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May 6, 1958
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0 6 Mr 1958 Sim-Soviet Bloc Credits and Grants end Won-I~ii i a..x Tec ci s in Fr World Undexdevs o d C trive The following ftta indicates the extent and distribution of Sino iet Bloc create and. grants to Free World an v o countries the period I Jan a: 3 .954 through 30 April 195 Sint-Sovie Bloc extended r $2.0 billion in crdita and g .te, of which about $400 nillian for the purchme of am s. During 197 an eeti t Is 6W Bloc Industrial, agricultural and. other professional specialists were mrk1.> in the d . r g' d co WM. lee Since 1955 .e, Soviet oc has made. a tay 140 industrial projects in the loped cootriex of the Free World. It is ecti ted that it least 30 rce nt of these projects have been em plated and axe currently In o rr tion,o 40 percent In rsa?io c t c of c truction, and about 22 percent are atiU in the survey stage. Status of the balance cannot the determined f~mm a ' ble info, lion. Mae industrial jeots constructed or in operation in the underdaraloped c atriea inc1r e not only V1n installations such as brill a, comat pl to , auger refineriee,ee r textile factories but clao tba uud of petro ez oration p , variam pies of e ectrifieation projects and the c s of capital egeuipmut. Hany of the indutria faeillIt.?e wA : have been coed Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0 ? ? axe being fixated by Bloc $ c1 i tt who are traini low parsonuel to tkt over a nt and cps-ration t is at s later date. (See. tablbelow) Free World U d _L.7'.o d Co atrie 1 Janes 1954-30 APril 1958 Miluon 22A Totem, Sino? Soviet Bloc USSR Eu n Satellites C Ohm Afgbaaietan 161 break on available Blu'Ra 42 38 4 a. 22 22 Ceylon 60 30 26 Eft 505 175 330 Iceland 5 a India 302 26 34 Indmesir 120 W 100 9 11 New 13 13 Sy- 294 223 71 key YUBDolavia Latin America 3..0 10 60 A= bn able 464 348 116 a TOML 2,066 Bfty be .ss etanti = larger o Includes ,1 credite or grant-a to other nations. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0 ? I stunt Sin--Soviet Bloc Ilon ailito ' Te___i in Free World U rdu Ca triR& x.957 Ca Total Siv*' Soviet Bloc USSR Otter B1e Afgbanistaa 455 420 35 Argentina Livia Brazil 50 VY 50 Bea 65 50 10 Casa 30 15 15 Ceylon Chile 5 5 w w Rapt 36 50 310 Greece 10 5 5 India 280 180 100 y7xdouesla 105 5 100 Iran Mexico 5 w a/ Pommy w a/ Syria 110. 110 Sudan 10 10 'Turkey 15 a/ 15 YQMan 55 20 35 Y a Vi --5-0- 40 10 TMAL a~Ji ~ leae beiio 2,600 to 795 pre mat during the Period. 805 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/24: CIA-RDP80MO1009AO01502510015-0