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Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80M01048A000400090004-7 0 SECRET Memorandum for Holders USIB/IRAC-D-22. 1/17 19 June 1974 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD INTELLIGENCE RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM FOR HOLDERS OF USIB /IRAC-D-22.1 / 17 SUBJECT Objectives for the Intelligence Community for FY 1975 REFERENCES a. USIB/IRAC-D-22. 1/17, 11 June 1974 b. USIB-M-670, 13 June, 1974, Item 5 meeting (reference b. ). The attached letter to the President from the Director of Central Intelligence forwards the final version of the subject Objectives. This version incorporates the changes discussed at the 13 June USIB Executive Secretary See Attached Dist. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80MO1048A000400090004-7 ?achmerit CEG ET morandum for Holders USIB/IRAC-D-22. 1/17 19 June 1974 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 18 June 1974 The President The White House Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: Thank you for your most encouraging letter of March 22, 1974, and its reinforcement of your earlier directives that I assume leadership of the Intelligence Community. Since taking the oath in your presence last September 4th to fulfill these duties, I am pleased to report a general spirit of cooperation and collaboration among the different elements of the Intelligence Community. The committee structures established in your November 5, 1971, directive (National Security Council Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee, and the reconstituted United States Intelligence Board) have been useful vehicles for the determination of substantive and resource questions affecting the Intelligence Community. During Fiscal Year 1974 we have been implementing the Objectives approved in your letter of September 25, 1973. I hope the annual report on these Objectives, to be filed after the end of the fiscal year, will be satisfying to you. A number of steps have been taken which in my view improve the responsiveness of the Intelligence Community to your needs, those of the National Security Council, and those of the Congress. Specific steps of an organiza- tional and procedural character have also been taken to focus the Intelligence Community on higher priority needs and to increase the effectiveness of our collection and analytical operations. A fundamental element of my attempt to respond to your long- term goals of November 5, 1971, is the effort to establish Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80M01048A000400090004-7 SECRE substantive intelligence needs as the driving force for the Intelligence Community. Organization, evaluation and resource allocation should seek the satisfaction of such intelligence require- ments. I am pleased to report a general acceptance of a new venture in this area, the identification of Key Intelligence Questions for Fiscal Year 1974, which your September 25th letter encouraged me to produce. This guidance for what the Intelligence Community should cover will be used as the base point for the evaluation of our effectiveness at the end of the fiscal year. We are still working out the details to implement this process fully, but I intend to ensure that the substantive intelligence needs of our customers dominate discussions and decisions about the Intelligence Community. Carrying on the process described above, and still responsive to your November 5, 1971, long-term goals, I submit herewith for your approval the Objectives of the Intelligence Community for Fiscal Year 1975. The first group of these I have termed "Substantive Objectives, " describing the output I believe you would expect of the Intelligence Community during Fiscal Year 1975. These Substantive Objectives would be used as the base for the development of more detailed Key Intelligence Questions which I would issue to the Intelligence Community with the approval of the National Security Council Intelligence Committee. A second set is named "Resource Management Objectives, " dealing with the interaction of the members of the Intelligence Community and the allocation of resources to and among them. These Objectives will be reflected in my December submission to you of recommendations for the national foreign intelligence program, including tactical intelligence. Milestones have been established for the measurement and evaluation of progress toward satisfaction of these two sets of Objectives, and they will become the basis for my annual report to you of how effectively the Intelligence Community performs during Fiscal Year 1975. A copy of the Milestones has been provided to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. AnnrnuPrl For RPlPasP 200gI : Approved For Release 2006/ 7/2.lCRE fDP80M01048A000400090004-7 SI, I would welcome your approval, modification or discussion in the National Security Council Intelligence Committee of these recommended Objectives for 1975. Respectfully and sincerely, (signed) W. E. Colby Enclosure Objectives for FY 1975 SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00400090004-7 SECRET 0 SUBSTANTIVE OBJECTIVES 1. Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive assess- ments of Soviet policies and intentions in the political, security and economic fields, to include the dynamics of and factors affecting Soviet leadership and decision making. 2. Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive informa- tion and assessments of current and future Soviet military and political capabilities to exert influence or power outside the USSR, especially with respect to the United States, its forces and its allies, and other key areas such as the Middle East and China. In particular, monitor Soviet compliance with the Strategic Arms Limitation agreements, the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Mutual Balanced Force Reduction, and similar negotiations. 3. Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive informa- tion and assessments of Chinese internal and external policies and capabilities with respect to the United States, its allies, the USSR, Southeast Asia, and the Third World. 4. Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive informa- tion and assessments on political and security situations or crises significantly affecting US interests or requiring US action (e.g., Arab-Israeli relations, South and Southeast Asia, the European Community, Latin America). 5. Provide reliable, timely and comprehensive informa- tion and assessments relevant to US international economic policy decisions and negotiations. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80M01048A000400090004-7 SECRET RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES 1. Evaluate the performance of the Intelligence Community in meeting the substantive objectives contained in selective FY 1974 Key Intelligence Questions, and report the conclusions to the National Security Council Intelligence Committee for review and comment. Present Key Intelligence Questions for FY 1975 to the NSCIC for approval. 2. Review the programs of the Intelligence Community in the Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee and submit to the President, through the Office of Management and Budget, recommendations for a consolidated intelligence program budget, including tactical intelligence. Support the President's Intelligence Budget before the Congress. 3. Provide leadership and guidance to the Intelli- gence Community, with the advice and assistance of the United States Intelligence Board, with respect to: a. The production of national intelligence responsive to Key Intelligence Questions developed with principal consumers and approved by the National Security Council Intelligence Committee to fulfill Presidentially- approved Substantive Objectives; b. Formal and informal collaboration of the individual agencies and staffs of the Intelligence Community, to ensure the priority requirements of policymaking officials are clearly understood and reflected in resource allocations and that timeliness, objectivity and clarity of intelligence products are achieved without unnecessary duplication; c. The interaction of national and tactical intelligence to contribute both to national intelli- gence and to force readiness; d. The proper integration of all intelligence to produce the best possible results; e. The protection of intelligence sources and methods; and SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00400090004-7 0 SECRET 0 f. Longer-term projection for planning of intelli- gence needs in the years ahead. 4. Stimulate research, development and application of techniques and procedures to improve intelligence collection, processing, analysis, production and presentation, with particular attention to product improvements and cost savings. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80MO1048AO00400090004-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/07/28: CIA-RDP80MO1048A000400090004-7