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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/08 :CIA-RDP80M01009A000701110010-9 Y LCC >aT:ISIIIIhLOII lfl Cl'Y'3'~lsO~dCOAIIQY THl \\'A5111':CG'fON POST if~edncsdnp, l?,n. 24, 17/2 ~~.'L By Dreto Penrsore. Senators who questioned Bohn AlcCone, new Central In? tclligcncc Chief, last week FCCmed nlnat COnCCrrlcd nbOnl his position nsr- -?,,,::,-.--~ one of 171c big- !r" \ ; holders inf' Standard Oil( o f California.' t ~ . f~'. In the back ,~ .. of their minds -- ~ t was tlic lotto- } epee this might ~? \ }~, t h avc nn Mc? iVj C o n c's CIA pcm?son recomm c n d a- tions regarding Arabian oil, Israel, and one of.Nic world's key trouble sPOts~ihe 1\car L?'ast. Senators who listened do Mc? Cone's cool, quiet denials that his 51,000,000 personal invest- ment in Standard of Cali~or? nln would influence his d ci- sions, did not know that only one night before she had had dinner with Ted Peterson, long-time head of ~ Slandatd of California. Pctcrson'had come to \Vash-' ington for the express purpose of using phis personal influence and charm on any Senators who might be opposed to Mr Cone's confirmation; and con- ferred wiUr MCCono on Uhe eve of the Senate hearing. This in itself would indicate how important 4rhe oil com- pany considers McCone's ap- polntmcnt to Chc key Post of Central Intc~lfgence. Chair? man Dick Russell of Georgia also confirmed its importance I,y declaring solemnly ?hat Mc- Cone's job was "second only to Che Presidency in;Jts im? ?portancc." Bu[ Russell showed Aits nn? noymtcc lvhen 'Senator s wanted to question McConc by ~poinlcdly reading hts per- sonal mail during the critical questioning. Then he studied a rnatot-arms design and tried to interest Scn. i?fargaret Chase Smith fn it. The lady from 712ainc, how- ever, was not ?o be deterred. Shc brought out that -1cConc owned 51,000,000 worth of stock in Standard Oil of Cali- fornia, one of Uhc four found- ers of the Arabi~an?Amcrican Oil Co. "It 1s clear;' she Pressed, "prat the Central Intelligence Agency must-make some cval? uations, mcommendaLions and reports Lo the President rc? gardltrg the Middle East. Do you sec any possibility of con? ^ict of interest on these ma- ters as CIA director when you have such large holdings in these oil companies?" "The amount of my holding to Standard Oil of. Ca'litornia that you mentioned is approxt- mately correct," \4cCone ad? milted. "It might be a little larger Chan the figum you mentioned. But quite aside, my~opinion i5 that the holding of stock in an oil company or in several oil companies would have no effect whatso- CVCr On my actlVltlea 'a5 diree' for of Central Intelligence." Sen. Russell. had said that it would not be necessary for ntcCone to sell his oil stock:Statc Department is av nmaz? or his shipping company stock.ling record of oi]?company in- Whcn Scn. Bartlett bought~tcrvcntion on the side of the uP the subject, MassachusettsiArab states. It includes: blucblood Scn. Lcvcrett Sol? tonstali fidgeted with frrlta- tion. Mrs. Smith has already asked that one," Saltonstall whispered fussily. "She has al- ready asked those questions." Arnmco's Record 'But Bartlett considerately poured~DfcConc another glass of water and went on with his questioning. ' "Do you know," he inquired softly, 'it Standard of Cali- fornia is a member of the Arabian-American Oil Co.?" "Yes, it is;' acknowledged the CIA nominee. ,n.o ,mu,u ,nay uus cumpa ny, Alaine, ?~states: ?TO induce tltC operating in the Middle F.ast,~grant of aid to the Saudi Ara? has' at various times 'inter- bian~govcrnmcnt, the :lraitian? vened nr parllcipeted or (nter?IAmcrlcan Oll Co. offered 'tn fcred In the operations of II t h U d S governments in those areas;' observed Bartlett. "tVOUId you have any' commcnC to make upon that?" - ' 'In my trips to the A~tiddle East;' McConr replied coolly, "I have observed that the Arameo people handled their relationship with the govern~ menu of~Arabia and Bahrein Island in a very satis[a~tory way, and so reported to mc. I don't know o[ any, interfer- ence." ~^ ' The Senators, perhaps in deference to Russell's" scowls and Saltonstall's fidgeting, did not press MCCono further. But in the files, of the Senate in- vestigating committee and the ]. An advmmC nt $:00,000,? 000 in oil royalties to Ring Saud to financc'thc 1056 arms buildup against Isr:,ci. 2: A Scnatc report that the $9,000,000 United States base In Saudi Arabia was built a?ith? nut congressional aufhorira- lion in order to help out the Arabian-American Oil Co. in its relations with'Fing Saurl. 3. A Scnatc invcs( Committee report Utat Aramcn overcharged the United States Xavy ,$67,000.000 nn wm'limr. oil in order to help Saudi Arabia. sc nUc o t e tates at prices based on fuel oil at 90 cents a barrel. "\Vhen the United Stairs Inecded nil because of its war demands, notwithstanding these prior proposals: Uic coin~ Panics offered the Sa~;v fuel oil ab $1.05 a barrel on a takc- it-or-Icavo-it basis. The Katy was forced to L?uy the oil on these terms. "The oil companirs:' con? cjudes the Scnatc report, "ex? Plotted the Government by ex- acting high Prires; despite the assistance granted Saudi Are- hia at the enmpanirs' request to Protect and Presrn?c the companies' concessions." Convdeht. )aG.^^. pelt arnelcatr. inc. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/08 :CIA-RDP80M01009A000701110010-9