that at the Zxeecutive Cosa mittee r eetin on Septet ber I advised that we had received an invitation fro n the U. S. Civil Service Cormrllisston to nominate candidates for the 1963-64 internship in Con- gressional operations. This is conducted by the Civil Service Commission in cooperation with the American 'i oliticai Scieaece Association. and provides an y the American Political Science Association. In January the interns begin full-time work assigatnents in a Cs ressr non s office or with a House coram: ittee, and in May they transfer to the Senate. The internships terminate not later than 15 Augut so it requires a period of about '3 months. The grade level is 05-11 through 0S-14, and we should have an understanding that the individual plane to stake the Agency his or her career. This oilers an unparalleled opportunity for an Agency officer to acquire experience in Congressional operations, preferably in order to qualify for an appointment to the staff of the Legislative Counsel. It is something we can do without becoming involved with partisan politics in view of its sponsorship. General Counsel office, after the receipt of the nominations, disc us-, the candidates tag nominations front all components, perhaps doing this through an Agency notice or an announce ment at component staff meetings. I request that the SUSPENSE DATE: ? MORI/CDF Approved For Release 2006/08/01 : CIA-RDP80M01048A001500120012-2 Ck J(NAL USE ONLY(j with the Director of Personnel and Inyself, and I hope we will be able to come up with an outstanding candidate who will be selacted by the Civil Service Commission for the Internship. In view of the fact that the peogram only sponsors a total of 10 from the entire executive ,ranch,, agar csaeiidate will have to be extremely well Qualified in order to be selected. The dandijae for nominations is 27 September, and I would like to have all nominations into the General Counsel's office by not later than 20 September. Components should be reassured that the individual will be removed from their T/C3 and budget during the period of internship and will be carried by the Agency. (signed) B. Kirkpatrick Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Executive Director cc: DD/I DD/ P DD/S DD/S&T Comptroller Inspector General D/Personnel LB K: drm Distribution: All addressees noted above 1 - ER ll- ExDir