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pproved For Rele TO 107/ ".UOM0U41ft 1 )18-5 THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 May 2, 1977 Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Re: Heightened Intelligence Interest in Soviet/Warsaw Pact Readiness Posture SC 03548-77/1 Copy #1 Please find attached a copy of a report concerning the above subject which I forwarded to Dr. Brzezinski this afternoon. This was sent at his request following a discussion concerning the approval of this month's reconnaissance operations, where I cited verbally the reasons for the increased European schedule. Though the indicators are largely of a tactical military nature, I recognize that the communication of intelligence to the White House is your area of responsi- bility; hence, I wanted you to have a copy of the report. Attachment Charles W. Duncan, Jr. 7(2i87 AAp Med For I&qq84 40P 4CRE Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO01800110018-5 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01800110018-5 App TWpj ; r Up-leTHT 2 8 S@ TW~qWl %1 6 110018-5 2 May 1977 MEMO FOR Dr. Brzezinski Attached report forwarded per your request. Charles W. Duncan, Jr. Attachment Approved For Release 2004/Sec 1507/08ge f CCb~pp- Dp R0 001 0110018-5 1 on Pi-_-~ I ur JE' i I Vivrui i-t proved For ReleaseyQ~Q 6Yv'1800110018-5 d~ WWO 'W' 2 MAY 1977 SC 03548-77 TSU-1050/DN CIA cy #1 SUBJECT: Heightened intelligence interest in Soviet/Warsaw Pact readiness posture (C) INFORMATION MEMORANDUM (S) This memorandum sets forth the intelligence background supporting the need for some freedom of action in scheduling U.S. reconnaissance activity in the European theatre. (S) There have been two developing situations of concern to the U.S. intelligence community: - Beginning in the summer of 1976, the series of East German and Soviet actions and pronouncements indicating an aggressive attitude towards western presence.in East Berlin. -- chronology is provided as attachment 1 -- U. S. decisionmakers are aware of situation, both from intelligence reporting and the Soviet demarche to governments concerned. - A coincidence of military exercise and mobilization activity in the late April-early May time frame which could shield Warsaw Pact preparations for contingency operations -- while spring is an historic time for increased activity, there is an unusual time-compression of events in the late April-early May period (attach- ment 2) -- the two activities which have caused the greatest uncertainty are the increased General Staff command- and-control exercises, and the unknown nature of the East German mobilization exercise scheduled for early May Ciassifizd 1'y EXEMPT F'0M SCHEOULv CF EXCU 3 i-VE 0Kui`fl 11 52 70 1 O DECLASSIFY ON E+ ....... t 4 Approved For Reap Q 0 4 / g 1A 8 8 14 1 Z"061915 X-- - - I %W c y N io: SECRET y~~~~ Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIRDP8 5~100'1~00110018-5 (S) Against this general background, there have been periodic peaks in our concern, caused by: an unusual overlap in April of Yankee submarine patrols in the Atlantic - the presence of more. than 30 submarines in the Norwegian and Barents Sea during the naval exercise in April - low-reliability reports regarding movement of Soviet divisions from the Sino-Soviet border .and presence.of;large numbers of hidden tanks in East Germany - start of the spring troop rotation prior to 1 May holidays. (S) In a continuing series of meetings, of community analysts and in continuing discussion with USEUCOM analysts, the .prevailing conclusion has been, and remains, that there are no indications of Warsaw Pact preparations for offensive action. There is less certainty as to whether Moscow is orchestrating some demonstration of increased military activity to comple- ment the political activities surrounding their East Berlin initiatives. . (S) Our negative conclusions, however, do not diminish the need for a collection osture which is at least equal to that enjoyed in the past., *?he new national collection system is not at present substituting for a sound all-source collection strategy, of which peripheral airborne reconnaissance is an important ingredient (U) Coordination within OSD is not required. Enclosures: Chronology (TSU) 1 Cy Chart (TSU) 1 Cy Prepared by RADM W.D. ROBERTSON, X79773 Samuel V. Wilson Lieutenant General, USA Director Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01800110018-5 TOP SECRET UMBRA k" LKL 1 WAUKA Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000110018-5 RECENT SOVIET/GDR ACTIONS RELATIVE TO BERLIN 13 AUG 76: 13 BUSLOADS OF FRG CITIZENS ENROUTE TO BERLIN FOR A RALLY TURNED BACK BY GDR PERSONNEL. OCT 76: DISCONTINUANCE OF SPECIAL STATUS ID CARDS USED BY EAST BERLIN MEMBERS OF GDR PARLIAMENT; DELEGATES NOW HAVE SAME PRIVILEGES AND VOTING RIGHTS AS OTHER MEMBERS. OCT 76: EAST BERLIN MAYOR APPOINTED CONCURRENTLY TO GDR COUNCIL OF MINISTERS. 8 NOV 76: GDR ANNOUNCED THAT TARIFFS WOULD BE INCREASED EFFECTIVE 1 FEB 77 FOR HAULING ALLIED TRAINS BETWEEN FRG & WEST BERLIN. (GDR INFORMED MATTER SOLELY WITHIN DISCRETION OF ALLIES AND USSR). 2 DEC 76: GDR POLICE AT EAST/WEST BERLIN CROSSING (CHECKPOINT CHARLIE) ISSUED ARM BANDS READING "BORDER TROOPS OF THE GDR." 1 JAN 77: ONE-DAY GDR VISAS REQUIREMENT IMPOSED ON NON-GERMAN/NON-ALLIED VISITORS ENTER- ING EAST BERLIN. JAN 77: REMOVAL OF BORDER CHECKPOSTS BETWEEN EAST BERLIN AND THE GDR. .11 JAN 77: ACCESS BY EAST GERMANS TO THE FRG MISSION IN EAST BERLIN BLOCKED BY GDR SECURITY PERSONNEL FOR 24 HRS; SUBSEQUENT VISITS CLOSELY SCRUTINIZED, 19 JAN.77: SOVIET AMBASSADOR COMPLAINED THAT ALLIES, ESPECIALLY US, WERE ABUSING THEIR RIGHT TO ENTER EAST BERLIN; PROTESTED THE NUMBER OF US PATROLS, AND THE FREQUENT OESERVATION AND PHOTOGRAPHING OF SOVIET EMBASSY IN BERLIN. 21-24 JAN 77: DRAMATIC INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF PERSONS-(MOSTLY FORMER GDR CITIZENS-- LEGAL EMIGRES & DEFECTORS) DENIED ENTRANCE TO EAST BERLIN. 7 FEB 77: REPORTS GDR PREPARING TO INCORPORATE INTO EAST BERLIN CONTIGUOUS PRECINCTS IN THE GDR. (VIOLATES 1944 FOUR POWER AGREEMENT & 1971.QUADRAPARTITE AGREEMENT). 21 FEB 77: PUBLICATION OF GDR AIR REGULATIONS CONTROLLING FOREIGN OVERFLIGHTS BY MILITARY AIRCRAFT AND CARGO PLANES CARRYING MILITARY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT; PROHIBITION OF RECONNAISSANCE BY THESE AIRCRAFTf,VERBAL GDR ASSURANCES TO ALLIES THAT REGULATION DESIGNED TO CONTROL NORTH-SOUTH FLIGHTS BY SCANDINAVIANS TO THE MEDITERRANEAN.) 22 FEB 77: PUBLIC GDR CONFIRMATION OF DISCONTINUANCE OF EAST BERLIN LEGAL GAZETTE. (HAD NOT BEEN ISSUED SINCE PREVIOUS SEPTEMBER; OFFICIAL DOCUMENT PROMULGATED GDR LAWS THAT HAD BEEN ADOPTED BY THE EAST BERLIN CITY COUNCIL.) 25 FEB 77: GDR-IMPOSED "ROAD TAX" ON NON-ALLIED DRIVERS ENTERING EAST BERLIN EFFECTIVE 1 MARCH -- SIMILAR REQUIREMENT ALREADY EXISTED IN THE GDR. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M00165AO01800110018-5 TOP SECRET UM R .A Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80M00165A0000110018-5 9 MAR 77: GDR BORDER GUARDS ATTEMPTED TO DEAL WITH US FREIGHT. TRAIN COMMANDER DURING 2-HOUR DELAY AT POTSDAM. TO MAR 77: SOVIET AMBASSADOR TO GDR REITERATED THAT QUADRAPARTITE AGREEMENT IS RELEVANT ONLY TO WEST BERLIN AND THAT MILITARY RIGHTS OF 3 WESTERN POWERS IN. THE "EASTERN PART OF THE CITY.'.. DOES NOT EXIST." MOSCOW SINCE STATED THAT AMBASSADOR WAS MISQUOTED AND MERELY SAID "SUCH A PART OF THE CITY -DOES NOT EXIST." .10 MAR 77: SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTRY OFFICIALLY STATED THAT ALLIES NEVER ENJOYED ANY "INHERENT EXTRA-TREATY RIGHTS IN BERLIN. '11 MAR 77: FRENCH TROOP TRAIN DETAINED WHILE GDR PERSONNEL DEMANDED PAPERWORK, WHICH TRAIN COMMANDER REFUSED TO PRESENT. 73 MAR 77: 1 MAY DEADLINE IMPOSED BY THE GDR ON THE TRANSIT OF EMPTY NON-DEGASSIFIED OIL BARGES TRANSITING EAST BERLIN WHILE ENROUTE FROM WEST BERLIN TO FRG. DEADLINE SUBSEQUENTLY SUSPENDED. 29-30 MAR 77: NU1EROUS AIRCRAFT PENETRATED THE BERLIN CONTROL ZONE. SOVIETS ADMITTED ERROR ON THE 29TH BUT DENIED PLANES WERE SOVIET ON THE 30TH. 14-APR 77: 2 FLAG PATROL INCIDENTS:ATTEMPTED DETENTION OF A PATROL THAT HAD BECOME ENMESHED IN AN OFFICIAL MOTORCADE; SEPARATE PATROL, WHILE OBSERVING GDR TROOPS ENGAGED IN PHYSICAL TRAINING, WAS SURROUNDED BY GDR TROOPS WHO STRUCK THE AUTO WITH RIFLE BUTTS. 15 APR 77: DEMARCHES DELIVERED TO US, UK, FRANCE DEMANDING CESSATION IN "THE NEAREST; TERM" OF ALLIED FLAG PATROLS IN EAST BERLIN. 18 APR 77: HELICOPTER OF UNKNOWN NATIONALITY CROSSED ABOUT 500 METERS INTO THE US SECTOR FROM GDR AT 100 METER ALTITUDE. LAST SOVIET OVERFLIGHT OF WEST BERLIN OCCURRED IN 1965. TCp SECRET UMS' Approved For ReI~aO 04/S6 80 Ill * > AppWyF~r R~,?.Q0~~08~y4F~0165A001800110018-5 ................... CpM PA2 5o IAIAOSAUI pAC'r ~1 6P,20Z MiuTAR-Y AcTWITIEs 1973 6EL #L'TAFr 6M QAL STAFF' ~7v tIC, 4LeeT 3 YA l K E LASS SC im We wAe.eAtu PAC-r AIP. Etf EX LRA AtT1C FL(G'4T5 P `gO Tt TAT1O iA GEE?MA- 4 ATt 1975 NoN6 ' NOME MOMS A421 L 6UcfUulV=) WNe JAw-API A9,2- MAY Joy. 1977 NEAP. &: JT(Ac1S 5t3 AM `77 APP.tL- APie(L.- APRIL AA21LoaMA'1z .tAm- APE. APR- MAY2 MAY 7 , c m PAaA6 " 5cze , sew op- VURATW roved For Release 0~4i0~08 - P 0 5 KVtlr 5A m 'L UMBRA V (A 2- Wria NQ rye MA2-MANY MAY- JL* E AP2IL JAN - APE. APR- MAY NE NoNI