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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/04/30: CIA-RDP80MO1009A000701110011-8 1NIcCone Holdings Suggest Conflict By Drew Pearson Some of the Democrats who shouted loudly and con- tinuously about conflicts of interest in the Eisenhower delighted to put their stock In General Motors and Ford In trust, but were not permitted to do so. ' Effects on Israel It happens that Standard of California and Standard of New Jersey control the Ara- bian American Oil Co., which operates perhaps the most fabulous oil concession in the world, with reserves estimated to last around 100 years. It also happens that the Near East is a field where Central Intelligence has played an all-powerful role and usually swung its weight against Israel, the only demo- cratic country In that area. The CIA has probably in- fluenced policy more than the State Department, and it has nearly always sided with the oil companies. Here are some illustrations of how events have been in- fluenced in the Near East: Illustration No. 1-In 1952, CIA maneuvered an Egyptian revolt that kicked out King Farouk and substituted the Naguib-Nasser rule. This may or may not have been a good thing, but there Is no ques- tion but that the coup was organized by CIA, that It led to the strengthening of Egyptl in the Arab world. Illustration No. 2 - When John Foster Dulles sent George Allen, then Assistant Secretary of State, with a spe- cial message to President Nasser, it was the Central In- telligence director for the Near East, Kim Roosevelt, who told Nasser to ignore the Dulles message. Illustration No. 3 - During the Suez war of 1956, it was Central Intelligence - which in making his decisions. These though he leans over hack- reports may have been com- word to be Impartial in his pletely conscientious and judgments, should not be' s accurate. But they ought not big stockholder in companies' to be made by a director who likely to profit from his de- has heavy investments in the cisions. major American oil companies Illustration No. 7-It was affected by the Suez,war. CIA which secretly organ- Ilustration No. 4-Just prior ized the political maneuver to the Suez war, Nasser put which kicked Premier Mossa- the bite on the Arabian- degh out of Iran. He had American Oil Co., through his seized the Anglo?Iranian oil friend King Saud of Saudi refinery. Anglo-Iranian Is a Arabia, to collect $200 million competitor of Aramco. The of advance oil royalties. This head of CIA, with oil stock, was used, directly, to purchase should not be In a position the huge arsenal of Czech where he has to undertake op- arms which Egypt amassed on orations for or against com- Israel's border prior to the petitors of the companies in Suez war. It was this build-up which he has an interest. of arms that touched off the Illustration No. 8-The oil. war. rich sheikdom of Kuwait Profits vs. Strategy right now is in throes of Illustration No. '5-During trouble with oil-rich Iraq. Brit- the Suez war, Syria served an ain gets most of its oil from ultimatum that it would cut Kuwait. Some of Kuwait's oil the pipelines crossing her ter- also goes to Sun 011, Union ritory If any American oil Oil, and Gulf-all competitors were sold to the French and of Standard of New Jersey and British. The United States Standard of California in promptly curtailed all oil ship- which McCone holds heavy menta to the French and Brit? interest. ish. The CIA Director, who Again, a CIA director, no must necessarily participate in matter how conscientious, such a decision, should not be should not be a man who di= a heavy stockholder in oil rectly or indirectly must companies that are affected, handle operations which could affect his own companies or Illustration No. 6-During his competitors. the first three months of NOTE-McCone's wholly 1957, immediately following owned Joshua Hendy shipping the Suez crisis, Standard of line with his partner, State's New Jersey raked in the huge Marine '(which got the prize Income of $237,000,000-16 per atomic merchant ship Savan- cent more than in the same pe- nah contract when McCone riod of the previous year. In was atomic chairman), got $2 the same period, California million in charter hire con. jumped its profits 13 per cent. tracts from Standard of Cal'- This resulted directly from the fornia In 1960 and they have Snrz . rri ate and a. rranifant lion of John new chief no new chief of Cen- _!t ministration - especially the dubious posi- conflicts in the' Kennedy Ad-t This column was one which helped expose some of the conflicts among Eisenhower officials, therefore feels 'obli. gated to do the same with Democrats. One of McCone's most im- portant. Investments is, In Standard. Oil of California and.Standard Oil of New Jer- sey. He has been a director of the former, and its report to stockholders as of Aug. 1, 1961, lists him as owning 18,318 shares, on top of which he received a stock dividend of 915 shares, which,, at the current value of $53.50, gives the new CIA chief an invest- ment of $1,028,965.50 iij Stand- ard of California. This makes him the second biggest stockholder in a com- pany whose profits and fu- ture are materially influenced by Central Intelligence. McCone, when up for con- firmation to past Govern- ment' posts, has declined to sell his stock in these oil com. panics but put S them In a trust. Secretaries of Defense Charley Wilson and. Robert McNamara would have been sent In the reports that boost In the price of oil. The guided President Eisenhower man who heads CIA, even continued to do a profitable business with it since. _k_.~ -~_...~.,.... leap larp!~- i.. a Mfl .?A~~~