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Document Release Date: 
September 9, 2004
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1977
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Approved F%gelease 20?0 109/23 CIA-PDP80M001 A000600040031-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, U.C. 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Honorable Zbigniew Brzezinski? Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT . Reconnaissance Aircraft Overflight of Cuba 1. This memorandum responds to some of the questions raised during the discussion of reconnaissance overight of Cuba during yesterday's NSC meeting. 2. Subsequent to the Cuban missile cisis, the Intelligence Community was highly dependent on manned Overflight of Cuba by U-2 aircraft to monitor the status of Cuban military forces, the supply of Soviet military equipment. to Cuba and the periodic de- ployment of Soviet air and naval units.ko that island. As the capaibility and capacity of our film-rgfurn photo-satellite recon- naissance systems improved, the frequEncy of aircraft overflight was incrementally reduced. By 1970,`the satellites were providing the bulk of the photographic coverage of Cuban targets and aircraft were used primarily to respond to time-sensitive intelligence requirements which could not be mot by the film-return satellite systems. By mid-1974, when the SR-71 replaced the U-2 for over- flight of Cuba, it was recognizt that the justification for continued overflight was based.lprimarily on the-political require- ment to maintain a continuing_f1S reconnaissance presence over the island. A continuing standby overflight capability was also provided for to handle time-ensitive national intelligence problems. 3. Since May 1975, the frequency of SR-71 overflight has been This schedule, ihich was established by ecretaryr issinger, has generally been' adhered to unless accelerated or delayed by the Operations Advisory Group or adversely affected by 'feather. Copy No. saWTIO ~ 25X1 Approved For elease 2?0`04/09123": C* 'A- DP80M00165A000600040031 ? `ran 25X1 a m 1??a_~a16 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000600040031-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000600040031-1