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Approved For Ras e-2bdUi6iioi 6iA=RDP801~11001 A $1'01i020022-5 13 January 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Information Review Committee Assistant for Information SUBJECT : FOIA Appeal - George McT. Kahin (74-120) Acting for the O/DCI, the NIO/SSEAAF no objection to the declassification and release of the W. W. Rostow memo to McG. Bundy "Meeting Saturday Morning, January 28, in the President's Office, on Vietnam," dated 1/30/61. Therefore, with the concurrence of the DDO, the document may be declassified and released to the requester in its entirety. 25X1 25X1 Administrative Officer, DCI ti~`_iS1i ,,\1~,i-. '.l-: USt O\L`i Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 A91N1STRAT1VE-I1iERNJi : USE " LY . Approved FoA'Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00 A003100020022-5 29 December 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: D/DCI/NIO SUBJECT : FOIA Appeal - George McT. Kahin (74-120) REFERENCE : Attachments The attachments pertain to an appeal by George McT. Kahin of the sanitization and denial of information contained in one White House document (document #2 on the attached list). The DDO has no objection to release but recommends O/DCI review. Would you undertake to act for the O/DCI in this case? Administrative Officer, UG1 Atts: a/s MZcui . 1 r --~ PZI-4 STAT Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For`kelease 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M001iA003100020022-5 OX-2 transfer to VU-1 Amber STAT STAT STAT SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET P OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 7-C -17- Hgs. FU -1 Amber t1 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: As you can see. from the attached material on the George McT Kahin appeal, the DDO has no objection to the release after the O/DCI has concurred. Would you please review and return to me with your opinion. Thanks. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE AC/IPS -2 -E-50 - Hqs. 12/23 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET "0" No- 237 Use previous editions 1-67 (40) Approved For Release 2005/03/07 CIA-RDP80M00165A003100020022-5' Approved`For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M b165AO03100020022-5 17 December 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: -Chairman, Information Review Committee ATTENTION: SUBJECT: REFERENCE: Assistant for Information FOIA Appeal - -George McT. Kahin (74-120) A. B. 10 October 1974 IPS Reply Appeal Letter dated. 12 November 1975 1. Summary of Recommendations: Pass document being appealed in toto s obj ect- to 0 DCI concur-r.?ence. 2. Background: Subject is appealing the deletions made by CIA in only one of twenty-one documents referred for review; these documents were reviewed-in reference to NAR.S Declassification Review NLK 74-3 on behalf of Subject. The document in question was reviewed by the responsible DDO component on 27 September 1.974 and at that time had no objection to declassification"and./or release pending re- view by the Office of the DCI. This document was passed to Subject in sanitized form. 3. Recommendation: reviewed an reference to objection (see Tab B) to lease of the information However, since the O/DCI information, I recommend tamed (see Tab B). This document has been re- this appeal. We still have no the declassification and/or re- previously denied to Subject. was the initial denier of the that their concurrence be ob- 4. f 0CC has been advised this matter ana concurs our recommendation. DDO Appeals ricer Attachments: TAB A - References TAB B - Appealed documents 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 s - Come ~q b~~d r ase 2005/03/07: CIA-RDP80M YU165A00310006562 DEPAR1M NF OF GOVLRNME-NT NCGRAV/ HALI. ITHIiCA, NEW YORK 14550 November. 12, 1975 Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Information Review Committee c/o Assistant to the Dar"ectar- insists that this be sanitized before it is released. review case NLK-74-3, document No. 2. As I understand it, the CIA I write-to request a review of your decision concerning my mandatory I respectfully submit that inasmuch as,both the Departments of Defense and State concluded that the entire document could be declassified and that this judgment has now been fully concurred- in by--the National? Security Council there is no plausible basis for denying, declassification by CIA. Deletion of this portion of the memo from W.W._ Rostow,to- .fcGeorge Bundy that CIA has stipulated will effectively eviscerate-the purport of this memo. This-will mean an option laid before the President and seriously considered by him is being denied fhose seeking tot reconstruct one of the most critical -periods in the new KennedykAdminis- tration's approach to the problem of Vietnam. I do therefore respectfully request that your committee review this decision. Georgd McT. Kahin Professor of Government and International Relations Copy to: John F. Kennedy Library Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 Approved'or Release 2005/03/07: CIA-RDP80M'165A003100020022-5 der.. Pi-chard A. Jacobs Den>tty Assistant Archivist -for Presidential Libraries Office of Presidential Lib.rarie --- ;atiotnal Archives and Records Service g _.. Seventh St. & Pennsylvania -Avenue, Ni.. 1W.. ;Mashington, D. C. 204.?8 Dear ?,;r. Jacobs:..- The CIA has completed its-...mandatory. declassification review of the documents submttcd in your request of 12 August. on behalf..-of 114r. Geo=rge J!cT. Kah-in of Cornell ljf.i.versity. There is no objection -to _decla.ssifi catzon " _ and release, of the documents subject per your. letter to':-concurrence front the National Security -Council:, the -Department of - State, - arc1 the Department of Defense. ? - - Attachment A also those .documents which, despite the need for continued, classification, released in sanitized form, provided that the- passages bracketed in Attachment 13 are deleted., . and no-. objection is posed by the other reviewing agencies.-- Sincerely,- Robert -S. Young - Archivist Attachments: - a/s ISAS:CPB:BDrell:sih (9 October 1974) Distribution: Orig. - Addressee 1 - ISAS (Subject) 1 - ISG/DDO' v1 Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 DR.1s_' T Approved Mr Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80MOOT 5AO03100020022-5 7Oct711 CIA Posit:ton on MARS Request NLK "r-= -3 for 1`ardatory Declassification Review on Behalf of George MCT. Kahin, Cornell University I tom Date CIA Doctr,-,ents: 1 3/25/61 A.W. Dullos mazno to JFi'K: "Operations Against North Vi-otnam," S d'hito Rouse Documents: 2 1/30/61 W.W. Rostow memo to MeG. Bandy: "Meeting Saturd=ay Morning, January 28, in the Presidont's Office, on VietnamTS 3 21 1/61 R.Z.T. Nos er memo to: T.J.W. Rosto-w: "Fore stallinf a Crisis An South Vietnam," S /#- 311-'1161 C.V. Clifton mono to NcG. i3urdy re schedule for now Ambassador in Vietnam, C .. / . . / I. . 6 3/29/61 3 /x/12/61 & Dulles ro meeting with JFK, S Unsigned agenda for Task Force Meeting March 20, S CIA Fosition Continue classification per i;.O. 11652, 5(D)(2-3) Continue classification per EO11652, 5(13)(1,3). o objoction o N sag L?E.i_ ati.on nro-,iced ass-t ag:;s brac~cot ed , in a -t-tachaent B are delet1 d . No objaction to decl .ssifi_cation. No objection to declassification. No objection to declassification. W.W. Rostow memo to JFK re Vi-otnam, - No objection to declassification. C ?W 1 .1 ."Rostow memo to JFK.: "Vietnam 'r S No objoction to doclassification. Ras-tow memo to JrK re Vietnam, No objection to declassification. S 9 Ro sto w memo to JFK: "D turbrow on Alsop on Diem on Vietnam," S 1 4 /28/61 R.?? Nosier memo to `.r.'.'. Ro sto fir: "Comments on Program of Action for Vietnam," TS 1/27/61 r,cG. Irndy rnamo to McNamara, rusk, No objection to declassification. No objection to declassification. Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 Approved For Release'` A-RDP80M0T165A003100020022-5 ,j. 4/28/6l R.H. Johnson memo to W.W. Rostow: "Frogram of Action for Viotnan," TS 12 5/ 3/61 R.W. KOIIlor memo to RC SLOW, S 13 5/ 1x/61 R.W. lloilier merio to l'I.:% Rostow, S 14 515161 Unsigned item: "U.S. Military Forces in "ouch V:ietnem," TS 5/10/61 '.1.V . Rostow memo to JFK : "Viet- nam NSC Paper," S 16 5/16/61 X 13.11. Johnson memo to Ros- tow: "Meeting of the Task Force on Vietnam, on Thursday, May 11, 1.961," S 17 5/17/61 R.H. Johnson memo to 1T.'~'. Rostow: ::r-,ceting of the Vietnam Task Force on Monday, May 15, 1961," S 18 5/19/61 R.11'. Johnson memo to Mc.G. Bundy: "South Vietnam Agency Comments on USC Action Memorandum No. 52," TS 19 5/24/61 R.H. Johnson memo to '?1.??.'. Rostow: "The Possibility of a Coup in South Vietnam," S 20 5/26/61 W.W. Rostow memo to JFK on Vietnam. S 21 5/26/61 R.F. Johnson memo to '. '. Rostow: "Economic Group for South Vietnam," C Continue classification per ho, 5(B)(3)? l 'o objection to sanitization provided passages bracketed in Attachment B are deleted. No objection todeelassifica- -tion. No objection to declassifica-- tion..: Eo, 5(B)(3).. No objection to manitization pxovj.cied ' pass.Fges bracketed in Attachment B are deleted. 1,1o. objection to declass-ifica-- Continue classification or l,0 5(B)(3). No objection to ,anitization provided rassages bracl.s.ted in Attachment B are deleted. No objections to decla-3sifica- tion. No objections to -dc.classifica-- tion. No objections to declassifica- tion. 1,, '0 objections to declassifica- tion. Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165A003100020022-5 .Wlr MEMORANDUM FOR DiO/PIC . Annette D. S:-rider Declassif!cation Request No. 71F-120 28 Jan. 1961 5100 tit ~/ l i7S Requester: George Mct. Kahin Documents Concerned: Memorandum, Rostotr to icGeorge Bundy, LI 11 EA Division has reviewed subject request and has detcrinined: b. No objection to declassification and/or release after clearances have been obtained from the following: Office of the DCI - a. No objection to declassification and/or, release. Declassifi cation of any part of. the request is impossible at this iim.e. Applicable exemptions under apply:, A sanitized version may be released after the bracketed mate ial has been excised. Applicable exemptions under- apply: e. Additional comments, if applicable: STAT Downgrade to when detached Theodore G. Rackley `C hief, East Asia Division Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP8QM00165A003100020022-5 ~~ nnc,tct t WAI CONFIDENTIAL UNCLASSIFIED . REVIEW WORKSHEET (Do not detach from document)- xfication Programs Branch :nation Systems Analysis Staff 2E-42, Headquarters Building PART I. Findings and Recommendations Approved For Release 2005/03 CIA-RDP80 65A00310002II02 -5 o . No objection to declassifi.cationand/or release. Sanitized version may be released provided that'certain.information is excised.-- (If "Expendable Copy,'' bracket material to be deleted in red. If not an "Expendable Copy," indicate material to be deleted-in the..'- space-below, citing page, paragraph, line etc. Use continuation sheet if needed.) PART II.. Sanitization Do~:.ngraded to -when detached - 7 9 43724 9 S. 74 . No objection to declassificationand/or release, but clearanc_e(s) should be obtained from the follot,ring CIA-components, US agencies, or foreign governments: Office of General Counsel:(has, has not) concurred in'this deter-mina-_. Act and, as a matter of policy, should-not be made available. The c, Document is unclassified or may be-declassified, but it-is privileged under exemption(s)- of the Freedom of Information. under E. 0. 11652 Document may be automatically de- classified on (Go'to PART II.) Declassification is impossible at this time. -Applicable exemption(s) . Sanitization is impossible or inadvisable. Request No.: =}l._ Part of Document Identification (No., Title, Date, etc,): nn 4~ ~ C{HV ~~~ ~~_~ .Expendable Copy: Reviewer-? Name or Employee No. Component ) /N Date of Review a Yes No Approved For Release 2005/03/07 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO03100020022-5 .t b~w Approved'For Rele W,NrSIA-RDP8011Q165A0 3( 100020022- .: ~ t~ -? P :_. ., , . art nocuiztant Identification (r1o. , Title_ r?t nr- 1 aleition Systei7S Analysis Staff ttTTa._ o_i T3 U.Q ? Zrs_pUYICi ?':c4t,.t2~.',--5'tuz?dav 1'orn~.n~ Headquarters Iiui.1c7.i:1b Si1 0 Jamlarv ?~3. 1 1961 in ho (Do not drL ctl fro,-t c'orus lt) E>pencI ble Copy Yj's PART I I'i.ncli nosnd..:"eco: ra...1c ._r wo is y.. a. - No objection to clecla i l, s ^ s : . _ t ion Yd/or r_e7.: s~.. No objection to dc-'classification an'cl/oi, release, but l ar c _e ance(s)TTshould be obtained from the following CIA r nc_er exeinptzon s of the Freedom of Information _AcT and, - s -a.,:etter oz policy, :should not be rrade iatailable 21e Office of G`e'neral. Counsel has concurred in this ~ clet__rr.inatior (C o to PART II. ) Declassification is impossible at C 'I. San:itization is :impossible or inadvisable. Sanitized Version nay be re:' eased provided that certain information is excised. (If tlpe` dab1? Copy," bracket riaterial to be deleted in red. If not an ".expendable Copy," indicate material to be deleted in the space belo'?r,. Citing -page, paLagraph, line etc. Use s^~:`.w if c.~rltir