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Document Release Date: 
October 19, 2006
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1977
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Approved For Release 2006/1g 1ftgEI;,la% *DP80M00165A001000020002-0 NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD NFIB-5.1/65 ` 3 O CT 1977 Copy . S of 25 MEMORANDUM FOR NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD FROM: John N. McMahon Acting Vice Chairman SUBJECT: Proposed Priority Changes, Attachment to DCID 1/2 (.U) REFERENCE: Attachment to DCID 1/2, "Current US Foreign Intelligence Requirements Categories and Priorities," NFIB-S.1/64 1 August 1977 1. (U) In accordance with procedures outlined in the reference, the NIO for Conventional Forces (NIO/CF) has proposed priority changes within his area of cognizance, as shown in Attachment 1. 2. (.U) The DCID 1/2 Ad Hoc Group, having coordinated these proposed changes with Community elements, and in consultation with the NIO/CF,. recommends they be adopted. The impact of these. changes on the overall distribution of priorities is shown. in Attachment 2. In addition to the rationale provided for these changes, which is discussed in the next paragraph, the DCID 1/2 Ad Hoc Group wishes to emphasize the following points to the NFIB: a. (U) These proposed changes demonstrate the dynamics of a "current" priorities system, as opposed to the previous system which forecast priorities for a future time period. Thus, the NIO/CF is drawing the attention of substantive intelligence activities to certain realities and standing requirements which affect the focus of his task in today's world. 1i. (U) The discipline of the DCID 1/2 priorities procedure is judgmental as opposed. to one in which changes are designed to balance out to zero. Although all of the proposed changes result in increased priorities, the impact upon the priorities distribution (as can be noted in Attachment 2) is slight. Further assurance that SEC .E 3 hI FCREISL1 Approved For Release 2006/11/01 : CIA-RDP80M00165A001000020002-0 SUBJECT: Proposed Priority Changes Approved FqrtF gl.ea~~~~6~b1/(~t:lglAIF QP~M00165A001000020002-0 the integrity of the process will be preserved is provided for by the requirement for annual review of all priorities. As occurred in the preparation of the current document, the annual review will adjust priorities both upward and downward. How- .ever, the resultant priorities distribution is not balanced by a set of mathematical rules which demand equivalent positive and negative actions. 3. (S) The broad rationale behind these specific recommended priority changes supports the following issues: 4, (U) Please telephone or forward your approval/dis- approval of the proposed priority changes to the NFIB Exe- cutive Secretariat to arrive by 14 October 1977.. .]in N, McMahon. 25X1 25X1 Attachments 1. NIO Change Justification 2. Impact of Proposed Priority Changes nil I'll tt -Approved For Release 2006/11/01: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO01000020002-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/01 : CIA-RDP80M00165A001000020002-0 Approved For Release 2006/11/01 : CIA-RDP80M00165A001000020002-0