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Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2007
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Publication Date: 
May 4, 1977
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Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 .Approved For Relea 2007/05Jcf c -c 80M00165A0011 00040021ALENT-KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM (S) NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 4 May 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: NRP-Related Questions Subsequent to the briefing to President Carter on NRP imagery systems, you asked three questions related to NRP operations. The first two were forwarded on 15 April. A discussion of Question 3, dealing with assigning a percentage of tasking of each reconnais- sance satellite to the Unified and Specified Commanders is attached. I would be pleased to provide any additional information you may desire on this issue. Charles W. Cook Acting Director Attachment Discussion Paper - Question #3 JP Q REVIEVV COMPLETE TALENT-KEYHOLE CLASSIFIED BY TKHI _ EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11552 EX. EMPTION CATEGORY I ,~58111. 121. (31, o, 141 AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED ON Im pusw bli leo Dww min. __ TOP SECRET CONROLNOTCS-37604-77 COPY 1 OF 2 COPIES PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 Approved For Relea2007/05 QUESTION #3: Can you give me a rough plan for delegating a percent tasking of each type of satellite to each Unified Commander? The task of allocating resources to satisfy operational requirements is the responsibility of the NFIB Committees. Delegating a portion of overhead tasking to operational commanders, therefore, is an issue which would be considered by the COMIREX and SIGINT Committees. However, the NRO, as an observer on the COMIREX and SIGINT Committees, is very familiar with the requirements mechanism and this organization also has been very active in working with operational commanders in developing tactical applications for reconnaissance satellites. Based upon this perspective, we offer the discussion below. Allocation of NRP collection time for operational commanders is already in effect on a limited basis. Of course, all NRP systems are resource-limited and consequently must be operated in accordance with a priority system. Some of the NRP resources are allocated to specific users on a percentage or a defined resource basis. For example, SAC is presently allocated for their SIOP targets.However, most NRP resources are used in an inte-25X1 grated manner. That is, the requirements of many users, including the Unified Commands, are integrated and prioritized by the COMIREX/SIGINT Committee mechanism into standing or mission requirements and available resources are used to satisfy these requirements based on priorities and without regard to the original requester. Operational commanders routinely request and receive priority collection and reporting. P CSINU80MOO LENT-KEYHOLE CLASSIFIED BV_ TKH1 HANDLE VIA EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION CION CATEGORY 51, '31, ' X MMPT AUTOMATICALLY DEECLAmSSIFIEDON LI E TALENT-KEYHOLE CONTROL SYSTEM TOP SECRET CONTROL NO COPY OF COPIES PAGE OF PAGES Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01100040024-3 ?- +arcv CONFIDENTIAL ~ I SECRET Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80M00165A0 1100040024-3 EXECUTT'V ! SEC ETARIAT Routing Slip INFO I DATE I INITIAL Approved For Release 2007/05/06: CIA-RDP80M00165A001100040024-3