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Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2006
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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1977
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MORI/CDF Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01300090035-4 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR TO.: Bernie SUBJECT: Director o Personnel's Memo, for DCI's info, on "Involuntary Separatins" This memo is in response to DCI's question, and provides the necessary statistics. Shortly, the DCI will be receiving at leasttwo requests that he authorize the"involuntary separation's of individuals; one (a commo specialist) who has been declared surplus, and a second (an ops officer from DDC) who seems to turning in an unsatisfacry perofrmance, probably because of psychiatric or attitudinal problems. Until very recently, the D/DCI has been authorizing these involuntary separations (or "terminate--,Ins". as they are unfortunately described), but OGC believes that the orev:tous DCI's delegi::_tion of this authority to the D/DCI may not be legally sound. Consequently, until that problem is :corked out, the DCI will be asked to dispose of these cases. This is not terribly burdensome, because since 1972 (as will be noted from the attached) the DCI has authorized himself the involuntary terminations of only 17 employees - not including the two the Admiral took a personal interest in. After he sees the anticipated tWo:. cases, the DCI should decide if he ;actually wishes to delegate this authority. Approved For ReI .2Q06/0a/09 : CIA-RDP80M00165AD 00090035-4 INVOLUNTARY SEPARATIONS 1972 - 1977? 1972 Two employees were terminated by the DCI for unsatisfactory conduct and'failure to accept an-assignment. Seventy employees resigned in lieu of possible termination for: failure to qualify during the first year, unsatisfactory per- formance or conduct, medical problems, marriage to a foreign national, and being declared surplus. In addition, 34 employees resigned for security reasons. Two employees retired in lieu of possible termination due to medical problems. Terminated by DCI 2 Resigned in lieu 104 (Security -34) (Impropriety or illegality-0) Retired in lieu 2 108 1973 .I` Thirteen. emp-loyees were terminated by-the DCI after being 'declared--surplus. Forty-seven employees resigned in lieu of possible termination for: failure to qualify during the first. year, unsatisfactory per- formance or conduct, medical reasons-, and marriage to a foreign national. In addition, 20 employees resigned for security reasons. Two employees retired in lieu of possible termination due to reasons other than impropriety or illegality. NOTE: During 1973, 299 additional employees involuntarily retired after being declared surplus. Terminated by DCI 13 Resigned in lieu 67 (Security -20) (Impropriety or illegality- 0) Retired in lieu 2 82 _r_v__fUNeU ~ For r,nfR RJncl") r`~n M?ti'r~~A~nn3nn A.i `+rnnn.~nnnnnnnnr Aai~ K .i~~~~ ~ n ~ni~ ini~ ~~?+ Approved For R9Ie 2006/O8LO9 : C IA-RDP8GF/1O016'5A'?01300090035-4 One- employee was--- terminated- by the DCI 'after- retire. Fifty-eight. employees resigned in lieu of possible termination for: failure to qualify during the first year, unsatisfactory per- formance or conduct, medical reasons, marriage to a foreign national, and being declared surplus. One employee resigned in lieu of termination due,-to impropriety or-illegality. In addition, 12 employees resigned for security reasons. One employee retired in lieu of termination for failure to meet Agency medical standards. Terminated by DCI 1 Resigned in lieu 71 (Security -12) *(Improprie.ty or illegality- 1) Retired in lieu 1 7733 *Writing bad checks and indebtedness Thirty employees resigned in lieu of possible termination for: failure to qualify during the first year,' unsatisfactory per- formance or-conduct, medical reasons, marriage to a foreign national, and being declared surplus. One employee resigned due to impropriety or illegality. In addition, 15 employees resigned for security reasons. Two employees retired in lieu meet Agency medical standards. of termination for failure to Terminated by DCI 0 Resigned in lieu 46 (Security -15) *(Impropriety or illegality- 1) Retired in lieu 2 48 *Disorderly conduct. involving arrest Approved Fb? R614 2006/0.81091:'CIA=RDP'8DM001,'65A00 300090035-4 One... employee.:was ;;terminated. by DCI for. failure-: to..-accept'.: an assignment. One employee was terminated by Director of Personnel for failure to qualify during the first year trial period. Twenty-nine employees resigned in lieu of possible termination due to failure to qualify during the first year, unsatisfactory performance or conduct, medical reasons, marriage to a foreign national, and being declared surplus. ..Three-employees':resigned in lieu of possible termination due to'impropriety or illegality. In addition, five employees resigned for security reasons. Three employees retired in lieu of termination for failure to meet Agency medical standards or after being declared surplus. Terminated by DCI 1 Terminated by Director of Personnel 1 Resigned in lieu 37 (Security -5) *(Impropriety or illegality-3) Retired in lieu 3 42 *One violation .. of. law on.expor.t of currency; one alteration= of official travel order for personal gain;- one'theft,of merchandise-from employer-outside-employment.:,. January to March 1977 Fourteen employees resigned in lieu' of possible termination for: failure to qualify during the first year, unsatisfactory per- formance or conduct, marriage to a foreign national, and being declared surplus.' No' employees' have resigned due to impropriety.-.or illegality as of ' 31 March 1977. One employee retired in lieu of termination after being declared surplus. Approved For Release.2006/08/09 IA-RDP80N100165A0Q13Q0090035_-4______ Approved For Rele 006/08/09: CIA-RDP80MOO165A00 00090035-4 Terminated by DCI 0 Resigned in lieu 14 Retired in lieu 1 15 Approved For Release'2006f08109': CIA-RDP80MOQ165A00`1300090035-4 STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01300090035-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01300090035-4