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March 27, 1958
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Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80B01676R004300130Qj/-58-1155 CIA Ii' TER'AL USE ONLY 27 March 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT : Demolition of Certain CIA Buildings. REFERENCES: (a) Ltr dtd 3 Mar 58 to F. Moran McConihe, Com, PBS, fr L. K. White, DD, CIA. (b) Ltr dtd 25 Mar 58 to L. K. White, DD, CIA, fr F. Moran McConihe, Com, PBS. (c) Ltr dtd 27 Mar 58 to F. Moran McConihe, Com, PBS, fr L. K. White, DI), CIA. 1. On 27 March 1958 I called Mr. F. Moran McConihe, Commissioner of Public Buildings, concerning his letter of. 25 March 1958 which notified me that the Public Buildings Service "must plan to relocate those portions of the Agency now located in areas to be occupied by the bridge approaches." I told him that I thought we were going to have to give further consideration to this problem and that I did not believe that those who had investigated it for him were fully aware of its seri- ousness. He said that of course the Public Buildings Service regretted this but that the District Highway people had declined to cooperate in rearranging their sched- ules. I then said that I proposed to take up the matter with Colonel Welling, the District Engineer Commissioner, and that I would be in touch with him again after I had heard from Colonel Welling. I also suggested that it might be well if the three of us sat down to discuss the subject in more detail. He said that he would be glad to do this at any time but would leave the initiative to me to arrange the meeting. 2. I telephoned Colonel Welling and advised him of the substance of Mr. McConihe's letter of 25 March, particularly that part of it which indicated that the District Government would not agree that their bridge approaches could be delayed beyond the dates set on the schedules already submitted. He said that he was not even sure as yet that he was going to construct a bridge and that in any case no one had discussed this matter witiL him. He assured me, as he had done previously about two weeks ago, that he dlid not think there would be any problem but that he would discuss the matter with his Highway Department and be in touch with me. 3. Later in the morning Mr. John N. Robinson, the District Highway Direc- tor, telephoned on behalf of Colonel Welling to discuss the matter with me. He. said that the Public Buildings Service had written to the Highway Department asking that firm schedules for construction of the bridge and its approaches be furnished in lieu of the earlier tentative schedules and that he had replied that the tentative ~f Icy (EXECUTIVE R1`i~?~S1rll F L , , IM WTERo "L USE ONI Y Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300130004-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300130004-9 CIA R LR ~- USE ONLY, dates were as firm as anything he could supply at that time. (Insofar as I could tell from my conversations with Colonel Welling and Mr. Robinson, the Pablic Buildings Service made no representation whatever to the Highway Department to comply with the request made in my letter of 3 March 1958 to the effect that con- struction schedules for the bridge and its approaches be arranged so as to permit us to use the buildings which we now occupy until we are able to move directly in- to our new building.) He assured me that plans for the bridge were very tentative and that he foresaw no problem whatever in working out the construction schedules to our mutual satisfaction. Furthermore, he was outgoing in his expressions of willingness to be cooperative and repeatedly assured me that I should not worry about this matter any further. 4. Following this conversation I telephoned Mr. McConihe and advised him of my talks with Colonel Welling and Mr. Robinson. It was obvious that he, per- sonally, had not looked into this matter and that he was a bit nonplussed at the re- sponse which the Highway Department had given me, which, of course, is in strong contradiction to his own statement. I told him that I would reply to his let- ter advising him of the substance of my conversation with representatives of the District Government. STAT 6 Deputy Director (Support) DI3/,S:LKW:laq DCI - w/cc of references a, b, c 1 -- DDCI tt it it It it 1 - D/Log " it it it of 1 - C/BPS/Log - w/cc of tt ti It 1 - Gen Coun - w/cc of " if If 1 - Comp - w/cc of tt it it tt 1 - DD/S chrono 1 - DD/S subject - w/cc of " tt 1 - DD/S reading " it tt we CIA INTER ;,^L USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300130004-9 Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO1676R00430013000/4S-9 DD/S-58-1119A 27 March 1958 Mr. F. Moran McConihe Commissioner Public Buildings Service Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. McConihe: This will aclmowledge receipt of your letter of 25 March 1958 and confirm our telephone conversation of 27 March. I have acquainted Colonel A. C. Welling, the District Engineer Commissioner, with the difficulties which would be encountered if the Central Intelligence Agency attempted to vacate the buildings which are scheduled for demolition in connection with the construction of approaches to the proposed new Potomac River bridge. I have al- so talked with Mr. John N. Robinson, the District Highway Director, concerning the possibility of scheduling the construction of the approaches so as to permit us to oc- cupy the affected buildings until we are able to move their present occupants into our new building at Langley. Mr. Robinson ohas assured me that he is most anxious to cooperate, that he is confident that a mutually satisfactory solution to the problem can be worked out without too much difficulty, and that he will contact me in the not too distant future to discuss the matter in greater detail. Accordingly, it appears that: with your cooperation this most expensive and un- desirable move can be avoided. It would, therefore, seem to be unnecessary to re- quest that the Bureau of the Budget submit a supplemental estimate to the Congress. However, I will, of course, be glad to meet with you and representatives of the Bureau of the Budget to discuss this matter further at any time you deem appropriate. Sincerely, /s/ L. K. White DD/S:LKW:laq Deputy Director Distribution: 0&1-Add 1 ;, Mr. Macy, Bureau of the Budget i i' DCI I - DDCI 1 D/Log 1 ? C/BPS/Log; I Gen Cowl.; 1 - Comp; 1 ea. DD/S chrono, subject, reading Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO1676R004300130004-9 ? Approved For Release 2006/09/20: CIA-RDP80BO 1676R0043001300O4- GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION -