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November 1, 1974
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Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165~A000500320001-4 1 NOV 1974 You raise a very fundamental question in your letter of September 28th, and one which could take a volume to answer. I believe, however, the basic answer is that contained in the Pregident's press conference of 16 September 1974, in which he said "It's a recognized fact that histor- ically, as well as presently, such actions are taken in the best interests of the countries involved." In a world of sovereign powers, we Americans must be informed of the potential difficulties which we could face from other nations, as some can present potential threats, and we must protect our- selves against that danger. As for our covert operations, these also fundamentally rest on our nation's sovereign rights, and I believe recent votes in the Congress indi..that the Congress also believes that the U. S. should note inhibited from conducting such activities where necessary z I hope this answers your questions. WEC:jlp (1 Nov 1974) Distribution:. Original - Addressee 1 - DCI w/basic 1 - ER Sincerely, /s/. A E. Colby W. E. Colby Director 7/ Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000500320001-4 Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80MOO1654000500320001-4 STAN September 28, 1974 Mr. William E. Colby Director of Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency Langley, Virginia 22101 Dear Mr. Colby, I would like to commend you on-an excellent presentation- and response to the questions asked at the Congressional hearing. with the events of recent weeks we have seen a great deal of publicity on the C.I.A.,. its operations, and alleged involvement in. Chile. Being a part-time employee with the Agency and full-time foreign service student at Georgetown University I have a concern for the C.I.A. and its activities in other countries. In various courses, from. theology to political courses,the? C.I.A. has been mentioned in connection with Chile. In one political course my professor mentioned involvement of the C.I.A.. in Chile as having an"erosive" effeet upon our American culture and our concept of its ideals. Of course,.clandestine activities and covert operations abroad cannot be admitted p.olitically. But in a very general sense, I would like to know what justification or rationale we 'as Americans have for getting ourselves involved overseas. An answer to this would certainly provide me with a base from which to view our actions abroad. Your reply would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, STAT Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000500320001-4 STAT Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000500320001-4 Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000500320001-4