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Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A00030 ai~e'egisixy 28 DEC 1977 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between The Director of Central Intelligence and The Director, Defense intelligence Agency SUBJECT: Joint Management of the Consolidated SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) Project REFERENCES: a. Letter for D/DIA from DCI dated 26 Sept. 1977 b. Memo for DCI from D/DIA dated 30 Aug. 1977; subject - Management of SAFE/ADISS Projects 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE - The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to set forth the basic agreements between the Director of Central Intelligence and the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency for consolidating the CIA SAFE and DIA ADISS Projects. This consolidation will enable the joint development of a computerized information handling system servicing the needs of both CIA and DIA. A Project Management Plan (attached) defines operating procedures, staffing needs, management methodology and oversight arrangements as outlined in reference a. 2. BACKGROUND - The Congressional Conference Report on the FY 1977 budgets for the two Agencies recommended coordinated SAFE/ADISS development efforts to achieve "maximum commonality." The two Agencies met initially in October 1976 and frequently thereafter to identify areas that are common to the two systems. During the fourth quarter of FY-77 an independent contractor also conducted a study to assess potential commonality of the two systems and a working group under IC Staff leadership developed a plan for forming a joint project office. In August and September 1977 the D/DIA and the DCI concurred in the immediate formation of a joint project office as outlined in references a and b. 10P1/:'F Pages t-' Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Re se 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A0300060001-5 SUBJECT: Joint Management of the Consolidated SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) Project 3. TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT - it is hereby agreed that: a. A joint project will be undertaken by CIA and DIA to develop an information system capable of satisfying both the CIA requirements as described in the CIA SAFE Functional Requirements Document and DIA requirements as specified in the ADISS Master Plan of 10 June 1977 and further refined in the DIA System Definition Study initiated in August 1977. The system design will take maximum advantage of opportunities for common development and procurement of hardware and software. The Project will be called SAFE, (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) and will encompass not only the common requirements but also those unique to each Agency. b. The responsibility for SAFE development will be assigned to a jointly-staffed, Consolidated SAFE Project Office (CSPO) which will receive administrative support from the Director of Data Processing/CIA. CIA will provide office space for the Project. c. The CSPO is responsible to the Director, CIA and the Director, DIA for the satisfaction of validated require- ments within their respective Agencies. The Project Director will be appointed by the CIA and the Deputy Project Director will be appointed by the DIA. The specific positions and time phasing of the initial staff (estimated at 26 CIA positions and 11 DIA positions) will be detailed in the Project Management Plan. d. An annual Project Budget will, be developed by the CSPO with each Agency's share identified. Each Agency will review the request and include recommended levels within its annual budget submission. Upon Congressional approval, funds will be transferred to the CIA. e. The CSPO will provide periodic reports as outlined in the Project Management Plan. In addition, an annual report will be submitted to the Director, CIA and Director, DIA. f. The CSPO will operate within the guidelines of the attached SAFE Project Management Plan. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 SUBJECT:. Joint Management of the Consolidated SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) Project Attachments: Management Plan References a and b t?.,,,_.___ _ r -1/~~~~~ Direc r o entral Inte"ooig ice Date I I JA"' 1978 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 V SAFE PRUJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 13 DECEMBER 1977 PREPARED BY THE CONSOLIDATED SAFE PROJECT OFFICE Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Congressional Conference Report on the FY 1977 Budgets for the CIA and DIA recommended coordinated development of the CIA's SAFE (Support for the Analysts' File Environment) and DIA's ADISS TAdvanced Defense Intelligence Support ystem) projects. In August and September of 19977 the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency and the Director of Central Intelligence concurred in the immediate formation of the Consolidated SAFE Project Office (CSPO). The CSPO will be responsible for the development of a system that satisfies the CIA and DIA user requirements as defined and validated by each Agency. This effort will encompass not only the common requirements. but also those unique to each Agency. It will be directed towards maximizing cost savings through common development, procurement and service for both Agencies. The CSPO will be staffed from both Agencies but housed within CIA for administrative support. It will be responsible to the Directors of both Agencies for carrying out the mission as stated herein under the guidelines specified in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Director of Central Intelligence and the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. The currently contracted (CIA SAFE and DIA ADISS) efforts will be redirected to result in the selection of one prime contractor to develop the SAFE System. Support contracts will be awarded to support definition and analytical efforts of the CSPO. The CSPO will report monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually on the Program's progress and funding status to appropriate authorities as identified in Section VI, Oversight and Reporting. A jointly chaired CIA/DIA Steering Committee will review the Project quarterly and will be available to resolve any inter- agency problems impacting the Consolidated SAFE Project. Summarily and additionally, this plan: o Describes the procedure for coordination and establishes the structure for consolidated management, Specifies methods to be utilized for funding and procurement, Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Rease 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M00165,9,Q00300060001-5 o Describes how user requirements will be accommodated, o Lists milestones for the planned development. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 SAFE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Para. Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................... ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...... ............. vi SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF PLAN ................... I-1 1.2 MISSION ...................................... I-1 1.3 SYSTEM OBJECTIVE ............................ SECTION II 1-2 MANAGEMENT 2.1 APPROACH .................................... II-1 2.2 PROJECT PHASING ..................... ....... II-1 2.3 MAJOR PROJECT MILESTONES .................... SECTION III II-4 PROJECT OFFICE 3.1 PROJECT DIRECTION ...........................III-l 3.2 ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS ...................III-1 3.3 STAFFING REQUIREMENTS .......................11I-4 SECTION IV SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................ IV-1 4.2 CLARIFICATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS .............. IV-1 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Re se 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165 0300060001-5 SECTION V Page FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 5.1 BUDGET ...................................... V-1 5.2 OBLIGATION OF FUNDS .......................... SECTION VI V-1 OVERSIGHT AND REPORTING 6.1 OVERSIGHT........... ......................... VI-1 6.2 REPORTING ................................... VI-1 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1 (Design Schedule) ...................... 11-5 Figure 2 (CSPO Organization) .................... III-5 Figure 3 (Annual Budget Cycle) .................. V-3 Table 1 (Staffing Estimates) ...................III-6 Table 2 (Reviews and Controls)................. VI-2 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M0016655A000300060001-5 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADISS - Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System ADP Automatic Data Processing ADSTAR - Automatic Document Storage and Retrieval System. AIRES - Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System. CIA - Central Intelligence Agency. COINS - Community On-line Intelligence System. COMPT/CIA - Comptroller of CIA. CSPO - Consolidated SAFE Project Office. DCI - Director of Central Intelligence. DCP - Design Competition Phase of the initial CIA SAFE Project. D/DCI/ICS - Deputy to DCI for the Intelligence Community Staff. DDA - Deputy Director for Administration/CIA. D/NFAC - Director of National Foreign Assessment Center/CIA. D/OCR - Director of Office of Central Reference/NFAC/ CIA. D/ODP - Director of Office of Data Processing/DDA/CIA. DD/DIA - Deputy Director of Defense Intelligence Agency. DG - General Defense Intelligence Program Staff/DIA. DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency. DDS&T - Deputy Director for Science and Technology/CIA. NFAC - National Foreign Assessment Center. NFIP - National Foreign Intelligence Program. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Re1se 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M001650300060001-5 OCR - Office of Central Reference/NFAC/CIA. ODP - Office of Data Processing/DDA/CIA. RS or - Deputy Director for Resources and Support/ RS/DIA Comptroller/DIA. SAFE - Support for the Analysts' File Environment. SP or - Systems Planning Office/DIA. SP/DIA VP - Vice Director for Production/DIA. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF PLAN This document establishes the Consolidated SAFE Project Management Plan Under the, guidelines delineated in the CIA/DIA Memorandum of Understanding. It provides.for the joint development of an information handling system which will be designed to satisfy DIA and CIA intelligence requirements as referenced in paragraph 1.3 of this Management Plan. The management approach is based on the premise that an overall system design can be developed which. will satisfy user requirements of both Agencies. The goal of joint management is to reduce development, procurement and maintenance cost by capitalizing on commonality. The scope of this plan is limited to developing and implementing a system which will meet the objectives outlined in paragraph 1.3. This document encompasses the organizational mission, system objectives, management approach, CSPO organization/functions, and financial management and oversight. The System will be turned over to operational organizations within each Agency upon acceptance.. The ,detailed planning for system transition and operation will. be accomplished in coordination with the appropriate directorates within the respective Agencies as the system design is developed. 1.2 MISSION STATEMENT The Consolidated SAFE Project office will define, develop and bring to operation the SAFE.System to satisfy the needs of the production analysts and users in the CIA and the DIA. Further, it will take maximum advantage of requirements and functions common to both Agencies to minimize system development, procurement, maintenance and operating costs. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Rel se 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165A 0300060001-5 1.3 SYSTEM OBJECTIVE The SAFE System objective is to support improvement in the timeliness, quality, and effectiveness of intelligence data used to produce information for policy/decision makers and military commanders. Modern automatic data processing tools and communications will be provided to: o Assist in the analytical process by making available hardware and software techniques for retrieving, manipulating and correlating intelligence data, o Support the management, production and dissemination of finished intelligence, o Assist in the intelligence assessment process and collection requirements process, o Permit data interchange with other systems at both national and field levels, (e.g., COINS, AIRES, ADSTAR, and intelligence handling systems at Unified and Specified Commands) o Permit accomodations for future requirements, o Enable restructuring and redesigning of intelligence database holdings for efficient operational utilization, o Support a security environment consistent with established policies and procedures. The SAFE System will encompass those user requirements defined by CIA's SAFE Functional Requirements Document (as maintained) and the ADISS Master Plan of 10 June 1977 as detailed and amended by the contracted (Auq. 77) System Definition Study. The System will address all elements of these requirements, those unique to each Acency as well as those common to both Agencies. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 SECTION II MANAGEMENT 2.1 APPROACH The Consolidated SAFE Project Office will carry out the SAFE development by managing the currently contracted efforts of each Agency and future development, procurement and contractual support efforts. The objective is to have the system development performed by a prime contractor with technical service contractors as required to support the CSPO's activities. The CIA SAFE Design Competition Phase (DCP) contracts will result in selection of a prime contractor for the development of the System. The DIA SAFE System Definition Contractor will complete documen- tation and analysis of the following DIA tasks: o user requirements, o System data sources and flow, o Data management systems, o Viable alternatives to satisfy DIA requirements. This contractor will then be tasked to define interface and integration requirements to other systems in DoD. The CIA contractor for Design Support Services will continue the support tasks currently assigned, particularly in the user language/workstation requirements development area, until the prime contractor is selected. At that time the CIA and DIA (support) contractors' roles will be redefined to complement the CSPO's capabilities. 2.2 PROJECT PHASING The SAFE Program will be carried out in five phases as follows: Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Reuse 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M0016500300060001-5 2.2.1 REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION (1975 - MARCH 1978) This phase provides for the delineation of those functions which the users expect the System to perform to support their needs. At all times there will be a set of baseline requirements against which development is taking place and a set of priority ordered changes against which future plans will be made. The initial set of requirements for (CIA) SAFE was released in June of 1977 and will be updated in January of 1978 as a baseline document for use in system definition. The baseline requirements for DIA SAFE will be detailed (within the scope of the 10 June 1977 ADISS Master Plan) by March 1978. These sets of requirements will be integrated by the CSPO to define the total SAFE system. The integrated requirements will be given to the DCP contractors to permit them to define a system to satisfy both Agencies. 2.2.2 SYSTEM DESIGN COMPETITION (OCTOBER 1977 - JUNE 1979) During this phase the initial CIA SAFE Design Competition Phase contracts will be extended to include the DIA requirements noted above. In addition, the results of the other DIA System Definition tasks will be integrated into the overall system design. The Design Competition Phase contracts will result in detailed System Acquisition Proposals. These proposals will be evaluated on the bases of cost, performance and risk and the winner will proceed to the System Development and Acquisition Phase. 2.2.3 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION (JULY 1979 - 1982) During this phase the winner of the Design Competition Phase will become the prime contractor for the SAFE System. The system design will be further detailed and analyzed leading to Requests for Proposals being issued for the standard hardware and software. Development work will be initiated for software and any special hardware required. The standard hardware and software will be acquired during this phase to support development activity and for total system delivery to the government. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 2.2.4 INSTALLATION, TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE (1.981 - 1983) Because installation, testing and acceptance plans are dependent on system architecture and budget levels, these plans will be detailed in the System Acquisition Proposals at the end of the Design Competition Phase. A phased installation will be sought with a core of basic elements brought to an initial operating status. Upon completion of successful testing and acceptance the remainder of the system will be built on this core. 2.2.5 OPERATIONS (1983 - ) An operational group within each Agency (RS within DIA and ODP within CIA) will operate and manage the system. The CSPO will work in close coordination with these respective groups to plan transition phasing and ensure that the transition to operational status is successful. These operational groups, in close coordination, will maintain the system and respond to evolving requirements as delineated by both Agencies. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Reuse 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M00165t00300060001-5 The following major milestones represent planning prior to consolidation of the technical programs and will be updated quarterly. 10/77 2. Concurrence of the Memorandum of Under- standing and SAFE Project Management Plan 12/77 Extension of the Design Competition. Phase contracts 1/78 Receive DIA's: (a) System Definition Functional Requirements Document 3/78 (b) Data Flow and Source Analysis Document 5/78 (c) Database Analysis Document 6/78 (d) Alternative Analysis Document 9/78 5. Select Prime Contractor 6/79 6. Receive System Implementation Plan 8/79 7. Initiate Site(s) Selection/Preparation 10/79 8. Select Hardware 4/80 9. Receive Initial System Deliveries 3/81 10. Initial Operational Capability 3/83 (dates bas'2'd nn (DT FY 1979 Budget Request of nd out-year funding). *FIGURE 1 shows the detailed relationships of the DIA Systems Definition Contract and the CIA Design Competition Phase contracts. It shows the pulling together of those two efforts in FY 1978 and the evolution, in FY 1979, to a single system design. Additional contractual support will be initiated in FY 1978 to provide systems integration and interface planning, validation and verification, and to expand the Design Competition Phase contracts to include DIA requirements. 11-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M00165A00030.0060001-5 ACTIVITIES' A)0? DIA SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.8 CIA SYSTEM ACQUISITION PHASE PROPOSAL *ACTIVITY PREFIXES INDICATE CURRENT CONTRACTUAL TASK NU ERS. .Figure 1 LE:ENG: C DIA ACTIVITIES 0 CIA ACTVITIES ()CJ FOP-M'--R CIA MILESTONES CONSOLIPATEU DC? ;ACTIVITIES 0 PE ME CONTRICTQE SELECTION Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Re se 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165A 00300060001-5 SECTION III PROJECT OFFICE 3.1 PROJECT DIRECTION The Consolidated SAFE Project Office has been charged by the Directors of both Agencies for development of a system responsive to the users' needs. The Project Director and Deputy are responsible for the successful execution of the SAFE Project. 3.2 ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS The CSPO will be a joint CIA/DIA activity administratively under the control of the CIA's Office of Data Processing. The CSPO will be made up of the following components (as shown in Figure 2) with functions as indicated below. The Chief of Project Planning and Control is responsible for: o Development and maintenance of Project plans and for development of control-mechanisms, tools and displays for use by all elements of the Project. o Logistic and site planning. for the system. o Document controls and configuration management. o Operational requirements and transition planning. o Budget and Financial Management: - Preparing responses to queries in preparation for budgetary hearings. - Preparation of the joint project/program budget request. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For-Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M0016 000300060001-5 Assure proper accounting of all Project resources and provide appropriate statements to each Agency. Obtain the certification of the availability of funds for all procurement actions. Understanding budgetary procedures within each Agency and working in close coordination with the appropriate Agency comptrollers to ensure adherence to program budget milestones and procedures. 3.2.2 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION The Chief of System Development and Acquisition is responsible for: a Managing the system design, development, integration, testing, acceptance and transition to operation. o Monitoring and providing advice on related development programs in other components of DIA and CIA. o Providing technical oversight and contract management for the principal contracted effort. 3.2.3 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS The Chief of Systems Analysis is responsible for: o Integration of CIA and DIA requirements in coordination with the Requirements and Database Administration components. o Reliability and test programs. o Monitoring support contracts. o Defining interfaces to other systems. o Validation and verification of system cost- effectiveness, performance and architecture. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For ReWse 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165 0300060001-5 o System'security. Ensuring that the system attains the level of security commensurate with the standing policies and security levels of information contained in the system's files. Providing security advice to the Project Director and other staff components. The Chief of Database Administration is responsible for: o Identification and definition of all databases on the system to include recommendations for combined use and support where practicable. o Identification of maintenance responsibility for all files. o Coordination with System Development and Acquisition and Requirements components to ensure that database structures and management are responsive to users' needs. 3.2.5 REQUIREMENTS The Chief of Requirements is responsible for: o Identification and assembly of all intelligence and support requirements of the users in each Agency. o Ensuring the validation and priority ranking of requirements with each Agency. o Developing (in coordination with Project Planning and Control) substantive justification for Project resource requests. o Advising the Project Director and Deputy Director on all requirements matters. o Establishing and monitoring all appropriate control and reporting procedures for requirements. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 o Validating (in coordination with System Develop- ment and Acquisition and System Analysis components) that the SAFE System satisfies users' requirements. 3.3 STAFFING REQUIREMENTS The staffing estimates (shown in Table 1) are based on the following premises: The organizational functions as outlined above are carried out by CSPO. o The DIA System Definition and validation/verification are contracted efforts. The Rome Air Development Center will provide DIA with technical assistance and contract administrative support. o The CSPO integrates requirements and provides technical as well as management oversight to the prime contractor. o The CSPO is provided administrative support by the CIA. o DIA personnel assigned to the CSPO must meet CIA Security Standards including full field investigation and polygraph interview. o Both Agencies will proceed immediately to fill vacancies with the objective of being fully staffed by 1 April 1978. o A minimum of two DDS&T officers with direct project management experience will be assigned to the CSPO. They will be assigned to the Project Planning and Control and System Development and Acquisition Components. They will not only support project activities directly but will support the Project Director in identifying and utilizing personnel resources of the DDS&T as appropriate to the various phases and segments of the Project. These additional resources may be utilized by direct assignment, by loan or in an advisory capacity. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 PROJECT PLANNING & CONTROL (CIA) 6 - (CIA) 1 - (DIA) 7 Positions SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT & ACQUISITION CIA 3 - (DIA) 8 - (CIA) 11 Positions .PROJECT DIRECTOR (CIA) DEPUTY (DIA) 1 - (CIA) 1 - (DIA) 2 - (CIA) 1 - (DIA)f Clericals 5 Positions SYSTEMS ANALYSIS -(CIA) 1 - (DIA) 5 - (CIA) 6 Positions REQUIREMENTS (DIA) 2 - (CIA) 3 - (DIA) 5 Positions rDATABASE ADMINIS- TRATION (DIA) 2 - (CIA) 1 (DIA) 3 Positions Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Nwe V STAFFING ESTIMATES (Parenthetical numbers represent CIA/DIA positions respectively). FY-78 FY-79 FY-80 FY-81 FY-82 PD/DPD* 5 (3/2) PP&C 7 (6/1) REQMNTS - 5 (2/3) SD&A 11 (8/3) SA 6 (5/1) DBA 3 (2/1) (26CIA/11DIA) 5 (3/2) 10 (7/3) 4 (1/3) 15 (10/5) 8 (6/2) 4 (2/2) (29/17) (3/2) ** 18 (11/7) (32/19) (3/2) ** 25(13/12) (33/24) (3/2) ** 25 (13/12) 2 (1/1) (33/24) * Includes 3 clericals who support the total staff. ** Includes operations personnel to support initial operation in CIA/DIA and planning personnel to support applications programming in DIA. Approved For Release 22006J08/30:.- CIA-RDP80M001.65AQ00301 100.60:1,.5 } Approved For Rq se 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP80M001654Q,P0300060001-5 SECTION IV SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES The statement of user requirements for the SAFE System will continue to be the responsibility of the individual Agencies. This information will be obtained from the Systems Analysis Staff of the Office of Central Reference (SAS/OCR/NFAC) for the CIA and from the DIA SAFE User Requirements Manager who will be the focal point within DIA for user requirements. The CSPO will integrate the requirements of both Agencies and support revalidation of these requirements within each Agency (NFAC for CIA and VP for DIA). The integrated re- quirements will be those against which the system will be developed. The CSPO will maintain this integrated set of requirements in the form of a consolidated SAFE Functional Requirements Document. This document and all modifications will require the concurrence of the appropriate organizations within each Agency. 4.2 CLARIFICATION AND RESOLUTION Clarification and resolution of system inconsistencies in the satisfaction of the requirements will be accomplished through a Joint Requirements Board consisting of the Chief, SAS/OCR/NFAC/CIA and the DIA Requirements Manager and chaired by the Project Director. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 i%w %W SECTION V FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 5.1 BUDGET Z. consolidated Project Budget request will be developed annually by the CSPO for approval by the respective Agencies in accordance with respective Agency budget calendars. This budget request will identify and quantify'those resources necessary to fund for system development designed to satisfy CIA/DIA user requirements. The budget will identify the total system costs, indicating the portion attributable to each Agency's unique requirements and the equal proration for common elements. Civilian personnel pay and benefits will be the responsibility of the parent Agency to which the individuals are assigned. The CSPO will recommend appropriate priorities for consideration by each Agency in developing the Project's overall resource requirements. Each Agency will review the budget request and include its approved level of resources in its respec- tive budget. The CIA's SAFE resource requirements will be included in the NFAC Budget Submission and DIA's SAFE resource requirements will be included in DIA's ADP submission. The resources for the SAFE Project will be identified in the National Foreign Intelligence Program's Congressional Budget Submission. The budgetary process is as shown in Figure 3. 5.2 OBLIGATION OF FUNDS Obligations against the budget will be planned by quarters for each fiscal year and will be reported quarterly against the plan. The plan and reports will identify the application of funds against each Agency's requirements. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Re,-,e 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M001650300060001-5 Both DIA and CIA funds will be made available to CSPO upon approval of the Congressional budget. The DIA total funding level for each fiscal year will be confirmed by the DIA Comptroller (RS) to the CSPO using the Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (DD Form 448). DIA will advance funds to the CIA under the Economy Act based on SF 1080 billings from CIA. CIA funds will be forwarded from NFAC using the Authorization to Expend Funds from other Components Allotments (Form 1716). CIA will provide certified summary accountings on a quarterly basis both for costs to satisfy common requirements and those requirements unique to each Agency. These summary accountings, reflecting costs to the sub-object class level, will represent the final accountings for advanced funds. The proration of costs for the total system design and developments to satisfy common requirements will be on a 50/50 basis. The proration of costs for other acquisitions and procurements will be based on each Agency's expected usage, needs, and quantities. The obligation of funds will be in accordance with standard CIA procedures. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: C'IA-R DP80M00165A000300060001-5 ANNUAL PROJECT BUDGET CYCLE CIAO (NFAC!) n COMTON C I A (NFAC) D I A (RS) PROJECT LEVEL AGENCY LEVEL NFIP, DG AND OMB LEVEL D I A (RS) APPROVED AGENCY LEVEL Figure 3 V-3 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Re se 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165 0300060001-5 - SECTION VI OVERSIGHT AND REPORTING The CSPO's reporting channel to the Director of the CIA will be through the Office of Data Processing, the Deputy Director for Administration, and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. The reporting channel to the Director, DIA will be through the Systems Planning Office (SP).* A Steering Committee consisting of the DD/NFAC/CIA**,.DDS&T/CIA, DDA/CIA, SP/DIA, and VP/DIA** will review and approve the annual Program plan and budget. It will provide guidance on policy issues, will resolve issues that the CSPO cannot resolve, and approve major changes to this Project Management Plan. This Steering Committee will review the Project quarterly to ensure that the System being developed is responsive to the users' needs and that the Project is progressing satisfac- torily. The quarterly reviews will encompass plans, accom- plishments, activities, and problems. Monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual reports and briefings will be provided as noted in Table 2. The quarterly reports will cover the preceding quarter's results and current quarter's plans and will include financial status of the Project for the fiscal year. The semi-annual reports will cover the total Project status and activity to date and technical and financial plans for the completion of the Project. On those months when quarterly and semi-annual reports are due, monthly reports will be incorporated into those quarterly and semi-annual reports. The CSPO will produce the reports and schedule briefings no later than 15 working days after the end of the reporting period. * The DIA reporting channel will change from SP to RS at completion of the System Functional Design. VI-1 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 %NV DCI DD/NFAC/ D/OCR! DD/DIA SP/DIA D/DCI/ CIA CIA ICS D/DIA DDA/ D/ODP/ RS/DIA CIA CIA DDS&T/ COMPT/ VP/DIA CIA CIA Semi-Annual Briefings x X X X X X and Reports Quarterly Briefings x X X X X and Reports Monthly Briefings x X and Reports Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80MOO165AO00300060001-5 ^ WILLA:JIP'Itu U USE ON Approved or a kq6 ? 65?A000300060001-5 SUBJECT: (Optional) . SAFE Memorandum of Understanding and Management Plan FROM: - - EXTENSION NO. DATE S TAT 1 7 January 1978 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1.6 ,~Rr?E--a3 ,,, The enclosed documents ---- ---- were hand carried from DIA 2. to the Consolidated SAFE ADDA ProjectOffice. 3. ADDCI. Copies have been forwarded within DIA and ? to the following G7;A and :sT a 7~7 Cl C Staff. D/ODP 5'STAT 1 A/DDCT 6 `. A/DDA ' DD/NF AC 6 D/OCR D/PD/OL Comptroller D/OF C/ADP&EB/PD/OL C/SAS e DD/ICS eSTA 9 10. D/CSPO 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. USE PREVIOUS FORM ~' (A EDITIONS 3-62 (~ 1-1 SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ INTERNAL USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-R DP8OM00165A000300060001-5 Approved For Release 2006/0813fe;,Q RDP80M00165A000300060001-5 1s Central Intelligence Agency 26 DEC 1977 Lieutenant General Eugene F. Tighe, ?s., USAF Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20301 I have reviewed and approved the attached Memorandum of Understanding and Management Plan for the Consolidated SAFE Project Office. They seem to incorporate the direction which we provided in September and I believe represent a framework within which the Project can realize the cost savings inherent in common development, while insuring responsiveness to the needs of the participating Agencies. The oversight and administrative procedures should insure that inter-Agency and policy problems will receive prompt attention and resolution. I note that you and I are to receive an annual report. I would suggest early December annually to review fiscal year results and program plans for the next two years. If you concur, please sign and return the original and we will consider these documents as the Charter of the Consolidated SAFE Project Office. Approved For Release 2006/08/30: CIA-RDP80M00165A000300060001-5