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Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 NSA review completed Elder MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community FROM: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: Executive Secretary, NFIB NFIB Action on I nI g e n c e TREA has not reviewed. 1 July 1977 rrocessea wvv uiA I KtA N F I B - 2 4 . 1 / 1 2 , 6 J u n e 1977 arrangement letter dtd 4/11/08. 1. We have received a resounding nonconcurrence from NFib in response to certain elements of the memorandum you signed setting forth the DCI's proposed intelligence definitions. OPP put together a useful matrix (attached) that identifies the main problems. 2. =The S&T problem will undoubtedly come up at the NFIB on Tuesday during the discussion on the Attachment to DCID 1/2. We would recommend waiting until after that meeting before taking any formal action, but you may want to show the DCI the attached written comments from the members for his information. 3. We will need to close out the action some time, but since the impetus came from the DCI, it will be up to him whether he wants to take up the difference at an NFIB meeting or handle them some other way. We can always hope that discussion at the 5 July meeting will obviate further action. State Dept. review completed Attachment: a/s JCS review completed. DOE review completed. NRO review(s) completed. DHS Review Completed. DIA review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD NFIB-24.1/12 6 June 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR: NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD Executive Secretary SUBJECT Intelligence Definitions 1. The attached memorandum from the Acting Vice Chairman requests you review the statements contained in paragraphs a. through c. The DCI proposes to promulgate these basic definitions in order to standardize terminology through the Community. NFIB ACTION REQUESTED 2. You are requested to submit your comments and concurrence to the NFIB Secretariat by close of business, 15 June 1977. Attachment: As Stated Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Iq Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 c?nnnrm Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Executive Secretary, NFIB Deputy Director tor Intelligence SUBJECT . Intelligence Definitions 1. The Agency has reservations about the proposed DCI intelli- gence definitions contained in the 6 June 1977 memorandum from the Acting D/DCI/NI. 2. In Paragraph A, limiting the categories of foreign intelli- gence to Political, Military and Economic has the advantage of simplifying discussion of the intelligence business but it does not account for major new aspects of intelligence. Scientific accom- plishments by the Soviets in the past have had a major impact, for example, uite apart from any distinct military or economic impli- ions. 3. In Paragraph B, distinguishing between strategic and tactical intelligence based on the organization that collects the information could prove confusin . 4. In Paragraph C, the categorization of consumers as national, departmental and tactical is likely to become quite arbitrary since consumers of intelli ence vary depending on the roles they play in specific situations. Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 OFFICE OP THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C. 202P.0 SECRET June 15, 1977 ,1C3?.AFMU.4 FOR: Executive Secretary National_ Foreign Intelligence Board J. Foster Collins Special Assistant to the Secretary (National Security) 0EcT: Intelligence Definitions 'ERENCE: NFIB-24.1/12 dated 16 June 1977, subject as above The following comments are furnished concerning the definitions stained in reference: -- in order to make the delineation of "consumers" as contained in paragraph C distinct from the definition in paragraph B and more applicable outside the military community, I suggest that "operational" be used instead of tactical. Because "the public" often has an interest in and is a consumer of departmental intelligence and even in some cases tactical/operational intelligence, it is suggested that "the public" be deleted from the grouping of national intelligence consumers. The following sentence inserted at the end of the paragraph would accommodate the public consumer. "It is recognized that the public irill often be a consumer of national and departmental intelligence and may occasionally be a consumer of tactical/ operational intelligence." Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 L. In the last sentence of paragraph C' recommend changing the reference from "Treasury Agents" to "Treasury Representatives Overseas." This change will accommodate the fact that US Treasury represen= tatives overseas include Attaches, Customs officials, IRS representatives, etc& and the term Agent is used for staff personnel only by the Secret Service. SECRET. Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755 SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NFIB SUBJECT: Intelligence Definitions 1. The following comments are provided in response to the Memorandum of the Acting Deputy to the DCI for the Intelligence Community, NFIB 24.1/12, 6 June 1977 same subject. a. Exclusion of S&T as one of the primary categories would seem to ignore non-military (or "pure") S&T, or force an artificial assignment to Economic. Political, military, economic, and S&T are the conventional subdivisions used in DCID 1/2 and adopted in the National SIGINT Requirements System. I would suggest that those four continue to be accorded recognition. b. I fully agree with the concept of "continuum." "Tactical" should imply a time-sensitive decision- making application. It would be wrong, however, at least in the case of SIGINT, to equate "tactical" to the organization that collects, or to the "direct control" aspect. c. The adjective "operational" might be a more useful descriptive term than "tactical" in the examples cited. We should prefer to retain "tactical" in a military context. It should, however, not apply to all military commanders, but only to those who exercise direct command and control over combat units and their supporting forces. 2. I strongly support the idea of the promulgation of standard definitions. Because of the policy inherent in some definitions and the possibility of conflict with other governmental publications,_I would urge that they be adopted or changed only after full deliberation. LEW ALLEN, JR. L' utenant General, USAF Director FC Q-2 T Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH WASHINGTON SECRET June 16, 1977 National Foreign Intelligence Board Central Intelligence Agency SUBJECT: Intelligence Definitions (NFIB-24.1/12 - 6 June 1977) While we agree that intelligence definitions need greater standardization and more universal acceptance, we wonder whether the definitions proposed may not go too far toward eliminating fine distinctions that have both utility and validity. We therefore suggest that an ad hoc group be set up under NFIB to consider the proposed definitions and report to NFIB their implications for the Intelligence Community's work. Harold H. Saunders SECRET Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 i; 0 (Policy)/H. Tessatdor' ceh/14 June 77'\'i 14 J''-M 1977 1 RkV-J FO THE D MIT TO THE DCI FOR THE IRTE UG CE Si I 'r _ I I11ge ae Detn1t'toi 1. DIJ aad :h: t#cos ;hare t+' DCI's concern that existing int*1 i- genc dai#u' ti.., a intt4,r?etatlor-s of ,rare inte'ilig ee to M91M - Inhibit comunitl avti'vit~ an4 rstanding_ 4 ~t Dc efYurt was 1n1tiat4 ft co;;- c!% 'this -sit ion by the sums'sian *f twenty-two of t~etli . ias 17 i -r ta# !. ftrinittnnt. to BNOW JCS Pth 1. 1vt1on r_w and ;" # Ter *. 00- is di c by ka o e to ' ' recognize f ffl 4a 3 IX tom. t;', t Di r ect.i ve S A, 20 Au rtst _ ; ) . 2. MA a= the Se micas appreciate the 1 ss attempt to c1ar if tow- i_ - }qen fty heal r.. firer,, it was. condo at ttw-- *IIt,,w JL e a i VOtm ~ i~iin 13 j u 1.1410 i' x" i ou Awe to Optra Ss"rs 11 n the p of ti er s`iinq de'finition's umtained i JCS Pub 1. Sheeid V-10 DC 1 E to gain apor ral i n l : g i t deli nl ti o or ra f p ant de `t-aitions, WA old be w;Btng to sera stch change. To axKxw- or o -c specific DCI proposals, . apart from On JCS reY1~ mms, Is b~t!iLMd farm prate at was t1me. Selma 4 Pub 1401wittm are submitted for ur eonxidera-tion in the e 1 -SIGNED WCS T 7 Of DIA Suhre1ssion C-sa~rd. DR Copy ui-1(Po icy) R/F DP a CIA B_ 1L Irm=n Vice Adi:.;ral, U SS Aug Dhvctor Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 T ,. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 (S) NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. MEMORANDUM FOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT: Intelligence Definitions REFERENCE: NFIB-24.1/12, dated 6 June 1977, Subject as Above The NRO 'believes there is some risk in removing Scientific and Technical Intelligence (S&T) as one of the basic categories of foreign intelligence. Relegating S&T to subdivisions of Political, Military, and Economic Intelligence categories may have important consequences. For example, a major technological surprise could have strong implications regarding the country's political stance, military balance, and economic status. Alternatively, an item of S&T interest which is considered minor in one category could have far reaching implications in other categories. Maintaining S&T as a discrete category could insure that all categories (political, military, and economic) assess the impact of a scientific or technological development on its own merit. The NRO also believes that the categorization of intelligence by collector, tactical or strategic, is not as useful as having the user of the intelligence determine its categorization. For example, a tactical field site can intercept an enemy radar emission and use it for tactical purposes. The same data can be relayed to a strategic user for strategic purposes or data base update. Similarly, a national or strategic system can make the same intercept and relay the information to both strategic and tactical users. The real problem, however, aside from the question of just the definition per se, lies in the fact that decisions have and will continue to be made on the older, more conventional definitions. The NRO concurs in the categorization of consumers as described by the DCI. It is noted that this categorization parallels the proposed Senate Bill's wording of the National Intelligence Act of 1977. 25X1 NRO ar es o0 Acting Director 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET COPY OF COPIES PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 UNITED STATES ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 JUN 2 7 1977 National Foreign Intelligence Board Intelligence Community Staff Washington, D. C. 20505 This letter is in response to your memorandum, NFIB-24.1/12, dated June 6, 1977, with enclosed memorandum from the Acting Vice Chairman. I share Mr. McMahon's interest in achieving clarity of definitions of commonly used Intelligence Community terminology. Referring specifically to Mr. McMahon's memorandum, I concur in substance with the language of paragraphs b. and c., but disagree with the substance of paragraph a. I believe that Scientific and Technical (S&T) Intelligence is not a subdivision of Political, Military, or Economic Intelligence, just as Economic Intelligence is not a subdivision of Political or Military Intelligence. I do not concur that giving S&T Intelligence separate status has served to create overlaps and confusion and point to a historic record of significant contributions to the national intelligence effort by the scientific and technical segment of the Intelligence Community and the enhancement of those contributions since S&T activities were accorded unique status, resources, and separate organizational identity within the Intelligence Community. I feel that the body of foreign intelligence knowledge falls into four interrelated, interdependent and mutually supportive categories and that these are: Political, Military, Economic, and Scientific and Technical. An integration of knowledge from all four areas is essential to the production of national intelligence on any given geographic area as well as on any functional area. Sincerely, ate- t-y- Q-- Edward B. Giller Senior Intelligence Officer Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2009/01/30: CIA-RDP80M00596A000400030033-4