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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 CONTENTS The CIA Will Pay For Its Crimes By Roberto Rex -- The beginning of the cold war and the rise of the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is roundly defeated in Cuba. - Cubelas, an agent of the CIA, intends to assassinate Fidel Castro. -- The sed triumph of the CIA in Guatemala. -- Santo Domingo and the scandalous Yankee invasion. Frustration of the Camelot Plan and application of the Congenial Project. -- Lombardo Toledano denounces a Camelot Plan for Mexico. -- The armed forces of the United States and their action through the Camelot Project. -- The Colony Plan is applied in Peru. -- Besides the CIA and the Pentagon the FBI is also spying in Spanish America. -- The Peace Corps, apparently innocuous are advanced by North American imperialist espionage. - Yennedy was confused by the many activities of the CIA. -- Pathetic activities of CIA interference. -- CIA action in Indonesia. Allen Dulles and the spirit of the Central Intelligence Agency. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 THE CIA WILL PAY FOR ITS CRIMES rFollowing is a translation of an article by Roberto Rex entitled, "The CIA Will Pay For Its Crimes," from the Spanish "La CIA Pagara Sus Crimenes," Mexico, pp. 1 - 37._7 The Beginning of the Cold War and the Rise of the-7entral Intelligenc7Tgency. The Second World War had reached its end. The bestial forces of Nazi-Fascism had been defeated and its leaders, the monstrous genocides Hitler and Mussolini, had been extermina- ted in just punishment. And this prolonged struggle left be- hind it an infinite wa-ke of human pain, of calcined rubbish, of land blackened by conflagration, and the unerasable stain of copious amounts of blood shed in barbarous massive sacri- fice provoked by the fanatic adventurism that proclaimed ra- cial superiority and the domination of the world. .wer ti,12-q4) The allied armies, especially that of the Sovietvi-the large and cruel struggle was liquidated in Berlin with the unconditional surrender of the Hitlerian dogs. From here onward appeared a deep hope of peace that shone across the world like the most desired dawn, like a triumphant hymn inviting all peoples to reconsider analyti- cally the terrible torment they had just gone through, deri- ving from it, its horrors and its raptures of total conquest a cardinal lesson: the undeferable necessity to coexist peace- fully, even though inspired by banners of different or contrary ideologies. Then, in the first postwar period, the fertile lands wanted to be turned over, the seed fell on its moist bosom, and soon the parturition of myriads of golden grain could be expected. And in other areas the men directed the keels of their vessels toward the deep seas to cast their nets for the capture of multicolored fish. And the young girls here and Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? ? V Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 there looked with sparkling eyes at the youths with darkened skin who, returning from the trenches, were candidly surprised about the scintillating beauty of life. Yes, the first postwar days went by. The experiences of the recent past had been terrible. For that reason new bases hPd to be constructed, a distinct international policy, congruent with the total elimination of another warlike spec- ter that could take possession of the face of the earth, a maxim that was conscious of the fact that atomic arms already existed. However, it should be recalled that, when such were the thoughts, a man with a solid, plump figure, deceitfully gentle, 4inston Churchill, crossed the large expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and before an incredulous audience at Fulton University expounded the urgency of the West to exterminate the Soviet Union before it Was able to heal the deep wounds inflicted by the Nazi hordes. There at Fulton, the ineffable statesman of the deca- dent British empire, with his thoughts placed on the military power of the United States and its atomic bomb that had been criminally and unnecessarily dropped by Yankee planes on Hiro- shima and Nagasaki, augured the prompt annihilation of the - Soviet people, constructing a macabre:philosophy which, when.. it took shape in the mentality of the leading North American -; circles, adopted new forms especially adequate for their im- perialist ambitions. And this fact established itself as the beginning of the cold war, whose characteristics changed with the years, but whose ominous and odious results had to be invariably born by the human kind for more than two decades. The cold war gave birth to the Yankee bungling with the 'brink of war' policy and also with the 'limited war' policy and, in order not to emphasize many other facts, let us say that with it, and .because of it, a diabolical body of multiple action arose that extended its tentacles all over the world until it occasioned the gravest threat to peace: the Central Intelligence Agency. The redoutable CIA was established in 1947. And in the course of time it has shaped its history, dramatic, aggressive, infamous, but reckless. A North American stu- dent, Fred J. Cook, speaks eloquently about it in his book. "The History of the CIA." This work begins like that: "The only time people obey us," - said Allen Dulles on one occasion when he spoke Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 4. " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 4. of the CIA - "is when we control them." And to confirm this statement, it is only necessary to recall the aggression against Cuba, in the Bay of Pigs, carried out by this organi- zation. Moreover, the fact that the CIA went from defeat to defeat or to victories highly disputable did not subtract from its danger on the world panorama. That is why Cook, in ana- lyzing the impudent intervention of the CIA in Cuba, stated the following: "No event of our time was closer to a decision between war and peace on which human survival depends. For ,= our correct understanding of the facts, our recognition or negation of complicated and sometimes even transparent truths would originate the formulation of our policy and the most regrettable of our decisions. Cuba is only the most re- cent and the most astonishing example. When the CIA initiated the abortive invasion with the rosy-colored illusion that the Cubans were anxious to rebel against the dictatorship of Fidel Castro, the United States obtained only the disgrace and the ignominy of a British-style Suez, only on a more ineffective scale: the invasion not only failed ignominously, but it also aided in strengthening Castro's regime. The CIA Is Roundly Defeated in Cuba. Among the peculiarities of the CIA, which are not li- mited, is a furiously anti-Communist activity which, to be truthful, possesses two central aspects that can be confounded if they are not carefully observed. One of them, in fact, is its tenacious struggle directed against any progressive action of peoples or specific organizations, and the other is the con- cealment of its neo-colonial policy, which the Latin American peoples have seen dramatically put into effect on numerous occasions. Profiting from the work by li'red J. Cook, let us recall the historic moment of the Cuban revolution and, prior to that, the sufferings of Guatemala at the time of Jacobo Abenz. "In December 1960, thesenator-elect of the United States, Claiborne Pell, paid a quiet visit to the Cuba of Fidel Castro. A former employee of the Foreign Service during the Second World War, Senator Pell was not a novice in feeling the pulse, and when he went among the Cuban people he was surprised of his discoveries. He afterwards inserted his observations in articles printed by the New York Herald Tribune. "The people I saw in Cuba and with whom I spoke during Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ?d? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 three or four days of quiet observation are not troubled or unhappy or dissatisfied. I am sure that they are enjoying the satisfaction over the Agrarian Reform of Castro, his natior,ra14:Ition of United States companies and other much talked about reforms undertaken by Castro. The dispossessed or angry ones are in prison or exile." "Senator Pell returned to Washington and told the high officials of the Kennedy administration explicitly that the time had not yet come to start action against L=astro. During the same month of December, two other visitors to Cuba saw the same signals, arrived at the same conclusions and wrote en article about it. These observers were General Hugh B. Hester ... and Jesse Gordon, a public relations coun- selor. In an article published by News World Review, General Hester and Gordon write: "It should be pointed out a Princeton ballot taken (in Cuba) last year revealed that 86 percent of the people are for Castro... Most observers agree that if elections would take place tomorrow, Castro would stay in power by a sweeping victory.... 'he morale of the Cuban workers and of the militia is very high ... There is no doubt about, the spirit of the people or their valor, their tenacity. The military high command of the United States is making plans for an invasion of Cuba. If the Kennedy administration de- cides to continue the reckless road of the former admini- stration, we fear that the result will be disaster." "No prophesy was better justified by the facts ... At the end of March, Gordon personally dispatched copies of the article by mail to the White House, to the State De- partment and to the members of Congress. But on 1:30 A.M. on Monday 17 April, about 1,500 exiled Cubans, trained, financed and directed by the CIA, were rushed to the Bay of Pigs on the Cuban coast. The CIA, the agency which is sup- posed to know everything, insisted that Cuba was ready to . support the invasion. There never was a calculation by an intelligence ser- vice that was as disastrously erroneous. In a few hours it was evident that the Cuban invaders did not have the least chance. They were annihilated, dead, captured. The blow planned by the CIA, plotted for about one year, had such tra- gic results that it presented a triumph to Castro about which he could boast. Instead of demolishing the power of his re- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 .1' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 gime, it was Consolidated more all over Cuba, thanks to the CIA. "Commenting on the consequences about one month after- wards, Richard H. Rovere wrote: "The time has not reduced the magnitude of the folly committed in Cuba. The more it is examined, the worse the pffpir appears. The immediate consequences are bad enough: the tightened grasp of Castro in Cuba, the growing distrust of North American leadership, the revelation of the opera- tional procedures of the Central Intelligence Agency and the incompetence of the mammoth that directs it. What is most 1)-,inful, however, is the knowledge that intelligence ( as quality of the spirit and not as data) and the best team ever possessed by a President of the twentieth century, has offered so little protection against an enormous error..." "It is not necessary to state that this is not the result hoped for from an annual investment of one billion dollars for intelligence service; especially in an island where we have an enormous naval base, and where there are many former North American residents, and where we, presu- mably, should have very solid contacts. This was not Laos, thousands and thousands of miles away, in another remote area of the world, but Cuba, at our threshold." Later, with the aid of data of extraordinary im- portance, Fred Cook gives a detailed description of all preparations by the CIA for the invasion, on hand of which he clearly illustrates the terrible situation created by this agency which, although it resulted in complete defeat with respect to the design to destroy the Cuban Revolution, had the grave characteristics of having placed humanity clo- ser than ever before to a new war, whose consequences would have been catastrophic. Cubelas, an Agent of the CIA, Intends to Assassinate Fidel Castro. In Yarch 1966, world expectation was revived when it was discovered that former Commander Rolando Cubelas intended to assassinate Fidel Castro Ruz. Cubelas was not alone in this plot i around him was an entire group of conspirators who had fallen into the net of Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 the CIA and who, obviously, acted under its orders. At the trial that took place in Havana against these counterrevolutionaries, according to cabled information, Cubelas confessed his criminal intentions. Among the state- ments he made he asserted that the CIA had recruited him in Spain with the help of that worm Itianuel Artime and that, after succeeding in his criminal designs, he was to e6c&pe from Cuba so that Artime with his mercenaries followed by the Inter Amersi. Peace Corps of the OAS, "would come to our shores to convince our people." In another aspect of this trial, Cubelas related his contacts with agents of the CIA in Madrid in Eebruary 1965 when he took part in a student congress ; and at his return to Cuba, taking advantage of his diplomatic passport, intro- duced a large amount of dollars handed over by Artime, for which he had committed himself to assassinate Fidel Castro and binding himself strongly to that group of plotters that included hamon Guin Diaz, Jose GonzalesGallareta and Alberto Blanco Romani. Cubelas, then frightened and timid before the court, admits his guilt in the followingterms: "The motives, of this situation, which I analyzed painstakingly during these days 'in prison ... were more or less those I outlined when the public prosecutor questioned me.. I consider fundamentally that the contradictions that can present themselves to a human being ... do not at all justify to arrive at a frankly counter- revolutionary position, for there is no justification; this counterrevolutionary action has not been proved irrefutably in my case, for I was never fully convinced of this matter...". Finally, the Cuban Court of Justice ,pronounced the death penalty for Cubelas, but Fidel Castro, in a humanitarian act, because, after all, he WPS at his side during the stormy period at the-Sierra Maestro, asked and obtained from the court the commutation of the sentence to life imprisonment. And the CIA again had failed, exhibiting once more its scrupulous methods which it has taken over from the imperialism it represents, while the peoples .of the entire world are writing on walls end shout with hatred in their voice: "Yankee, go home!" Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05,: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 -S Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 The Sad Triumph of the CIA in Guatemala. By way of simple illustration, Fred J. Cook also spoke to us of the CIA ag?Lression in Guatemala. And it seemed that he dealt with this case, that was so painful for the people enamored with peace, nonintervention and the right of self- determination, only to give an idea of the multiple, intricate and active action of the Central Intelligence Agency all over the world and at all times. He says: "In 1954, Jacob? Arbenz Guzman won the popular elections in Guatemala to assume power. This democtatic electo- ral verdict in Guatemala did not suit the United States. The North American officials described the Arbenz regime as Commu- nistic. This was argued, but Arbenz was undoubtedly suffi- ciently leftist in his orientation to be a threat to the large landholders of the wealthy Guatemalan class and the imperialist interests of the United Fruit Company and other large North American corporations. The disenchantment of the United States with Arbenz only needed a spark to cause an explosion and the spark was provided by Allen J-Julles of the CIA. Secret agents abroad discovered a Polish cargo vessel loaded with Czech arms and ammunition; the CIA agents pursued through the entire world the course of the cargo vessel which, after several mysterious changes of its destination, finally arrived in port and began to discharge the arms destined for Arbenz. Then the CIA, with the approval of the Security Council, went into action. Two Globemasters, loaded with arms and ammunition, left for Hon- duras and Nicaragua. There the arms were placed in the hands of a Guatemalan exiled official, Carlos Castillo Arma's. He invaded Guatemala and the Arbenz regime fell like a house of cards. It is significant that the seal the CIA impressed on Guatemala was identical with the one it imprinted in April this year on Cuba in its effort to overthrow Castro. Only Castro is not Arbenz. In any case, Guatemala, like Iran, is one of the most recognized triumphs of the CIA by the public. And, as in Iran, the consequences left serious doubts as to wha?t really was gained. For the promises of the CIA to the forces of Castillo Armas with respect to social or democratic reforms did not materialize. Half of the workable land in a nation of four million people is still in the hands of 1,100. The economy of the country is dominated by three large North American corporations, headed by United Fruit. The workers of United Fruit started a strike in 1955 to increase their salary from 1.80 dollars a day to three. They lost. And Guatemala continues to be a miserable country, so profoundly Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ?..? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01.009A000100050079-8 miserable that the Kennedy administration feels that it should receive more North American aid." With this short and substantial paragraph, which does not paint the horrors of the armed aggression against the Guatemalan people, nor the persecution, extermination or exile of the Arbenz revolutionaries, neatly ends an interpretation of the furious anti-Communism of the CIA. Jacobo Arbenz, a man of liberal mind, did not carry for- ward any profound social, economic and political reforms, but temporized between the great established interests in Guate- mala and the dramatic misery of the uuatemalan people. However, as these facts to a certain degree affected the interests of the large North American companies -- of the Yankee imperialism -- and those of the local landholding bourgeoisie, there had to be a drastic,categorical example and, wielding the phantom of Communism, the CIA not only intervened against and overthrew a government constitutionally established but, availing itself of mercenaries, opened the murderous fire against the working masses of this little Central American country. This is the CIA, a powerful organization that sows terror wherever it believes it to be necessary; which overthrows go- vernments of the people in the country where the great Yankee consortiums iniquitously exploit the raw materials, which plots the blackest and most pitiless intrigues at any point of the earth where there is a possibility, as small as it may be, that a people gives itself a government related to its interests of freedom and progress. The Central Intelligence Agency -- whose intelligence is a magnificent deception -- is not only dedicated to es- pionage and intrigue, but it plots at the same time to be the direct executor of its barbarous and sinister-antidemocratic conspiracies. Santo Domingo and the Scandalous Yankee Invasion. This small country of the tropical seas of the Carri- bean, which obtained its independence in 1821, was invaded in 1916 by the United States and occupied until 1924. From then onward it was governed by the ominous iiafael Leonidas Trujillo, whose iron dictatorship lasted three long and bitter decades. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 The recent Dominican history is the saddest and most cruel that any Latin American country ever had to bear. Let us recall that in free elections, Juan Bosch took over the authority in a Council of State. Thus Bosch ascended to power in January 1963 and was overthrown in September of the same year by the action of a coup dqtat headed by General Elias Wessin y Wessin. What has been stated in chronological order, acquires frightful dimensions when seen from another angle, for again we are confronted with the execution of plans by the CIA, then plotted with the maximum secrecy. But as the concrete facts are reviewed, one meets again the usual stereotype of the CIA. The writer Juan Miguel de Mora, in a book entitled, "Press Mission in Santo Domingo," relates some actions of Yankee military interventionism in the Dominican Republic, as well as the subsequent mission for which it was"recommended" by the OAS. J. M. de Mora relates: "On 26 April (1964) began the landing of the Marines of the United States, officially for e "humanitarian mission" -- these are words pronounced by President Johnson -- which is to save the North American re- sidents, evacuate them and protect their interests. the first were landed from the Cruiser Boxer, but very soon the warships surrounded the Republic completely, including aircraft carriers and other vessels. The legal Congress of the Dominican epublic met on 4 Nay, and in accordance with its faculties it designated Colonel Francisco Caamarlo Deno as President. The United States supported the military junta that was still headed by Wessin y Wessin, who was hated by all the people, especially because of the machine-gunning of the population carried out by air- planes. "On 30 April a truce was agreed upon but was violated; on 5 Maythe agreement was ratified with the signing of the Act of Santo Domingo that divided the city into two parts by the Yankee forces, who, moreover, created the so-called "security zone..." "When the marines disembarked, Wessin and his scanty forces were practically reduced to the base of San Isidro. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 The Constitutionists dominated the entire city and prevented with a heroism of four hundred casualties -- the military from crossing the Duarte bridge. "The Marines of the United States disembarked as they do during a war: sheltered by tanks that mutually protected the advance, firing against the Dominicans who had come to win their struggle for the Constitution of 1963..." Pages ahead, Juan Miguel de kora continues his narra- tive as follows: "While the diplomats Laought a solution that would not include Imbert or Wessin, profoundly hated by the people, the soldiers of the United States continued to support Imbert in an absolute manner by means of the displacement of security zones and the corridor they controlled, by means of the observation area with direct artillery support ..." And, continuing in the same tenor, he relates not only the arbitrary intervention of the Yankee armed forces) but also their bloody operations in support of Imbert and Wessin, who are nothing but simple lackeys of the political directions dictated by the CIA for the destinies of the Dominican Re- public. This history is too recent to forget it. For that reason it will be perfectly recalled that North America con- tinued to keep on Dominican territory a reel army as far as the number of armed men and the quantity and quality of the implements of war is concerned. It is also elementary to remember the sad role played by the OAS when, violating its most precious principles and against the opinion of countries like Mexico, Chile and Uruguay, it formed an army, disembarked itIsheltered under the false denomination of an Inter-American Peace Forceland intervened in the Dominican Republic with the intention to mask and justify the Yankee military intervention. At present, some time after the landing of the marines, the Dominican panorama remains explosive. If the reports of Western news agencies are studied, let:ius say during any 30 days taken at random, one gets a vision as irritating as terri- fying of the everyday life born by the Dominican people. January 22, 1966. -- "Colonel Francisco Caamano, the greatest military figure of the April revolution, left the country today for London, where he will assume the functions as military attache of the Dominican Republic in Great Britain." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 O. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 The patriot Caamano, before boarding the plane, stated that he was leaving the country temporarily for reasons bound up with the political circumstances. "ky departure and that of my companions must be justly understood by all Dominicans... *;ihile foreign and invading troops occupy the Dominican Re- public, I do not consider my country free and I hope that they are leaving soon..." By leaving his fatherland, Caamario fulfilled an agree- ment of the legal government that military counterrevolu- tionaries like Francisco Rivera Caminero should not take action because it would provoke a violent reaction of the people. January 26, 1966.--"While the former President, Juan Bosch, stated that the national disgust about the rebel con- duct of the military leaders was increasing and might provoke events of unforeseen scope, Colonel Francisco Caamao declared in London that the situation was still serious because of the ,refusal of the head of the armed forces, l'rancisco hivera Caminero, and of the Ministers of the Army and Air Force to ' lgave the country." After this atmosphere of restlessness had been caused by the refusal of the military counterrevolutionaries, the first acts of violence were reported on 9 kebruary by a cabled communication: "At least three students were killed and 32 persons were wounded when the Dominican police discharged its automatic arms against an anti-government demonstration, inte- grated mostly by students, that took place in front of the National Palace with the intention to ask the provisional pre- sident Hector Garcia Godoy to pay the salaries of the professors and employees at oanto DoEino University... After the demon- strators had requested a subsidy from the University, they changed the gathering into an anti-North American and anti- militaristic demonstration. At a certain point of that de- monstration, the students observed a minute of silence in me- mory of the guerrillas killed in Vietnam by the North American forces ... According to some versions, a soldier struck a student with the but of his automatic rifle, thus causing the first flash of the skirmish. About 40 police opened fire with automatic arms, pistols and tear-gas. The incident occurred when the student leaders were sitting on the stoop of the National Palace, waiting for an interview with Garcia Godoy...When the intense skirmish stopped, one of the youths was lying dead in the street with his face contracted in pain and partly covered with a pamphlet of protest. Another lad, hit by a charge in the stomach, died in the arms of his com- rades..." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 '? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 On this new occasion, the youthful blood was spilled . by the barbarous outrage of Dominican gorillian action. But let us not detain the facts: On 10 February, the cablegrams sent indicated that "Five persons today lost their lives, including one woman and two police, besides at least 18 woun- ded on this second day of disturbances. Trade union organi- zations and students have launched a strike call as a protest against yesterday's bloody happenings that is paralyzing the Dominican capital... Sporadic skirmishes and explosions can be heard all through the day in various sectors of the capital. The spokesman of the constitutionalist movement, Hector Aristy, declared that the strike would continue until those responsible for the bloody incidents would be punished? ? ? " The protest strike movement has continued in all its strength, but the shedding of blood has also kept on, as was learned from the corresponding information of 12 February, which states: "Eighty percent of the activities in the Domi- nican capital are paralyzed due to the general strike, and there are indications that this movement may spread to the interior of the country... During tonight's skirmishes, which were called the most serious ones in quite some time, three persons died, struck by bullets in the open street. Since last Wednesday there were 15 dead and 47 wounded." The report adds that the students requested President Garcia Godoy to punish those guilty of the crimes and to demand the withdrawal of the inter-American military forces. On the 13th of the same month, the information stated among other things that the strike continues and that the Inter- American Peace Forces (FIP) had broken arbitrarily into houses and particular buildings in search of arms. This action was undertaken to intimidate the Dominican people. While President Garcia Godoy asked for the cessation of the strike movement, the following events took place on 14 February: A home-made bomb wounded six Paraguayan soldiers of the Inter-American Peace Force when it exploded within a military post near the center of the Dominican capital." And in the midst of the excitement of that day the following events took place: " Unknown persons stopped with a 50 caliber auto- matic weapon a North American patrol walking in the streets A trade union leader Was killed by a bullet under circumstances that were not clear when he walked in the turbulent northern zone ... President Garcia Godoy asked for the immediate cession of the general strike that paralyzed the economic activity of the Dominican Republic." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05.:_CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000160050079-8 On 15 February, the cabled information stated that "the strength of the general strike unchained last Wednesday by the worker organizations has increased tonight." At the same time, the Eew York Times wrote that "The spectre that is arising today over the Dominican liepublic is not that of Fidel Castro but of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo" and accuses President Garcia Godoy of "inaction that facilitates the game of the military reactionaries and followers of Trujillo, who act as if they were surelthat they soon would be the masters of the Dominican Republic." In such a brief period the painful drama of the Domini- can people was staged. The formation of the Inter-American Peace Force, which acted perfectly in the Dominican Republic, is a clear symbol of one of the ends pursued by Yankee impe- rialism: Using the CAS by means of this armed force, it aspires to submit the Latin American governments to its economic and ? political interests. Let us say that, having well observed the situation in which the Dominican itepublic finds itself, one can clearly ? , discern in it the methods the CIA applied in uuatemala to over- throw Jacobo Arbenz. And if by chance some discrepencies appear, they must be attributed to the fact that from one event to the other time has elapsed and there are, therefore, variants in style but not in the ends pursued: the subjection of the Domi- nican people by a lackey government of Washington and by the * parallel establishment in this territory of a solid base for direct and indirect action against Cuba and its socialist re- volution. As far as the Inter-American Peace Force is concerned, in whose creation Yankee diplomacy persisted, it has aroused many protests all over the world, but there is an eloquent and very interesting reasoning expressed by the President of Mexico, GustavoDiaz Ordaz, during his tour in Central A merica. In this respect, cabled information reported on 21 January 1966 the following: "At a press conference, President Diaz Crdaz stated that the creation of an inter-American peace force had among other pernicious effects invaded the right of the peoples to decide their own destiny, and if we would have contributed to its creation, it would be a very hateful under- taking, a Frankenstein. President Diaz Grdaz said tha't Mexico is opposed to the creation of this armed farce and pointed out that if a force as this one, integrated by foreign armies, would attempt to settle an internal problem of Mexico, the Mexicans ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 would forget their internal conflicts end would fight the invader together." Frustration of the Camelot Plan and Application of the Congenial Project. On 27 January 1966, the international information agencies transmitted a cable from abroad, stating: A spokes- man of "the Office of Investigation for Special Operations at the American University had declared that the so-called Congenial Project undertaken in Colombia under its super- vision was not related with the suspended Camelot Operation that promoted the same business in Chile. This statement was made after the Colombian deputies had asked the Executive of their country for complete informa- tion on the plan, which was stated to be similar to the Camelot Project of investigation of insurgency and counterinsurgency in the underdeveloped world and which was annuled when a pro- test arose in Chile against the study, which was stigmatized as hidden espionage." And it was. Some time later, Operation Camelot was being promoted in Santiago de Chile, but because of a large- scale protest movement by students and intellectuals, this maneuver of grotesque interference and vulgar espionage was frustrated. It showed once more the unremitting intention, now of the Pentagon, to nose about everywhere, directly or in- directly. how North American interference turned to Colombia. On 28 Janua ry 1966, international information, reported that "the parliamentarians of the liberal revolutionary movement, Ramiro Andrade and Gregorio Becerra, calling this Plan a violation of the Constitution and of' national sovereignty, stated that they had in their possession questionaries pre- pared by the managers of the Congenial Plan., in which the personnel of the army is asked whether it is satisfied with the present hierarchical leaders, how the defense organization is working in certain regions, who lives there, what is their opinion about Communism, and whether they are willing to aid the United States Peace Corps." On 5 February, 1966, cabled reports said in this con- nection: "Fourteen Colombian sociologists and psychologists, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/95: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 who refused to lend their services to the firm entrusted to carry out in Bogota the so-called Congenial Plan, sent a message to the Chairman of the Foreign Ixelations Committee of the North American Senate, J. W. Fulbright to acquaint him with some of its details. At the same time they published a plablic statement in which they revealed that they were threat- ened with being labelled Communists if they did not change their attitude and decided to work with the National Research of Colombia, the organ that is charged with the collection of the suitable data. "The sociologists and psychologists say among other things in this statement:*In our opinion, and given the relationship that exists between Operation Camelot -- whose text we have before us -- and Project Congenial, it can be clearly deduced that the data collected will be used for political purposes and military purposes, and as we are partisans of a democratic solution, we cannot accept this nor hand over to a foreign power -- whatever it may be -- confidential data concerning the situation of our people." However, the object of Project Congenial was not only espionage related to the Colombian military potential, the revolutionary capacity of the people, etc., but also pried, by means of a series of apparently innocent questions, into the most intimate and delicate problems of the people, by which , they foolishly wanted to conceal the substance of the business. In Colombia the Project Congenial continues to be pro- moted because there is no government of nationalist essence and because protests against' it were easily silenced by the official machinery. Lombardo Toledano Denounces a Camelot Plan for Mexico. Pexico obviously is not an island in Latin America that cannot be reached by multiple action -- from the most brutal economic pressures to the most sinister intrigues of Yankee imperialism. A clear demonstration of this, of the many that can be given, is contained in the denunciation made by the Federal Deputy of the Popular Socialist Party, Lombardo Toledano, on Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 23 September 1965. On that occasion he pointed out that the JUnited States espionage organs acting in Mexico are the same that have tried to promote Operation Camelot in several South American countries. Vicente Lombardo Toledano indicated that his Party WS not affected by the espionage) "but it is ex- trerrely crave that foreigners are inquiring into the private lives of the Secretaries of State and many other officials; they themselves have said so; it is the importance of the question that counts, not whether information can be obtained." Later VLT added that the North American agents tried to ascertain the reaction "if the Government of the United States would start various measures to realize its objectives. An inquiry prior to political, economic or armed aggression: that is the concrete objective. It is evident that the CIA at times makes mistakes, as in Cuba, when the Washington Go- vernment was seriously informed that on the day the island would be invaded, the people would rise in arms to support the invasion. This is proved by the activity assumed by the House of Representatives in Washington on the next day. We believe that never in the history of international relations a similar resolution has been made in any country The aggression took place, without a review of right or wrong to justify it; but not even in the United States do the public authorities or the legislative power have the right to under- take actions in violation of international law, nor are there any conventions to attack a sovereign country by no matter what law, or to carry out an imperialist policy as a system of inter- national relations. It is really an unheard-of deed that raised, as was only logical, the protest of all Latin American countries." Finally, to support his statements more firmly, VLT reported some facts that revealed how Mexican agents paid by the CIA had tried during the Korean war to bribe members of the PPS, not only in order to obtain data on the position of this Party with regard to the war, but to start an entire network favorable to imperialist interests and, therefore, anti-Mexican. The Armed Forces of the United States and their Action Through the Camelot Project. We have already spoken repeatedly about the Camelot Project and its sinister designs; however, presented as it was ?here, it possibly only implies an abstraction) and it is therefore Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 necessary to know the full text that is creating this project in order to get a clear idea of what it is and at the same time obtain concrete conclusions of the imperialist actions against the Latin American peoples. It states as follows: "Office of Operations of Special Investigation. -- Official communication of the Director. -- 4 December 1964. Project Camelot. "Project Camelot is an investigation whose object is to determine the possibility for the development of a general pattern of social systems that makes it possible to predict and influence in a politically significant manner the social cha-nges in the developing nations of the world. "More specifically, these objectives are: "First. -- Establish procedures to measure the internal war potential within the national societies. "Secondly. -- Identify with intensified degrees of confidence which acts a government can undertake to remedy the conditions that are likely to increase the internal war potential; and "Finally, to appreciate the possibility to dispense with the characteristics of a system in order to obtain and use the essential information to obtain the two things mentioned above. "The project was conceived as an endeavor of three or four years and will need between one and one and a half million dollars annually. It has the support of the army and of the Defense Department and will be carried out with the cooperation of other Government branches. It is planned to gather large quantities of firsthand data in the territory of action, as well as the extensive utilization of the data already available in the social, economic and political material. At the time when this is written it seems probable that the geographical orientation of the investigation will be directed to the Spanish- American countries. The present plan demands the installation of an office in that region. "Antecedents: "The Project Camelot was derived from the play of many factors and forces. ismong them is the recent assignment, de- veloped to give greater importance to the r6le of the US army Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 I ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 in the general North American policy to encourage the continued growth and exchange with the underdeveloped countries of the world. The many programs of the US Government directed toward this object were grouped under the label, sometimes ambiguous, of counterinsurgency (another term would be convenient here, namely prophylaxis against insurgency). It puts special empha- sis on positive actions thg-t help to reduce the motives of dis- contentment,that are the origin of the most important and vio- lent activities of a destructive character. The US army has an important mission in the positive and constructive aspects of the building of a country, as cell as the responsibility of siding the friendly governments when they are confronted with the problem of active insurgency. Another important factor is the recognition on the part of the high officials of the defense organization, of which relatively little is known with a degree of certainty, con- cerning the social processes that must be well interpreted to confront the problem of insurgency effectively. Within the army exists a specially enthusiastic acceptance of the need to understand better the process of social exchange, if it is desired that the army discharges its responsibility in the general program of the US Government against insurgency. Great imortance is given in this respect to a series of recent reports on the problems of national security and the possible contribution that may be nia^de by the social sciences for the solution of these problems. Cne of these reports was published by a committee of the investigating group of the Smithsonian Institute under the title "Investigations of Social Science and National Security," and edited by the Ithiel de Sola group. The other is a book of the records of proceedings of a meeting: "The Limited Vier Mission of the US Army and the Investigations of Social Science." These official proceedings were published in 1962 by the American University's Special Investigation Office of Operations. "The Project Camelot will be a multi-discipline endeavor. It will be established within the SORO organization and in intimate collaboration with universities and other US and overseas investigation institutions. he first months of work will be devoted to the establishment of an invebtigation plan, and to the clarification of questions of methodology of the investiga- tion and its contents. Thi -i will contribute to the important articulation of all component investigations of the project, with a view to the objectives proposed.' The first to partici- pate in this Project will also have the unusual opportunity to formulate the program of the investigation, and also to par- ticipate in a seminar that is intended to be held in the spring Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 of 1965. The seminar, which will be held by the principal men of the behaviorist sciences of the country, will be devoted to the revision of plans for the immediate future and analyze the aims and the long-term pie ns of the Project. After being informed of the contents of Project Camelot and having in turn meditated about the implicit and explicit intentions of the.Project, one is overcome by incredulity for, after all, what has become of the so-much-cacled-about North American good neighbor policy toward its neighbors of the South? But no. It is infantile to be deceived in this case, especially where it refers to the relations of the Yankee im- perialism with Latin America, and besides, one always pays too much. It should be repeated as many times as it is necessary, and even unto weariness, that the essence of North American policy is the Monroe Doctrine and the policy of the big stick, is$ finally, the policy of the most violent and pitiless colonization ever experienced in the annals of history of the human race. Peru Applies the Colonization Plan. On 18 February 1966, the international information agen- cies of the West transmitted a communication that stated the following: "Since lest October and in secret, the Colony Plan has been completed here, which is similar to the Project Camelot of Chile and the Congenial Plan that has been carried out in Colombia after several month of work, said the Cultural .Attach 4 of the North American Embassy, Joseph Thomas. "He said that it is "an investigation to determine the scope of the civic action of the army and of other army in- stitutions of Peru," and that some members of the "voluntary peace corps are collaborating in it. The North American diplomat pointed out, however, that the plan was undertaken together with the Peruvian army, for which the North American embassy could not provide any major' data. On his part, the head of the Public Relations Depart- ment of the army, Colonel Richter, offered to give information Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 s' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 on details by next week. "On the other hand, the Peruvian Chancellor, Jorge Vazquez Salas, who had been asked the previous day about the details when he left the Council of Ministers meeting, denied positively the existence of this plan in Peru. " He was questioned in this respect because it had been announced in the Colombian Parliament a few days ago that Peru also was carrying out the Congenial Plant under the name of Colony." "Certainly, as it is popularly said, it is a question here "of the same dog, but he is a little more trampled upon." And notwithstanding the apparent or real contradictions of this information, it has had the logical consequence that Peru has become another victim of Yankee espionage and inter- ference under the pretext of carrying out "an investigation to determine the scope of civic action of the army and other armed institutions" in Peru, which, speaking in pure terms, should be called simply a classic colonialist activity of Yankee imperialism on Peruvian soil, an activity, that gravely affects the national sovereignty of this Latin American coun- try. Besides the CIA and the Pentagon, the FBI Is Also Spying =Spanish America Suddenly he said unexpectedly that if the international policy of the United States in Spanish America is watched closely it can be seen that the famous FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation): is also dedicated to espionage on Latin Americnn soil. According to a Washington cable, the report states: "Two high North American officials admitted that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are in various capitals of the ? world to exchange information with the local police forces. "The Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Press Secretary of the White House, Billi Moyers, gave new details about the activities of this international police organization in order to contradict a report by the New York Herald Tribune. "The report of the Herald Tribune pointed out that Pre- sident Johnson had ordered in increase of the espionage activi- ties in Latin America through the FBI. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ":oover admitted that the FBI has interlocking offices in Lexie() City,.Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, London, Bonn, Paris, Tokyo and other important capitals. "He stated, however, that his agents are at the various embassies as "juridical attaches." "Edgar Hoover said that the President has not given any new order to increase the activities of this group in Latin America. "On his part, Moyers, in qualifying the commentary of the New York daily as "false and irresponsible," added that 20 agents of the FBI were detached in April to the Dominican Re- public to render confidential information, among other things, .on the personal antecedents of the possible members of the provisional government." This is, objectively speaking, a great Yankee conspiracy against the stability and national security of the Latin Ameri- can people and of the world. The CIA, the Pentagon, and the FBI I All these are lavishing their force, their economic, technical and human might to undermine the institutions of each Latin American country, to impose the designs and interests of Yankee imperialism wherever it is propicious to change the constitutional order by exploiting the human and natural riches of this American continental zone. Peace Organs, Apparently Innocuous, Are Advanced Ili North American Imperialist Espionage. When one speaks of plans like the Alliance for Progress one may ingenuously believe in the establishment of a North American program of economic aid to the development of the Latin American countries and in the maxim that the philosophy behind this program has a philantropic character. But if the manner in which ALPRO has operated is practically analyzed, one comes to the conclusion that it obeys dimensions nd purposes that are quite different. The gr('nting of North American credits through ALPRO, besides being no benefaction as these are loans given at high interest, is one of the practical forms of imperialist penetration and on a par with the mainte- nance of dictatorial governments and of gradual undermining -- sonetimes to the very overthrow -- of democratic regimes installed in the wide Indo-American area. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 : CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 On 18 February 1966, the international Wormation agencies transmitted the following communication: "Jack Hood Vaughn, who expects to be confirmed as Director of the "Peace Corps," obtained through prolonged insistence that "volunteers of this organization will be sent to Nicaragua and Paraguay. "The "Peace Corps," an organization whose final purpose of espionage has been repeatedly denounced, now has more than 4,300 volunteers in 18 Latin American regions. "Paraguay solicited the sending of "volunteers" last year,. and Nicaragua did so only a month ago, although sources. of the Nicaraguan embassy stated that Vaughn insisted that Nicaragua should ask for "volunteers." "Paul Bell has already been named director of the "Peace Corps" that will be active in Nicaragua and has been installing his seat in Managua for the past week. "On the other hand, Richard Grenson, director ofthe "Peace Corps" operating in Bolivia, has been in Asuncion for some time, "studying Paraguayan needs." ? "The North American "Peace Corps" now has agents in Guatemala, El Salvador, Belice, Honduras, Jamaica, Santo Domingo, Santa Lucia, Barbados, Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela , Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay and Brazil. Apparently, these are only blond United States youths who want to live together and want to teach and learn in the most impoverished places of Latin America. But here as in other affairs there is the ignoble deceit of imperialism, for these "Peace Corps" are in fact nothing more than one of the appendixes of the CIA. Kennedy Was ConfusedJ-2a the Many Activities of the CIA. ? Not so long ago, the writer and journalist, Hernando Pacheco, published an articie of great interest that stated verbatim: "Every reader of periodicals has read hundreds of times that -- without joking -- the conductor or superintendent of a Soviet embassy sometimes turn out ,to be some of the most - important officials of the espionage service. "About the CIA were told, instead, numerous legends Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 .;,? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 about its superabusive intervention. The most conspicuous examples of their appearance in history are called Guatemala, landing in Cuba, Vietnam, etc. "Now, with regard to the activities and special style of the CIA, we received an exceptional document -- from the North American historian Schlesinger, special counselor to President Kennedy -- that is throwing new light on the problem which, I suppose, will grieve the good burghers who, as is known, have conveniently and sweetly -- notwithstanding the Council -- divided the world in "good" and "bad" ones. "Schlesinger tells of the difficulties Kennedy had in finding out where the actions of the CIA began and ended, actions of whom we have "two horrible examples: Cuba and Laos." "The difficulties begin in the economic sphere, where the CIA "has a budget that exceeds that of the State Depart- ment by 50 percent," although it is only less than half of what the Secretary of Defense spends for "intelligence" missions. "In nearly all embassies -- states this document on page 427 -- are numerous officials, covered by the normal status of foreign service, who are carrying out CIA missions. "Often the post of the CIA head is higher than that of the ambassador, he gets more money and exercises more influence. The CIA has its own political and military general staffs; has its own Foreign Service, its own air force and, on occasions, its own combat units. However, the CIA declines to clarify its clandestine missions to the State Department in Washington. as well as to the ambassadors ... who are informed about an operation only when it has already begin and cannot be turned back. The success obtained in Guatemala (when President Arbenz was overthrown), launched the CIA on the perilous road of adventure..." "It should be pointed out that it was President Kennedy who sent a letter to the ambassadors, telling them that they should know that there would be a CIA in every country..." "It does not seem that he 'obtained much from the strength of the services, but the first step, as Arthur Schlesinger says verbatim, was taken. "Perhaps it will be possible to correct through these testimonies the mystifications by which the great agencies Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? entertain and increase with their literature about the "good ? ones" the James pond spirit of our days. An eloquent commentary. The CIA is a powerful body, of multiple action, in planning as well as in execution, with political, economic and military powers that make it nearly . ell-embracing. The only ones above it are perhaps the fabu- lous imperialist interests that have their seat in Wall Street, as we have seen in Guatemala, in Laos, in Korea and everywhere where grotesq ue interference is going on. Finally, the somewhat irregular and at random arrangement of these documents has been made with the aim that in substance is obvious: to show clearly that the CIA has struck a thousand times against the profound libertarian spirit of the Latin ? American people, imbuing it with an indomitable desire to fight? to the end agginst the enslaving forces of Yankee imperialism. PetLetic Activities of CIA Interference However, Latin America is not the only terrestial qua- drant where the CIA is active; and to demonstrate that the action of this agency is continuous and world-embracing, let us observe some final cases, the most pathetic of these times. ? We are referring to the cruel assassination of Ben Barka, the noted Moroccan patriot. Cn 26 January, the international news cables stated the following: The "great surprises" prognosticated for this week in the kidnapping and assassination of the Moroccan na- tionalist leader, Ben Barka, have led to the announcement by ? the De Gaulle Government that the Moroccan Minister of the Interior, Ufkir, plotted the kidnapping of this leader and to the statement that the Government of that African country is responsible for the voluntary obstruction of the investigation into this crime. On the other hand, the theory of an intervention by the US Central Intelligence Agency in the problem was made known by the special correspondent of the London Daily Express, who emphasized that the lk)rrocan Minister of the Interior "is closely acquainted with the agents of the CIA, who were kept minutely informed"and who, although they had good reasons to desire the elimination of Ben Barka, did not wish to soil their own hands." Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05.: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 V 'Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 Earlier this correspondent had stated that Ufkir had converted himself into "the central personality of a new phase of the East-West cold war in which the US Intelligence Service is directly involved," and that the friendship between Ben Barka and Fidel Castro was a sufficient reason to place the Uoroccan opposition leader at a top place on the list of suspected persons put together by Washington." After having attained a more concrete idea of the international workings of the CIA, can one have any doubts about its indirect involvement in this disgraceful crime? For it was just before this, in the midst of the torrent of information that was presented during the days following zarka's assassination on 27 January 1966, that international communications told us among other things: "It must be emphasized no that the North American Intelligence Services (CIA) inter- vened in the kidnapping of El behdi Ben Barka. Then it was the winner of the Nobel Prize for French literature, Francois Yauriac, who stated in Le Figaro Litt4raire: "Once more these services (the CIA) have struck a magnificent blow against the Third World by disembarrassing themselves of Ben Barka, and by acting against De Gaulle. If the North American services are innocent in this affair, it is the devil himself who acted for them." The conviction is growing: there can be lit-qe doubt that the intellectual responsibility for this assassination lies entirely with the CIA. Here we have revealed, with data, the unscrupulous activity of the CIA, which does not stop in the face of any crime. Now we shall see a new case that also reveals another method employed by the CIA. Unexpectedly the periodicals reported a military coup d'etat in the Republic of Ghana that resulted in the overthrow of President Kwame Nkrumah. This event caused world sensation, for Nkrumah was an efficient ruler who constructed one of the most democratic and progressive states of the African world that had recently become largely independent of the European metropolises. But on 25 February 1966, a communication unraveled what at first had appeared as an inscrutable mystery. The cabled Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? e* Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05:' CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 communications said in part: "The head of the Ghana Secret Service until 1961, Khow Amihyia, reported in London that he had prepared the coup d'dtat that overthrew President Kwame Nkrumah when he was sure that the plot contrived by the CIA would be successful. "Amihyia, who has been living in the British capital since his dismissal by former President Nkrumah in 1961, said that from this date on he began to organize with officials end police as)what he called)Revolutionary Counselor of Ghana in Exile." "He also stated that the plans had been drawn up five years ago, waiting for the opportune moment to promote them, and that for the beginning of action they had counted on discontented military and police officials, whose ambitions for positions were not satisfied by Nkrumah:, and who considered that he disregarded their right of seniority. "He stated that some designs to overthrow Nkrumah at earlier dates failed for lack of coordination of the tactics, notwithstanding the. fact that they had a prepared personnel and sufficient arms at their disposal. Immediately Afterwards he disputed that he personally had attended a course in the United States, organized by the CIA; that, although he initially employed these skills for the Secret Service of Nkrumah, he . ? later understood that his position made it possible for him to take possession of the situation and to satisfy the require- ments of a change planned from abroad. Having .failed in several attempts against Nkrumah's life, it was hoped that the Ghanean President would leave the country in December 1965, for his presence in Ghana had frustrated the attack. During the preparatory period of the coup, officials connected with the "Council" within Ghana made efforts to arouse the population, profiting from the economic situation existing in the country because of the drop of .cocoa prices on the world market and the corruption of some officials, a fact that had been pointed out by President Nkrumah more than once. "Inl,this manner the occasion presented itself, according to Amihyia, on Tuesday night when it was announced in Accrq that the President and a group of 71 of his intimate collaborators had left the country. It was also indicated that "this final Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05 :.CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? coup" had been prepared for August and that for that reason it had been a surprise for him when a leader of what he called the "Executive Committee of the Council" transmitted a message to 421 London with the watchword that announced the beginning of action. "Although he confirmed, that many of Nkrumah's opponents were involved in the coup d'etat, he did not give names, stating that at the present the army and the police would remain at the forefront of the movement and that a constitutional government could be established only in about two years." This, in synthesis, is the story of President Nkrumah's overthrow, which bears evidence of the active participation of the redoubtable CIA. If we analytically regard the aims pursued with the over- throw of Nkrumah, we necessarily' arrive at the contention that the final purpose sought by the CIA in the epublic of Ghana is similar to the one carried out in Guatemala when it overthrew President Jacobo Arbenz and gave this Central American country a dictatorial government, that of Castillo Armas, who turned back the clock of revolutionary advance and again permitted the dominion of the Fruit Company and of the native latifundium. CIA Action in Indonesia. Now we come to the painful political crisis that took place in Indonesia and where the CIA was present in all its aspects. . A communication of Larch 1966 states: "All diplomatic, political and subversive forces of the United States attempted to destroy the Indonesian Federation, to undermine the anti-imperialist government of President Ahmed Sukarno and to install a pro-imperialist regime. "Sukarno himself denounced these aims of the Yankee go- vernment and accused the i\,orth American Central Intelligence Agency of having intervened in the events of last October. "The rightist Indonesian military organs, under the pre- text that a coup d'etat inspired by the Communist Party had taken place, established an "anti-Communist terror" in the entire country that cost the lives of 200,000 persons assassi- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 nated by the military reactionaries and by mobs of Moslem fanatics incited by them. Only Sukarno was able to dominate the situation by dismissing General Nasution, the head of the rightist extremists. "It is to be expected that the US will not slacken its interferences in Indonesia. "Moreover, the members of the army, including the rightist sector, have become aware that the anti-Communists have been playing the game of the United States." Stated in a very schematic manner, three transcendental phenomena took place after the Second world Nar: the socialist camp was expanded and consolidated, North American imperialism was strengthened and Europe remained debilitated, and a new world of countries was established in Africa, which obtained its independence from the European metropolises. The United States then saw the opportunity to occupy the place formerly occupied by Europe in Africa and to exploit its human and natural resources. But when countries like Ghana, which had national governments, resisted this Yankee economic and political penetration, the Central Intelligence , Agency started action, but in some cases the results were not those expected by the insatiable appetites of imperialism. ? The event in Ghana simply staged another method of the omnipresent CIA: the overthrow of governments not in tune with the policy of penetration or surrender to North American im- perialism. Allen Dulles and the Spirit of the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA will soon complete twenty years of applying the tortuous methods -- perhaps surpassed -- inspired by the sickly Allen Dulles. Turning to the stupendous investigation of Fred J, Cook, we find the following in the last chapter: "From his office at 2430 E Street in New York (sic), Ir. Allen Dulles, with a budget of several billion dollars annually, devoted himself since 1953 to the direction of the North American intelligence network all over the world. The most reactionary forces in Laos, the Congo Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 1. ? ? ? .# ? Al ? " Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8 or Algeria received the amiable and effective support of the CIA, a true 135 orgnnization of action and intervention in the internal affairs of other countries. The culmination of Lr. Dulles' career was the miscarried invasion of Cuba in April 1961. Er. Dulles' error of calculation started an angry wave of protests in the North American press and from all those who would have liked to see the audacious operation in the Caribbean crowned with success. The brother of the extinct Foster Dulles then had to leave the new and elegant 46 million dollar edifice of the Central Intelligence Agency and cede his easy chair as director and commander of 30,000 CIA agents in the United States and abroad to a younger man provided with the "cold energy" necessary to hold the reins of one of the most import-nt organizations of North American foreign policy. "The candidates included the generals Telford and Maxwell Taylor, Messrs. Mc George Bundy, Fowker Hamilton, and a few others. But the chosen one was the former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, John Alex McCone, an active member of the Republican Party ... and a man with long ad- ministrative expetience. However, Mr. McCone is engineer by profession and his career as an executive was limited during many years to the direction of industrial enterprises ... A pity that the wide experience of the California engineer culminates in the direction of the most famous center of in- ternational espionage. yiith all his "energy," his "prudence," his "foresight" and his "exceptional qualities," Mr. Alex McCone cannot arrest the course of history. Perhaps "success" in some cases, as Dulles had in Guatemala or in Iraq, but his successes will be transitory, for in the long run the progress of humanity will assert itself, and the democracy, the liberty, the independence the social justice and all the ideals that one day will also be part of the United States. And then, Mr. McCone, with all his energy, his prudence, his foresight and his excellent qualities, will end, like Allen Julies, in the basket of useless things." History does not forgive. The CIA will pay for its crimes. 6,707 DC-12524 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/05: CIA-RDP80M01009A000100050079-8