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Approved For Re a 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165400100001-9 Ms. Betty J. Hall, President National Capital Chapter Association of Records Managers and Administrators Post Office Box 89 Washington, D. C. 20044 Dear Ms. Hall: Thank you for your letter of 18 May to Admiral Turner inviting this Agency to submit a nomination for the thirteenth Annual Federal Paperwork Management Awards Program. After a thorough review of possible candidates within the Agency, it has been determined that we will not have a nomination this year. Please be assured of our continuing interest in this program and let me express our appreciation 25X1 at the recognition accorded our nominee last year, 1 ja winner of the Award of Excellence. Sincerely, F. W. M. Janney Director of Personnel 2 - C/BSD (1 w/held) Distribution: Orig - Addressee -- ER 1 - DDA 1 - D/Pers 25X10P/BSD/0:gec (13 Jun 77) Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80MOO165A000400100001-9 Approved For *ease 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M0016100040 ASSC.~~_1".'~.. {t}~`[ 'C.)F IZC_ \111~!~t':;_ Ai,.,Yu t 12 191 t 9 SPECIA,.J NOTICE The date for the 13th annual Federal Government _Pa.perwo t Management Awards luncheon has been changed to Monday, November 7, 1977. This change will be reflected on the official announcements and tickets which will be forwarded in the near future to the Agency Records Officers. Meartwhi e we remind you that the deadline for suhrnission of nominations is Fr. i'day, ei,ternber 16, 1977, as indicated in the official nomination guidelines. Some a.. encies have already sent us their choices. We appreciate this prompt response. May we urge those who have not yet completed the n.ece -_,a.ry materials to do so as early as possible. It will be ap preci Lted. Thar!; you, f ARMA/ N A.. AWARDS COORDINATOR Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80M00165A000400100001-9 ASSOCIATION OF RECORDS MANAGERS AND ADMINISTRATORS Approved Fo$lease 2004/01/21 : Cl -RDP80MO01$000400100001-9 NATIONAL CAPITAL CHAPTER - POSTT~"?EFICE',B:QX 89 - WASHINGTON. D.C. 20044 Honorable Stansfield Turner Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 - Dear Admiral Turner: Your agency is invited again this year to submit one or more nomina- tions (as indicated on page 2 of the Nomination Guidelines) for special recognition at the thirteenth Annual Federal Paperwork Management Awards Program. All submissions must be received by Monday, September 26, 1977. The presentation of awards is scheduled at the Sheraton Motor Hotel for Friday, October 28, 1977. Details concerning the awards, the nomination procedures, and copies of the Nominee Summary Sheet are enclosed for your information and use. May we._suggest that your Agency Records Management Offieer (whose be of assns= name is listed on the enclosed nomination guidel Ties) may tance-in identifying individuals whose-activities qualify them for- such special recognition. In fact, yyour records management, officer may deserve to be nominated. Your-cooperation is sincerely appreciated. Please observe the guide- - lines as to content, format, and deadline. Thank you ! Sincerely, BETTY J. HALL, President National Capital Chapter, ARMA Enclosures. Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80M00165A000400100001-9 HISTORICAL DIGEST Approved For ase 0016 0400100001-9 April, 1977 'FEDERAL PAPERWORK MANAGEMENT AWARDS These awards recognize unusual contributions in reducing and simplifying Fed- eral paperwork. Among results achieved to date are combined first year sav- ings in excess of $1.5 billion. Many innovations have resulted in significant efficiencies and economies. Others have improved service and responsiveness to public needs. Most improvements contribute savings of manpower, money, and materials on a continuing basis for many years. The National Archives and Records Service of the General Services Administra- tion has a mandate from Congress to provide leadership, training, and motiva- tion for designing and using simple efficient paperwork systems in the Federal Government. Those who make outstanding contributions toward achieving these objectives deserve to be recognized and honored. This aimual awards program. brings such worthy accomplishments into public focus. It is endorsed by the U. S. Civil Service Commission. For the first three years--beginning in 1965--these awards were jointly spon- sored by the National Archives and Records Service (NARS) and by the Admini- strative Management Society (_AMS)--?a professional office management organi- zation. During the next three years these awards enjoyed the joint sponsorship of NARS and the National Headquarters of the Association of Records Executives and Administrators (AREA). The following four years this role was assumed by the Greater Washington D. C. Chapter of this same organization. In July, 1975, AREA was merged with the American Records Management Asso- ciation. This combined unit became known as the Association of Records Man- agers and Administrators (ARMA). It represents America's foremost organi- zation devoted to efficient- records management,- The National Capital Chapter of this new organization has servect as a point sponsor- with NABS since that time. Each fall a leader from- Government or.. industry is ,incited to address- those who participate in_ this annual awards puncheon. The speaker's role is to focus upon the importance of efficiency, creativity, and frugality in operations and courte- ous responsiveness to the needs of the people served. Today this award is considered to be one of* the most highly prized in this pro- fessional field. Those who participate in helping to achieve these worthy goals are deserving of the appreciation expressed annually by letter from the Presi- dent of the United States and by the warm reception accorded them by those who meet together to honor them. -30- Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80MOO165A000400100001-9 Approved For R4el;NA/&'~ lj:nCl6 ?M%0165A 400100001-9 FEDERAL PAPERWORK MANAGEMENT AWARDS Jointly sponsored by NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE (GSA) and NATIONAL CAPITAL CHAPTER ASSOCIATION OF RECORDS MANAGERS AND ADD4INIS TRATORS (ARMM/iA) PURPOSE These awards are designed to honor those whose efforts contribute signifi- cantly to improved efficiencies and reduced costs in Federal paperwork. Official records are vital and account for a multi-billion dollar expenditure annually. Costs continue to mount as expanding needs are met. vet a s;g- nificant number of employees are applying ingenuity and imagination to stem the tide and reverse the trend. These deserve to be recognized and honored. NATURE OF AWARDS The highest award is the AWARD OF EXCELLENCE, Each recipient re- ceives a distinctive plaque in addition to a complimentary luncheon ticket for self, guest, and an agency representative. The secondary award is an AWARD OF SPECIAL MERIT'. These recipients also receive a suitable plaque and attend as guests of the sponsoring organizations. Each additional nominee who has made a truly significant contribution, in the judgment of the awards judging panel,. will be officially recognized at the luncheon and will-receive a CERTIFICATE OF NOTEWORTHY ACCOMPLISHMENT to be presented at a suitable ceremony arranged by the agency involved, They 'll l wy a sa attendt Lite luncheon as guests of the sponsors. BASIS FOR.-SELECTION- Paperwork.. as related to these awards, includes the wide s ectr m of ir- formation, documentation; and records management activities involved in the creation, flow, use, preservation, and disposition of all types of infor- mation and records as specified in the Federal Records Act of 1950 and subsequent amendments. The management of paperwork . includes various methods and media for information control, storage, and retrieval, includ- ing micrographics, word processing, and related technologies. A special panel of judges, appointed by ARMA, will review all nominations and select those considered eligible to receive the awards mentioned. Basic evaluation criteria considered by the judges are: 1. Relevance of the activity described to paperwork or records systems. Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80MOO165A000400100001-9 PRESENTATION OF RDS pprovedao- ease 004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M001 00400100001-9 The thirteenth annual FEDERAL PAPERWORK MANAGEMENT AWARDS wi.li be presented at a luncheon scheduled for Friday, October 28, 1977, at the Sheraton National Motor Hotel, Columbia Pike and Washington Boule- vard, Arlington, Virginia, at 12 noon. An informal reception will begin 45 minutes earlier at which a cash bar will be available. The Sheraton provides adequate FREE parking Everyone is welcome! Come early and enjoy a lively concert by one of the National military bands, followed by a salute to the National Colors by the Joint Armed F orces Color Guard, If YOU are not in the winner's circle this year, work to be in that circle next year. This event will help you set your sights ! Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80M00165A000400100001-9 2. ? Significance or imt of the accomplishment wipe agency or upon the sex kbFlo uaved0bb/b f1Pl i RDP80M001 00400100001-9 3.: Benefits realized in terms of improved service, simplified procedures, and quantifiable savings. (Non-quantifiable or intangible benefits are also given careful consideration. ) 4. Evidence of ingenuity, innovation, and creativity. 5. Initiative demonstrated beyond that which might reasonably be expected of a person in the position being occupied. 6. Scope of, the units directly benefitted by the achievement as well as its potential suitability for application or modification by others. NOMINATION PROCEDURE Please submit before the deadline date a SINGLE, ORIGvAL COPY of your nomination, signed by an administrative official of your agency. (Suitable copies for use of the judges will be prepared by NA`RS.J The nomination documentation should be brief, pertinent, explicit, and limited as follows: 1. A completed and signed summary sheet (copy enclosed) showing the ac- complishment and specific benefits--quantifiable and non-quantifiable-- relating to the nomination. 2. A brief biographical sketch of the nominee (one page or less) to indicate the nomineets position, training, professional background, and exper- ience... Include the nominee's business address and phone number. 3, A single covering page (limited to 3 or 4 paragraphs) providing a con- cise digest of the accomplishment. This- will serve as the basis of the- description of the accomplishment for the official programs 4.:-- A brie? explanation may be added(three pages or Less) to clarify details concerning the nominations -. The period, covered, by the- accomplishment need not be limited to the current year. However, the basis for'the no- mination should reflect current work rather than overall duties perform- ed-over a period of years. NOTE: Your agency is entitled to submit - Your Agency Records Officer is DEADLINE r nomination(s) Nominations must be received on or before September 16, 1977 to be con- sidered. Please mail as early as possible before this deadline to: Federal Paperwork Management Awards Committee (ARMA) Post Office Box 89 W,AP0r.+a bfi9rEteleQse7 1/21 : CIA-RDP80M00165A000400100001-9 Approved Fo lease 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M00 000400100001-9 Nominee Summary Sheet FEDERAL PAPERWORK MANAGEMENT AWARDS Nominee's Name Organization Date Nominee's Office Address Nominee's Office Phone Number RELEVANCE AND SIGNIFICANCE Digest of Contribution to Paperwork Efficiency: BENEFITS Quantifiable (manpower, materials, space, funds, etc.) Non-quantifiable (service, morale, simplicity, time..) Nomination Approved This space for use of screening and judging panels (Signature) Name Position Title Agency Approved For Release 2004/01/21 : C - - Approved For$ease 2004/01/21 : CIA-RDP80M001 00400100001-9 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T DDI 6 )DDA X DDO 8 D/DCI/NI 9 GC 10 LC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/Pers 14 D/S 15 DTR 16 Asst/ DCI 17 AO/ DCI 18 C/IPS 19 DCI/SS - 20; : D/EE0 2r ate_egt _ceactr~e_ ncrntrreer. T suifabrr& candidate. f:s_%cferitrfiedr pr_epare-res ons far DCf Signat.ur-e; vta l 1 STAT 3637 (7-76) ecutive ecretary- - 24 May-. 77 Date Approved For Release 2004/01/21: CIA-RDP80MOO165A000400100001-9