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Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300180038-7 The measure of maturity in any profession is the literature of that profession. Any art or science depends upon its adherents to develop new te^hniques and refine old ones to the inq rovemont of that art or science. The literature of a discipline is the forum within which is argued the advantages and disadvantages of a now idea or to define or debate basic concepts. The Studies in Intelligence series provides such a medium. for doctrinal expression in the profession of intelligence. A few outstanding works have been written in the field of intelligence, but even these essays cannot supply all the solutions to the now problems confront intelligence almost daily. For this reason, I have been pleased to note the Studies in Intelli once series as a dynamic means of refining our doctrines. It is all too true that the busy people in intelligence carry in their heads the methodology evolved from their experience in the field. Through the medium of this series, academic discussions of some of the presently ill-defined concepts used in intell.igvnce cannot but improve our capabilities to turn out a better product. Thus, themes are designed to bridge the gap between experience and inexperience, bctwseen theory and practice, and to provide for professional growth. To these ends, and on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency, I commend the Studies in Intelligence to you and wish it all success In its mission. Allen W. Dulles Director pproved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300180038-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R00430 ky~'~ VA-4- ( A.- I Studies in Intelligence is designed to provide for the L- ,L Intelligence Community a means by which a basic requiremenfor ntelligence literature can be satisfied.t Intelligence, whether an )f it be a craft, a stience, or an art, is a profession; and like all professions Intelligence must continue to grow -- to develop new techniques and to refine old ones, to solidfy basic concepts and to determine new directions. Through an Intelligence literature this growth may be stimulated. 'and it is likely that the development of the literature eventually will require the full efforts of some of our colleagues in the Intelligence profession] The Studies are thus designed to bridge the gap between experience and inexperience and to provide a mediun' for professional growth. On this Tenth h Anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency, I wish Studies in Intelligence all success in its mission. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300180038-7 Approved For Rele 4 /Q~/j ,ijGj&dRDR W 676R004300180038-7 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300180038-7