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25X1 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80M01048AO01100200033-4 Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80M01048AO01100200033-4 M 1' '2d 2d86htefi k91A7RDP80M01048 1100200033 A ' By Ernest Volknian Newsday, National Correspondent U.S. officials have put strict,securit wraps-over a lecture 'b y' a.leadingRussian .physicist-including seizure of the- blackboard on which . he;'.wrote:; equations--given to 'an audience of American scien tists that revealed. significant Soviet breakthroughs in: top-secret fusion.research,, U.S. intelligence sources: The physicist's revelations; which-came uring "a talk last summer at a:leading U S.-'nuclear:weapons research laboratory, astonished his scientific-audience .because, the sources say, they showed what appeared Soviets. : { According'to Pentagon experts,' the. disc. osures5 caused concern that the Soviets are nearing, a.. "I don't know who made the decision," said one U.S. intelligence official, "but it seems to have a kind of Alice in Wonderland atmosphere about it The idea1is' to keep our secrets from the Russians, not theotherl? way around=-The idea of classifyin' the blackboard really seems 'out of nine: t What did they : expect- somebody would stick it:under his aim and walk home] 'None. of the scientists o, .government officials Involved in the incident wil discuss the case .One ' scientist familiar: with the Soviet physicist's talk said f:he could not even the decision to:classify the talk came about, since-the Llassificationguidelines themselves are,' classified.: Soviet officials would _hot`t 'Last July, Rudakov came t;othe.Uniied S'tates as-1 part of a scientific,exchange program to discuss Soviet;? ;;research' developments in talks::_before :`American'1 weapon. One possibility, they.said, is a Soviet attempt~` to build a ."gigaton". hydrogen bomb, whose explosive; power would be equal to, 1_ billion tons of;TNT (The, power of. the atomic.bomb dropped;an Hiroshima= equalled 15,000:. tons.);.;;:; Additionally,-thermonuclear' fusion. has important take decades. to develop one-would produce infinitely more ' energy thank it would use.;'Current .energy;- producers; such as. oil or standard, nuclear power plants, consume .huge amounts`-of fuel to -produce relatively small amounts of energy, Such as electricity::- It is unclear why the physicist, Leonid I- Rudakov;, revealed sensitive portions of Soviet research'efforts.'' U.S. officials believe the disclosure was deliberate, since Rudakov; as an administrator at the Kurchatovy weapons design,, wes perfectly, dware-of the. signifi_ cance of his remarks, The Soviets, the officials believe;`. probably wanted to'warn,the Americans of;whatl weapons they were prepared to develo if the US: p -. failed to reach a strategic arms limitation agreement: The security clampdown, the sources said,'has'led research- material, is unnecessarily' classified, since.:: other scientists in the . international 'scientific comma=? nity know of the developments .anyway. Classifying scientists z r'_E 1 ?As part of the itinerary, Rudakov appeared at the;. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory jri'California one ofd ..the leading American centers for .nuclear weapons ;research. In a talk, outlining his ideas, Rudakov gave a detailed analysis' ofhow .the -Soviets .had `mastered: conversion of electron=beam energy"into forms suite ble for making target pellets os' fissionable material, a l ;:.significant step in the solution of the massive-problem .,of hamessing fusion:power,In the process,.Rudako -.'According to 'one`source, `'Mouths dropped open all 1over the- room".';as- nearly 100 American scientists oay, 0111 ;e Ilia usual rationale Ior ciassl I C r is to prevent the Soviets frd Fl e~4 .2006/02/07: CIA-RDP80M01048AO01100200033-4 rov EL~l Approved ,eiease 2006/02/07: CIA-RDP80M011001100200p33-4 C qI- 1istened; -for Rudako t was ou'tl iriizrg fop secret level= :opmonts in the.Soti etprogr:.m and revealing thei , direction of fuLure, oviqt thrmonuclear weapons designs. ImtnediaLe after his talk sources said , , security officials sJvised.the- Americans in the audience that - the .-alk:. was classified, including =Rudakov's blackbo; t rd : notat ons,: ;and seized :-the: ?'blackboar-d..Subsequt ntly, the sources said,, security" U.S. nuclear .researc`i Iaboratcries advising them to --"play dumb".. if aske:.,about' R udakov's talk: Essentially; fusioi:`ie the-formation of a` heavier i:fission, 'which'is the.: plitting o' a heavy nucleus into two approximately ec,,Wparts, which, releases a large amount of energy. FE; Sion is the process that underlies 'anatomic bomb, wh :.e' fusion : was used to make the ?:,hydrogen .bomb,:: so,c sled beca use hydrogen isotopes ' The problem witl fusion is that it takes very hot emperatures to ; beg. the'pro ess: - In the hydrogen :bomb, a fission bomb i first exp oded to cause the heat hat: begins the fusi n, proces:,::However;; fusion is s, : use. , nce-the.rote: s., is' controlled;`.the scientists C ...eveiituaIly:could;ev_n,build=a so called doomsday-.1 bomb that would rele, se.awesomne:amounts of energy, Approved For Release 2006/02/07 : CIA-RDP80M0l048A001100200p33-4